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Them (2021– )
Some people I swear
10 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some reviews I read were saying, watched one and a half episodes and it has huge plot holes, doesn't make sense. Maybe that's because you never finished it. Saying it's agenda from the left... Smh. If it was set in today's world then yes, I would agree. It's set in a time where a bunch of stay at home white ladies, could set camp in front of their house and the cops wouldn't be concerned. Racism was not only around it was embarrassingly encouraged. That's how it was. As far as the ending, saying where was their justice? They'll probably be arrested . The point was no matter the obstacles, they survived, stuck together and will not run from anything anymore. I personally can't wait to see what next season brings.
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Z (I) (2019)
Dropped the ball big time
12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Trailer looked good and I enjoy shudder, so what could go wrong? Where it lost me and couldn't get me back. The CGI 'Z' jumping at the dad. Wow that was embarrassing. I thought, really? They should have just left the glowing eyes. House is completely engulfed in flames, in a nice neighborhood but no sirens.

When Z got in bed with her, I was waiting for good night hunny. What was with the 2%? In the beginning the teacher said, Josh was one of her favorites but she was shooting him dirty looks the whole time. The rest was just implausible things. If a child is on the railroad tracks, with a train speeding towards him, there would not be enough time to run upstairs and hang yourself. Cops showing up for a wellfare check with guns drawn, yet letting the doctor get in front. Does Josh ever get in trouble? Possibly killed a kid, drew (in what I'm guessing is charcoal) on the wall... The WHOLE wall!!! He's suspended but goes to some game place as a reward.

The only good parts were Z behind the doctor, the dead grandma and when the kid was thrown off the stairs. Just watch the trailer and save some time.
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The Shrine (2010)
I do not regret watching this lol
2 May 2020
I wasn't sure in the beginning. Main actress was annoying, along with bad acting, I figured great... here's another one. Then it showed that statue, only got better (for what it was) from there. A nicely played out twist, that made me not fear the ending. Although, I did wonder why no subtitles but if we had them, no twist. All in all, not too bad. I think with a different director, better actors and a bigger budget, this could've been something really entertaining. Give it a go, it's better than you'll think it'll be.
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What letter did you make it to?
1 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I made it to "L". I can't imagine worse than that and I am afraid it will be. I have never been so disgusted watching a movie and not in a, it's so hard to watch but it's great, kind of a way either. Some stories were stupid, some odd, some were weird yet intriguing, others were just plain gross and disgusting with no point. "L" was cringe worthy enough with the amputee but bringing in the kid... Just stop. I had to. I was really looking forward to see different shorts of directors and seeing where their imagine would take them. I didn't know pedophilia was on the table, yeah I'm out.
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I was fooled
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Into thinking I found a gem. The trailer looked creepy, to where even with the short run time, I thought it's got to be worth it. Thankfully I didn't pay for it. The acting was unrealistic and awful. The mothers reactions and responses were misplaced. You see your daughter talking to a demon and you say who are you talking to? You see weird demonic things everywhere and some videos get posted of you and you immediately blame your daughter? Not to mention, why was everyone upset? She wasn't naked, she was just laying there. The end ....SPOILER.... Husband has his throat slit and still manages to crawl outside and see the same fate as the bird. You start thinking this whole thing is ridiculous and that's because it is, the whole thing was a dream. What a let down. I thought the flashing from scene to scene was just for the trailer, nope that's the entire movie. I kept thinking I missed something. .... Nope. If the acting was better, maybe it would've helped but who knows. I should've just went to bed and got a good night's rest. That would've been more productive than watching this e for effort movie.
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Better than expected
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting to be blown away and it kinda started to lag towards the middle, then it took a turn and I couldn't stop watching. Easy to follow for a found footage type film, no running or dark scenes. The parts where it shows the computer interaction is very easy to follow. Sometimes in movies, too much is going on quickly and it becomes agitating to watch. It keeps you guessing on... who is "crazy". Questioning one's insanity, makes you question your own, if you're alone with your theories about it. In the end, I think they both were "crazy" and it defeated them. There was love but their minds and egos got the best of them. He was smart and she toyed with him. You poke the "crazy" bear long enough, he will show you just how "crazy" he can be and then just might awaken, a "crazy" you tried to deny. One person said his dialogue was unbelievable but I disagree. When he used phrases a teenager wouldn't normally say, he was playing with mom, condescending towards her. Every teen talks differently with their parents when friends aren't watching anyhow. A lot of people bringing up, We need to talk about Kevin. Yes, same basic groundwork but the two are incomparable. Kevin was a great, disturbing movie and you can't compare a found footage, smaller budget movie to that. I felt the emotional rollercoaster each character was feeling and when the closet door finally opened, I didn't know how to feel. Shocked and maybe a bit frightened, that I understood. Obviously, I wouldn't do the same but I would probably feel like I wanted to. Maybe we are all a little off, some just have more self control ...
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Mara (I) (2018)
It tried
14 April 2020
Scary demon... check... Slow walking... check .. Weird crackling noises... Check... Wheezing... Check... Jump scare... Check... These are all you need for a scary movie... Wrong.

Was it the best? No. Was it the worst? No. It's good for a little scary film, to pass the time and is somewhat enjoyable. For me the worst part was the ending, I actually laughed. It was cheesy out of nowhere and very predictable. So are a lot of movies lately.. they just drop the ball. The rest wasn't really that bad. Definitely creepy and you felt the fear when she was helpless. The dead bodies were scary. Jump scares were anticipated. Although, I think some of the reviews were harshly rated. I mean what do you expect with a movie on Netflix? Also, I read someone saying this movie tried to copy other movies like Freddy. No, it's actually taking a storyline from what people believe with sleep paralysis and the demon who comes with. Has nothing to do with trying to be nightmare on elm street. So overall, is it a waste of time? No. Should you buy it? Lol no
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Belzebuth (2017)
What could've been
1 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It wouldn't have been bad, if it wasn't for the CGI. It was creepy and dark. Brutal murder scenes, especially because children were involved. Then the CGI Jesus happened and I couldn't get back completely. It was laughable. Everything else wasn't bad. Good movie to kill time with or as long as you don't buy it. Ritter was a difficult character to like. He was awful to the mother of the school shooter. I get that he's hardened from his tragedy because he was nicer then but man was cold!
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Witch-Hunt (2017)
19 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some acted better than others. It started out, I was losing track on who was who. I also became too concerned on the games rules, that it was hard to follow. Not everyone was allowed to look at their cards, only selected few players... How would they know if they could look, without looking?

Then it became a bit more interesting with a few little twists. SPOILER AHEAD....

The end confused me. We find who the witch is but were the other two witches as well? So even if the other two picked the main witch, could they have won or no, because there were two possible other witches?
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I am the painful thing that puts you to sleep...
8 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, it's great for insomnia. I just wish I hadn't of rewound it, after I woke back up (a few times) because I literally missed nothing.

The narration was awful. It was as painful to listen to, as the movie was to watch. It was a movie disguised as art but it was just pretentious and boring.

Polly, a character in the book and in the walls, in real life. How did she die? Murder. Why? I have no clue. By who? I have no clue. How? Possible hide in seek gone wrong...

The scariest part was the phone cord being ripped from her shoulder as she babbled on. My guess is, Polly was tired of her voice as well.

Upside down chair, hanging on the wall. I would love to know why. Most interesting part to the movie and it's never addressed.

Can't sleep? Watch it you silly goose. Type of dialogue used throughout. Zzzzzzz
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Livescream (2018)
Not for me
24 February 2020
I don't know if it's because I'm not a gamer or if it just wasn't good. The guy's acting wasn't horrible but I didn't like it. Too much texting 2, I had to stop it many times just to catch up and to make sure I didn't miss anything. Fell asleep a couple times and awoke to him yelling. I don't know if all games are like this but the graphics were something off my first Nintendo, in the early 90's. Like I said, it could be me not appreciating it because im not a gamer or it was just really lame. Whatever you do, wait for it to be free.
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Luke warm delivery
31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't horrible, sadly I've seen some bad ones. For a found footage type movie on prime, it wasn't bad. It felt like a real reality show and the interviews during the footage were good. The mother/grandmother, eh and the midwife was awful. All I could think of was choosing the hospital, just so I wouldn't have to hear her voice. There were a few scenes that needed more or a completely different emotion all together, for example, the doors slamming shut for the first time. They barely flinched and laughed it off... In no way would that happen. I expected more emotion after Madden. Why would they choose a home birth if she was a high risk pregnancy? Killing time and watching this, you wouldn't hate yourself for it but I wouldn't pay for it though.
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The Fanatic (2019)
So ridiculous
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I like John Travolta and despite the rating and the, I should've known better trailer, I decided to watch it. Then I saw it was done by Fred Durst, thought where the hell has he been? I will give it a try. I wish I didn't... Really.

It was so bad. Moose was not likeable, he was annoying. Sean Penn as Sam, very likeable, Leo as Arnie, likeable and Tom Hanks as Forest, loveable. Moose, no. He reminded me of an Alzheimer's patient with 24 hour sundowners. Then to top it off, the ending. Hunter wouldn't have been arrested for the murder of his maid, at the word of his landscaper. Even with the body. He was covered in Moose's blood not the maids. So even if he was held for questioning, he would be cleared. If they wanted to arrest him for Moose, they could possibly because he wasn't being attacked necessarily but even then, they would get him for breaking and entering and kidnapping and the Maid. So it wouldn't be Moose, happily ever after, looking for his next hero. Just dumb so dumb. Pass it, you won't even pity laugh.
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It was alright.
29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Problem I have is, Frankie will always be Malcom to me. That character was his blessing and his curse. It's really difficult to see him as anything else. SPOILERS.. I enjoyed that this movie kept me thinking. Every time I thought I figured it out, something else would happen and I would change my mind. I liked that it kept me interested enough to finish the movie because I had to know. Is he dealing with witches or a mental illness? In the beginning of the movie, his parents are calling and checking in on him, suggesting something had happened before. Which leads to mental illness. Was this psychic real? Dena? His account on time? Was he really having conversations or going these places and seeing these creepy people? My final thought was yes he had a mental illness but was doing well with his medications and maybe this was easy for the demon to do its thing. The end, no one believed him and the demon did kill him but put the knife in his hand, so after everything it looks like he did it. Remember, his hands were restricted, he couldn't have disemboweled himself, let alone get that knife. Then at the very end, the witches picked up another victim. No one listened to him, so the madness continues. It made me keep watching until the end because I had to find out which it was. My biggest problem, he will forever be, Malcom in the Middle.
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H8RZ (2015)
Let's be real.
29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER..... Yes it has the same premise of Usual Suspects but it's not and can't be compared to such. We're talking Keyser Soze and "Alex", come on. In no way are the two comparable. So you can never make a movie where the culprit is the victim because it will always be a rip-off? No, it's is own movie, not a great one, acting is somewhat bad, with some familiar faces. This was one of the first movies, I didn't read about first and it was better that way. Maybe that's how a lot of you ruined the movie for yourself. Also, a lot of you are saying it was so obviously a girl... Another reason you ruined it for yourself. Ever think Alex, could be short for Alexandra? She is the weirdo highschool girl, nothing she did, said she was a boy. I assumed she was a girl the whole time, which let me enjoy the movie. First idea of her being a boy was reading that here. She wasn't wearing a dress or wearing makeup, must be a dude. I'm not even talking about feeling like a boy but really is a girl, no, just a girl. Is it Oscar worthy? No. Is it predictable? Maybe. TBH I just thought she was going to be able to pull the money out, grabbing the card on the way out. I didn't realize she was "Keyser" the whole time. When you don't over think something, you can actually enjoy it. I did see some plot holes of course and other ways they could've handled certain situations. For example, You're being blackmailed by a teacher, so why don't you turn around and black mail him? Very easy to record him. Bottom line, if you stop thinking this was an attempt at recreating, one of the best plot twists ever in movie history, you might just enjoy an alright movie. I'm not saying it was great but most of the reasons here, for why it's not, are lame.
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ATM (I) (2012)
So inaccurate, it's unreal
15 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has so many goofs, I don't know how it passed the final ok. It's below 0 degrees, yet no one can see there breath.

I don't care how mad you are that your friend tagged along, you wouldn't park in a dark parking lot, so he can walk. You would pull right in front to get his ass home.

They are freezing more and more by the second but no one thought to huddle up for warmth? Even if all 3 ran opposite directions at once, chances are better than waiting.

They think killer comes in but don't wonder why it's so easy to kill this guy, after watching him beat someone's head in? Why didn't he say hey wtf?

The strength they find to that too. I mean the girl is talking about plants.

Guy is in a shirt, he didn't think of taking the jacket?

They searched his pockets, why didn't they find his cigarettes and lighter?

Water would not have been able to rush in because it would be frozen. Even if it didn't the second that water touched them, they would be in so much pain. Not being able to lift a body or search for papers to burn.

When they got the friend, why didn't they just keep running?

They were able to lift him up and carry him through a parking lot before killer could get him?

Security says what 20 times before getting killed. Why do they insist on pounding on the glass, screaming over each other, why not open the door and say watch out, there he is?

Why did the guy they killed body just disappear?

Again, a lot of energy being used for below 0 degrees, in a wet shirt.... WITH NO BREATH!!

This wasn't even all the mistakes but I cant write them anymore. Very bad movie. Acting wasn't even good. Unless you love counting ridiculous flaws, don't bother.
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Midsommar (2019)
I was looking forward to seeing this...
3 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
And then I watched it. What the hell is going on here? I gave it two stars because the visuals are really good. Costume, gore was realistic, beautiful scenery, and the trips were well done. Now the bad, which is basically everything else. The movie was pretty dead up until the first head crack, face smash in the rock, which happened at an hour in. So for a whole hour the girl is crying, complaining and being so insecure it was annoying. Why did she even go on the trip, why did the friends let her if they hated her so much? If I was planning a girls trip and one friends annoying, needy boyfriend hopped on at the last minute, I would have something to say. Nothing these people did was logical. Weird creepy cult or not. Friends disappear, no one is concerned. Find a red hot pubey in your soup and you know who did it but continue eating and drinking. Grandma and Grandpa jump to their death and everyone still stays. Grandpa did it wrong, so the other children of the corn, helped him out, not once, not twice but a few times. Yeah I think you got him. The weird love making scene.... I was shocked and I also laughed. All the moaning and screaming while some weirdo physically helps you out because let's face it, they're tired of screaming. When the friend gets it, for taking pictures of the coloring book/Bible, the sloth from Goonies, pulls a house of wax/ house of a 1000 corpses and is wearing another person's face. I honestly just don't know what else to say. It was pretty at times to look at but it was "Mother" kind of weird.. Then there's the bear suit LOLOL this is why I don't tavel.
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Fire in the sky was better.
25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't think it was all bad. Stupid decisions by characters all over and of course the, "that would never happen" issue, not counting the alien attack and being abducted.

Even the beginning, the rain, small store/ gas station and the phonebooth was Fire in the Sky. Beaming the friend up with friends watching, FITS. When she had escaped her pod and wondered around the space ship... Yup you guessed it, Fire in the Sky. Only difference, FITS was a true story.

Dumb decisions... A few but I will pick one. The blonde friend who said, let's go now! We can't stay. I'm scared. Yada yada yada.... Gets out and stares into the ship and wow, completely taken by surprise... She beams up.

The thing I thought was stupid VERY BIG SPOILER After surviving an impossible escape, she gets shot in the stomach! He gets shot a few times too. They both fall onto the ground and she takes out the engagement ring, from her tight jean pocket. She gives it to him and he puts it on her finger. She has a straight gun shot wound in the stomach and can do this??? No. He can do this after being shot multiple times??? No. They both did this without sleep all night, battling aliens and being abducted, with one of them already dying once....

If the hadn't of copied Fire in the sky so much and the ending had not included that ridiculous ending, it may not have been that bad.
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Silent Panic (2018)
22 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching, just to write this review. I have a half an hour left and I'm really debating if I'm going to continue. There is not one redeeming quality in this movie. Not one! I'm a glutton for punishment and I love bad movies because you can at least find humor but this, it's illogical. There are spoilers all over this review but I wouldn't think of them as spoilers, more like warnings or reasons to not watch it.

1. Grown men popping a zit around a campfire.

2. One by one each guy looks in their trunk, sees the body and doesn't say anything.

3. One guy has a record so he convinces the other two, to not call the police. Even though, nothing connects these guys to the mystery woman in the trunk. No reason to not call the police.

4. Speeds down the road, with a body in the trunk. One would think you would drive better than if you're taking your driving test.

5. Cop walks up to window, asks for the window to be rolled down. He cracks it. Cop says more. He says it's enough. Actually arguing with the cop about rolling his window down, causing a scene, even though he just made a huge deal about him being the only one talking.

6. Tells girlfriend, the cars not starting so he's taking the bus. Girlfriend tries the car later and it's working, so she decides to take a possible breaking down car, to the grocery store and leaves a note. He comes home sees this note, panics, hops on his bike to arrive just in time to catch the girlfriend opening the trunk to put her groceries away. Which she fumbled through the longest, quietest parking lot ever, with no shopping cart. He makes this huge deal, I have something in me eye, baby help me. Distracts her and gives her a, chase the deer into the road, got hit by a car, so we stuck it in the trunk, to cut up meat at some point in the next few years I'm guessing, story. She buys it. She then hops in the back seat and he drives home. What about the bike?

7. Drives the car to some location. Calls the police to report it stolen right at the place, right when he drops it off.

8. Friend picks him up and has a screaming child in the car. "Eagle" is irritated that he can't hear the police because of the kid. Even though the call shouldn't have been placed till, I don't know, the next morning, he doesn't just step out of the car.

9. This kid. Looks 7. Acts like 4. Talks to him like he's 2. Very uncomfortable watching that.

10. Boyfriend tells girlfriend car is stolen. Next morning. The police found car and she wanders around the lot, finds it and drives off. Thinks battery is an issue. Changes battery acts like she just replaced the engine and discovers body.

Keep in mind it's been a few days and the smell is not bothering anyone. There are no fluids. The acting in this movie is horrible and the choices make no sense. I don't know if I can finish this. Oh and now the friend is all coked out from stress and an awkward meeting with an old drug dealer, who loves birds and sativa. There's more but I don't know if I will ever know.
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Rosa Leigh (2018)
7 August 2019
The sounds, the scary voices, the music, it was all too loud and made it frustrating to watch. I can respect people trying to make a movie without money or real actors but with the flashes that were meant to be scary, were just irritating. Then you have what I'm guessing was a black light for effects, just didn't work. The married couple, I didn't even know they were together until later. I thought she was an older manager type, who sleeps with her clients. No connection at all. I laughed at the teacher flashback though, for that you get a 1.
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The Curse of this Bad Movie
6 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watch the trailer and then find a good movie. This wasn't scary at all, you just anticipate the jump scares. The cgi, awful! This movie would have been over by the beginning. When the CPS mom went to her house and asked what's wrong? Where are the kids? She gives a cryptic answer, while looking nuts. Why not just say there is an evil spirit here trying to steal my kids , so they're safe in the closet. Then she blames the CPS lady for her kids dying. Uh no lady, it's your fault, you should have said something. The way La Llorona was after the kids in the end, why when she opened the closet door, did she not come right then? Why does she wait all night till they are moved to another location, just to kill them in a completely different location? Why did those kids act cryptic too, saying "she" did it, while everyone thinks it's the mom? Why didn't the CPS lady's kids say, mom there's a Spanish bride coming after me look at my burns!! If the fire tree blocks her from coming in the house, why did she go through the back door? If she could, wouldn't she go through a window? Why is she acting like a home invader, can't she just appear? Why is everyone so calm? How did the little girl stay in the pool that long, had to have been 5 minutes, just to come out coughing? So many more questions but I'm done asking them. I wish they would start making some good horror films because I think this is a bad trend. No one tries anymore... The only thing good was I could feel the moms rage when she held the bat. The End.
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Seeing Evil (2019)
I wanted to like this
26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's slow and low budget but that doesn't always mean bad, so I kept watching.

Good things... The lead actor wasn't bad at all, for what the movie is working with. The ghosts were actually creepy and scarier then a lot of bigger budgeted movies. I jumped a couple times. Music wasn't horrible.

The bad things.... Lead actress couldn't act her way out of this movie, if she tried. She's very beautiful though. It's very slow, about 10 or 15 minutes of just walking. The "twist" ending. Made sense for one of the "ghosts" who was chasing him and stopped to look for which way he went and then kept running. When I thought that was a ghost, I laughed very hard but after the ending, it made sense. The acting went from bad to worse during the final scene. I wasn't creeped out anymore and just laughed. I will say the commercial was nicely done though.

Overall if you can get through the slow pace it's not horrible but the ending killed it for me. Got to give credit to the overly happy, evil ghosts. Those were scary. For all that, good and bad, I give 3 stars. It kept my attention long enough to finish the movie, so there's that.
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Adolescence (2018)
The main character was frustrating to watch
17 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
His voice was so delicate it was irritating. It had a good story but watching it, I felt like I missed parts but I didn't. His full blown addiction was over a weekend, it was laughable. His parents were disfunctional but I felt like they had incomplete scenes too. Maybe they edited out too many scenes. He went from naive to full blown heroin addict in one weekend. No drama from the escalating addiction. No should I or shouldn't I? Just naive to full blown addict. Gave up his best friend, over one weekend. I don't think they would've been friends either. Why would Romeo meet up with soa to help get him clean? He met him once. The lead actress is undeniably gorgeous but every movie she's in, I want to give her chapstick. It could've been better but it wasn't.
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Chambers (2019)
I don't know, i'm torn
10 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First half I was really into, despite, the main actress. She is dead in the eyes and very wooden. She is not good as an actress. Also she looks to be in her 30s. Even with that, I was hooked and wanted to know what was going on but the second half, left me disappointed. I was let down that, this is the direction they're going. I loved the Native American influence to this. TJ reminded me of the no regrets character in We're the Millers, so that was frustrating. Tony and Uma were fabulous. There were some unanswered questions but I guess that will be taken care of in season 2. I will watch it to see if it picks back up but if it doesn't, I will not watch it anymore. If they even make a season 2. What was with the friends mom, Tracy? The mice? The old lady? Penelope? It seems like they got overwhelmed by all the different storylines and rushed to tie it all together. Idk, maybe I will watch it again and see if it makes more sense.
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Stuck (I) (2007)
23 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing worse than being stuck in that windshield, was being stuck watching this movie. I get that it was "based" on a trues story but the only thing accurate was the accident and she's a nurse. That's it! The acting was horrible all around. The music was cheesy. Even when she caught him cheating was dumb. He was a bumbling fool, offering her E. There's no way she would have kicked her ass anyhow. The victim's whole storyline was unnecessary. The neighbors were clueless. This movie is just a waste. Not accurate, bad acting and just really dumb.
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