
15 Reviews
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Magnolia (1999)
A masterpiece...
25 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't watched this movie in years. Not since around the time of it's release. I remember even then it had an effect on me but I was too young and immature to understand the subtle nuances and complexity of this story. It's a simmering convergence brought together ever so slowly by an amazing ensemble cast. The performers draw you in as the story evolves. Initially it seems a random capture of disparate lives. But slowly as you are drawn in to each character the arch of each life in some very personal or very circumstantial way begins to intertwine to reveal a new layer in each character. Every scene in this movie builds tension even as it ebbs and flows. There are very few ebbs and it pushes forward uncomfortably at times which is exactly as intended.

This movie is a masterpiece of storytelling direction editing performance and dialogue. It is a classic that can teach everyone a lesson or two about life and how from one moment to the next good or bad our existence is nothing more than organized chaos beyond our control and unforgiving.

There are two opposing ideologies in this movie imo. And it is the essential conflict of this movie. When Tom Cruise's character says the past is a waste of time and when William H Macy's character says you may be done with the past but the past is not done with you. The crux of this movie I think is that conflict and opposing ideologies. Can we forge our own destiny or are we caught in the trajectory our past relegates us to regardless of our efforts to distance ourselves from the events and people that define us.

The silver lining I think is supposed to give us hope in humanity is the relationship between the cop and addict. It shows that no matter how pathetic we are the only thing that saves us from our past and maybe ourselves is love.

And then maybe it rains frogs.

There is hope but only if you truly want it and seek it otherwise life will give up on you.
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6 Underground (2019)
18 December 2019
After an hour or so of this movie I began to have this vague feeling I was watching a Joel Silver/Micheal Mann joint before I had any idea it was Micheal Bay which although a notch above in my estimation is still a product of the flashy editing of the late 80s and 90s. I could sense it just from the feel and pace of this movie and not even Ryan Reynolds charm could elevate this movie above a cliche. The supporting cast isn't very convincing imo and the story more manufactured to bring all these big names together for a project Netflix decided to throw money at. Some of the action sequences are quite good and there is plenty of convincing gore but the dialogue and chemistry and flahy editing all feel empty from beginning to end.
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Fastest Car (2018–2019)
Formulaic but a great premise.
21 September 2019
Love this show. I especially love watching bad ass ladies destroy supercars. Love seeing boxes race against supercars. Such a cool idea. More please.
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Tall Girl (2019)
So cliche.
15 September 2019
Just another teenybopper low budget rom-com. Actually... it's super cute with a lot to say. Well written with a good supporting cast. I'm a tall guy with a 6'+ sister. I remember her having similar problems and like many people have always had a fascination with especially tall women (taller than me anyway). This movie manages to address many subtle social issues in a gentle way. Tall Girl is an allegory much deeper than it's unsophisticated facade. The soundtrack is noteworthy as well.
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Ok so it's not great but...
25 May 2019
Even though it's relatively formulaic, trite and unimaginative. Especially the direction and editing. The cinematics are generic. but the writing is subtle and actors (including some notable cameos) carry a loosely cogent story through. There's a depth to the characters and dialogue and narrative that is compelling. Worth watching it's message is clear and obvious but personal.
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Nice job Netflix.
31 March 2019
Great period piece. Great acting. Costner carries the movie along well and it unflods slowly as it developes Costner and Harrellsons characters and explains their motivations and history. This depth made me care enough about the leads to want to finish their story as they chase down the ever elusive Bonnie and Clyde. The writing is good and delves into some of the complicated social dynamics of the time. Poverty crime and the romanticization of the outlaw.
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Pu-239 (2006)
Netflix should take a clue from HBO...
31 March 2019
Interesting movie. Quality production and complex story. Good character development and cultural representation. Not all the accents are perfect but it does a good job of telling a fascinating story of seemingly random intertwined relationships that you can believe contextually (in this unique Russian dynamic) are perfectly plausible. I'm no Russia expert but it felt mostly grounded in reality as much as a relatively accurate American gangster/mob story. Worth a watch but pay attention.
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Another solid MCU production.
3 March 2019
Cumberbatch is a great actor and is a great Dr. Strange. I wouldn't say the villain or story on it's own or as part of the overall Marvel universe is as compelling as the Captain America series but the mythology and mysticism gives a cool Buddhist touch to the super hero universe and his intellectual/spiritual powers make all us Karma believers hopeful his story will evolve as one of the most obviously powerful characters of them all.
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Watchmen (2009)
A classic.
25 February 2019
One of the deepest most sophisticated nuanced super hero movies ever. Production quality is amazing. The story is complex and long but worth the payoff. The acting is great overall. The hero's are vulnerable in so many ways. For every ability they have they suffer from even worse flaws. This is an alternate universe that forks from historical events. Rorschach is my favorite anti hero of all time and the end for me is an emotional powerful climax thats always a gut punch. Soundtrack is spot on. Should have won an Oscar or at least a nomination for any number of categories imo. Genre changing idea as profound and well crafted as the first matrix by comparison. Wouldn't be surprised if the MCU borrowed many ideas from this epic. I have no history with this franchise as a graphic novel and can only judge as a fan of the movie.
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Heroes and Villains (2007–2008)
A surprisingly great series.
23 February 2019
I'm a documentary buff. I don't often enjoy reenactments but decided to randomly check this out on Amazon prime video after exhausting many other options. I began watching the Napoleon epsiode with few expectations except maybe an entertaining historical review. It is so much more than that. The production quality is excellent even with a limited budget. The special effects are convincingly real and especially violent. The acting is phenomenal and writing manages to focus the story in a way that emphasizes important historical events in a dramatic package. For a series based on actual events it manages to be compelling. If you are a history geek you will enjoy this purely as entertainment as well. Very well crafted. The writing, acting and direction elevate this series well beyond what you would expect. IMO 'Game of Thrones' quality witout the budget.
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What garbage.
23 February 2019
The fact this has a 6.2/10 on IMDB just proves what crap taste people have. I mean seriously? This is ridiculous premise after ridiculous premise. Sure I can suspend disbelief enough to overlook a few plot gaps for the sake of a good fantasy/sci-fi but when every other scene introduces some half baked character to support an already thin plot it just gets tedious. Ok cities on tracks? I'm open. The fact the rest of the movie is as moronic as that premise isn't surprising. Just predictably disappointing.
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At First Light (I) (2018)
Solid movie. More a drama than sci-fi.
27 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie overall. Initially I was expecting something more along the lines of 'Chronicle' but it ended up more like 'Close Encounters of the 4th Kind'. The first 3/4 is slow. More of a character study until the end. The acting is good. Pellerin does a good job leading and the supporting cast is solid. You'd expect Scott to be the focus considering she is given the powers but he is the primary protagonist I feel the end was satisfying. More so than most movies like this. It wasn't epic like '2001' but felt just open ended enough to spur the imagination in a hopeful way. Worth a watch.
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Mads is the man...
25 January 2019
Possibly the greatest movie ever made with almost no dialogue.
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Another mildly entertaining attempt...
25 January 2019
To continue the Star wars franchise. Production quality is amazing of course. Great actors. Beautiful cinematography and cg but as usual since the original trilogy the plot and dialogue are lacking and unsophisticated. If it weren't for the eye candy there'd be little reason to bother keeping them open. The story is roundabout and like the last 6 or however many movies seems like more of a vehicle to show off cool special effects than really drive a plot.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Started ok... (Spoiler alert)
25 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love mads mikkelsen. He's one of my favorite actors since valhalla rising. He is an intense understated actor and I enjoy his performances. So when I saw Johnny Knoxville in the opening scene I thought ok maybe that's clever. I followed along despite the camp hoping for a good story and some entertaining action. But at 23 minutes when the plot line is laid out I was done. First the idea that a world class Hitman as serious as mads worked for the pasty unconvincingly dangerous mr blunt was a disappointment. And second, the idea this mr blunt would decide to double cross his agents to keep from paying their retirement was just amateur. The idea a man supposedly as powerful and wealthy as a mr blunt who hires squads of the best hitmen in the world decides he's too cheap to pay on his retirement plan is just moronic. And leaves so many gaps a semi would fit through it. Do the other hitmen helping him set up mads character realize they won't get their retirement? After presumably years working for dopey Mr blunt these retiring hitmen had no clue he was dumb enough to try something like this? I mean the whole plot is tedious. And then the constant jump from dramatic shots of intense mads mikkelsen to the campy awkward scenes with the other characters is jarring and annoying. Would have been better as a drama with mads and his neighbor. Whoever read this script and decided it was worth the paper needs a new career.
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