IMDb Polls

Poll: Triple Oscar Actor-Writer-Director Hat Tricks

An ice hockey hat trick occurs when a player scores three goals in a single game. It is celebrated with fans throwing hats onto the ice from the stands.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, hat tricks in other fields are likewise "three successes of the same kind, especially consecutive ones within a limited period". Hat tricks from other fields can be found in competitions, as varied as, Cricket, Marbles, Darts and Scrabble. The Oscar hat trick is similarly a rare and extraordinary feat, when an individual is thrice recognized for a single film by Academy voters.

In honor of the 2019 National Hockey League Stanley Cup and 2019 NCAA Collegiate Men's and Women's Frozen Four, a tribute to one of the rarest and most difficult hat tricks to achieve, the Oscar nomination hat trick.

Only four people, Orson Welles, Woody Allen, Roberto Benigni and Warren Beatty, in five films have achieved a rare Oscars triple by securing acting, writing and directing nominations for the same film.

Which same person Oscar nominated actor-writer-director has the best same film total package in combined results for character portrayal, script writing and direction?

Discuss the topic here.

Results of 422 votes:

  1. 1.

    Orson Welles in Citizen Kane (1941)

    Orson Wells' Citizen Kane
  2. 2.

    Roberto Benigni in Life Is Beautiful (1997)

    Roberto Benigni's Life Is Beautiful
  3. 3.

    Woody Allen in Annie Hall (1977)

    Woody Allen's Annie Hall
  4. 4.

    Warren Beatty in Heaven Can Wait (1978)

    Warren Beatty's Heaven Can Wait
  5. 5.

    Warren Beatty in Reds (1981)

    Warren Beatty's Reds

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