
4 Reviews
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Boston Legal (2004–2008)
Boston Legal is fun
20 February 2007
I'm not a David E Kelly fan, and I don't mean that in a negative tone. I have not seen every show he has written/produced/created.

He is an amazing writer I can say. The best episodes from Boston Legal are clearly written by him. He loves to sting the episode with pieces from "ripped from today's headlines" (sound familiar??).

Boston Legal is a ball of laughs, and its serious enough for you to pause and take a moment to think. But its great entertainment.

This is usually compared to or referred to as The Practice (another Kelly show). However, the only thing similar is how they transition from The Practice with Alan Shore (James Spader) and eventually with William Shatner). End result? This is a different show. NOT AS DARK OR GRITTY. Far more entertaining, but it still has those things that just throw you off and makes you say "What the heck?" Boston Legal, is one of the smartest written TV programs on right now (2007), and i hope it keeps going for 7-8 years.

Where as most of today's programs are REALITY or CRIME/SERIOUS LAW/DRAMA. Boston Legal is just a mix of sarcasm, off the seat of your pants, smart-*** comedy/light drama.

worth watching, and its worth buying on DVD....
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The Apprentice (2004–2017)
and it gets worse and worse
20 February 2007
I LOVED the Apprentice for the first two seasons.

But now with season 5? (or is it 6?) things are getting just plain too tiring.

I used to like the show, but its become Donald Trumps own ego fest. Granted its his company you'll be working for, but come on! some of the things says "You're FIRED" is just insulting.

after watching the show, I would not want to work for him. not because he is arrogant, pompous or such. Its just that the show is unrealistic and the way he handles things makes me just squirm. Good Entertainment? YES, but tiring as the back stabbing gets so tiring.. its not team work, its not personal, its just business. watch your back jack.
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Philly (2001–2002)
while this comment won't bring back the series....
20 February 2007
Philly was a great show. I was so disappointed ABC did not renew it for Season 3.

Kim Delaney was great, Rick Hoffman was wonderful and he is even on other "legal shows" (like Boston Legal, he was great in that one guest episode there).

There was a great support acting team, and production value was superb.

This show was not dark, or overly dramatic. It was make you feel good show with a bit of spice in there.

I really wish they kept this show, Kim Delaney deserves her own show. I was skeptical she could do it, even though I liked her in NYPD. But in this show, she really shined.

She got a bum rap in CSI Miami.. but that's another story..
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Reviewers here are being over the top critical (come on!)
20 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ultimately, this is a good movie. You need to dial back your expectations a bit, because remember. Robotech in 1985 never existed, it was through Carl Macek's vision that he was able to edit and interweave the story into a "western format" as they say. But since the original Japanese product values had lots of depth (violence, sensuality, characters being terminated, etc) he had a lot to work with.

Shadow Chronicles goes a bit extreme on the Western format, because its made exclusively from the ground up for the North America/Europe audience. and I do agree that if Carl Macek was actively involved here, there might have been a bit more "bite" to the movie, but give it a chance! POSITIVE: - Good animation value, although its not true to the original. Its much cleaner, and loses a bit of its grittiness both in terms of story line ( and animation. However its still good none the less.

  • Sound is fantastic, the audio quality is superb. Voice acting is superb (regardless of what others say). Even with a limited amount of voice staffing, they are able to stretch it well and make it sound like there are many more actors.

  • Animation is far more fluid than the typical Japanese 10-15 frames per second. Thus its much smoother and fluid. There IS some shortcuts I feel in the CGI aspect where they make the transformations rather quick and the "wow" in transformation is lost, i hope they slow it down just a little bit. however, in war, they NEED to transform quickly, or else you're toast.

  • Picture Quality on DVD is very good, its very clean, not much noise. Good compression scheme, but then again the movie isn't very long so high bit-rate on this DVD should be no problem.

  • ROBOTECH is back, with more episodes and adventures! YAH!! - Again, regardless of is said here on IMDb, the CGI textures are good, (on par to a decent video game production), its not ILM/LucasFilm quality but come on, it's a animation! Its good enough.

The unfortunate - story is a little predictable, its a bit too "americanized" taking ideas you've seen on other sci-fi flicks. The twists are not as mind bending as the Robotech from 1985, but there are still some good twists, but I hope they will 'crank it up' on the follow up sequels - long trailer included on the DVD gives almost too much of the story away. The one on (short trailer) is better, it wets your appetite and makes you want more.

  • the battles are a bit flat, compared to the original series. its very predictable here and feels a little 'slow' - Robotech fans are being EXTREMELY critical here. if you folks don't support it, they won't make any more! come on, this movie is not bad.

the bottom line - watch it at least two or three times, and i think you'll appreciate its production values more.

enjoy it, its a good movie.

not perfect, but if they can keep a new movie 1 per a year, i think Harmony Gold will make good money to reinvest into Robotech for many years to come.

worth buying most definitely.
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