
11 Reviews
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Well, I like Mark!
21 April 2023
So I do enjoy the show. I especially like Mark. Listening to Kelly talk so much is annoying, I feel like Mark balances her out sometimes! I give it an 8 for Mark!

Recently though Kelly talked about playing the lottery. It was disgusting! Between her and Mark, they are worth millions and millions. She said oh I woulqd not even show up for work the next day. Well if she didn't win the lottery, she would never have to work again with the money they ALREADY have!! Just stop acting like you know what the real world is like Kelly! Come down off your high horse! I am not sure you realize not all people have the kind of money you do!? DUH!!
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Life on Mars (2006–2007)
Addictive from the start!!
3 February 2023
I love this series. One of my favs ever!! I had never heard of it, but came upon it, so gave it a shot! So glad I did! Wish it had more seasons!!! Acting is superb and has such an original story line. Will keep you guessing every episode!!! It was hard not to binge watch. Cannot wait to see what happens, it never gets dull! The music is fantastic, the old cars are cool. I wonder how close it is to how the "coppers" really were in 1973. DCI Hunt is really over the top! You kinda hate him and like all at the same time. The rivalry between him and Sam is so good! Good cop, bad cop at its best! Highly recommend this show!
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Lark Rise to Candleford (2008–2011)
I find it enjoyable to watch but Here are some things that annoys me.
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There are many things I love about this series. But there are a few things, yep being nit picky here. 1. Dorcis whispers as she talks. Irritating! 2. The distance between Lark Rise and Candleford seems a lot closer then they claim it to be, which is about 8 miles yet they walk it seemingly quite quickly. 3. Baby Annie never gets any older then about a year??? She should be at least 3 by season 4? That drives me crazy! 5. Why can't they find one love interest for Dorcus. They keep bringing different ones in and Dorcus always seems to be "superior" to them. Annoying. 6. Laura is full of herself and her parents are self righteous and unlikable half the time.
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Bargain Mansions (2017– )
Mostly just terrible!
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched some episodes in a row because nothing else was on. I will watch any reno show out there. What stands out to me is how she asks her father and one time her sister their opinion but always makes it well aware its only her choice that works. So WHY bother asking!!!! She treats her father like a child. Gives him crap all the time about breaking stuff and then has the nerve to imply he is working for free since she went over budget! Now aside from that her voice grates on my nerves which I know is mean, but maybe if she didn't talk non stop! Finally the design is mostly terrible! Too many clashing design choices, such as all the different tiles in one room, or putting the fridge in a pantry that is extremely awkward to get at! The colour choices, ugly wallpaper, the list goes on and on. So safe to say, I gave the show a shot, but the hideous designs and staging make me cringe!
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A bit confused
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was odd, I guess just not my taste but I and confused. So she does not end up sleeping with the guy who kidnaps her so Who's baby is she pregnant with? Did I miss something?
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Shame on the writers!!
9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it a 2 because the few episodes were OK but the story line of John Dutton having colon cancer surgery and one week later is riding a bucking horse is such an insult to all people who suffered through this terrible disease. This is real life....... Weeks of chemo and or radiation, plus a colostomy bag attached and then if the tumor has shrunk you get the surgery which is extremely painful and months of recovery, not days, with the colostomy bag still attached and then when healing is complete, you get the bag off followed again by months of healing. This is apart from any complications such as infection etc. The way they portray it in Yellowstone is down right disgusting and shameful! Shame on the writers and shame on you Kevin Costner.
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It was ok!
18 May 2019
My 5 year old grandson thought it was funny. It was ok for a kids movie I thought. But did I miss something when greg says meemaws brother defeats the British during world war 2?? First the British were not defeated, and if he is American he fought along side the British... Maybe I am confused about how that was suppose to play out in the movie.
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Jack Taylor: The Magdalen Martyrs (2010)
Season 1, Episode 3
The casting
12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It seemed to me they casted Jacks mother when she was young wrong. She looks nothing like the older version. In fact the friend who wrote the diary looks more like how she may have looked. It was just annoying. Even the daughter of the other woman looked more like the young Mother of Jack. Just strange casting if you ask me. Also why was Jack's mother so miserable to him? Have I missed something along the way?
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I just wonder WHY? I need to rant!
7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So I love period pieces. I was drawn to WCTH for that reason. I appreciate a nice clean series, as it is hard to find these days. I did enjoy the first season. It was somewhat cheesy, as I expected being a Hallmark production but I am ok with that. Then things seem to go somewhat wrong from there on. I have listed the things that have gone wrong and too be fair the things I think are ok with the series. 1> The thing that bugs me the most is the make-up, hair styles and clothing. What the heck are they thinking? This is 1910 era and most important it is the Canadian frontier! Where the heck do these women get their make-up , their dyed hair and the clothes from? Which by the way is not period correct with the exception of the long skirts. As for the make-up would it really be available in a Canadian frontier town in 1910? Apart from that, would frontier women really spend money on make up when they had children to feed? I ask why Hallmark changed the more natural face of the women in season 1 to make-up that looks professionally done to the point they look like models about to do a professional magazine spread! Enough said on that! As for the hair colour and styles? Again I ask WHY? Not correct for period, and dying their hair or lightening it? Would they really have been concerned with that in a frontier town? Never mind being able to buy such products! 2> These people look as though they have the best products for keeping themselves and their clothes clean. Really?????? No running water to have a shower everyday or wash their perfect hair. It boggles my mind again why Hallmark has made this show so laughable. What a disgrace to the writer of the book series. 3> In Season 1 it shows muddy dirty streets. Did I miss something here??? All of a sudden the town is as clean as can be. All graveled streets with no trace of any horses ever doing their business... Really???? 4> The town is full of incredibly good looking people. Where are the roughened hard working people that would be evident in a 1910 era mining town? I realize this is a television show, but Hallmark, try to keep it a bit real! You did at least try in season 1. What went wrong? There must be one heck of a dentist in that town i might add! 5> The story lines have gotten so bad. So predictable. Especially where Elizabeth is concerned. I just finished season 4, so let's see. New kid comes to class. No mother, just father. Kid has problems. Elizabeth steps in, saves the day and all of a sudden its back to happyville with that permanent smile on Elizabeth's face with her glossy red lips and whitest smile you ever saw! 6> A woman mayor in 1910? Really???????? Just Really?????? What has happened to Henry Gowan? I actually enjoyed his bad guy role. At least he wasn't sickeningly sweet all the time! He had some substance to him. Now they have turned him into another sappy guy to add to all the other sappy guys. Good looking sappy guys I might add! 7> I really need to pick apart the episode where Cody has to have an operation. So Abigale is waiting at her house with Elizabeth and not sure who else. Where was her boyfriend Pastor Frank during this time? Then Elizabeth asks her to go try to sleep? Really? ???? She is waiting to see if the kid is even going to live? You think she could sleep? Of course in morning she is in full make-up. She actually had the desire to do full make-up. Do i need to say it? Really? 8> Why does Rosemary just walk into Elizabeth's house without knocking? She just walks right in at all times of the day. What if Jack and Elizabeth were not available for company? What if Elizabeth was walking around in her unmentionables? Or what if she wasn't in full make-up? How horrible would that be!!!!!!!!!!! 9> Back to Cody episode, The doctor that comes to town decides he has the flu, not that I have medical knowledge, but I do know flu comes from a virus. He would have had to catch that virus from someone. The doctor that comes to town doesn't even ask if something like this is going around? I get the story line was to get the yummy Dr. Sheppard back in town, but it was just so transparent. Of course Elizabeth jumps on her horse, finds him somewhere out in the great wide open and saves the day. She is also in full make-up. Ha Ha.. Oh don't forget that Doc that came to town ends up in the saloon drinking and is in no shape to operate at that point! 10> What season does western Canada have? Alberta to be exact. It seems to always be one season on this show. Not summer, not winter with snow. Just always cold enough for the women to wear their stylish coats that I could buy today at my local mall in the year 2019!!!! Anyhow, I live in Canada, not in the west but there is extreme COLD during winter and snow. I just don't get what season they are always leading us to believe it is. 11> Why does Abigale wear her hair down while cooking at her cafe??? Is that realistic? Ok enough of all this negativity.... I better get to the good things about the show! ? I do like it is a period show. I understand it is based on books and they couldn't change the time. I do enjoy they are keeping it clean. I do enjoy the people they have cast. I think they are doing the best they can with what they have been given. I do wonder if they shake their heads at some of the HUGE flaws, but I guess they have no say. Will I continue to watch? Probably. I just hope they listen to what people are saying and make some changes. I did give it a 5 after all, but that was based on season 1 mostly. End of my rant!
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I loved it BUY
30 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This series is fantastic. The characters really draw you in. The settings and the costumes and of course the love story. There were characters whom you loved and those you hated! I have to say though there are a few things that really got on my nerves. First I understand Seyit marrying a Muslim girl for the sake of his father. What I was disappointed in was how fast he developed feelings for her, it seems from the first time he saw her. Where was that undying love for Sura then? If a man can become distracted that easily by a beautiful face, I wouldn't want him! What an immature man! I lost my respect for him right at the first moment he met Murvet.

I hated how they developed the love story between Seyit and Murvet also. It was odd how someone so in love with someone else, can change so quickly. Secondly, since when do all British officers look and speak fluent Turkish?? Even when they are just speaking to each other, would they not speak English? I understand it is Turkish made, but it annoyed me! They could have done sub titles in Turkish to make it more believable. Also Petro all of a sudden throws his feelings aside for Sura and starts a relationship with Alya? I get he was fooling her to get her to kill Billy, but it seemed more than that. He did everything he could to get Sura and then he seems to disregard Sura as well. Sura was the only one it seems who had any integrity at all! And she got dumped on through out the series by almost everyone around her. So I sound as though I didn't like it, which is not true as I stuck it out for 46 episodes, but those were the things that bothered me!
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Excellent! Well done, concise...
17 January 2006
I agree, this is a movie you either love or hate... in my case I loved it. Mind you I have a quirky taste in movies,so it may not be for everyone. I also must comment that it was cast really well despite the lack of main stream appeal. It is absolutely a movie I would go see again, mostly for Nic Cage carrying the bow and arrow through the streets!Plus you cannot help but love the melancholic overtones and the giant spongebob hoovering outside of the hotel window. It acts almost as a parody of life behind the script, outside of the view of the camera lens... a weatherman's life may seem perfect, he's got the money but in reality it is far from it.
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