IMDb Polls

Poll: Advancing the Movie Industry

Like any other industry, the movie industry evolves. And every few years or decades, a technological advancement comes that changes the way we see movies.

Listed by the movie that is credited as being the first in the industry, which technological advancement do you treasure the most?

This list does not include anything that paved the way for movies to even exist, because I think we all appreciate that we're able to see a movie in the first place.

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    A Trip to the Moon (1902)

    The advancement of special effects! Using models and perspective techniques to create otherwise nonexistent environments. A Trip to the Moon (1902) is considered the first film to use miniature models to create spaceships and the moon.
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    The Great Train Robbery (1903)

    The advancement of the narrative! A narrative film is one that utilizes a fictional story. The Great Train Robbery (1903) is considered one of the first films to tell a story.
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    Gertie the Dinosaur (1914)

    The advancement of animation! Using single frames projected a high rate of frames per second. Gertie the Dinosaur (1914) is considered the first successful animated cartoon.
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    The Jazz Singer (1927)

    The advancement of the talkies! Sound coupled with image to give us synchonized dialogue. The Jazz Singer (1927) is considered the first public, feature-length 'talkie' film.
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    Flowers and Trees (1932)

    The advancement of Technicolor! A color process with one negative for each primary color and a "matrix" to improve contrast. This became the standard. Flowers and Trees (1932) is considered the first film (a Disney cartoon) in full-color, three-strip Technicolor.
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    Bwana Devil (1952)

    The advancement of 3D! Dual film strips projected to create an illusion of depth-perception. The Power of Love (1922) is considered the first 3D film to be shown to a public audience but the technology never took off. The 'golden era' of 3D films was 1952-1954. Bwana Devil (1952) is considered the first color stereoscopic feature film.
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    Blackboard Jungle (1955)

    The advancement of the soundtrack! With the arrival of the 1950s, so came rock and roll. Blackboard Jungle (1955) is considered the first film to feature a rock and roll song.
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    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

    The Advancement of the home theatre! With the introduction of VHS, you could now take movies into the comfort of your own home. The Young Teacher (1972) is considered the first movie publicly available on VHS. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) revolutionized the home media industry but selling VHS copies at more affordable prices.
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    Westworld (1973)

    The advancement of CGI! Adding computer-generated images to films generally used for special effects. Westworld (1973) is considered the first film to use CGI to simulate an android point of view.
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    A Star Is Born (1976)

    The advancement of Dolby Stereo Surround Sound! Brought high-quality surround sound to cinemas. A Star Is Born (1976) is considered the first film to use the 4-channel system branded as Dolby Stereo Sound. In the 1990s sound went digital with a dedicated low frequency effect channel, greatly enhancing action sequences notable in Jurassic Park (1993).
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    Julia and Julia (1987)

    The advancement of digital cameras! Capturing images digitally rather than on motion picture film. Julia and Julia (1987) is considered the first movie shot with a digital camera. It revolutionized the independent film industry as a less expensive way to create and distribute movies.
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    Fantasia 2000 (1999)

    The advancement of IMAX! IMAX can display images of far greater size and resolution than any conventional film systems. Fantasia 2000 (1999) is considered the first feature film released in IMAX for entertainment purposes.
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    The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

    The advancement of 48 FPS! A higher frame rate than the standard 24 frames per second (FPS) can reduce motion blur and flicker. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) is considered the first wide-release feature film to use the 48 frames per second rate.

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