IMDb Polls

Poll: Greatest SNL cast member ever (final)?

Saturday Night Live (1975) is beginning its 40th season at the end of September. This is final poll in a group of a group of polls to determine the greatest SNL cast member ever. Each poll included cast members from a five-year time period (if a cast member's tenure ran over two or more periods I put them in the one with the most years they appeared in). The top three of each of these polls are now going against each other in this poll to determine the single greatest SNL cast member ever (full repertory members only, no featured players).

Who is the greatest SNL cast member ever (based on their performances on SNL only)?

Discuss the list here

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 1975-1979

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 1980-1984

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 1985-1989

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 1990-1994

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 1995-1999

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 2000-2004

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 2005-2009

Click here to vote for the greatest SNL cast member 2010-2014

Results of 1,590 votes:

  1. 1.

    Bill Murray

  2. 2.

    Will Ferrell

  3. 3.

    John Belushi


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