IMDb Polls

Poll: How Do You Feel About Superhero Movies?

We live in a time when a superhero movie makes enough money to cover the deficit of half the African continent before you could finish your bowl of Frosties.

We live in a time where questioning why there are so many superhero movies released is admitting a total ignorance of the laws of supply and demand.

We live in a time where criticizing superhero movies makes anyone sound like a sourpuss; after all, we should be happy that fans are happy, actors are happy, journalists are happy and producers (God bless them!) so happy to see everyone happy!

Still, since you know yourself better than anyone, let's just ask a simple question: here's a list of facial expressions, which one comes the closest to the face you make whenever we talk about superhero movies?

After voting, you might discuss the list here

Results of 704 votes:

  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.

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