IMDb Polls

Poll: Top Ten Anticipated Films at Toronto

Whether they've already debuted at Venice, Telluride or Harvey Weinstein's movie grotto (face it, he must have one) these are the films that have to be seen at Toronto to consider your attendance a success. The tragedy is the screenings can sometimes be scheduled at the same time (don't ask us why) so sometimes seeing them all is not possible...but here's the list. One of the great things about Toronto, however, is the UN-Anticipated films, which are the surprises that often end up making the entire festival worthwhile. by Keith Simanton

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Results of 1,796 votes:

  1. 1.

    Gravity (2013)

    When a master craftsman like Cuaron takes five years to do any film it's worthy of our attention. The brief footage shown at Comic-Con wowed everyone who saw it and it comes from Venice and Colorado l…
  2. 2.

    12 Years a Slave (2013)

    Director Steve McQueen's film, based upon the true story of Solomon Northup, played by the excellent Chiwetel Ejiofor, has been on my radar since it came together. The supporting cast has names like P…
  3. 3.

    Prisoners (2013)

    If you have children then the promise of seeing a film about child abduction is about as welcome as starting out on a 2-hour commute home and you're not in charge of the radio. However, director Ville…

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