IMDb Polls

Poll: Big Screen Star Machine

Most stars of TV series come and go, some continue onto other television work, while a tiny few shine so bright that they go on to success on the big screen. So few actors make the leap from TV to film successfully that most TV series don't boast the creation of any movie stars but the shows below each contributed two or more talents who made it big on the big screen. Which TV series packed the most (movie-)star power?

(Only actors who were not famous film stars before appearing on TV are included.)

After voting, feel free to discuss here. See guidelines for inclusion there, as well.

Results of 590 votes:

  1. 1.

    Sherlock (2010)

    Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman
  2. 2.

    Friends (1994)

    Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow
  3. 3.

    The Wire (2002)

    Idris Elba, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kenneth Williams, and Dominic West

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