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Dope (2015)
The Best Movie of 2015
19 December 2015
There's so much to like about Dope. The acting is just fantastic. Wow! What chemistry! The actors must be friends in real life. I really, really like the main characters. Once you care so much you want to see your heroes win very badly. Its been a long time since I identified so strongly with so many actors.

Sexuality is addressed in such a down to earth way. One of the main characters is gay and she is totally comfortable with her sexuality. The "pray the gay away" scene had me rolling on the floor. I could go on and on. Sexuality is shown in such a hilarious way.

There's plenty of humor, adventure and many unexpected twists and turns. Dope is full of surprises.It's an original story and thoroughly enjoyable from beginning to end.
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Disney Played It SOOO SAFE! What An Incredibly Wasted Opportunity!
18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Don't take any chances! Do virtually nothing original! Take NO risks! This is a remake of the first Star Wars movie, not a real sequel. We Star Wars fans have been duped! Disney is gonna make billions worldwide on this film - and on dumb toys made in sweat shops, God knows where - by making a film that is close to an exact copy of the original. Keep in mind there are hundreds of Star Wars stories in print to choose from. Or, God-forbid, someone writes an original screenplay. Oh, no, who would have thought of that? But the morons at Disney know the first Star Wars film was a big hit so why not make it the same exact story only shuffling around the characters: Luke becomes Obi One Kan-obi, our new female heroine becomes Luke, the new bad guy is Darth Vader - even wearing a mask to imitate his grandfather. Oh, my God, who comes up with this utter nonsense? Another death star and another innocent world destroyed. What is up with all the mind-boggling killing? Do people kill billions of intelligent beings just for kicks? Genocide on a mind-boggling scale is glossed over like it's no big deal. That's not exactly the lesson I want my kids to learn from watching Star Wars.

What Disney wanted was a guaranteed hit because if it was a hit back in 1977 then rewriting the new movie to be so close to the original will most likely be a guaranteed fortune in 2015. How sad and ruthlessly logical. This miserable film is such a disappointment I will not be PAYING TO SEE any of the sequels and I'm the biggest Sci-Fi fan around! IFTHE American PUBLIC KEEPS PAYING TO SEE BAD MOVIES IN HUGE NUMBERS - MAKING A FORTUNE FOR Hollywood - WHAT POSSIBLE INCENTIVE DO THEY HAVE TO TAKE SOME RISK AND DO A BETTER JOB? ZERO! With that said, I'm glad I went see the movie for myself since I went with a group of friends, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I loved the new droid. He was by far my favorite character in the entire move. I'm also happy to see an African American character being in a Star Wars film from beginning to end. It's about time.
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The Outer Limits (1995–2002)
Four of My Favorite Episodes and Two of The Worst!
25 August 2012
The six episodes here reflect the very best, and worst, of the series.

Since The Outer Limits always preaches a moral. I would like to offer my own. Starting with the most entertaining to the flops.

Favorite Number 1. Afterlife: As an institution, The U.S.A. military-industrial complex is both evil and paranoid, not to mention plain stupid. However, individuals with great integrity do serve our country, and they will obey their conscience even at a mind-boggling cost! In the end, the aliens don't need to say a word. Those without a conscience are fools who are to be held in utter contempt! A truly subversive episode! One that should be shown on prime time television for all to see! This might be a revelation for some, but folks without a conscience should not be allowed to serve in our military! Nor do the ends justify the means!

Favorite Number 2. Relativity Theory: A good person may be forced to make a split-second decision between good or evil in order to save the lives of defenseless intelligent beings, and at great cost to one's self. What makes this decision all the more difficult is the stark choice: Being marooned with exotic alien strangers who you can't even communicate with except through gestures, or going along with a group of people you think will keep you safe from unknown dangers even if they are ruthless, and devoid of compassion! This episode is brilliant! What fuels this depravity is good old fashioned greed. This episode is one of the most scathing indictments of capitalism, transnational corporations and raping the environment, I have ever seen in my lifetime! Unlike real life, justice here is served - and swiftly! One of the most memorable lines is when the ruthless corporate thug said something to the effect, "We did the same thing in the Amazon Rainforest War." Alluding to the killing of Amazonian Indians who were attempting to protect their rain forests from being strip mined, as justification for killing again literally in the name of the "survival of the fittest." Something Darwin never meant to be taken literally!

Favorite Number 3. Alien Shop: Tremendous power can be used for good, even from an exotic alien. This power can be used to heal instead of destroy. Mere mortals can learn from their mistakes! Even a criminal can see the light if given enough opportunity to do so.

Sometimes it takes strong medicine, but we all can wake-up and change our self-destructive ways!

Favorite Number 4. The Grell: An alien can be a Christ-like figure! In the distant future, slavery can be justified, once again, in the name of expediency! Basically good people can be corrupted. Sometimes a person needs to be experience great shame in order to see the evil he/she is committing. Children are closer to the truth than adults. Those with political power have tremendous responsibility! Another work of genius! As a species, "Do human beings learn from history?"

Flop Number 1: Quality of Mercy: Loose Lips, Sinks Ships! When in war kindly keep your mouth shut about important military plans. Gee, did I really need to watch an hour-long soap opera in order to figure this out?!! I wonder, did the makers of The Outer Limits run out of ideas, or did corporate pull the plug? Dark and ugly, serving no purpose, but despair!

Flop Number 2: Beyond The Veil: So bad there is no moral but this: When locked-up in a mental hospital, use some common sense, please! This episode is so bad it disgusts. What an X-Files rip-off! Don't waste your time on this one! You'll thank me later!

It's a sad commentary that The Outer Limits went down the tubes toward the end of its run. Subversive episodes, like the first four, could not last forever! It was a miracle they were made at all! Hopefully, someday, other brave souls will follow the subversive Outer Limits tradition into new territory! If you happen to be such a daring person, a good place to start is with one unique book: "Anatomy Of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction," edited by Neil Barron! As far as I'm concerned, one of the most comprehensive books ever written on the subject!
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ParaNorman (2012)
Pro Healing, Pro Courage, Pro Forgiveness, Pro Spiritual, Pro Witch, Pro Gay, Pro Paranormal!
25 August 2012
This is, by far, the best film of 2012! Towards the end, tears were coming to my eyes! What a incredibly pleasant surprise!

I have to admit that I was concerned that ParaNorman would lead to insulting or trivializing the Wiccan/Pagan/Spiritualist/Paranormal community! But just the opposite happened! While maintaining a steady sense of humor from beginning to end ParaNorman is a many layered, very profound movie, that, quite frankly, is a masterpiece! The only movie as of August 2012 that I will purchase this year to add to my film collection!

If you are Pro Healing, Pro Courage, Pro Forgiveness, Pro Spiritual, Pro Witch, Pro Gay, and Pro Paranormal, like I am, then make sure you see this film before it leaves the theaters. Films this good don't usually last in mainstream theaters for very long. For example, the only other great film that I've seen this year, "Beasts of the Southern Wild" has been showing only on single screen in the Baltimore City & County, an area of over a million people!

Thank you Hollywood for sticking your neck out by making a movie for grown-ups, while at the same time making a film you can take the entire family to see!
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The Eagle (2011)
An Enjoyable Muddled Mess!
12 May 2012
The story and acting have heart even though the The Eagle is absolutely a ridiculous fantasy in so many different ways! But Donald Sutherland is one of my favorite actors and his performance is wonderful. To see him act one more time on the big screen was worth the price of admission! There's also an anti-war message clearly expressed at the end of the film. It's more enjoyable to have one true-blue friend than it is to kill or be part of the military. The soldiers may have honor, but the politicians that tell the military what to do certainly do not!

There's also a lot of testosterone running through The Eagle that is delightfully homoerotic! It's a pleasure to watch so many incredibly fit men show off their bodies and prowess! It's just a shame all this libido is wasted on intense violence!
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Limitless (I) (2011)
A Brainless Film For Brainless Audiences!
12 May 2012
I regret seeing Limitless! But it's a great film for disturbing violence junkies! The violence is excessive and mind-numbing. PG-13 doesn't mean very much anymore! The current movie rating system in the United States is an absolute joke and it should be abolished! Have a sex/violence activity rating system like they do on Common Sense Media! At least that would be much more honest! When stabbing out a man's eye and making him blind (he was already blind in the other eye) is PG-13, then what's next? Scraping out his eye with a spoon?

Such campy violence is a reflection of Hollywood's desire to turn movie making into a commodity like underarm deodorant and toothpaste! But at least deodorant and tooth paste serves a valuable purpose something that certainly cannot be said about a tedious piece of crap like Limitless!
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Immortals (2011)
At Least Henry Cavill (Theseus) Has Nice Muscles!
12 May 2012
Immortals is so bad a five year old could have written a more coherent story! It's the most boring piece of war gore I have ever seen in my entire life! The violence is so tedious and predictable, Immortals borders on camp! But you do get to see psychopathic behavior in all its depraved glory! This pathetic film leaves you feeling like you have to go brush your teeth after spitting something out that tastes bad! Good job, Hollywood! The toothpaste companies of the world salute you!

Sorry, but as hot as Henry Cavill is, he's just not worth $14.00 to drool over his gorgeous muscles! That's right, a single ticket cost $14.00! Now you get ripped off by being forced to watch stinkers in 3D! And it didn't even make any difference that I could see!

What made me such a sucker to see such a lousy, rotten movie? I love fantasy as a genre. The movie trailer was fantastic. It appears there's even a scene in the trailer that was not in the movie! I like ancient Greece as a subject matter. And, I was in the mood to gawk at some hot, sweaty bodies! But now I'm so frustrated at wasting my hard earned money that the next time I have the urge to see a movie in a theater, I'm going to rent one for free from the library. It will give me great pleasure to spite Hollywood for deceiving me! A movie trailer should never be so much better than the movie it is supposed to represent!
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Apollo 18 (2011)
Absolutely The Worst Flop of 2011! Save Your Money!
12 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are enjoyable bad movies that make you laugh and then there are bad movies that make you curse for wasting your hard earned money. Apollo 18 is the latter. The premise is that moon rocks are deadly aliens waiting to turn you into blood dripping guys with blood shot eyes! I guess whoever wrote the screenplay of this godforsaken movies couldn't quite make up their minds: zombies or hemorrhagic plague victims who miraculously no longer need air. Next off there is zero atmosphere on the moon. Sorry there is no life. If there was any life at one time it was sterilized by the sun's radiation billions of years ago. If there is any life, it would be microbial and it would have a hard time knocking over flags and tipping over land rovers! Next the government has sent four previous Apollo missions to the moon. By that time if something kinky is going on do you think they would send three of the most highly (and expensively) trained men on earth to certain death just to set up a bunch of monitoring cameras? Please! A simple quarantine would do! The aliens don't have factories building rocket ships! And if the moon rocks are so dangerous, what are the astronauts doing bring MORE back to earth? Duh? Sorry, tea-party fantasies aside, even the U.S. government is not that moronic.

This is a depressing and boring film that leaves you feeling empty when you leave the theater. The only reason I sat through it was because I was hoping with all my heart that something unpredictable would happen. It's never a good sign that about half through the movie you know exactly how it's going to end. I'm a sucker for science fiction but this is the last straw! I've learned my lesson and I'm going to read the reviews carefully next time!
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The Avengers (2012)
About as Exciting as Watching 'Frosty The Snowman' for the Tenth Time!
11 May 2012
Storytelling as an art? What's that? And, who cares, anyway? When Hollywood makes tons of money off of bad movies, then where's the financial incentive to make decent films? 2012 is turning out to the worst year in decades (and I have been going to the movies for over 40 years, so that's saying something) for really bad blockbusters: first, Hunger Games; next,Dark Shadows; and now The Avengers!

I am so sick and tired of New York City, specifically the island of Manhattan, being attacked in the movies. Hello! It was attacked in real life only a little over 10 years ago costing the lives of over 3,000+ real people, including my brother's co-worker, wife and unborn child! But what is really despicable is that at the very end of the The Avengers you briefly get to see a real-life news photo from 9/11 mourning the dead. That's just plain, disgusting exploitation!

But lets not stop there! At the end of the film we get to briefly hear a local New York State Senator rant about how our Avenger heroes "wrecked Manhattan." That our heroes who just risked their lives in a 1,000+ ways are to "blame" for all the destruction! Fine! I agree many politicians are real jerks, but to put the letter "D" next to this Senator's name speaks volumes about the films real message: Democrats holding elective office are nothing more than ungrateful, winy creeps! That's real cute! I thought Hollywood was sooooooo liberal! If you going to interject politics into a film then why not put a "R" after the Senator's name? After all, the Republicans in Congress fought tooth and nail to prevent the establishment of a Federally funded medical fund for First Responders whose health was permanently impaired by breathing in all the toxic waste that was released into the air!

The Avengers is also plain boring with the most two-dimensional characters in the history of film making! Sure I wanted the good guys to win! Sure the guys have cute muscles and the gals are all pretty! But, really now, who cares when there is zero character development and the storyline is about as exciting as watching Frosty The Snowman for the tenth time!

The last third of the Avengers is nothing more than war porn! I will never watch another super hero movie that has a character from The Avengers as long as I live! Even for free, or if Hollywood offers me a million dollars! Overall, Hollywood has done a decent job with the X-men and the Fanatic Four, but for some reason the right-wing kooks who control the Avenger characters have turned them into nothing more than an exploitative moneymaking machine. No wonder why Stan Lee was so happy in his cameo appearance at the end of the film! It's just too bad he and the rest of Hollywood has to stoop so low to make a buck!
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The Youngest Billionaire In The World!
3 October 2010
Before I review the film, I would like to mention that I do have Facebook account, and its sole purpose is to allow friends who I have lost touch with - and who live all over the United States, and the world - to find me if they want to. I also have a extremely rare ethnic last name and no one in the entire world of 6 billion+ people has the same first and last name, which makes my name unique, so I carefully guard my privacy. I have the barest of personal info on Facebook and the highest of security settings. I also spend close to zero percent of my time socializing or keeping track of people I know through Facebook or other social networking sites. Why? As the Social Network makes perfectly clear: Nothing, but nothing, takes the place of real, live people in face-to-face relationships!

After watching Social Contract it left me feeling both amazed at Mr. Zuckerberg's good instincts and his fortitude in not letting anyone hold him back and allowing himself to succeed beyond his wildest dreams - and empty - by his profound loneliness and from the persistent discord that swirled around him throughout almost the entire movie. I also found irony in the fact that Mr. Zuckerberg did not cooperate in any way with the making of Social Network because it exposed his private life to the world - but, yet, at the same time, the general public is encouraged to give him (Facebook) as much of our personal information as we can!

Social Network is interesting because you see what a person with good instincts can achieve in the real world. While I don't approve of people mistreating each other, the history of inventing anything important is full of stories like Social Network. For example, patent lawsuits are a big business, that's why we have "patent" attorneys! (I also found it so delicious that the founder of Napster, who brought the recording industry down on its knees, played a key role in providing critical good advice to Mr. Zuckerberg's success. I know how malignant the recording industry can be. None other than the legendary Nigerian drummer Baba Olatunji told me a how one the biggest record companies in the world viciously screwed him out of a lot of money!)

Social Contract is mainly about two things: Interpersonal relationships and money. As far as the "money" part of the story is concerned: Mr. Zuckerberg is now a billionaire (actually he's a MULTI-billionaire!) With that huge amount of wealth I couldn't help, but wonder, what is he doing with all that money to make the world a better place? At the same time, I kept thinking about the 18-year old gay college student who recently jumped off the George Washington bridge because someone filmed and then posted his same-sex sexual activities all over the internet. He left his suicide note on Facebook! I hope someone close to Mr. Zuckerberg's reads this review and encourages him to start spending some money on organizations that work to strengthen laws that protect a person's privacy and maybe throw a few bucks to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered (GLBT) Suicide Prevention Hotlines around the country, also. They are always struggling for money. It would be a most profound gesture, Mr. Zuckerberg!
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Farewell (2009)
A Mind-Boggling True Story!
5 September 2010
This is a very empowering, true-story about one man, Sergei Gregoriev, who probably did more to bring down the Communist government in Russia - and end the cold war - than any other person who ever lived! This man should be honored by a postage stamp in every Western country in the world and in every high school history textbook! What an incredibly brave human being!

I gained a lot of insights from watching this amazing film. The Russians lost an estimated 26 million people during World War 2. That's 1 in 3 people that died in all of World War 2 did so within the borders of the Soviet Union! I can only imagine the trauma and paranoia that was inflicted on the survivors who later then came to power. It didn't help either that a monster was at the head of government (Stalin) from 1924 to 1953. And, you wonder why the Soviets had a such a mind-boggling intelligence apparatus established throughout the United States? Once this network of spies was dismantled, the Soviet leadership was blind! Out of fear they bankrupted themselves on military spending because they could no longer accurately assess what actual threats the United States posed to them!

Sergei Gregoriev, knew how his government would react to such a threat and he sacrificed everything to make it happen. I don't think he would be happy with the gangster capitalism that took Communism's place. But at least there are no more brutal wars fought in desperately poor countries, which have cost millions of lives because of the Cold War! Future generations will thank you for your sacrifice, Sergei Gregoriev!
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A Same-Sex Relationship Shown With Sensitivity and Intelligence
5 September 2010
"The Kids Are All Right" has humor, power, insight and helps to remind us what a family is really all about. It's also a cautionary tale: Passionate sex, by its self, does not automatically make for a good relationship. Strong feelings can overpower our better judgment. Being dishonest with those we love causes a lot of suffering, but it can be a forgivable offense. A long-term relationship is a big investment - emotionally, financially and spiritually and it should not be easily discarded when something substantial goes wrong. Same-sex couples can have the exact same problems opposite-sex couples do.

One other lesson one can learn from this delightful film is that filmmakers can do a decent job when the central theme of a story is about a same-sex couple. "The Kids Are All Right" proves Hollywood can make a enjoyable film about gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgendered people without it having to be violent, depressing or insulting! I look forward to seeing more GLBT films like this in the future!
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Pandorum (2009)
Powerful Story Marred By Mind Boggling Violence!
30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm started to get a bit concerned for lovers of Sci-Fi: Is extreme and gruesome violence the only way for Hollywood to tell a decent story? First District 9, then Gamers, now Pandorum. I'm really tired of having to close my eyes through a good portion of each Sci-Fi film I watch. Three Sci-Fi movies in a row is beginning of a trend, and an annoying one at that!

On the plus side: The will to survive is palpable in Pandorum. As is the drive to never give-up, absolutely, no matter, what! Despite every conceivable obstacle, our hero's fight to the bitter end to accomplish the impossible. On one level this story is about finding allies and displaying the ultimate courage a human being is capable expressing. The only reason why Pandorum gets 5 stars instead of zero! If you're timing with closing your eyes is as good as mine, you might even leave the theater thanking whatever deity you worship for being reminded of the existence of people in the real world who are like the heroes in Pandorum!
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Life Is Definitely Stranger Than Fiction!
18 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is one incredibly bizarre story! It's also quite funny, I laughed out loud quite a few times. At the end, it's also quite troubling.

I remember following this story in the Wall Street Journal. I now realize I only knew half the story. I recall being outraged at Mr. Whitacre's treatment by the Justice Department for acting as their spy for three years and then being indicted as his "reward" for all his hard work in bringing down, single-handedly, a worldwide criminal Enterprise. (No pun intended for you Trekies reading this!) I now know there's so many twists and turns in this story you could easily write the proverbial book!

The end is ironic because it brings up a lot of important issues I can't discuss without spoiling the movie. It really catches you off guard on so many different levels! I even now have an insight into an old friend I haven't seen in many years, who behaved in a similar fashion to Mr. Whitacre.

I think it's important to keep in mind that the real story is ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) (no pun intended again for you Trekies starting to put two and two together!) an incredibly powerful transnational corporation that cost the world's consumers billions of dollars. We get to see at the very end of The Informant what happened to all the key players. It's very troubling, indeed. The Supreme Court ruled in the 19th century that corporations have many of the rights of a living, breathing person. Too bad they don't get punished to the same degree a real person does!
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Gamer (2009)
A Blood & Guts Cautionary Tale!
6 September 2009
I honestly tried to figure out what Gamer was all about minutes before the film started to roll at my local theater! Since I was not successful, I decided to throw caution to the wind, and pluck my $10.00 down and give it a try. What I ended up seeing was - on one level - a glorified video game - and didn't take too much effort to figure out the ending half way through the movie!

There was also so much gruesome violence that I closed my eyes through about half of Gamer. The only thing holding my attention was that I really wanted to see the story's hero win in a big way. The reason for 5 stars instead of 1. Despite all the violence and plot holes you could drive a tracker trailer through, the acting has heart, which made Gamer mildly entertaining.

But most importantly - Gamer is a cautionary tale about both the potential dangers of future breakthroughs in nanotechnology and brain implants. Already scientists have had some breakthroughs with brainwave technology for the severely disabled - something I support 100%. But we live in a capitalist society where huge corporations will do anything to make money unless there is government intervention to protect public safety. The world of Gamer is the logical conclusion of what happens when our government fails to do it's job of protecting us from evil!
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A Comedy With A Conscience!
20 August 2009
The Secret Of My Success shows what someone with a backbone could accomplish under the most difficult of circumstances. What the Mathew J. Fox character tries to prevent in the film actually happened in real life to my father's multi-billion dollar corporation back in the 1980's! As a result, he, and tens of thousands of other people lost their jobs! Too bad they didn't have someone like the Michael J. Fox character attending their boardroom meetings! It might of saved a lot of people much grief!

Beside the interesting story, the chemistry between the actors was fantastic! The soundtrack was one of the very few that's memorable. The sexual situations were plentiful and quite humorous! Parts of Connecticut look exactly like they were portrayed in the film! (Yes, there is a lot of mind-boggling wealth hidden down secluded country roads!) The Secret Of My Success is definitely a home run, and one of my all-time favorite comedies!
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District 9 (2009)
Great Story Ruined By War Porn & Medical Torture Gore!
18 August 2009
I'm starting to truly believe that a large segment of the human race (mostly male) has a defective gene. This defective gene causes a love of gruesome violence and a total lack of concern for the suffering of others. This gene also promotes binary thinking - the guy with the white hat is good and the guy with the black hat is bad. There's no in-between. And if there is - who cares!

A certain segment of Hollywood knows how to precisely exploit this genetic weakness and billions of dollars pour into their bank accounts. Telling a good story is a lost cause for this segment of the population. Show as much blood, guts, torture and torment as possible. It's such a formula recipe, it could be written on the back of a matchbook cover: Blood, guts, action = BILLIONS, year in, and year out! Why didn't I think of that?

If you love oceans of blood, vomiting, heads and limbs popping off of bodies with regularity, a graphic torture chamber used for medical experiments and repeated attempts at cutting off someone's arm - then District 9 is for you! And there is also ZERO sexuality in this film. (Why am I not surprised?)

The only reason I didn't walk out was because I wanted to see if the good guys were going to win in the end. I did actually care about the main characters and the gruesome violence made watching District 9 all that much sadder and annoying to watch.

THIS NOT A FILM FOR CHILDREN!! If the images shown do not disturb your children, I suggest they need to get some help. THIS IS A WAR PORN MOVIE! It exploits the audience, plain and simple!

Beside feeling sad, I felt empty when I left the theater. Lucky for me I was able to sneak into another movie and watch it for free. It showed only a single act of serious (and accidental) violence and that story was an absolute delight! Too bad Hollywood doesn't make more great movies that actually entertain instead of making films that are so depressing and annoying!
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Totally Harmless Fun!
10 August 2009
There's only one scene of gruesome violence. The actors have decent chemistry. The sets are imaginative. The story is entertaining enough. I would even call GI Joe more science fiction then anything else. This is a fun B-movie, something safe enough for even older children to enjoy.

Sure, GI Joe gets most of it's ideas from much better movies like the Matrix, X-Men and the Manchurian Candidate.So I realize it would be easy to tear a film like GI Joe to pieces! But the story made me laugh, at times, for being so preposterous, and it was entertaining without going overboard. What's more New York City gets a reprieve, for a change, and was not attacked by the terrorists! What more could you ask for from this kind of movie?
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What Happens When You Write Yourself Into A Corner!
16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I found Half-Blood to be very depressing and even worse, so predictable! There is no greater sin in writing a story, except being boring! The story also made no sense. No, I did not read the books, nor would I ever waste my time. The only strength in the world of Harry Potter is the bond amongst friends.

This strong sense of friendship and loyalty are the only reasons why I, and many other people, keep going to the theater. Of the six films, only the previous one "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," felt enjoyable and made plenty of sense. In Half-Blood, I'm amazed that you can kill off a major character and have even Harry Potter, himself, going around saying: "It was a waste, it had no meaning. He died for nothing." How ironic when a story's main character literally sums up the ENTIRE story!

I had high hopes for Half-Blood! I don't like seeing Harry Potter and all the other "Good Guys" being so powerless/clueless, or a main character turning into pure evil for absolutely no reason, whatsoever! (I should be able to know what's going on by not having to read the books. I have watched every film in order, but it still made no sense!)

What is obvious to me is that the Harry Potter series has become a commodity like toothpaste and underarm deodorant! Lets stretch a very thin storyline into as many billions of dollars as possible, and see all the star-struck idiots spend their money! Sorry to say, Harry Potter could have easily been condensed into a trilogy and if Half-Blood was never written/filmed it would not have harmed the Harry Potter storyline ONE iota!

Sorry, but when the grand finale comes out, I'm skipping the theaters and going to rent it for free from my local library. I have spent enough money on Harry Potter movie tickets and I have no intention, whatsoever, to waste another penny on making the writers and filmmakers of Harry Potter, richer!
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Common Ground (2000 TV Movie)
The Best Film Ever Made Dealing With Same-Sex Love!
28 June 2009
The first time I watched Common Ground I actually sobbed. Unless a person is Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual, I really think it's very hard for heterosexuals to understand what many of us have gone through, or are currently going through!

This brilliant story links together three generations of gay and lesbian struggles in a mythical rural town in Connecticut. I came of age sexually in the second story, which takes place in the 1970's. I can identify only too well what the young gay man experienced at the hands of his fellow bigoted classmates. And it ain't pretty! But the courage and fortitude he showed to everyone made me feel proud - and relieved - because I know there are people actually like him in the real world!

While Common Ground ends on a positive note and Connecticut actually is one of the first states to legalize gay marriage, I wouldn't want to be holding a wedding (or similar) ceremony in a place like rural Oklahoma or in 2/3 of the United States, for that matter! The struggles of previous generations (the first two stories in the film) are still common in way too many places, even if substantial progress has been made in the West Coast, Mid-Atlantic, New England and Iowa (who would have guessed a gay person would have more rights in the heartland than in California? Good For You Iowa!) Unfortunately, the struggle for fairness and common sense needs to continue!

Few area of a person's life are more personal and important than one's own sexuality! I wonder how bigoted heterosexuals would feels if they woke up one morning on another planet and they were made to feel something was wrong with them for being straight instead of, let's say, bisexual! What, you don't engage in romantic relationships with BOTH genders! How strange! How odd! How could you possibly not be sexually attracted to both genders? What's wrong with you? This is a lovely fantasy I wish I could have every bigot experience!

I can only hope that in 2009 Common Ground is released on DVD and the extremely ridiculous "R" rating is downgraded to PG-13. To realize that a teenager struggling with his or her sexuality could not privately order Common Ground on their own is simply OUTRAGEOUS! The "R" rating and the fact that this film has not migrated to DVD speaks volumes about our society's utter stupidity when it comes to treating Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual people fairly.

See also: Out of the Past: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Rights in America
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The Hangover (2009)
An Incredibly Boring Film For Brainless Audiences!
7 June 2009
I love humor, it's one of my favorite film genres. And I like all kinds of outrageous comedy ranging from 'Borat' to 'There's Something About Mary' to Spike Lee's 'She Hate Me'. I laughed so hard during these films I thought I would fall out of my seat! This proves I'm certainly not a prude or squeamish!

But The Hangover is such a bad film I barely chuckled or even smiled! Anyone who has ever experienced - or dealt with people who have been physically and/or sexually abused will probably feel a bit disturbed by seeing simulated sexual abuse, and calling it funny! I have to admit, I finally walked out of the theater because beside being depraved in a bad way the film was also desperately boring! I could care less about any of the main characters! And the humor was so unimaginative and forced!

The film's trailers fooled me into thinking The Hangover would be worth checking out. It's not the first time a trailer was much better than the film, nor will it be the last.Unfortunately, I wasted $10.00 during a recession. The next time I see something as bad as The Hangover, I intend to get a refund!

For those who think child abuse is NOT funny read: 'Licensing Parents: Can We Prevent Child Abuse And Neglect?' and 'Raising Safe Kids in an Unsafe World: 30 Simple Ways to Prevent Your Child from Being Lost, Abducted, or Abused'.
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Star Trek (2009)
Left Me Feeling Flat As A Pancake... But
9 May 2009
I love the Star Trek franchise so much I want to see a new Star Trek series! A lot of fan hopes are riding on this film! The reason for a ten star review! To drive this point home - I actually stopped watching television programing completely once Enterprise (the last Star Trek series) went off the air about 5 years ago! And, I have literally watched every TV episode (and film) of every Star Trek series, in real time, since its inception in 1966! I also collect rare vintage Star Trek memorabilia, have heard Leonard Nimoy, and many others involved with Star Trek, speak at various Science Fiction Conventions from the early 1970's to the present, and I subscribe to a Star Trek fanzine, "Trexperts," edited by a one dedicated Star Trek fan, which is still mailed all over the world! Needless to say, the Star Trek universe has had a huge impact on my life!

I sincerely hope someone from Hollywood reads this review! In the long run (and that's what Star Trek is all about) you're not going to win new fans by dumbing down Star Trek Into a comic book story solely to satisfy the fickle teen market! I realize a lot of the previous 11 Star Trek movies have been box office flops (and for good reason!) because IT'S ABOUT THE STORY, STUPID! Sure the special-effects-eye-candy is spectacular, the cinematography does not disappoint and the design of the sets are absolutely amazing! The acting ranged from perfect (the New Captain Kirk & Leonard McCoy) to sufficient (the new and original Mr. Spock). And, all the supporting cast certainly held their own! But the story was so unimaginative and preposterous, it came across as nothing more than contrived cardboard drivel.

It kind of boggles the mind! There are absolutely an endless number of Science Fiction themes that run through all the various Star Trek episodes. What more do you want? You have about 26 YEARS worth of episode ideas to choose from! Then there are plenty of ideas Star Trek has not explored which is summarized in a single 900+ pages book covering all Science Fiction ever written in any language in the world: "Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction, Fifth Edition." It doesn't take a rocket scientist (pun intended) to do the research to come up with new and wonderful ideas! But no! The Spineless Chickens at Paramount had to make a film with as much delight and imagination as the last Star Trek movie dud! What an incredible insult to all the Star Trek fans that have spent their time and money supporting Star Trek over the years by watching only God knows how many vapid TV commercials or spending their money on film tickets, videos, DVD sets, books & fan magazines, convention tickets and Star Trek memorabilia!

Ironically, just two days a ago I rushed out to see the brilliant science fiction animated film, Battle for Terra, before it was yanked out of the theater to make room for "Star Trek." It's hard to believe, but it was showing on a mere single screen in a metropolitan area with about 1.5 million people! Despite the magnificent animation, storyline, and acting - staring both Danny Glover and James Garner (of all people!), it was a miserable flop at the box office. Why? Because the story was both too imaginative and gutsy! Something the Star Trek franchise once was like - a long, long time ago! I can only pray that in the future Hollywood's goal of maximizing profits does not win out over substance and delight!
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Battle for Terra (I) (2007)
An Incredibly Subversive Film About Following One's Conscience!
6 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Battle for Terra is one of those rare films that dares to have a politically charged message: Genocide and ecocide is inexcusable under any and all circumstances; following your conscience can have an extraordinarily high price; and government is best run by civilians and not by a military dictatorship!

What is mind boggling is that a soldier is forced to kill his commanding officer and allow his brother, and only surviving family member, to die in battle in order to follow his conscience! This is truly a profound and subversive story. Too bad it is being shown on only one screen in a metropolitan area with 1 1/2 million people! It deserves being seen by a much wider audience!

This exact same subject matter of humans colonizing another world at the expense of another intelligent and benevolent species is rarely covered in science fiction on the big screen. Human beings are usually the victims of some evil alien power. It's nice to see the tables turned for once and witness human beings as the oppressors, or bad guys.

While watching Battle for Terra, I asked myself repeatedly, "What would I do in a similar situation?" I realize I will never be a soldier in a critical battle that will determine the destiny of the human race. But I'm forced to examine the power I have, no matter how small, to battle evil and injustice when given the opportunity to do so! That's the beauty of a subversive story! It makes one think!
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Earth (2007)
From Gruesome Violence To Moronic Narration!
29 April 2009
A lot of death happens in the wild. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out! But does it need to be the focus of a nature documentary? What is with this fascination with gruesome death? Do we really have to see an adult elephant torn to shreds by a pack of hungry lions? Or, a cheetah grabbing a gazelle by the throat in slow motion, no less! I thought this was going to be a family-friendly nature film!

And, why not have the courage to show the gruesome violence in the film's trailers? Were the filmmakers afraid of losing money?

Then in typical, comic relief fashion we get to see the magnificent Birds-of-Paradise perform mating rituals to the most annoying and stupid narration humanly possible. It was surreal! It's as if the filmmakers believed they were only addressing a roomful of First and Second graders on a school field trip! Wow! From the mean to the moronic in a heartbeat!

If there are any future nature documentary filmmakers waiting in the wings reading this film review, why not focus on: Animals actually copulating; giving birth; laying eggs; bathing; sleeping; cleaning each other; socializing; playing; emotional displays other than fear and anger; unusual behaviors, like mouth brooding; migration; problem solving skills; culture (yes, many animal species have what humans call culture); communication skills; parenting, healing abilities, etc. In other words, stop focusing on violence or dumbing down beauty, and why not be much more well-rounded - and focus on delight and inspiration, instead?
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Neverending Story (2001–2002)
Awful Beyond Belief!
29 April 2009
You know you're in trouble when you constantly can't help saying to yourself: "I could act better than him, I could act better than her!" After a while I realized I could act better than any character in the entire film! The acting is that unconvincing and poor - it's beyond belief. Some other words to describe the acting talent of the performers is - cardboard, camp, dopey and annoying!

If the acting was not bad enough, the story was even worse! This film was totally devoid of any entertainment value, whatsoever, for the mind of an adult! Personally, I think most children, and certainly teens, would be bored to tears!

It's obvious to me that Tales from the NeverEnding Story - The Beginning is an attempt to make a quick buck off of The NeverEnding Story. To essentially turn a wonderful story into a commodity, like toothpaste or underarm deodorant. If you must see this godforsaken film out of curiosity, at least buy it used so you won't encourage a sequel!
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