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The most devastating, depressing, and disturbing film I've ever seen in my life.
10 June 2009
I'm too speechless to say anything at length. The movie was... gut wrenching. I don't know if I can even recommend this film to people, because I'm seriously afraid it will give people nightmares for days on end. "Once Were Warriors" is a tough as nails, stomach churning, psychologically scarring and disturbing film about people and things that most are not even aware of exists. The whole cast should be commended for their incredible and brave performances. The person who deserves the most credit is Rena Owen who plays the female lead. Her performance blew me to pieces... she was absolutely superb. I've seen a lot of movies in my life, but never... never anything like this.
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12:01 PM (1990)
One of the greatest short films ever made
26 March 2009

That was the result of watching this 25 minute short film made almost 20 years ago. Obviously, I'm another one of those Groundhog Day fans that, out of curiosity, wanted to see this movie. And I thought it was absolutely fantastic. It was like a true Shakespearean play; fascinating, and original story (it was adapted from a short story, but this was the first film of many that dealt with "time-loops" and "repetition of time"), as well as a tragic and profound end.

Interestingly enough, after watching the movie, I felt it was one of the best shorts I'd ever seen, and maybe only one or two were better, including "The Lunch Date", which I found out is the same short film that beat "12:01 PM" at the Oscars in 1991.

So, for those of you who are GH fans, this is a must, and for anyone who is looking for an amazingly unique film experience in only 25 minutes or less, this movie is for you.
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Absolutely Brilliant
20 January 2009
I'm not the biggest PTA fan. I like some of his films, others I think are a little overrated. Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to see this on a friend's bootleg DVD of PTA's first two shorts. Anyway, I was shocked as to how good this was. It was funny as hell, smart, satirical, a great mockumentary! Considering it was made by an 18 year old, this was magnificent. I envy him, because I couldn't direct myself out of a paper bag at 18, this guy made a true and true portrait of a character that would eventually put him on the map as a hot new director.

The actors had great timing, especially the old man who played Jack Horner. He was very good. The sunglasses were awesome, the intentionally cheesy, porn dialogue was hysterical. Well shot, considering it was on a home video camera, well written and well directed. I still can't believe how young he was! 18! Barely out of high school! Obviously a must-see for PTA fans, and aspiring young filmmakers for that matter, as well.
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Interesting quasi-homage to Stanley Kubrick's early career
6 January 2009
Its odd why the filmmakers chose, out of all movies, Stanley Kubrick's little known second feature film, "Killer's Kiss", as the basis for this fascinating inside look into the making of a small budget movie, but I'm glad they did, because I'm a big Kubrick admirer, and this is a must for all Kubrick fans.

The movie goes inside the making of the film, but it also features a parallel love story of the lead actors and the lead actress' jealous boyfriend, just like in Kubrick's film.

The ending is a classic one too. In true Kubrick form, the movie ends on a sad, yet interesting note, a total 180 of the film its based on. Also, it ends with the Kubrick-like director character pitching his next movie idea, about a group of people trying to pull off a heist in a casino (as opposed to a racetrack like in Kubrick's classic follow-up, "The Killing").

I loved this movie! Not only was it a fascinating insight into the making of a film, but it was also about what Kubrick was like in his early filmmaking days.
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Towelhead (2007)
Towelhead Review
2 January 2009
Coming from the guy who wrote American Beauty, one of the best films ever made, you'd think that this would be at least a semi-decent film, but it wasn't even that. It just was so boring, and uninteresting.

To give it some credit, the lead actress did perfectly capture the vulnerability of the character she portrays, but the story just isn't all that appealing. Coming of age tales are a dime a dozen these days, and Towelhead isn't able to stand out in the hugely crowded genre. Alan Ball does an okay job writing the script, but his direction is way off. Most of the actors are so wooden, especially the actor playing the father, it seems as if he just got out of acting school, because his performance feels so stale and lifeless. Considering the cast includes Maria Bello, Toni Collete and Aaron Eckhart, indie veterans, this movie should have been infinitely better than it was.
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Gran Torino (2008)
Clint Eastwood is great, the movie is lame
1 January 2009
Clint Eastwood has really gone off the deep end with this quasi-moral story featuring a pretty decent turn from Eastwood. The Asian actor who plays Thao, however is beyond bad, its almost laughable. The story is completely non-existent, and nothing happens for about the first 90 minutes. There are so many cliché and unoriginal moments, its almost perplexing how Eastwood ever went from Million Dollar Baby to this crap.

Sometimes sappy, sometimes boring, sometimes unwatchable, it had very few moments of clarity or anything that made sense. Next time, Clint, get another screenwriter, the constant racist slurs got tired, fast, and the rest of the exchanges were some of the worst I've ever come across in my life. I expected a lot better. A WHOLE lot better.
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Oh, Benjamin, Benjamin... How You've Disappointed Me...
31 December 2008
This movie should have been so much better. It should have been the best film of the year. It should have been the best movie of the decade. It should have been a lot of things. Considering all the rave reviews, the fact that it vaulted into the IMDb Top 100 in record time, and of course the incredible trailer, it led me to believe this was going to be another brilliant David Fincher movie. The man has had an almost flawless career, with Seven, Fight Club and Zodiac among others. But Mr. Fincher greatly disappointed me with this film.

First of all, there is so much CGI in this movie, you never know when you're watching Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett or just a computerized version of someone else with just their heads superimposed on the bodies. The CGI affected the cinematography as well, because some of it was beautiful, but its like looking at a fake Picasso painting. It still looks nice, but you know its just not the real thing. Cate is lovely as always, and Mr. Pitt gives a good performance considering the circumstances of the character and plot. In the end, its nothing more than an interesting story done the wrong way. If you want to see it done the right way, watch or re-watch Forrest Gump. Other than Eric Roth being the writer on both films, they share almost identical structures and story lines, except that Gump was a clever and funny tale, while Button is sad and utterly depressing.

I was expecting so much, and barely got anything at all. Its a complex, deeply layered and epic tale, and it'll probably win 7 or 8 Oscars. Not that I think it deserves 7 or 8 Oscars, but it will.
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It Has it's Moments, but it's Not Brilliant or Anything
31 December 2008
I was dying to see this movie, because of all the hype. And, needless to say, I came away somewhat disappointed. Its a fine film, don't get me wrong, but it's not a masterpiece, and I wouldn't even say its one of the 10 best of 2008. Maybe top 15. But definitely not top 10. Sometimes its clever and funny, other times its cliché and uninteresting. The ending is one giant sap-fest, unfortunately. I was expecting an original finale, but it was not to be. While this may be an "Indie Darling", it still has a lot of elements of modern Hollywood pictures, filled with a lot of predictable moments, and as said earlier, a very unsatisfying, and unoriginal ending. I'd still recommend seeing it, its one of those movies you have to see to fully judge the year in film. Its a good movie, just a little over-hyped, that's all.
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Milk (I) (2008)
A Decent Film at Best
31 December 2008
Sean Penn dominates the film, because there's really nothing else of note to mention. He gives a good performance, as does Jimmy Franco as his gay lover. But the story is thin, and doesn't move me emotionally the way its supposed to. And the fact that the gay characters are all played by young modern day sex symbols doesn't help the believability of the characters. Emile Hirsch, Diego Luna, James Franco, and Sean Penn? As the fluffiest homosexuals alive? I don't think so.

The script isn't that great, and it just didn't have the same impact on me, that others are saying it had on them. The summary says it all... its a decent film at best.
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Probably the Most Insane Episode in "It's Always Sunny" History
20 November 2008
If you're gonna watch this show, you know what to expect; sex jokes, people getting lit on fire, rock opera's about child rape, and other insanity that's more fit for late night Cinemax than prime time cable. In any event, the show is still hysterical in its pure craziness and great deliveries from the principal cast.

This episode, however, really took it to another level I think. Just take a look at the title of the episode. "Who Pooped the Bed?" I mean, you can't make this stuff up, you really can't. The episode revolves around the gang trying to figure out who took a crap in Frank's bed. In the end, Artemis, a chubby girl who occasionally pops up on the show, solves the mystery in a "Clue"-like manner via Tim Curry showing us multiple possibilities of who did it and why.

The ending is just so insane, and over the top, its an instant classic. A must for any "It's Always Sunny" fan.
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Tales from the Crypt: Only Sin Deep (1989)
Season 1, Episode 4
One of the All Time Greatest Episodes
16 November 2008
This particular episode of the series does not get a whole lot of love from fans. I think due to the fact that this episode came relatively early in the series history, when it didn't establish a wide fan base is a big reason why its underrated. Also, its not exactly a story in the classic sense of Tales. Its not scary, or gory or horrifying. But it is mysterious, and a dark moral tale that reminds me of old Twilight Zone episodes.

Its a classic story of a greedy young woman who sells her beauty to a pawn shop owner for $10,000. However, the pawn shop owner gives her 4 months to the day to change her mind, and she immediately laughs him off, and goes on her way to woo a wealthy man with her newfound fortune. What happens next is interesting and freaky as we uncover the real reason for the pawn shop owner buying her beauty, and the consequences the young woman faces for her greediness.
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