IMDb Polls

Poll: Metacritic's Top Rated Actors of Yesteryear

Metacritic keeps a numeric figure for actors that is their total rated titles' average. This is an actors average career score.

Who is your favorite actor born on or before 1925?

Note: Must have at least one title rated 85 and above and an overall 60 or above average.

After voting, please discuss here.

Results of 595 votes:

  1. 1.

    Marlon Brando

    Average career score: 74 Highest Metascore: 100 The Godfather
  2. 2.

    Charles Chaplin

    Average career score: 80 Highest Metascore: 99 City Lights
  3. 3.

    Paul Newman

    Average career score: 67 Highest Metascore: 92 Cool Hand Luke

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