
339 Reviews
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Cabin Girl (2023)
Once you get past the 'Hipster' Vlog stuff, the movie is actually made quite well...
2 June 2024
Basically that. I really don't care for films based upon the conceit of vlogs or online influencers and all the 'hip' comments and likes, etc. Just not my thing. BUT... once you get past all that, and I can see how it was somewhat integral to the story, the way the plot proceeds is actually done quite well.

The acting is excellent and the writing I feel was sharp. The reactions of the people helping here I thought were quite genuine. Usually in a film like this it is the poor acting that really kills it, but not in this case. At the beginning I admit I was FF it through all the YouTuber stuff, but when I got a ways into the story I slowed down and as I watched I did get more and more drawn into a rather strong Mystery of what the hell was happening.

It actually turned out to be a very good Psychological Thriller with good Horror elements. Like I say, MOST times with movies that try to do something like this, usually the acting/writing just isn't that good. But, in this case as the mystery drew you in deeper and deeper, I really found it quite gripping and very much intrigued to know what was going on.

So yeah, if you are like me and all the 'Hipster' online stuff makes your eyes roll back to the back of your head, stay with the story and you'll find that the original online conceit fades a bit more into the background as the actual story of what is truly happening becomes more apparent.

I'm glad I stayed with it, even after rolling my eyes and FF the movie a few times at the beginning, because at the end I felt it was actually a very clever idea and that the filmmakers did a very good job in putting it together, along with quality acting throughout. If you like a good mystery and if you can get through the first 15-20 minutes or so, once the 'accident' happens, from that point on I think you may very well find this quite an engaging and mysterious Thriller.
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Abigail (2024)
Just F'n Brilliant! Seriously... Extremely well done. Truly one of THE best Horror films I've seen in awhile (and no, I don't work for the filmmakers : )
19 May 2024
Just that...

I know this is going to sound like all those spurious reviews and I apologize for that : ) You can always check out my other reviews and how many I've done to see that FWIW, I am indeed a genuine run of the mill reviewer here.

Wow... the atmosphere, the acting, and especially the writing was very, very sharp! Just tons of fun. Thankfully, it does seem like many did feel that this was a very good film. True quality, at a level you just don't see very much these days. Usually, what passes for 'Horror' is just wall to wall violence or self-referential 'Hipness', but this is just a great, well done, VERY entertaining, almost Old-School throwback to great movies like 'FRIGHT NIGHT' and 'THE LOST BOYS' but more intense, but with the same sense of Fun!

That's it... Normally when a film has this many reviews I usually don't bother writing another one. But, this was such an enjoyable, well put together movie, that I absolutely had to come here and throw in my lowly and wretched opinion.

Oh yeah... If you like good quality, well written and well acted Horror films that have a great sense of fun (as opposed to just relentless sadistic killing and violence for its own sake) and you like a really good, Gothic visual style, I can't help but think you will really enjoy this one.
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Uh... Yeah... '10'... Uh huh... Okay then...
18 May 2024
Just to join the others here who mention the clear attempt to, uh, how shall we say... Overrate the movie. To put it mildly.

Heh, all you will need is to see is literally the first 3 minutes and I kind of think you just MIGHT get the idea that this film does not dwell or even visit anywhere NEAR the '10' neighbourhood. Again... putting it very mildly.

Probably no need to go into a lot of detail, because as I mentioned I'm pretty dang sure just about ANYONE will get the idea as to how 'well made' this movie is almost immediately. Um... let's see now... How about the 'acting' to use the word very, very loosely. Whew... let's see, what word can I use to best describe the performances here... Hmmm... how about...

BAD!!! 😁

Anyway, not gonna waste a lot of time on this one, but when I saw even the current 5.x rating I immediately knew something was amiss. And yeah, sure enough, out of the current 7 reviews, WOW, there are 3 '10' ratings! Wow...

Nope... '3' is about it people. Sorry, to the filmmakers, I know it's very difficult and a lot of work to get these movies made, but... uh, no... '3'...
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Accident (2009)
I'm all for slow, moody, ambiguous films, but... Sorry folks, the ones rating it around a '5' are indeed right...
30 April 2024
I honestly wanted to like this one, it is somewhat moody and slow and ponderous, which I normally don't mind if it is done well. Take David Lynch for example, to whom this movie is likened... Now he does that kind of thing probably better than anyone else I feel because he reaches right down deep into the subconscious, and even though one might not consciously understand exactly what is going on, there IS indeed a powerful atmosphere and you do really feel a tugging at your subconscious which can affect you rather deeply.

BUT... this movie here sort of tries to do that. Technically, it is put together really well, and the acting is fine. Even the basic idea of this special group who arranges 'Accidents' is intriguing. Unfortunately though, in my lowly and wretched opinion, there just isn't enough true substance behind it. Or... if it had even half of the kind of deep atmosphere that Lynch can create, then this could have worked better as more of an 'Art' film. But, I honestly feel that it simply just doesn't have enough going on to do that.

I usually don't mind 'Slow'... But, this one is really, REALLY SLOW, but without any underlying mood or strong enough vibe to make it truly interesting. Yes, the story and plot ultimately are quite good, and the running time most thankfully isn't drawn out unnecessarily which I feel would indeed have made it quite a bit worse. BUT... when all is said and done it really just comes across as very slight and I'm sure more superficial than the filmmakers intended.

There just is not enough characterization to interest you in the people. And, there also is simply not enough going on surrounding the intriguing concept I feel ultimately to make it truly satisfying or honestly in any way really entertaining. Just not much 'there' there...

So, I can see how some might be able to 'tune in' to the VERY mild and extremely understated vibe here and possibly enjoy it more so. But, to me the bottom line is that if you are going to make a story that is this extremely slow and somewhat mysterious, you absolutely HAVE to have more going on, at least in creating a substantial, palpable mood of some kind in order to justify the rather slight things that are happening on the actual screen.

So, yeah, because of what I felt was a pretty strong deficit in the result, despite a very intriguing idea, I really could only give this a '5' It wasn't awful, but I truly think it will leave many feeling like there is nothing much really there when it is over...
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Okay... With all these hyper-polarized reviews, here's where I see the balance...
5 April 2024
Everyone is pretty much saying the same thing here and most of it is either negative or comes across as very falsely positive.

Here is my basic take on it. First and foremost, it should have about 20 minutes cut out of it, it is WAY too long for what is mainly a one-trick movie. If they had simply tightened up the last 30 minutes or so, I think it could have made a BIG difference.

Also, there are honestly some very funny moments in this film and some sharp writing. So, I think the basic elements are here for a pretty good, fun, entertaining Christmas Horror/Comedy. Even the actors, especially the Dad, did very well. The Dad in his pure ineptness just makes you laugh. Not as masterful as Chevy's Griswold, but pretty good.

The thing is if you are going to try not only a Horror/Comedy, which is fairly difficult to pull off as it is, you do need the sharp writing and acting, which you do indeed have here. BUT... by dragging it out for WAY longer than it should have been, it unfortunately really dilutes the impact of both the Horror and the Comedy.

I gave it a '6' because I do think the writers/creators had a clever idea and excellent elements for a good movie and the writing genuinely made me laugh. But, I feel that if they had been far more judicious with the editing and runtime, this could easily have been a strong '7'

What I think is good too, at least for me personally, is that it doesn't go too much over the top with the violence and then try to force the audience to laugh at it. That is what I feel they did wrong with the film 'ONE VIOLENT NIGHT' or whatever it is called. They pushed it to where it was edgy, but didn't (literally) bludgeon the audience with it. So, to me it was a good balance with the stronger emphasis on the humour, which again actually is well written.

If you can appreciate the clever and truly funny humour and if you can be patient with the overlong runtime, and granted, if you even like this type of film, then there's a decent chance you will find a fair amount of it pretty fun and entertaining.
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Pretty much the same as almost everyone else here says...
1 April 2024
Well, you must admit most of the reviews are consistent : )

Like many reviewers here, I'm a big fan of these guys' work. Even 'SYNCHRONIC' was very good despite some naysayers. But, this one... Honestly, I fully agree with what most of the reviewers who rated this movie a 4 or 5 here have said.

Just too disjointed... Believe me, I'm all for total Surrealism, David Lynch is one of my all time favourite living directors. BUT... you still have to have a story, atmosphere, mood, SOMETHING that ties together enough to present an entertaining movie.

As usual, the fellows are very clever, and the acting is excellent as always. There are many moments throughout which are creative and creepy and many other great things. The editing and cinematography are very well done. But, unfortunately what you end up with is simply not coherent enough or atmospheric enough to carry an entire film.

And lastly...

Who the hell financed this thing... Phillip Morris...? Winston...? Marlboro...? Camel...? I mean, COME ON GUYS...! I don't think I've seen a movie since the 1940's, 1950's Film Noir where everyone was bloody CONSTANTLY smoking, GEEZ! Now, I don't mean directly to diss people who choose to smoke, that is totally their business. BUT... for me personally, I found it rather insulting to the audience, bearing in mind what everyone well knows today about smoking, having the two guys LITERALLY smoking non-stop, every moment, every scene, all the bloody way through is not only pointless but irritating. I'm sorry, maybe it's just my personal feelings, but considering the public awareness today and the fact that most people simply do not smoke these days, the only way I can express it is that I honestly found it truly insulting to the audience.

It's almost like when you watch a movie (or a show) where every sentence by every person has like 20 'F' words in it. Not to be a prude or anything, but I feel it's the same principle. The average person just simply does not talk that way. And, I think it is the same with the wall-to-wall smoking throughout the entire film.

Anyway... Sorry to go on about that, but for two of the most clever, intelligent filmmakers going today, I just cannot see how they can justify why they would do that in this day and age. Unless of course, like I first said, their TOTAL financing came from the tobacco industry : )

So, back to the movie. Yes, clever, and YES very ambitious, but as an entertaining film, even for their die hard fans and even for people like me who really love Surreal films, sorry the sum result I don't feel is truly up to what these fellows are capable of. Like some others here have said and I agree... By far their weakest effort.

I'm giving it a rather generous '6' because of the sheer complexity and effort that went into it...
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Cold Meat (2023)
This is the way you make a low cost Indie film. Very well done, extremely well acted and put together...
24 March 2024
Basically that's it...

What a fantastic, totally suspenseful, and extremely well executed idea. As my title suggests, THIS is what can be done with very little and just some intelligent writing, smart direction, and outstanding acting.

Not giving anything away, but the core of the story is so good that quite honestly even without the tangential Supernatural aspect, it STILL would have been a great film. But, it does add a nice touch to the way things work out.

I haven't seen a movie done this well with pretty much only two characters and one VERY limited location that was so damn suspenseful and effective. That is a testament to the skill involved in putting together and pulling off something that is this powerful. YES, it is overall fairly simple, YES there is not a lot of 'Action' and stuff that many people need to keep their attention. BUT... what there is in my lowly and wretched opinion is an excellent demonstration of what can be done with a LOT of talent and not much else. This kind of quality I feel is quite rare these days.

I must also again stress how bloody GREAT the acting is. Particularly the fellow, but both do their job very well indeed. The expressiveness of the guy's eyes is just amazing. The way he conveys so many different moods and attitudes, just with his eyes, and in a VERY believable and effective way.

This movie is definitely better than the tepid 5.x rating is has now, oh yes... This kind of quality, whether you like this kind of story or not, is clearly evident. That is why I rated this film a strong and well deserved '8'

If you like movies with a simple setting, but with good, strong suspense, and you don't mind your Horror strongly character driven, you should indeed really appreciate this story as much as I did.
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Transmutators (2007)
C'mon people... 2.9...? Seriously? Hey, for what it was it is a fun, exciting, good ol' Robot/Alien Smackdown...
26 February 2024
2.9, really? I mean that is one of THE lowest scores I've ever seen for a movie here. I mean total trash and drivil gets rated higher than that.

Okay... this is no masterpiece. But, quite honestly, if you just take out some of the super Cheeeeezy dialog here and there, you actually have quite a fun Robot/Alien movie. Even the V effects I thought were quite good. Good stop motion on the robots, really good sets probably considering the money they had to work with. And, to be a 'Guy' (my apologies..) some really rather pretty girls if I may be allowed to say so. I think I fell in love with the blind girl, Lovely! : )

Anyway, with the real, genuine low budget garbage out there, how can this fairly competently made movie possibly be rated a 2.9? No way... And, I'm not one to be quite as forgiving for really low budget Cheeeezy movies as others are (I'm looking at you Leo 'Geek Legion of Doom') I honestly felt that for what this was that the filmmakers made a genuine effort to make a good film with an effective if simply story, good effects, and some really fun Robot/Alien action.

So, if you are a fan at all of somewhat low-budget Asian Sci Fi films that are made with some decent effort, and especially if like me you really dig some good Robot action, this movie truly has I feel a lot of fun, entertainment value and is FAR and above better than most of the REAL crap out there.

Due to the seriously egregious and completely unmerited low score, I gave this a generous '7' which for the way I rate films that means that for me personally it was a solid, fun watch.

I don't know what these jaded fools are expecting out there, like 'TRANSFORMERS' visual quality (this movie I thought was more entertaining than some of those multi-billion dollar Michael Bay travesties out there) but, graded by comparison to other similar movies, I would say that if you like this kind of Cheeeezy fun, but honestly done fairly well, there should be no reason at all that you shouldn't enjoy this one to some extent.
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A very powerful and entertaining film, especially for those who love Nicolas Cage. Truly no negatives here to speak of whatsoever...
19 February 2024
I truly don't understand the completely unmerited 5.x score here. This movie I felt was made very well and the acting was excellent. Also, the way the story progressed, the filmmakers did a great job in not only entertaining us with Cage's unique performance, but also ratcheting up the suspense, Mystery, and intensity as time goes on.

I can't imagine what the hell people expect from a film these days, but at least for me personally a person who loves movies and has thousands of them, I saw absolutely nothing wrong with this one and found this one of the better ones I've seen of this type.

Also, not to give anything away, but let's just say there is MUCH more to this story than one may think, we'll leave it at that... : )

It is very well put together, directed, and written. Basically, this film is a must for those who enjoy a really well executed story with continually building suspense and some nice twists and turns.

I read one reviewer who stated that he felt the actor playing the main guy opposite Cage was somewhat plain. I wonder if this person watched the entire film because yes, at first, I kind of thought the same thing. BUT... that just ties into the clever progressive Mystery as the story goes on.

Also too, this isn't just some superficial, tossed off role with Nicolas Cage just doing his 'unhinged' thing... Oh no... As the Mystery unfolds you begin to understand why he is acting this way.

A most engaging, way above average Mystery/Thriller, definitely a VERY solid '7', even more if you really enjoy Nicolas Cage's performances.
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Okay, I know by leaving a review I am admitting that I saw this...
18 February 2024
Oh well, what can you do... : )

Actually, even though I FF through the obvious Asylum filler, the action scenes were pretty 'good', using the term EXTREMELY loosely. The Redneck slapping contest was too much.

The only thing I can say honestly is that yes, this movie was actually much better than 'COCAINE BEAR' which I couldn't even finish. And, even at that, I can only truly give it a '4'...

I mean, what else can I possibly say. You frigg'n KNOW what you are getting into here, but I guess if you find this kind of thing funny you might get a tiny bit of entertainment out of it.

Oh, I'm gonna be a 'Guy' here for a moment... The main girl was quite shapely and kind of cute... until she opened her mouth... Okay... Guy stuff done, sorry... :D

You know... I downloaded 'SHARKS OF THE CORN' like 2 years ago or whenever it came out. I just could NOT pass up a name like that. But, to be honest, I haven't gotten up the courage actually to watch it yet...
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Intriguing premise ruined by unnecessarily dragging down the film by a mean spirited and depressing tone...
6 February 2024
Usually I don't bother writing reviews on films where there are so many already (200+ at the moment) but, I was so disappointed by the direction the filmmakers took with this otherwise excellent premise, that I honestly felt compelled to save others who might feel like I do the pain of dragging themselves through this...

Of course Nicolas Cage's acting is excellent as always, that is the ONLY reason I've even given this movie a '5' Basically, without getting into plot details or spoilers, the trouble with this movie and others similar to it that I really don't like, is it starts off with this light, quirky, somewhat funny vibe where the audience is lulled into the feeling that this is going to be not only an interesting film but a 'Fun' one. That starting tone is completely destroyed as the director/writers insist on dragging the poor hapless character through more and more increasing pain, apparently doing their utmost to demean and dispirit him as much as possible.

Usually with hapless characters like this, filmmakers generally show them dealing with different situations where they despite their perceived ineptitude still seem to come out okay, usually with fun or heartwarming experiences. The guys here have absolutely NO F'n interest in that or, in my lowly and wretched impression, giving the audience a good time whatsoever.

I can see that with this creative premise, they could have easily made the same movie but without all the violence and misery, which I feel quite honestly serves absolutely NO purpose at all except to make the Cage character suffer as much as possible. Also, usually with these kind of hapless characters the audience almost always feels sympathetic with them, which adds to their investment in the character and the story, especially with someone as gifted as Nicolas Cage. But no... not only do they do their utmost to destroy this guy, but also for no apparent narrative reason they also make him less sympathetic, which only adds to the unpleasantness.

I truly cannot state emphatically enough how I feel these filmmakers really screwed up what could have been a very good idea. I mean, they could have pretty much told the same story, even with the latter technical application of his phenomenon, but I see absolutely NO reason why they could not have presented it in a much, MUCH more pleasant enjoyable way for the audience. Without giving any details away, all they would have had to do was tone down the negative, more violent aspects of the later dreams which drags down the tone terribly and is simply not necessary to get the point across. Aslo, they should have portrayed Cage's character far more sympathetically to give the audience bloody SOMEONE to relate to and route for. But, no... Honestly, all these guys were interested in doing was to cause this already unsympathetic character as much misery and suffering as possible, to no end that I could see. Even if they had brought up the tone towards the end, but no... Even up to the last moment they had to brutalize him, which made absolutely NO point at all and accomplished nothing.

Like I say, as far as I'm concerned if they had just made these tonal changes and basically kept to the same story this movie could have easily been a quirky but fun and FAR more entertaining film for the audience to sit through.

To me, this was such a HUGE egregious assault of a film with the very poorest choices in tone and story possible. I don't know about you, but I go to movies to be entertained and this one easily COULD have been, but turned out to be a miserable, completely unredeeming, messegeless, descent into depression.
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Only 2 good things about this film... James Cameron's beautiful sets, and a ship with tits. Well, I guess that's 3 things...
29 January 2024
Honestly, that's it...


End of line.

It's so funny the EXTREME contrast of the sets, ships, and sometimes breathtaking design vs. The absolutely HORRIBLE dialog and action.

I mean, that ship with tits... Great idea! Seriously hilarious, if there is such a thing.

I don't know, I'm thinking that if you simply removed all the hideous dialog (especially the computers painfully annoying speech) and just went with the visuals, kind of a la '2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY' where you would have long stretches with just ships flying around and stunning vistas and almost no dialog for long periods of time. It's like if just MAYBE they had gone the more 'Artistic' route and dumped about 90% of the dialog, then you actually might have had something at least visually watchable and mildly, VERY mildly entertaining (even that would be a stretch...)

But hey, a ship with tits... You gotta love it...
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The Harbinger (II) (2022)
Almost... A very well done story right up until the last 20 minutes or so...
26 January 2024
A real shame too... This movie honestly had really grabbed me right up until this certain point towards the end. It was a great story, very well acted, nicely paced, great suspense... and then it's like all the air went right out of it.

This to me is one of probably the most extreme cases where I guess the director/movie makers simply just did not know how to end it. I mean, EVERYTHING was super tight and effective, but then it just took this very odd turn, a very abrupt one, where you could tell the mood was completely different and to me anyway all that excellent tension and suspense that had been well crafted and built up to that point completely disappeared.

I don't know how else to describe it. Seriously... one of the most extreme cases of a movie totally taking a direction I feel completely losing everything it had up to that point. You see movies all the time that really aren't done that well and then if they get kind of stupid you're not really that surprised or disappointed.

But, the quality of the first 3/4 of the film was so well done, that really took me by surprise. I'm no professional movie maker (and I don't play one on television) but, I'm damn sure I could have come up with MANY better ways to end this story. IDK... Maybe they just ran out of time, that is the way it feels.

Again, a real shame since it had such an excellent start.

Can't really fully recommend this one, unless you can be prepared only to enjoy about the first 3/4 of it. Maybe next time the creator of the story will be able to have the time/resources/ideas in order to finish his well crafted story considerably better than this one...

FWIW, I gave it a very generous '6' just due to the excellent quality and premise that was there for most of it.
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T.I.M. (2023)
What is more important, a movie that is totally 'Original' or one that is very well done...?
20 January 2024
That pretty much sums up a lot of the negative reviews here. People who have rated this film very low all say the same thing. Oh, it is predictable, it's not original, so on and so on...

But, like my title states... Do you just want originality, or do you want to see a movie that is well done? Yes, of course being original is always preferable. But, c'mon, this AI going haywire is a VERY common theme that has been done a million different ways. So yes, it is very similar to many other films, but I feel that it is put together really well, and unlike some here, I thought the acting was absolutely fine.

It's all about story... And yes, how well it is done. I honestly saw nothing negative about how this movie played out. All of the characters I think were written and acted very well. The guy playing the android did a great job in projecting just the right amount of whatever was needed at the time. So, other than it isn't the most original movie in the world, as a film itself I thought it was perfectly put across, has a great sense of building suspense and menace, and is quite effective in what it sets out to do.

These people who come here who I think are SO damn jaded that if a film isn't tremendously original, they will dismiss it out of hand. Remember people, these ratings are for how WELL a movie is made, NOT just to toss out low ratings just because you don't think it is wildly original. If it is a well written and acted film and put together as well as this one is (far better than many out there) then it honestly doesn't deserve these 'throwaway' low ratings.

So, if you like these types of films, and you appreciate when they are put together and executed in a quality way, there is a good chance that you will find this one as entertaining as I did.
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An intriguing, different telling of the Classic Gothic Horror Story. An interesting approach, well acted and quite atmospheric...
3 January 2024
Firstly, you really already have to like English, Gothic Ghost Stories if you are going to enjoy this one at all. And this story is probably one of THE most Classic of them all.

It's an interesting approach setting the story as a play that is being rehearsed. And, if you do enjoy low-key, Gothic chillers and you don't mind a slow-burn pace like most of them are, then you should enjoy this one.

The atmosphere is done really well. You always know it is a play, but the lighting, effects, and mostly the atmosphere are done so well that other than the lighting fade-ins and fade-outs you almost forget it at times. I notice that the one person here who rated this a '4' said that they 'Didn't get the point' and got VERY close to giving too much away. Unlike most of the other versions of this story ( I think I must have almost all of them :D ) the main thrust of this one isn't so much the ending, although that does have a nice little twist. But, to me, like the other versions, it primarily is about the mood and journey through the well known story. Also, the performance of the main actress is very strong, so her reactions play a very significant part in the story, since from her standpoint she is supposed to be rehearsing for a play. So, that carries the greater weight of the story.

Again, this is a slow-burn, English Gothic Ghost Story. So, if you find those boring then you will very likely also find this one that way too. I only say that to save you from bothering to watch something that you won't enjoy, and hopefully to prevent further unnecessary low ratings from those who simply don't care for films like this. I very much liked the way they came up with this unique approach to a story that has been done many times. The children's performances were quite good, especially the little fellow playing Miles.

If you are familiar with the story, there is nothing much different in the telling of it, with the strong exception of the setting and the ending. I'm surprised that more people have not seen it and left reviews. As of the moment there are only 2 reviews here that, in my lowly and wretched opinion, one of them is kind of either missing the point (which they admit) or this just is not the kind of film for them.

If you mostly enjoy more action or graphically Horror oriented movies, you will likely find this one quite slow, even boring. But, if, like me, you really enjoy not only this Classic story, but also a nicely done, low-key, old fashioned Gothic atmosphere, then there is a good chance that you may like this one.
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Sorry, couldn't get through the hyper exaggerated sound design and visual style (not to mention the 'Acting')...
2 January 2024
Yeah, I really hate to say it and apparently many liked this movie, but maybe it is just the audio/visual style used that really put me off and maybe the actual story might be considered 'Good' by some, but when it comes to the way a film is made and if I find it tremendously irritating, it really is hard for me to get past that.

First off, and again this might just bother me more than it bothers others, but from the first moment of the introductory narration I could tell right away that the sound design was one of these ones that was going to drive me right up a wall. Seriously... The voice (along with all other sounds, and I do mean ALL other sounds) is hyper exaggerated and amplified like 100 times (okay that IS exaggerated, sorry : ) But the woman's voice the way it is miked and the way it sounds is super grating, at least on my ears. Then, as the mother is going around apparently locking all these locks around the house, the sound is SO hugely amplified, every time she closes one of the locks or puts in a key, it sounds like a rifle shot. Seriously... Very unnatural, VERY unreal, and for me stuff like that immediately takes me right out of the movie due to it's extreme unnaturalness. And, this is literally in just the first 5 minutes.

Heh, so yeah, maybe I am just more bothered by stuff like that, but for me personally when the sound is that grating and I feel hugely intrusive on the story, it honestly just ruins the entire movie for me. Next... Yes, there's more... The constant extreme close-ups. Each cut and each edit, not only is every tiny little sound greatly amplified, but the camera is literally thrust into everyone's face, back and forth. Again, VERY unnatural, and for me that also takes me right out of the story.

Since everything technically was striking me as so frenetic and exaggerated, it also seemed like the acting went right along with it, again seeming very unnatural and not in a 'Real', flowing way whatsoever.

Like I say, perhaps just for me these technical or maybe I should say stylistic choices really ruin what might otherwise be a very good story. So, in all honesty, if these kinds of things don't bother you and you can get into the story itself, you might very well enjoy it as some others have here. But, for me personally, when the approach of the director makes it almost cringingly unwatchable, I'm afraid there is just nothing much for me to enjoy here...
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3.4...? Seriously? No way... This movie is a total TRIP! Extremely imaginative, VERY entertaining. I truly don't understand the low rating...
9 December 2023
Well, as a lover of all things Lovecraft, I must say that I found this movie very entertaining and like my title says EXTREMELY imaginative. And, when we are talking Lovecraft, imagination frigg'n Rules!

How many films these days have this much creative force behind them? Yes, there were some rough areas with the acting. And I personally could have done without the constant sexual element (not to be a prude at all, I just felt cinematically it was distracting from the powerful otherworldly mood of the movie, that's all) But, honestly, TONS of imagination in this story. I know I keep saying that, but I am so used to supposed Horror films these days being so pedestrian or trying to be so 'Hip' But, not in this case. This one grabs you by the nutZ and drags you right into other dimensions and never lets go.

Maybe the people who have rated this so far just don't care for Lovecraftian films, IDK... But, if you are like me and you really love these kinds of stories, I truly cannot see how you could possibly not be greatly entertained by this one (I know that was a bit of a double negative there, but I think you get the idea... 😊)

Just the casting alone of the main 'Bad' guy and his, uh... 'Helpers' was frigg'n brilliant! Wow, I remember seeing that strange little guy in another very offbeat film, what a look! Anyway, it's got the whole scientists searching for the 'Quantum' Dimension kind of thing and we've definitely got the Old Gods and what I feel is a great mythology created in this story. If you are indeed a fan of all things Lovecraft, this movie has it all, I'm telling you.

Maybe I was a tad generous giving this film an '8', but you have to remember, I am thinking about all the other supposed Horror movies out there that to me anyway are FAR less interesting and entertaining than this one. So, on the curve so to speak, I think this one was pretty damn good!

Just for those of Lovecraftian lore. Others, apparently the current ones rating this excellent film at a 3.4 can certainly go elsewhere and kindly not P*ss all over the rating of a great movie like this one.
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The Breach (I) (2022)
Extremely atmospheric, very well directed Lovecraftian Horror. Yes, vague & disjointed, but WOW what a mood, and a frigg'n KILLER soundtrack by Slash!
8 December 2023
Okay, many here did not rate this film very highly. I can understand, since, yes, the story is disjointed and there is not a very clear 'throughline' to what is exactly happening.

BUT... People, this thing still frigg'n ROX! Seriously... Yeah, I would've really liked to know a lot better what was going on, but for me personally, if a Horror film has this much mood and atmosphere, not to mention a killer soundtrack, AND clearly a good director, and some really good WTF creepouts, then that is just fine with me 😁

Basically, think 'FROM BEYOND' but not as high budget and not with iconic actors (actually a few here I felt were rather poor) But, what I really liked was that the damn atmosphere just grabbed you by the nutZ and just would NOT let go!

Actually, Slash (from Guns 'n Roses) produced the movie and helped compose the soundtrack, which is indeed quite excellent. I do not mind movies that are this vague and maybe don't really give you much of an idea as to exactly what is going on, as long as I find it as gripping and intriguing as this one is.

The acting is rather a mixed bag (as Leo from Geek Legion of Doom would say) Not to be chauvinistic at all, but honestly it just so happens that the 3 women actors in this movie I don't feel did that great of a job. The guys were fine (sorry ladies, no disrespect intended!)

I know many are not going to like this film because it leaves SO much unexplained, but by the end, you know DAMN well how things sit. It's just that I don't find very many Horror movies this well crafted in creating such mood and suspense. For me, that is more important than just an easy to understand story that might be run of the mill.

I would say that if you really like creepy, otherworldly, Lovecraftian type Horror, and you don't mind the story being on the vague side, then you may just find this one as entertaining as I did. I mean the title alone 'THE BREACH' is as Mysterious as hell! 😁
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Mute Witness (1995)
Absolutely outstanding! Hitchcock would have been very proud! EXTREMELY well done, powerful and entertaining. One of THE best Suspense/Thrillers I've ever seen...
30 November 2023
Wow, that is literally one of THE very best Thrillers I've seen in quite a while, and it was made nearly 30 years ago!

First and foremost, the QUALITY is by far better than what you see in run of the mill Thrillers. In my lowly and wretched opinion, I feel that the director is frigg'n brilliant! From the very first few minutes, between the cinematography, the close-ups, the editing, and the expert use of sound, you can easily tell that this guy is truly very gifted.

Across the board, everything is of very high caliber. The acting, writing, the story, the pacing, and especially the suspense. This guy completely nailed it in every way possible. The main actress was superb, especially not being able to say a word. The director guy was a tad hammy, but overall, man, the bad guys are SERIOUS bad guys!

This is by far one of THE very best Suspense/Thrillers I've ever seen, extremely well made and effective, and I've never even heard of this director. I will most definitely have to check to see what he has done since. Like I say, Hitchcock would be very proud indeed.

MOST HIGHLY Recommended!
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A bit overpraised, but with some few moments... Good premise, but sorely unrealized results...
11 May 2023
I usually don't go out of my way to write a review unless I really like a film or I feel there is something particularly noteworthy about it. Or, in this case there are only a few reviews. Also, clearly, and I mean CLEARLY, the rating of this movie is way artificially pumped up beyond how 'Good' it is. I mean, think about it... Just exactly how many run of the mill low-budget Horror films get a 7.5 in their first 80 ratings? I mean, seriously... And the mind-numbingly usual 'A Hidden Gem' and 'A Great Movie to Watch' with their 8 & 10 ratings...? Uh huh...

Okay, so I'll try to give some insight into at least my lowly and wretched opinion about this, uh... *cough... '7.5' movie. I DO think the overall premise is very good. I do think that technically the way the film is fundamentally put together, edited, and scored is very good. Even the acting is definitely above average, which granted for this type of film is WAY better than most at this level. BUT... I think the thing that brings it down is, as I'm watching this I'm thinking, man, if they only could have done it better and crafted the story in a more engaging way instead of all the dopey time wasted on a bunch of lowbrow back and forth, poor plotting, and frankly pretty poor writing.

In other words, I feel that if they had taken the same premise and even kept in the little bit of drier humour they have in it, no harm there, but if they had tightened up the actual story and made it more substantial and engaging, they YES, this really could have indeed been a very fun and entertaining film. But, all the plodding along and weak dialog and literal 'screwing around' wastes FAR too much time and builds ZERO tension, then leading up to an interesting, but not terribly gripping ending.

Not giving any spoilers of course and not being too specific, but for example if instead of all that silly nothing stuff, if they had delved a little deeper in the Mythology of her background, perhaps showing what she was actually 'doing' instead of just having this 'book' fall open with a 'reveal' that lasts all of 2 seconds. If they had really ratcheted up the tension by creating a more suspenseful build up to what was going on and what/why she was doing what she was instead of a 1 minute throwaway at the very end, THEN the same story could have been told a hell of a lot more effectively. Actually drawing the audience into the grip of a feeling there there was increasingly something not right here and building on that. But, they basically just p*ssed it away.

So, what you end up with is indeed a very good premise, a LOT of total nonsense that does NOTHING to propel the actual story and plot along, and then in literally the last 4 minutes just dumping the final reveal, and not in a very effective way. I give it a '5' for the effort and the technical skill and acting, but really take away a lot for what I feel was a HUGELY missed opportunity. So... a '7.5' Uh, no, not even close. But for a moderately amusing, way padded out, watered down almost non-existent story, then yeah, I would grudgingly give it a '5'
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WOW! Just Wow... What the hell else could I possibly say...
3 January 2023
Honestly, my title says it all. This truly transcends description. It's almost like after seeing this, ANY words just simply are inadequate and anything I try to say about this film and whatever I attempt to articulate would be trite and insufficient.

I know this is a VERY unusual review and not at all like any of the others that I have written. But, as I sit here typing this, I genuinely feel incapable of expressing anything even remotely approaching what I just experienced in watching this.

I rated it a '9' which is extremely rare for me and speaks for itself.

If you like the band (as it was, is, or will be...) then that speaks for itself.

And, I WILL say that if you watch this and you come to the moment where Fripp is telling about his meeting with the man who led a certain retreat, well... let's just say that unless you do not have a pulse, you will find it quite unique and unexpected...

Obviously, most highly recommended...
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The Pond (2021)
A very, VERY slow-burn, low-key, EXTREMELY odd, but ultimately very effective Folk Horror film...
20 December 2022
WOW... Where do I start? Dang, I think this is THE Folk Horror film to end all Folk Horror films! :D

First off, notice with the reviews here, that they are EXTREMELY polarized. Some rate the film very high, some give it '1's & '3's. That should tell you something. Although that may seem confusing and unhelpful, what I take from that is NOT that this is either a great movie or a terrible one, but, that it is clearly a film that some will love and some will hate, simple as that. You absolutely HAVE to like these kinds of films already, or I promise you, you will just think it is very slow and boring and pointless.

So, to do my best hopefully to help clarify things let me just say that first and foremost it is a FOLK HORROR film. I mean, we're talk'n Super-Duper Folk Horror here. So, if you are the kind of person who simply does not like the vaguary and symbolism of a Folk Horror film, then yes indeed, you will find it slow and boring and you will feel that it has no point or explanation. So, if you don't care for those kinds of movies, do yourself a big favour and skip this one.

However... If you DO happen to like Folk Horror films, and you don't mind everything being very, I mean, ***VERY*** mysterious and not knowing WTF is going on, then there is a good chance you will enjoy this movie.

Imagine David Lynch dropping some acid, but at the same time taking a few Valium... That about says it. Extremely symbolic, extremely vague with many, many WTF moments. BUT... if like me you really enjoy a well crafted, moody, dark atmosphere, like an extremely Dark Fairytale, then you might just be able to sit back and let this thing wash over you.

Basically, this is ALL about mood, atmosphere, and just 'Experiencing' it. Not quite like a far-out 'Art' film, I did not find it that pretentious. But, like a lot of David Lynch's stuff, you just need to let it engulf you and carry you along.

Unlike some here, I found the acting to be quite good. Remember, the context of this movie is very Fairytale like, so I felt the performances fit the characters in this environment very well. The ONLY thing that detracts from it, and this is more of a personal, almost 'phobia' with me, is I couldn't frigg'n STAND the chess guy stuffing his face constantly while talking with the main character. I don't know WHO the hell thought that was a clever addition to the movie, but for me personally it really drove me up the wall and it was all I could do to put up with it. But again, that is probably just me and my personal neuroses : ) If it weren't for that specifically, I probably would have given this movie an '8' instead of a strong '7'

I will say that at the very end, it SORT OF explains what has been going on. Not in detail of course, but just the overall purpose. It still leaves the details and the main character's place in this story very vague and fuzzy, so please keep that in mind if you really like everything clearly explained by the end.

So, as long as you go into this film clearly knowing what to expect and if you are in for a completely WTF Surreal adventure down the Dark Rabbit Hole, AND very importantly, if you do indeed like Folk Horror films, then I think there is a good chance that you will find this one quite interesting...
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Effective, fun, very creepy, atmospheric Dark Fairy Tale. It is very well done for this type of film...
17 December 2022
First off, I strongly disagree with so many here complaining and even rating the movie very low just because they didn't like the ending or claim (incorrectly) that there is no 'Ending' It truly makes you wonder if anyone actually has any imagination left...

Primarily and to me most importantly, the film is made very well. The look, the mood, the extremely creepy atmosphere is FAR better than most 'Horror' movies today. Yes, it is a bit of a throwback, and yes it does not have the extremes and over the top violence that so many now seem to expect or want in what are considered 'Scary Movies' today. But, what it DOES have is a great atmosphere, wonderful aesthetics and set design, and the acting is actually above average for most Horror movies today.

For me personally, I really like this kind of Horror film. For my taste and for these particular types of Horror movies, I feel that this one is quite effective. Mood and atmosphere are among the most important aspects for me in a good Horror film, and this one creates what I feel is a very intense one at times and one that would delight people who like these kinds of movies.

So, quite honestly in my lowly and wretched opinion, I do not understand at all the low rating here. Yes, I can see where this kind of movie would not be to everyone's taste for Horror. But, as I have said numerous times in many reviews, that does NOT mean that it is a 'bad' film or that it is not made well. I truly wish people would make that distinction when rating and reviewing movies. There are MANY types of films that I strongly dislike. The best example for me would be Torture Porn Horror. BUT... I don't come here and rate down and give a crap review for every movie with that kind of theme. I don't review them at all, because since I don't happen to like them, my thoughts or poor rating will not really help those here who DO like those kinds of movies, would it...?

Anyway, sorry to go on about that, but it is something that I happen to feel very strongly about when rating and reviewing movies here. So, basically IF you do like more ghostly, atmospheric, moody, Dark Fairy Tale like stories, I personally feel that this one is one of the better ones out there.
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3.5 is a ridiculous score for this fun and entertaining Horror/Comedy. Cleverly written and very well acted...
27 November 2022
Like I say in my title, why the hell does this movie only have a 3.5 rating...? I mean, seriously... Compared to all the truly poor drivel out there, this one to me personally honestly ranks far higher than most.

First off, do you know how VERY difficult it is to pull off a Horror/Comedy that is in any way decent. Not too campy, not too dumb, and actually with good stories, sharp writing, and excellent acting? Not to mention a GOOD ANTHOLOGY...?! That almost never happens, at least in my lowly and wretched opinion, not to this high of a level of competence.

I honestly found this movie very entertaining. AND, FWIW, I usually don't go for Horror/Comedies with the exception of course of true Classics like 'REANIMATOR', for example. But you know, this one really did come through and I genuinely found it quite entertaining. It had the rare balance of having clever (but not overdone) humour, combined with truly scary or horrifying parts. Personally, I would say that this film almost, ALMOST reaches the Classic level of say 'CREEPSHOW' Almost...

I truly have NO bloody idea why this movie has such a low rating. Like I say, to me I thought for the very demanding format it was conceived and executed in a manner that was indeed very sharp, clever, and truly scary at times.

I would say that if you do like good Horror/Comedies, ones that are a few steps above your usual dumb/campy ones, and if you don't mind an Anthology format, I honestly feel that many would indeed find this movie very funny and entertaining.
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Night Drive (II) (2019)
Clever little Crime/Thriller with good writing and excellent acting + a little something extra...
26 November 2022
I would say go by pretty much what other positive reviewers have said here. You have a very clever little story which creates a very palpable sense of Mystery. You truly wonder what the hell is going on, along with our befuddled protagonist.

If the writing were not as sharp, I don't know if the story would have been nearly as effective. At first, you might think that the 'suitcase' is just a McGuffin (as in the outstanding and unusual 1955 Noir Classic 'KISS ME DEADLY' by Robert Aldrich - Isn't that just THE greatest title!) But, not giving anything away, by the end you actually do know what is going on.

The interplay between the characters is really what makes this movie shine. They both are quite good. At first, it kind of has a slightly similar tone to the also excellent Scorsese film 'AFTER HOURS', but far simpler and much more stripped down without all the Surreal characters and situations.

The idea of the story I feel is quite clever, and the way it is told is actually very straightforward and simple. But, when you get to the end, it has a nice punch. I'm NOT going to give away a certain element that is in this film because I see how it is listed Genre-wise and I don't want to spoil it. But, I will say that in all my profound cleverness I did guess somewhat along the lines of what was happening : )

So, if you like a nice, short, clever, sometimes humorous, fast paced Crime/Thriller, but with a very Mysterious twist, most definitely give this one a go!
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