
2 Reviews
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This could have been a stage play when you consider the fact that there is absolutey no action ....
17 November 2021
...and that it all takes place entirely in small rooms. Unfortunately the stilted dialogue is so bad, that it wouldn't really work either on stage. It doesn't help that the actors of various "abilities" spend the majority of their screen time alternately insulting, then threatening one another while dressed in medieval type costumes but speaking like it's present day. All are covered in dried blood and have various cuts and bruises, yet we never actually see any of them engaged in battle. They spend the rest of their time looking out the windows of their refuge, describing action that's supposed to be happening outside ...... action that we never get to see.

Maybe the director wanted to make an action fantasy film, but the screenwriter wrote a modern day military thriller, apparently the only thing they agreed on was that the audience wouldn't see a single frame of action.
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The Dip Run (2018)
A shoestring budget does not equate to "indie".
22 August 2019
There isn't an alternate universe in existence where The Dip Run would be anywhere close to a ten. Anyone giving this foolishness a ten, surely must have had a part in producing this painfully unfunny mess of movie. The Dip Run appears to be a student film, made by redneck teens who believe screaming obscenities at each and acting like buffoons would make an entertaining, comedic road movie. The four leads themselves are completely unlikable, as well as being first time actors.

There is no part of redneck culture that is entertaining or interesting, thus the 2....this is strictly for the fans of WWE, Trump, camo wear and eating contests.
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