
8 Reviews
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A complete disservice to all real Star Wars fan and one garbage of a movie
9 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think in Mickey Mouse's trilogy, they reintroduced old characters from the real Star Wars movies not because they were "needed there", but because without those characters, the viewers would start asking themselves "What movie am I watching?", because it's not even Star Wars anymore. It's probably also because the creators of the movies wanted something to remind them on what movie they were actually working on since it's not really Star Wars anymore.

It's interesting, but in the Mickey Mouse movies, including Rogue One, there was that complete lack of feeling of Star Wars for me. It looks like a generic space opera. In the trilogy, I noticed that all the alien species were completely new, no old species - no Rodians, Duros, Toydarians, Neimodians, etc... Completely new species... My question is "How come these planets have been colonized by humans, but not a single alien species from the old ones has come to live there?" It makes no damn sense.

I think this was also present in Rogue One. And what irks me about that is that the main character is called Jyn Esro and in the Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast game, the protagonist's girlfriend is called Jan Ors and the protagonist from Rogue One looks exactly like her... Meaning they literally stole a character from the Expanded Universe and pretended like the EU never happened and changed its name and put it in their stupid gimmicky movie.

In my opinion Mickey Mouse's trilogy and side movies and series are not canon, the real canon is the Expanded Universe which directly continues with the books of author Timothy Zahn, there is the Thrawn trilogy and the Hand of Thrawn duology. I have read only 4 books, but they are amazing. I first got the Thrawn trilogy when I was about 13 years of age and back then (2004) there was nothing else so for me it was only logical that this continued the story after the Return of the Jedi. The stories in the books were so well written, so engaging, that it totally made sense. They felt like movies, but only books and more detailed, something you can never have in movies. So when in 2015 there was news for a new trilogy starting, it was a bit on the fence - I thought that "either this is gonna be the best thing yet, or the worst thing ever". Turned out it was the worst thing possible. Horrible story, horrible characters, unlikable actors, lots of unrequited fan service (bringing the old cast and characters back).

For me Mickey Mouse's trilogy felt like a literal disservice for me. Like they took everything I liked about Star Wars, killed it in the most brutal ways possible then took a big dump all over it and gave it to me in a nicely wrapped gift box.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Became a letdown in the early episodes
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the concept of how this dome appeared and everything, but the more the troy developed, the more I started disliking it.

First strike was when they found a way out, that was the dumbest thing ever and also completely defeats the purpose of the dome and makes the whole series useless to watch from this point on. It was interesting when they had no way out.

Now I've forgotten it as I watched it a few years ago, but there was some creature that was turning people into cocoons or something, this was also pretty dumb.

I dropped it around the end of season one, it was just that bad.
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This feels like the deformed twin of the original show
6 October 2019
I don't know, I never really watched much of it, but when I was a kid and we didn't have a PC or internet at home, I'd accidentally watch a few episodes of this on TV, but it always felt short compared to the original one.

Like, it tried to do the exact same thing, but it just didn't work out. It has that feeling, like a parallel dimension where everything is kinda the same yet a bit different.

I could never identify with the characters and they looked very weird and unlikable, and I even felt regret they aren't showing the original version, but this one instead.

On the other hand, I've rewatched the original show twice or thrice already and I still enjoy it as an adult. Too bad it didn't get more seasons.

If you want to watch this so bad, go ahead, but mark my words, as soon as you see a few episodes, you will realize this is a waste of time and the original is better.
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Castle Rock: Romans (2018)
Season 1, Episode 10
Decent ending I guess...
12 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I guess Black Henry doesn't really believe yet and in Season 2 he will start believing White Henry.
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Paradise PD (2018–2022)
Sometimes funny, sometimes dumb
10 September 2018
On occasions it's funny, on occasions it's dumb. Sometimes the things they joke about could make me laugh, but on other times, they are just horrible. Like one time they joke about blind children and the likes of those.

Compared to Brickleberry I like how the episodes are connected and not random story every time.

I don't like how Paradise PD, like Brickleberry relies on shocking imagery to be entertaining, this is a red flag for me that the show lacks substance.
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Castle Rock: The Queen (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
It's a necessary evil
29 August 2018
Some reviews with 1-2 stars saying the episode is a confused mess, yeah it is a mess, but one that's needed for the plot to advance, to shed a greater light on what's going on, especially the character's past.

To say I wasn't confused and had trouble following it, it would be a lie, but when the episode ends and you think about it for a few minutes, you begin to piece it together.

Those who believe the episode was bad, shouldn't blame anything else but their low IQ and lack of patience. Go watch Game of Thrones where at least two characters die or get raped per episode.

It was a slow episode, but nevertheless a very important one, those patient enough will be rewarded for continuing to watch the show.
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It can be so-so if they take out any Star Wars references
4 June 2018
If they take out any references and names from Star Wars and make this a standalone movie in its own universe, it can be a movie to watch before falling asleep.

But as a Star Wars movie it's a joke, just like the rest that Disney spewed out since Episode 7 with no exception. It's a disservice to Star Wars fan and its sole purpose is to sell toys.
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Jackie Chan makes every movie fun to watch
21 April 2018
When you have him in a movie, even a mediocre movie immediately becomes better, nothing much to say about this. He has been in many similar mediocre movies, but he makes them better, this one is no different.
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