
14 Reviews
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The Challenge (1998– )
The Game and the Finale is unfair
18 September 2022
This show was unfair to individuals because they were randomly paired up every week with some one else. No comradeship, or lasting team work. The finale was horrible, teams were changed constantly. Also one player had to play alone in each. Game. In a physical challenge, how do you expect one per son do the work of two. This was the only season I watched this shoe, and, only watched it because there were Big Brother & Survivor. Contestants on it. Unlike those two shows, this did not hold your interest , because you could not identify with any team. Also good players were eliminated because their assigned team-nmate quit. I will mot watch anoyher season.
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Deep (I) (2021)
It.s OK but Not Great
15 June 2022
Does not focus much on the experiment part of the film. Seems to fill in the time with young people partying and listening to loud music. Back stories of the main characters are not initially explained.
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The Chase (I) (2021– )
The Players Seldom Win
5 May 2022
I lost interest in this show when I realized there are so many ways the players can lose ALL their money. Just watched Ep 1 of the new season. Except for 1 person, the chasers have been replaced with people I never heard of. Now it's not just a rip off...but Borimg During the show the host talks about all the money they can win,and it doesn't happen. Waste of an hour...& I DVR it.
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4400 (2021–2022)
Don't waste Your Time...Hit Delete
14 December 2021
I had seven episodes already recorded on the DVR Watched Episode 1, and really did not like it at all.

Checked to see what other " User Reviews " had to say about this rebooted show. It seems other viewers agreed with what I thought.

I still had 6 episodes left to watch.

So I accessed my DVR, and selelected "Delete and Cancel future recordings".

I didn't want to waste any more time on this lousy show.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Cindy Hawkins (2021)
Season 7, Episode 3
Back to Boring...Only 2 characters per Episode
3 November 2021
Well I see by the past 2 episodes, the show is back to focusing on only a couple of characters. I figure they're on a tight budget with less people watching every season, but boring episodes will not revitalize the show.

I mean John and June in a small underground bunker, last week Morgan and Grace. Who Cares? What is the overall plot, storyline, and where is this show heading? You can't keep using Covid as an excuse year after year for these cheap "2 character" shows. There is a brand new show that recently began airing called "Ghosts" and it has like 8 major characters each week. You really can move a plotline with a lot of characters and except for 2 of them, the rest of their characters are dead also. The TWD universe is spread over 3 different shows and they all seem to be going nowhere.
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Survivor (2000– )
All Talk/ No Action
7 October 2021
Just watched Ep. 11 and recently this show is about people just talking about who they're going to vote off. Less than 10 minutes is devoted to an actual competitions. What are they 'surviving" ? They're certainly not alone on the island . There are film crews following them all over.

People who mess up physical challenges seem to stay while the more competent are voted off. Now, it's a political message.

The show continues to lose viewers, but they continue to concentrate on the contestants talking amongst themselves. Even the Tribal counsels are dragged out with extensive talking.

They do.t have to go to a far away island to make this show. They could just go to a any park in the U. S. that is near an ocean.

On Wednesday, CBS follows Survivor with their new show "Tough As Nails".

The new show is an actual completion show. Many of the coemptions look very difficult and even dangerous. The players stay with their team the entire season, even if they may fail in the individua completion. Its a fun and exciting show.

Survivor, however, has become both annoying and boring.

Now let's play: " Find A Sponsor"
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Waste of Time
26 June 2021
The movie is rather long and rather boring, so watched it over the course of two days. Wasn't much better on day two. I didn't care for the movie, especially the ending.
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
Season 1 was better than Season 2
26 April 2021
I watched all the episodes of Season ONE and liked the show.

Watched the first episode of season TWO and didn't care for it.

I then deleted the remaining episodes on my DVR, and haven't watched again.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Season 1 , Good
18 April 2021
I just finished watching season 1, and all 22 episodes.

I didn't care for it in the beginning, but, grew to like it.

I hope S-2 continues as good or better.
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The Walking Dead: Diverged (2021)
Season 10, Episode 21
Another meaningless episode
1 April 2021
Another episode not related to the previous episode or overall plot development.

Another episode centered on only two characters. Carol makes soup and Daryl fixes his dirt bike. Is it the pandemic we're in? The writers stay home and write about anything they feel like. This show is approaching it's end. The episodes should be building excitement and anticipation of a memorable finale...not this garbage. People keep excusing these boring, meaningless episodes as Covid Episodes. However, I'm currently watching new action shows on TNT, CW, and SyFy., and they're really good. They also have all the main characters in every episode. So I don't buy the Covid excuse.
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
Is TWD $ broke ? Every episode has only 1 or 2 characters
25 March 2021
Just watched S10 E 20 Splinter on DVR. Again, an entire episode devoted to one character. No excitement, no meaningful plot development , just a boring show. In the first ten minutes of the episode I was waiting for other characters to appear. Well, that never happened. Based on the coming attractions , it appears the next episode is going to focus on 2 characters (Carol and Daryl). Which is totally not related to this episode about Princess. I would never watch this show live anymore, it's 68 minutes long. That's 8 extra minutes of commercials? At least with DVR you can skip through the commercials.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
Very Good Series
5 February 2021
The show has a lot of action and surprises. I like the characters and how they interact with each other. It's very entertaining but I had hoped they made more than 6 episodes. Although it's a fantasy type show, the characters are more believable than some of the new shows surfacing on broadcast TV.
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This show was dead from the original premise.
20 November 2020
An apocalypse strikes so 4 young kids decide to leave their relatively safe haven to trek across the country(on foot) to find their father. They want to "rescue him" from an organization far more sophisticated and powerful then they are. They have no plan on how to find him, or what to do if they actually find him. Totally unbelievable story, and, characters. The writing is horrible also. The Zombies , in this show are called "empties". Why make up a new name? Is the term zombie copywrited? We are now all going through an actual pandemic. Are we making up special names for the people infected? No, we simply say they are "infected " or "tested positive" for the virus. TWD:WB is simply unrealistic, in any context. Remember in the original TWD, every other week they would write off a major character. Many of which were good characters and it was sad to see them go. I was hoping that tradition would carry over to this show. Losing 50% of the original cast would be an improvement and make room for an expanded plot development. So far that hasn't happened. The same cast just plods along every week portraying their shallow boring characters.. I never watched this show live, I DVR it. This way I can fast forward through the lengthyP commercials. The past few episodes I've also fast forwarded through parts of the show, when the storyline starts centering on one of the boring characters.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Time shifts in the plotline make it unbearable to watch.
23 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the only show on TV that I found difficult and annoying to watch, yet, I watched every episode. I figure it was ANTICIPATION. I anticipated that it would improve, that the writers would read fan feedback and change direction. It only got worse. I just watched S4/Ep8 and it was laden with these plot confusing time shifts. The character Nick who was killed off early in the season, was still around until episode 8. I never cared for the character, and, when he was killed off was glad...only to continue to see him week after week. They even said goodbye to the Actor on The Talking Dead show over a month ago. The mid season finale was shifting all over the place. Madison & Al are by the SWAT truck in the woods, thenAl is in the truck @ the stadium surrounded by the dead, Then the scene shifts back to the woods. That's just one episode, compile this by 8 episodes and its ridiculous to follow! To the writers & producers this is their job, so they live and breathe it. But take the average TV viewer, how many shows, including sitcoms, do we watch every week? 20, 30 more? Plus we watch news, sports, and, of course live or own lives. Who is going to follow characters and time shifts on one weekly TV show which airs for about 43 minutes a week. On the The Talking Dead they have the Actor whose character has left the show. They are usually asked What will they miss the most about leaving the show? I'm waiting for someone to say...The Paycheck.
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