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No Rodriguez stuff anymore. Give the job to Cameron himself.
6 October 2023
"Alita: Battle Angel" falls flat under the weight of its own ambitions. Rodriguez's directing, struggles to salvage a convoluted storyline and wooden character development.

One of the most glaring issues with the film is its pacing. The narrative lurches forward without allowing the audience to fully invest in the characters or their plight. We're bombarded with some medium level CGI and action sequences, but these moments lack emotional depth, leaving the audience disconnected from the on-screen events.

The character of Alita herself, despite impressive CGI work, feels strangely lifeless. Her emotional journey, a crucial element of any successful film, is overshadowed by visual effects. This lack of emotional resonance makes it difficult for viewers to empathize with her struggles or victories, rendering the central character more of a spectacle than a relatable protagonist.

Rodriguez's weak direction, which often shines in gritty, smaller-scale productions, seems out of place in the grandeur of a sci-fi epic. The film's tone is inconsistent, veering between overly serious moments and jarring, out-of-place humor. This tonal imbalance disrupts the immersion and makes it challenging for the audience to fully engage with the story.

Furthermore, the world-building, a vital aspect of any science fiction film, feels underdeveloped. Despite the visually stunning backdrop of Iron City, the film fails to provide a comprehensive exploration of its intricacies, leaving audiences with more questions than answers.

In conclusion, "Alita: Battle Angel" disappoints on multiple levels. From its disjointed storytelling and lack of character depth to its inconsistent tone and underdeveloped world-building, the film struggles to deliver the immersive experience it promises. Rodriguez's directing fails to breathe life into the narrative, resulting in a forgettable and unfulfilling cinematic endeavor.

Alita needs a great director just like James Cameron himself!
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Catastrophic Collapse of Creativity Under Roberto Rodriguez's Direction
5 October 2023
"Spy Kids: Armageddon" is a colossal disappointment, a film that crashes and burns spectacularly despite the potential of its exciting premise. The film is an incoherent mess, struggling to find its identity amidst a chaotic blend of half-baked ideas and poorly executed action sequences.

Rodriguez's direction further exacerbates the film's issues. The action sequences lack excitement and creativity, relying heavily on CGI that feels dated and unimpressive. There's a distinct lack of innovative choreography or visual flair, making the movie visually unappealing despite its supposed 'spy' theme. It's a shame to see a director of Rodriguez's caliber produce something so lackluster and uninspired.

In conclusion, "Spy Kids: Armageddon" is a prime example of how a once-beloved franchise can be tarnished by careless filmmaking. Roberto Rodriguez's direction, which was once celebrated, has now become a liability, leading the series into a downward spiral of mediocrity. This film is a disheartening reminder of what can happen when creativity takes a back seat, and commercial interests drive the filmmaking process.
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Hypnotic (2023)
Hypnotic: A Mind-Numbing Disaster!
5 October 2023
Hypnotic, the latest cinematic travesty by Robert Rodriguez is a mind-numbing disaster that left me questioning my life choices. From its excruciatingly dull plot to its abysmal acting, this movie is a prime example of everything that can go wrong in filmmaking.

Let's start with the plot, or lack thereof. Hypnotic attempts to blend psychological thriller elements with a supernatural twist, but ends up creating a nonsensical and convoluted mess. The story meanders aimlessly, leaving the audience bewildered and disengaged. It's as if the writers threw random ideas into a blender and hoped for the best, resulting in a jumbled and incoherent narrative that fails to engage or intrigue.

Furthermore, the cinematography and visual effects are mediocre at best. The scenes lack creativity and imagination, relying on tired clichés and uninspired camera work. Even the supposedly intense and suspenseful moments are ruined by lackluster direction and sloppy editing, further diminishing any hope of salvaging the viewing experience.

In conclusion, Hypnotic is an unmitigated disaster that should serve as a cautionary tale for filmmakers everywhere. Its lack of coherent storytelling, abysmal acting, and overall lack of creativity make it a painful and infuriating watch. Save yourself the time, money, and emotional investment, and steer clear of this cinematic catastrophe.
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Codehunters (2006 TV Short)
So unique and something rare this days.
30 June 2023
"Codehunters" takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where different tribes and factions battle for control. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Suki as she traverses this dangerous and desolate landscape, pursued by mysterious creatures known as the Codehunters. The film combines elements of cyberpunk, fantasy, and martial arts to create a visually captivating and immersive experience.

One of the standout features of "Codehunters" is its exceptional animation. The film utilizes a blend of 2D and 3D techniques, resulting in a visually striking aesthetic. The attention to detail in the character designs, environments, and action sequences is impressive. The use of vibrant colors, atmospheric lighting, and intricate textures adds depth to the world and enhances the overall viewing experience.

Despite being a short film with a runtime of around six minutes, "Codehunters" manages to convey a rich and intriguing narrative. The storytelling is primarily visual, with minimal dialogue, allowing the audience to interpret and immerse themselves in the world presented. This approach enhances the sense of mystery and engages the viewer's imagination.

The action sequences in "Codehunters" are fluid and dynamic, showcasing impressive choreography and animation. The martial arts-inspired fights are a treat to watch, combining acrobatics, weapon play, and supernatural abilities. The intense and fast-paced nature of the action keeps viewers engaged throughout the film.

While "Codehunters" excels in its visuals and action, the story itself may leave some viewers wanting more. Given its short duration, there is limited room for character development and a deeper exploration of the world. However, considering its purpose as a short film, it succeeds in establishing a captivating setting and narrative framework.

In conclusion, "Codehunters" is a visually stunning animated short film that showcases the talents of its creators. The combination of striking animation, imaginative world-building, and thrilling action sequences make it an enjoyable and immersive experience. While its brevity prevents a fully fleshed-out story, it remains a noteworthy piece of animation that demonstrates the potential for creativity within the medium. If you appreciate visually-driven storytelling and innovative animation, "Codehunters" is definitely worth a watch.mething rare this days.
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The Gray Man (2022)
An stupid copy from another stupid John Wick movie.
31 July 2022
A very stupid action movie with worst editing and photography and a lame action character played by gosling. I stopped watching after 45 mins. Really BAD movie.
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The Batman (2022)
Boring, lame, absurd with a miserable kid in Batman costume!
18 April 2022
A lame and boring Batman movie with minimum action and suspense that rated by fake users. A kid with BAD costume design who tries to show himself serious but he fails. He can not even walk and fight normally like an adult guy. He is lame, confused and a coward kid that tries to hide his fears. Why they should put a child in Batman costume and why they gave the job to such weak director? The only great Batman movie that i remember is "Batman vs Superman" directed by Zack Snyder. A badass Batman with strong action sequences and amazing visuals. Please watch "Batman vs Superman" again and compire both movies!
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Simply one of the worst action movies ever!
4 March 2022
A bad B movie that directed by a Bad B movie maker. There is no good thing in this garbage movie. A very bad directed movie with a weak performance by Schwarzenegger and bad edited movie with nonsense story.
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A boring and stupid trash
16 February 2022
I watched and finished in 30 mins! That garbage nothing gives to audience and some action scenes and then a lot of poor dialoques and stupid story. Why they making such trash movies?! Where is story and what the hell is goin on that cheap stuff?
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What if i told you, this movie was a tragic garbage!
30 December 2021
After 20 years this is a shame to see what the hell happened to Matrix. Where is the unique atmosphere and green tint of Matrix movies and what about action and fights? Dead people are alive and alive people are dead! Who are a bunch of losers in the end action sequence with sun glasses? And what the hell happened to The Wachowskis ?! Lack of creativity? Please respect your audiences. You destroyed all of great memories from The Matrix series.
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Worst Bond movie EVER!
15 November 2021
Who the hell is Cary Joji Fukunaga?!

Why worst and unknown directors like him should make Bond movies?

Entire movie is boring and lame with nonsence action sequences by shooting millions of people with gun and there is no spirit of Bond and the only sign is Bond music theme, do not watch this garbage and watch a better movie instead.
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Titane (2021)
Titane is a sick garbage. Do not waste your time.
31 October 2021
This sick and sadomasochism movie is a bad copy of David Cronenberg's "Crash" (1996) and director just added some futuristic elements to trick the audience with new fake stuff.

A deeply shallow movie that tries to hide it's weakness with showing bloody, sadomasochist and grotesque images. This is really nauseating. Film's photography, color and tone is a deception for attracting audience.what good philosophy and what great idea is behind that crap stuff? Showing illogical and brutal murders plus sick relations will not turn a garbage idea to gold.

The most bizarre and unpleasant part is that such garbage wins some prizes in European festivals.

This is really painful that some people giving vote for that sick stuff and the truth is that European cinema is sick since many decades ago.
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Epic, Spectacular and impartial history.
9 October 2021
Amazing movie with great performance by cast and good effects about an important part of Caucasus and Persian history.

Great battle sequences and cinematography with good directing and correct history telling.

This is a very good start for Kazakhstan cinema.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
A horrible remake of a great classic
10 August 2021
A horrible remake of a great classic (Total recall 1990). This is a parody and stupid movie that has nothing to give.

An stupid screenplay with one dimension characters and stupid events that is mixed with lame action sequences.

Director Len Wiseman's only art is showing gun shootings from different angles and boring sci-fi environments with stupid robots and two hot chicks fighting for a lame and miserable male character. Making this movie is a crime and direct insult to audience. Please stop remaking classics specially with bad directors like Len Wiseman.
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Amazing movie with great action and visuals
10 August 2021
Definitely one of the best movies in decade.

Amazing visuals with great story telling and stylish violence by master mind James Gunn.
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This movie is terrible.
4 July 2021
A new version of another garbage movie: Battle Los Angeles (2011) Super smart and brave humans vs super stupid aliens with galaxy grade tech, Edge of Tomorrow (2014) is the best one. Watching again will show how they did the best.
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Amazing movie with great action and great cast
23 May 2021
Alpha Zombies with amazing ability and a bunch of Badass Heroes to fight them in a very stylish form by Zack Snyder, a visionary master mind who made 300, Watchman, B.v.S, Man of steel and Zack snyder's Justice League.

Thank you dear Zack!
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One of the worst anime series ever!
11 May 2021
Such animations are the worst thing that may happens to originals.

Nonsense and boring action sequences with minimum attraction and bad story.

Stop making such garbage. Do not ruin "The Ghost in The Shell" for money you idiots of Netflix.
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An stupid and clumsy copy from "Sucker Punch (2011)" movie.
25 March 2021
Number one reason of making that garbage movie is just copying some sequences and ideas from Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch (2011) movie. The warrior in red cloths is a direct copy from a Samurai warrior in "Sucker Punch (2011)". This is a shameful work for makers of Ci sha xiao shuo jia (2021) aka A Writer's Odyssey (2021) because of such robbery and copying from another famous movie. You should use your lame brain to write and make new movies with new ideas . Audience are not stupid. You are stupid because can not find a fresh story and idea for entertainment them in right way. Because you think people are blind and can not detect copy work. Stealing ideas from other movies is a bad act! Anyway this is made in china and china is famous for bad copies!
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Boring,lame and stupid
28 February 2021
Very bad movie with worst villains and stupid story. visuals are poor and after all, this is a tv movie.
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Logan (2017)
James Mangold, A charlatan and wrong director.
26 February 2021
Hey Mangold! What the hell are you doing in cinema and Hollywood? Your works are some kind of charlatanism.

Studio guys giving job to you, not because of your talent. Because they need some one like you with mental problems and ability to destroy nice things.

Goddamn Logan movie, is a big insult to Wolverine fans. You are idiot and illiterate.

Showing lovely characters as weak and old guys, shows your sadism to movie fans.

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Midway (2019)
A bad copy paste from Pearl Harbor 2001.
25 December 2020
This is a very bad copy of Pearl Harbor 2001. this is not a movie, this is an animation with some people that yelling and running all the time. this is time to retire Mr Roland Emmerich. your films becoming more and more garbage and trash time by time. you can not save your films by fake digital explosions and bad CGI.
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Transformers (2007)
AWESOME MOVIE! Watch 10 blockbusters action in one movie!
11 December 2020
I really love that movie! a masterpiece of Sci-fi genre with amazing visual effects and cutting edge action sequences by action mastermind Michael Bay. I can't remember how many times have watched that movie but every time i want to have fun and enjoy amazing visuals i try Transformers 2007 again. But annoying thing about the movie is that academy ignored that amazing visual effects and gave Oscar to garbage movie named golden comps. shame on you academy. brainless and stupid people of academy are blind to awesome stuff like TRANSFORMERS. Thank you dear Michael Bay!
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Project Power (2020)
Boring garbage. Netflix losing his way.
19 August 2020
A boring movie with so many unnecessary scenes and totally hollow. Netflix loses it's way and time by time making stupid movies and ruining cinema.
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Swordfish (2001)
Why low rating?! people are stupid?
8 August 2020
This movie deserves high rating. a great action movie with great actors. why people's brain and IQ going down day by day about movies?!!!
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Traffic (2000)
So hyped garbage, voted by Academy.
15 June 2020
Soderbergh never deserved Oscar, but they gave him Oscar for directing that ultimate garbage movie. How many times you watched that garbage? no one remembers that anymore. Shame on you Academy, shame on you.
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