IMDb Polls

Poll: Biggest Movie Losers

These are movie characters who are perpetual losers, because their life, their circumstances or simply their environment is keeping them down. But they fight and some of them don't give up aiming for a normal condition. Which of these struggling, losing characters below is the most interesting to you?

(The loser has to be from movies rated minimum 6.5/10 stars on IMDb. No animation allowed but characters can be either from real life or fictional. One exception: When the loser is so significant that he's worth standing next to the other losers below, the movie can be rated down to 5.5/10.)

Discuss here.

A special thank you to Dan Dassow, Jen & Djesika, who helped me so much correcting my typos.

Results of 1,504 votes:

  1. 1.

    Michael Douglas in Falling Down (1993)

    William 'D-Fens' Foster: SPOILER: Foster completely lost his mind in the daily traffic jam. He was always a ticking time-bomb but was pushed over the edge when he was fired. He went to see his wife, d…
  2. 2.

    Choi Min-sik and Kang Hye-jeong in Oldboy (2003)

    Dae-su Oh: SPOILER: Held 16 years as a captive in a little room by evil forces, not knowing what's up with his family, while his wife was killed, he was officially falsely denounced as murderer and hi…
  3. 3.

    Mads Mikkelsen in The Hunt (2012)

    Lucas: SPOILER: Smeared by an innocent lie. Fired by his superior, scorned by his friends. Dragged into a battue by his environment. Got shattered by circumstances he had no control of. Suggested by …

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