IMDb Polls

Poll: Oscar Nominees at the Age of 31

As IMDb gets older, the number of Oscar winners and nominees of the same age gets higher and higher, to give you an idea, in two years, we've gained more than 20 entries.

And this is why for the second (and certainly not the last) time, the celebration of IMDb's 31st Anniversary will be made into two separate lists. So here's the first list of performances that earned their actors and actresses an Oscar nomination on the year of their 31st birthday.

Which of these performances (ranked chronologically) would you consider your favorite?

After the vote, you might discuss the list here (oh, and the * refers to a supporting role)

As usual, it's very likely that the actor/actress might not have turned 31 (or 32) before the actual date of the ceremony, but using the same convention as for the last six editions, the age 31 is simply the result of a simple subtraction of years.

"25th Anniversary" Poll (2015) "26th Anniversary" Poll (2016) "27th Anniversary" Poll (2017) "28th Anniversary" Poll (2018) "29th Anniversary" Poll (2019) "30th edition -Nominees" & "30th edition - Winners" (2020)

Results of 318 votes:

  1. 1.

    Sylvester Stallone in Rocky (1976)

    Sylvester Stallone in Rocky
  2. 2.

    Peter O'Toole stars as T.E. Lawrence

    Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia
  3. 3.

    Leonardo DiCaprio in The Aviator (2004)

    Leonardo Di Caprio in The Aviator

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