133 Reviews
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Knuckles (2024)
Wasn't that great unfortunately
29 April 2024
Man I was so stoked for this after seeing knuckles in sonic 2. He was my absolute favorite in that movie, but after watching this I was quite disappointed. I think what weighed this down was well.....wade. Heh get it? I was not a fan of wade being the main focus along with knuckles. I much prefer wade as a side character that shows up every now and again. Plus his sister was God awful omg I could not stand her one bit. Plus on top of all that the show was super short and the episodes were only 30 mins long which did not give the show enough room to grow into what it should have been the entire time.
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
you do NOT cross the codys
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this show was friggin INCREDIBLE, the casting, the acting, the dialogue i NEVER got bored. Shoot outs, heists, loyalty, betrayal, drugs, booze, action, car chases, twists and turns, pure adrenaline. This show has all of these combined I just always felt so excited to check out the next episode. In the first 2(maybe 3) seasons the show felt like it always lead up to one big heist as the season finale, but that formula seemed to change after that. It felt a little less about the "big score" and focused more of the characters and tinier scores here and there. Like a "score of the week" formula. Nothing wrong with that, but i did prefer the other way.

I dont think i had a favorite character simply cause all of the codys and a majority of the side characters were all just so bad a**. The cody brothers would constantly bust one anothers "family jewels" maybe even beat the sh** out of each other, but they would be settled and pretty much over it within 10 minutes and no matter what always had each others backs. The codys were a family no one should EVER cross. The only people i think would stand a chance is petes gang. Pete was a cool guy sometimes. I was so glad he took care of tupi and J took care of mia for what they did to the codys.

The cody family consists of...

smurf(janine): a cunning, manipulative, blunt, and callous mother/grand mother who didnt give a s*** what anyone thought and would put a bullet in you without a second thought if you lost her trust one time.(loved the backstory to her nickname)

Craig: the tallest of the brothers, but not the toughest. Could dish out a hit just as hard as he could take one.

Deran: the brother who's there to watch your six. Can go toe to toe on his one, but i dont feel as if hes the scariest of the codys. My favorite scene was when he took those bullets for craig when they went to rescue nick. That hit hard for me sense they were recently in a brawl a few scenes before this.

Pope(andrew): along with smurf i would say hes the scariest. Hes a brute who takes no crap from anyone. You look at him the wrong way and youll end up in the hospital.(was so glad to finally see where he got the nickname pope)

baz: i dont really remember too much about him

J: the least scariest of the codys. He really stepped up in the last few seasons and i was rooting for him......until the final or final 2 episodes. I was rooting for me to have a happy ending. I would have preferred it to be with that other lawyer chick sense she knew his lifestyle, but once he was shown as betraying the codys i wanted him dead. Like i get wanting revenge for what smurf did his mom which i felt was so awful and none of the brothers helping him and/or her, but i think that kind of revenge shouldnt have been the ending sense i loved the codys family so much.

The show was going so strong until the ending. Im so mad pope allowed J to get away. I get WHY he did it cause i to am like pope in the way that ill sometimes blame myself for something later on and no longer be mad at the person i was mad at, but they could have had deran escape, find J, kill him and then meet up with renn and see deran helping raise nick. I think the ending should have also involved vince and his gang somehow as another twist as vince was such a cool dude. That ending would have been so much better with all of them alive and possibly J dead.
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Wynonna Earp (2016–2021)
sexual puns here, there, and EVERYWHERE
8 December 2023
This show is very VERY cringy with its dialogue, and very over the top with its sexual jokes, puns, and everything in between. I went into this show expecting a more deeper supernatural, character developed show, but was very disappointed in that field. The show is more a comedy/parody(of sorts) to the supernatural genre and for some reason i even finished the show. I say that because i didnt finish z-nation for that exact reason. I didnt find any of the characters developments to be super interesting and i was never really excited for the next episode. That doesnt mean the show doesnt have more to it to enjoy cause it does. Wynonna and waverly are fantastic characters throughout with some hilarious moments to go along with them. The show ends in a very sweet way, and despite me not caring too much for the show overall, i cried when that time came. The ending was good, but im unsure if there were any unanswered questions as this wasnt a show i paid too much attention to.
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absolutely incredible!
4 December 2023
I freaking loved this show so much! Jen was super cute, funny, and just straight bad ass!. The fourth wall breaking caught me by surprise big time and was for sure my favorite aspect the entire show. The cameos and references were cool, and the tone of the whole show was just amazing. My only 2 gripes have to do with titania. Now im not familiar with she hulk comics so im unsure if shes the same in comics as she was in here, but man was she annoying. Plus she kind of came out of nowhere with like no backstory to her or how she got her powers. I really hope we get to see she-hulk in the MCU movies.
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not a super impressive show, but still awesome.
31 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So let me first start off by saying while the episodes kind of picked up where the previous one left off, I wish they would have not added like a minute to the start of each episode of unrelated(to what just happened) scenes. Ok now.... I have to say this. What a RIDICULOUS choice for the new "captain america". That dude was just all wrong on so many levels. "I AM CAPTAIN AMERICA" shut up no you arent. I was so mad at him for rushing in on sam when he was talking karli down. Im a little more mad at bucky since i feel like he could have put up a way better effort at stopping them. Im glad they eventually corrected that horrendous mistake though cause captain falcon looks AMAZING!!!. I felt falcon was much better in here then winter soldier as far as fight scenes go. He just didnt seem to have that edge he did in civil war. I may get why though since hes arc was more about him atoning for his past. I was glad to see sharon return. I loved her fight scenes, and so happy she got that pardon, but her as this power broker and a possible villain worry me a lot.
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Stargirl (2020–2022)
way better then i expected
31 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I REALLY liked this show. A MIX of JSA characters and their legacies. The fight scenes were incredible and very exciting. Each episode comes very close to if not exactly picking up where the previous left off, well in season one anyway. Season 2 and 3 not so much, but still a great show overall. Very enjoyable!. The twist with starman was awesome and one i didnt see coming!. I was satisified with the end as it was a closure, but yet left room for a possible new adventure.

Now for my thoughts on some of the characters...

courtney: her background in gymnastics fit perfectly with her maneuverability and agileness in combat and i love it!. Im glad that she wasnt just a perfect fighter from the beginning, but im also glad we didnt spend too long on her training/practicing. She did get on my nerves quite a bit always disobeying pat and when she wanted to show off in the garage when that was supposed to be a team exercise. Once we got passed that phase of hers though, i began to see her as a very kind a pure individual. At first it made sense that the staff would work for her, like the hour glass for rick, being that starman was supposedly her dad, but when her real dad(who in the end i hated as all he wanted was that locket for money) came to visit i began to question how it worked for her. Supposedly it chose her as we learned later on which i guess makes sense seeing as the staff(cosmo) has a sort of mind of its own.

Rick: i like that hes the new hour man since his father was the previous one. At first i thought it was ridiculous to only have powers for 1 hour, but when i learned of the reasoning behind it i was actually in agreement with his fathers decision on why he chose to do that. In season 3 we saw what too much power could do and i was not a fan of it. He went in too soon and too hot headed after cameron. He treated his team so badly and even threw courtney against the wall. I was also not a fan of how he treated courtney for wanting to give cindy a chance even though he did the same thing with grundy and even kept it a secret from them. Also the fact they never thought to flip the hour glass over to make it work sooner had me like "bruh...".

Beth: NOT a fan. I just dont care for her one bit. But her goggles did make an excellent point about not saying your teams real names in the field. Which is what led beth to learn of their secret. Even pat made the mistake of yelling courtney with cindy laying right there. Im surprised cindy didnt question it before she fled. The only thing i liked revolving around beth was the mention of her parents wanting to make her costume black/yellow which is what it was(or is?) in the comics.

Yolanda: i like her as wildcat. Even though she isnt the daughter of the pervious wildcat, her little bit of background in fighting fits with being wildcat. Im glad she saw through brainwaves illusion and killed him. Normally i would have been on her side every step of the way with how she felt with the decision to trust cindy, but some shows have taught me to give the villains a chance to turn over a new leaf, that is if they can show they truly want to.

Pat: he was a loving a truly fantastic father to courtney. As she mentioned to "starman". He was there for her everytime she truly needed him, he is her hero and always will be. At first i was furious that pat would just take the anger that "starman" was dishing at him and he was beginning to irritate me. Later on it all made sense, but i still did wish he pushed back in some manner prior to the final fight.

Cindy: she started out as the typical mean girl, but later on as i began to understand what her father put her through, i sympathized with her and started to enjoy her story arc. I was on board with her redemption and was glad courtney was willing to give her a chance.

Jennie: i so wish we saw more of her. I loved the fight scene between her and courtney. Courtney was in the right with defending herslef and should not have been blamed, well fully blamed, for the mess that happened.

Dr. Ito: the only thing i have to say about him is i was ecpecting some sort of like "medusa" like ability or something more fierce from him after he had told cindy "dont make me take off this hood". That line made him seem so much more menacing then he was.

The crocks(tigress/sportsmaster): they were actually 2 of my favorite villains. I dont think i knew of sportsmaster from the comics, so seeing him for the possibly first time, i was very impressed with his abilities. But the main reason i really liked them is their redemption arc. These 2 are an example of what i like to see from villains when they want to show they truly want to change. You clearly saw paulas struggle to change, but you also saw she really wanted to. When she was giving the speech in front of those people she was terrified, but that smile she had when barbra walked in put tears in my eyes. She was able to call barbra a friend and even helped defend her from grandma icicle and even tim which i was so proud of her for doing.

Mr bones: i was actually surprised with him. I was expecting him to be the big bad behind the ultra humanite, or maybe even do some horrible non humane experiments to the kids. Turns out his intentions were real and not at all evil.

Artemis: im just glad she got her revenge on icicle.

The shade: while he definitely fit the role of a big bad, he was more of an anti hero esque character. I thought his abilities were neat and was happy to see that in the end he was willing to show jennies brother the ropes with his abilities.
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The Flash (1990–1991)
not too terrible
28 October 2023
I took a long while to finish this, but in the end enjoyed it. I didnt care too much for the self contained stories per episode, but i guess its to be expected often with old shows like this...which i guess is fine. My favorite episodes were: captain cold, nightshade, both trickster episodes, twin streaks, and alpha. I tend to do a little research on these characters comic book counter parts when they are introduced, and i found it interesting that the only nightshade i found was female. Maybe i didnt look hard enough? Either way as i said still enjoyable enough, but kind of glad it didnt last more then one season.
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Black Lightning (2018–2021)
between the other arrowverse shows this is the weakest
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So i enjoyed the first season of this simply cause it was a "super hero" show. I then stepped away from it for a few years to let it run its course then picked it back up. Seasons 2 and half way through 3 were very mid tier to me. It was only during the second half of 3 and all of 4 i felt myself questioning why im still watching this and trying to really pinpoint what i dont like and this was what i concluded based off of research i did.

This show took a mixture of a very limited black lightning comic run from the "golden" era of comics and a comic run called the "outsiders" which apparently heavily featured black lighting and put them into this series. Unlike the other DC shows, this one didnt have very many "super" heroes and villains to draw from so in turn you dont see jefferson face off against a lot of "metas". Which means for me i didnt get very excited when someone got introduced since googling them didnt really pan out an interesting backstory to them for me to learn about.

Lynn was SO annoying and in the later seasons, especially 4, she becomes very hypocritical going out as a "hero" after always being on jeffersons case about going out as black lightning and blaming him for a lot of her mistakes. I got pretty frustrated that in so many of those arguments jefferson could have said so much more but never did. I think the only time i agreed with lynn was when jefferson asked her to start using green light again.

Thunder/blackbird was maybe my favorite...maybe. She was very well trained(i forget how or from who) which came in handy if she didnt have her powers. Though in all honesty, i thought it was pretty lame her powers only work if she holds her breath. Thank god in season 4 gambi built that suit with the ability to 'remember" her invulnerability.

Lightning was another annoying character. Going against her father in many situations. Flying up into the ionosphere even when it nearly killed her multiple times and WHAT was up with that horrific haircut. I was a little iffy with her running away with khalil, but i sort of understood why she did. When she turned into that new character i actually started to think it was really her, but her father deep down never truly believed. Also C MON when she showed up to talk to uriah..how could he NOT tell that was "JJ". Also who why didnt they call her "spark"? Lightning and black lightning was just weird.

Khalil/painkiller was a pretty cool character. I dont recall how i thought of him in season 1. But i gotta say that dude was a very good fighter. He really cared for jennifer which i liked about his character.

Gambi: the brains behind the tech. He felt like a "bobby" from supernatural. That father like figure sidekick. I would have loved to learn wat more about his past. Maybe give him a spin off show..?

Grace: she was in interesting and odd addition to the show. I did like her, but im very curious why her other transformation was that old dude and that little girl? Was there a significance between her and them? She was a pretty good fighter.

Black lightning: i dont have anything really bad or good thats noteworthy for me to jot down except im glad he could handle himself in a fight just enough without his powers.
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
wasnt too emotionally sold on a lot of the relationships
15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was an alright show, not as great as id hoped for it to be. I didnt find myself caring too much about many characters, or some additional details to the story arcs of the characters who transitioned from bad/hardened to good/more caring could have been done a little better. For example, i love characters who arent all bad, but are still on the bad said who fall in love with the good character so i had my eye on scylla a lot, but during her conversations with the balloon in the mirrors when the person on the other end was asking her to do things like grab raelle i wished we would have seen a bit of a hesitation as to what they asked of her or questions from her like "why?" or "where will you take her?" or "promise she wont be harmed" which could have added much more to her character prior to her full on reveal of her love for raelle. My favorite decision from scylla was at the party when the clock struck 6 she chose raelle which was a big plus for me with scylla. However that still didnt get me immensely invested in her as i just felt like there was just so much more that could have been done character development wise between her and raelle or her and abigail. The moment abigail referred to scylla as "one of them" just had no emotional effect on me as i wasnt sold on it. The other character im referring to(that went from "hardened" to more good/caring) is alder. A lot of her choices i absolutely hated... from blowing up that truck with civilians possibly in it to puppeting kelly wade. Sure blowing up that truck saved a lot of lives, but like why not first try to just slice the wheels with their vocals and flip it on its side or something. Then her resurrection to her less hardened self felt so random and odd. Another scene i loved was tallys sacrifice for alder when she lost her first biddy which showed a lot of bravery and courage for her character and honestly my fave choice and scene with tally. Anacostia Quartermaine was the BIGGEST reason i stayed as i LOVED her character and her death made me tear up a lot. The final reason is cause a lot of the episodes picked up right where the previous left off or picked up in a way that didnt feel random which is always a plus for me cause it makes me feel like the story is flowing more smoothly and consistently. Overall im glad it didnt last super long as i probably would have stopped earlier on if it was a 4-5 seasoned 13-22 episodes per season type show. I really only watched it all the way through cause im a fan of the whole "forbidden love" or "good/evil in love" type characters and i was wanting to see the development between scylla and raelle. Plus while i wasnt a fan of them referring to their vocal abilities as "work" i like that there was enough supernatural ness to the show which kept me entertained through out.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
do you like almost non stop action? 2-3 fights an episode? heists? chase scenes? well here you go!
15 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So to start, this show has non stop action like 2-3 brawls an episode, shoot outs, heists and even chase scenes which makes for a fun ride! Keeps you very entertained. I also liked that the show picked up exactly(or very very close) to where the previous show ended as that keeps the story flowing smoothly. Now to me where the show shines in action, it lacks in character development which sucks as i love getting invested in characters as they are normally the reason i get hooked on shows. I saw them trying to go for it between hood and carrie/ana, job, and siobhan, but it just never reached that level where i was satisfied. They just left so much potential. Like they could have shown more of a backstory between job and hood to give us more of a reason to care for their loyalty and friendship. Or having hood tell siobhan who he really is much sooner so that he could have someone else on the force to talk to and help cover for him.

My favorite character, at least until it was revealed he killed Rebecca, was burton!. That dude was a demon in sheep's clothing. When his glasses came off you KNEW **** was going down. I didnt exactly dislike him cause he killed Rebecca, but rather i liked his loyalty to Procter and he betrayed that loyalty by killing Rebecca. For awhile i was curious why he was so loyal and when it was very shortly revealed i was happy as i love those reveals. My FAVORITE scene was the fight between him and nola!. Dude was a maniac! Though him shoving that hood ornament into her throat was kind of lame to me. My least favorite fight scene with him was against the skin heads since they only showed the aftermath...bummer.

Though a high honorable mention has to be given to Kurt bunker. Dude was great! The way he wanted to turn his life around even when he was the one who recruited his brother. On top of that Kurt wanted to become a police officer so he could stop guys like the one he used to be. I was so proud to see where he ended up in the end. I do kind of wish we were first introduced to him though AS a skin head and eventually see him get out and lead into the arc we saw in the show.

Hood and carries/anas fight scenes were all some what enjoyable, but i felt like i had mixed feelings about them. Like; 1. Around half of their fight scenes could have been choreographed better and 2. Carrie and hood i felt got hurt way too much during the fights for me to really get excited during a few of their fight scenes. Im not looking for them to come out of each fight unscathed or with only a few bruises, but like ive seen plenty of fight scenes that get me hyped even when the protagonist is hurt a good bit.
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Camelot (2011)
just barely worth 3 stars
26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off i will say i loved eva green and leontes the best followed by gawain and arthurs brother, but they werent enough to watch until the end for me. Watching eva green plot to overthrow her half brother was somewhat intriguing, but i feel it good have been done in a much more interesting way. Also it felt strange that she had this transformation ability. Where did she get it? How did she get it? Unless i missed it i dont think it was explained within the 5 episodes i gave the show which is a bummer. Every other character pretty much bored me and i never really cared about what was discussed. Merlin could have been a great character, but he rarely used his sorcery which to me held back his potential a lot!. The lady of the lake episode was another bummer for me. When i saw the name of that episode i got pretty excited as im expecting to see this gorgeous, or deadly, lady, or possibly a mythological being when they come to the lake, but nooo all we get is some little kid falling into the water. Also wheres the action? I barely saw any. The entire time i watched all i saw was eva green talk about her plans, arthur bringing in more and more people and Arthur trying to get with guinevere.
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Ultimate Force (2002–2006)
low budget, underdeveloped, attempt at a good war show
24 April 2023
So i know a SAS soldier helped make and starred in this and all, but man does it just not ever feel intense. The characters are bland and there's hardly any action or any edge of your seat moments. I never feel any connection between any characters either. I watched the first six episodes then gave up cause i began to understand how the episodes were going to continue to play out and i was just not into it. A lot of the scenes honestly felt like they were playing pretend in their backyard. Honestly it may just be that I'm not into how the SAS carry out missions which is why I'm not into this show.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
lacks in the supernatural/action aspect
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So i went into this expecting it to be a supernatural, action packed show, but what i got was just a cat and mouse tv show that teases the action and supernatural, but never really gets to it. The first 15 minutes in my opinion started strong with the nuns returning from some epic battle then a little later ava smashes a wraith possessed person into oblivion then she gets slammed by a car and phases through a wall, i was so interested, but thats really where my interest ended. I was gonna quit around episode 7 cause from the start, up until episode 7, all the show was about was chasing down ava after her constantly running away and very few and very brief encounters with demons. Seems like all they really did was talk about the demons, but with the return of lilith at the end of episode 7 i got mildly interested again, and then again during episode 9 with the reveal of mother superion once being a warrior nun, but sadly it didnt really get any better. The show also has a lot of cringy moments in season 1 where they try to make ava seem super epic, but honestly she isnt. Now i dont blame her, but rather how the she was written in the previous episodes which to me is why i feel like she didnt reach her full potential. The show did have a few good fight scenes though with ava and a bit more with the other nuns. I liked beatrice and mary the most. The show also does an excellent job with episodes picking up directly where the previous one left off which was a big plus for me, but even with those little positives i dont care enough to try season 2.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
not bad at all, but im just not feeling it.
6 March 2023
So I started this show and I've reached season 2 episode 6 and all that it seems to be is "let's raid the east" "let's raid the west" with some battles thrown in as well as a little politics. So far its not bad, but I dont find my self excited for the next episode. Ive so far enjoyed a scene between rollo and ragnar in S2E1 and would have liked to see more similar scenes like that.

By this point the priest.... uhh Athenian or what ever is the best character as far as character development goes. I do like siggy a fair bit. Don't get me wrong the battles, landscapes, gore are all great and I dont see the show as "bad" im just not hooked. I wasnt expecting the show to be 95% just raids.
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Dollhouse (2009–2010)
echo has no personality in any of her "personalities"
5 March 2023
So i gave this show a shot some years ago and wasnt a fan cause the episodes didnt really pick up where the last one left off and i wasnt a fan of eliza always playing a different role in each episode as it made it feel like a self contained story each time which im not a fan of. Gave it another shot and got bored. I still wasnt a fan of the feel of the self contained episodes. I gave it 7 episodes, but i was never excited for the next episode.

I grew so tired of all the dolls or "actives" being so ditzy while walking around the very boring looking dollhouse. I wouldnt mind the spa looking area if there was also like a high tech lab and dojo where they train the actives or something.

I am a fan of eliza dushku and would so be down to see her in more stuff, but i just couldnt get into her in this show at all.
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Counterpart (2017–2019)
slow, boring, and uninteresting
24 February 2023
After 3 episodes i really wasnt feeling this show, it felt like the show was just intel gathering with like 10% action and 5% scifi?

So with the description of the show i was expecting something similar to fringe(with its alternate realities), even within the first episode, but wasnt pleased. So i read some reviews and one review stated that "if your looking for more action and scifi moments like fringe this isnt for you as its more similar to the americans where its 85% intel gathering" and when i read that, it clicked. I thought back through the 3 episodes and realized its way more similar to the americans(which i found slow and boring)

now i know "alternate realities" is "scifi" but when i say scifi im talking more futurey, weird, bizarre sci fi. The other side in here just looks too normal.
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The Unit (2006–2009)
half war half army wife drama
24 February 2023
At first i thought this was an episodic show, but i later realized its a mix of episodic and serial. However the serial is more so for the wives while the episodic is the war/army aspect of it and after a season and a quarter i realized that and stopped. I was watching this for the army aspect not the wives. Not a bad show just was not into that. I can however see the appeal to this type of drama though. As for the casting.. i personally thought half were pretty decent while i did not quite care for the other half. I will say that one of my favorite things was the theme song as it was quite catchy.
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Witchblade (2000 TV Movie)
horrible cgi even for its time
24 February 2023
So i think i tried watching this several times, but kept falling off and restarting. Finally one day i decided to truly see if i like it and even though this was from 2001 and based on the comic it didnt really give me much comic book vibes, and on top of that i personally thought what the witch blade is was ridiculous. Some weird knights armor for the arm which sometimes gives glimpses of her as a knight..? WITCH blade. She should be a witch. Anyway i gave it like 8 episodes and quit. I am honestly surprised with how much praise this show gets compared to much better shows around this time...
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The Dresden Files (2007–2008)
not too bad!
24 February 2023
Great cast. Really enjoyed dresden and Murphy as a duo!. Its a shame they chose the "case of the week" formula which i always hate, but I stuck around cause I do like buddy cop shows that have a twist(this twist being the fantasy/supernatural addition). Also i know the show didnt last long, but it would have been cool to squeeze in some visual backstories to BOB and his time before he was cursed to live in the skull. I believe this is based off a book, or book series so maybe it delves more on that in there, but would have been cool to see it in the show. They could even have gonre the route of creating a tie in movie, comic, or spin off show!
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Strike Back (2010–2020)
so great once you hit season 2
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
SEASON 1 i didnt care for much in season 1, but i did start to like john porter towards the second half of the season.

SEASON 2-5 This was an excellent show! Action packed, humorous, tons of boobies, and just a fun ass time!.There was a joke that would have been great if it carried out throughout the show, it does shows up a few times here and there which i was happy about, but would have been great to see more of it. The joke was them arguing how to count down from 3. 3,2,1 or 3,2,1,0. I loved that the episodes picked up directly where the previous ones ended which always gets me more invested in a show. The 2 main characters(or 2 of) were absolutely brilliant together. Their cracks towards one another really sold them and made you fall in love with them. Damien the ladies man and Michael the tough guy. All of the characters were bad asses I loved that they all could handle themselves in the field. Baxter, phillip locke, julia Richmond, Rachel Dalto, coloniel Eleanor, Sinclair. I didnt tear up with any characters death really and the reason was maybe they just didn't do enough for me to shed a tear even if I thought they were bad asses?. I did tear up though when I saw Kim Martinez crying during Julia's death cause you just knew she was beating herself up for sending her out there. I do feel like Damien seemed to move on too quickly though cause it felt like he instantly slept with another character(Nina) pretty much right after. The only time I actually cried at a death was season 5 episode 10 towards the end when Damien was on the brink of death and he saw a flash of light and we saw him smile cause he saw Julia. It tore my heart thinking he was leaving his best friend behind(Michael). Phillip Locke was my fave captain cause at first I thought he was gonna be that captain who was such a hard ass and you'd wished the last captain was still around, but he was brilliant. He never left his crew stranded or alone. I did like that in the end(of S5) they wrapped up all characters stories we met between seasons 2-5 either in deaths or with a happy ending to make room for the reboot portion season 6-8. I did like that in season 6 though they did mention section 20 and didn't just pretend it didn't exist. While its a bummer they made season 6-8 a reboot. Im was also kind of excited cause I do enjoy being introduced to new characters in shows im really enjoying.

Season 6-8 So this new team wasn't horrible, but I didnt feel the same for most of them like I did with the other team. At the beginning Gracie novin had a good comedic introduction and some what kept it through the show, but at times I got tired of it. Also Mac and Wyatt came no where close to being a fantastic duo as much as Michael and damion were. Speaking of them I was super excited to see them return for 2 more episodes in season 6!!!. Now while I didnt care for Mac and wyatt as a duo I felt macs death had more of an impact compared to some of the characters in seasons 2-5 for some reason. Zarkova kind of ended up becoming my fave character and I was so happy to see her return towards the series finale episode. I did also enjoy Natalie Reynolds, but too bad she left after like a season and a half. I didnt care for jensen at all, but he did handle himself in the field better then I expected. My only complaint would be they didn't explain how Coletrain ended up in that Moscow blacksite when Russia was asking the west for help.
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it was pretty lame
23 February 2023
The show wasn't bad, but I just didn't care about richie's constant visions, and the whole serpent "vamps". I was looking forward to a vamp show, not a cult snake show. Some characters were cool like Seth, the sheriff, and uhh Carlos?. I'm not sure if i would have enjoyed this more if i first watched the three films though as this show expands on the gecko brother background. The brothers are different actors however from the movies. I watched the first one, or well one of them, and i don't believe i cared much for it. I watched the show up until the third season then finally decided to call it quits.
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The Society (2019)
it was mildly enjoyable
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was alright. Nothing too special, but enjoyable. Half way through I realized (or I thought I did) why it got cancelled. After it was over I decided to see what rating it got on RT.....85!?!? WHAT!!! I'd have thought like a 50 at most.

Personally I didnt get truly invested in any characters, not cause it was only 1 season, but just nobody really got to me. Though Campbell was quite interesting. I also felt like the whole "other universe" was just randomly added as to me it just didnt fit with what the show seemed to be presenting itself as. Theres a chance my thoughts would have changed though if it had gotten a second season.
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I dont have anything real noteworthy for any characters, but i am glad kyle wasnt swayed by jesse manes. Im also glad his son didnt become like him at all. Im also glad that in the end freya(jenna cameron) didnt betray max. Its also cool to see the references, cameos(like max evans and liz, which at first i didnt realize it was her, from the original show return, but sadly max was only in a memory and not part of the show in the present), and similarities/differences to the original one. I didnt care about charlie or helena. While each character has loyalty towards the aliens, i feel kyles loyalty peaks just a bit more and i loved him for it! I recall in i think season one tess was mentioned, but never shown, and i wonder why.? I was satisfied with the ending. Glad each episode picked up where the last left off.
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
i really loved all the different keys
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didnt find the characters interesting enough for anything noteworthy, but i did enjoy the visuals for the cgi and the different keys have been my favorite part. I feel it took way longer then it should have for them to think of using the memory key to keep their memories.

Im a bit confused a few things like the whole "demons cant take keys from lockes without their permission" since in S2 when they test their friends saying "take this key from me" isnt that technically saying "here take this".

It was interesting to see dodge team up with the lockes, but when she.... uh he...it? Promised to help banish gideon it didnt sound as convincing with bodes mouth even though dodge wasnt going to stay as him in the end. Its just i couldnt tell HOW true dodge was being since it was bode saying it. In the end im glad they all chose to remember magic. Good ending. Fun show.
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Time Trax (1993–1994)
didnt quite do it for me
23 February 2023
I couldnt figure out for a bit if i was truly enjoying it, but around S1E7 i realized this show wasnt for me. The reason was the fact its a sci fi show about a man from the far future, but pretty much the entire show took place in the present, and what little i did see of the future didnt have the look to it several other shows and movies around this time and even before had. So theres no excuse why they couldnt do it. Plus it was more of a villain of the week format which i wasnt really into. I wished they would have done it in the way continuum did where we saw a specific amount of villains escape, and have them span several episodes. Selma to me was the best part, but not enough to keep me around any longer.
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