
19 Reviews
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It just gets worse and worse for Zack Snyder
29 May 2021
This movie starts out as a 5 and then 4, 3, 2, 1 in quick succession. What else would you expect from the brilliant mind that brought us Batman vs Superman and Justice League? Plot holes galore. Writing, acting and directing was completely ridiculous. This movie is an insult to the make up artists and set workers who did a great job setting up the scenery for nothing.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
This movie is disgusting and perverse
23 February 2021
To give a 1 star review should mean something.. so here are my reasons:

This is not a drama nor an action flick. This is rage porn. The motive of Crowe's character is never explained and the acts he commits in this movie are disturbing even by today's standards. Particularly those that are against children.

The demise of Crowe's character is queued by a ridiculous one liner that's benn called out in other reviews so I don't wanna throw more shade on it but it might be the most awkward line I've ever heard in movie history and I'm not joking.

To cap it all off, despite numerous accidents and repeat ramming from a truck, the station wagon at the end is an absolute mint condition. Not a scratch on it.

This movie is worse than garbage. It's perverse and quite frankly has no business being shown to anyone that's not busy browsing the darkweb looking for this filth.

Now let's talk about the morale of the movie. Which is basically don't honk at people, smile and be nice always or some lunatic might try to kill you and your whole family.

When people watch this, they'll think oh well she brought it on herself.. which is just sickening. This is not an appropriate message to be sending audiences.

Crowe's acting: 7.5/10 Everything else about this movie: 0/10
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The Mule (2018)
Loose Strings Everywhere
18 November 2020
This was a movie I was looking forward to watching. I missed my opportunity to see it in theatres and had been patiently waiting for a Netflix release. Yesterday the wait came to an end and I wish I could say that the patience involved was rewarded. I love Clint Eastwood movies, but this movie is highly unrealistic and out of touch.

A racist war veteran "unknowingly" gets mixed up in trafficking for a Mexican drug cartel. This veteran has been a POS father and husband his whole life. He does not start trafficking to better their lives, instead he does it so he can invest in more of his own selfish interests. A lackluster pursuit eventually entails between the old guy in a truck and the DEA. After amassing enough wealth to cover any and all conceivable expenses, he continues trafficking for the cartel anyways. Eventually the pursuit comes to a close in an uneventful way.

You cant help but wonder what the AFTERMATH would have been like if the movie went on another 30 minutes. The ending has almost no significance because quite frankly "Earl" (aka Clint) is living in a non-existent fantasy cartel land where the gang members are actually super friendly and generous. DEA agents too. Go figure.
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The Titan (2018)
Progressively bad
1 April 2018
I'm actually pretty stunned to learn that this movie was only 97 minutes. It really felt an eternity longer. The problem was that the longer you watch, the worse it got.

Initially the premise is pretty strong. I liked the concept of creating a 'superhuman' race that would be able to withstand the conditions on another planet/moon in the solar system. The fact that the earth was dying made a strong framework for such experimentation to be considered valid.

The character development during the genetic mutation phase was excellent. However,the movie eventually starts a downward spiral into the weird and over dramatic. They spent so much time validating the reasons for what they were doing, then they go down a path where they make what they're doing seem barbaric. The way this movie concluded made no sense at all. Could have been so much better than it was with a stronger ending.
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The Outsider (I) (2018)
31 March 2018
There was a strong premise here that could have made this movie very interesting. Showing how an Outsider (Westerner) assimilates with Yakuza culture in Japan is not a story line that i'm used to in movies. Despite not being a Leto fan due to Suicide Squad, I gave it a shot.

What I found is that Nick's character (Leto) is extremely underdeveloped and ends up coming across as a detached psychopath. It took an enormous amount of time for his backstory to come to light. The backstory itself was very short and uninformative. Basically it takes 90 or so minutes to find out he used to be in the army. However, his reasons for starting the movie in jail are never given. There is very little indication of where Nick came from or what he values. This makes it difficult to take any real interest in his character. Most of the movie felt like it was just him glaring at people trying to be intense. Very little is shown about Japanese culture and I felt that this was really a misrepresentation of how the Yakuza operate.
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Great Action/Comedy
20 March 2018
Going in to this movie I have to admit my expectations were low, trailers have a way of doing that to me sometimes. When you feel like you've already seen the whole movie in the trailer, its tough to give it a real chance. After seeing it pop up on Netflix I gave it a shot and i'm glad that I did. Great acting by Reynolds and Jackson - hilarious roles for each of them. The directing was also very good, I felt captivated by the storyline throughout and it certainly wasn't what I was expecting from the trailer. Lots of funny jokes and great action scenes. However, if you cant get over the fact that its pretty "far fetched" (as in this type of stuff doesn't actually happen in real life) then you may have difficulty with this one.
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Southpaw (2015)
New Favourite Boxing Movie
16 March 2018
Lets be honest, there are a number of boxing movies preceeding this one. The entire Rocky series for instance. Because of that, I see that alot of the reviews are touting that this movie feels formulaic. I would agree insofar as there are some cool montage scenes meant to get the viewer fired up. However, the difference here is that the music is much more modern as opposed to 'Eye of the Tiger'. Outside of that, I was thoroughly impressed by the directing and action scenes.

Speaking about the movie as a whole, I was completely floored. McAdams' death was so traumatic that I literally had to stop watching for a few minutes. It is impossible not to feel heartbroken at the grief and anguish Gyllenhaal carries afterwards. As his life is turned upside down, the viewer is left to contemplate how they themselves would cope with the emotional turmoil of having their loved ones violently taken from them. His subsequent self destruction is a fear at the core of every human that has suffered the loss of a bond as strong as love.

Whether you're a boxing fan or not, you will enjoy this movie. Its message reminds us all that no matter what happens, we need to keep fighting for ourselves and our loved ones. For me, Billy Hope has become a new icon of perseverance. Don't be surprised if you find yourself yelling at the TV or physically reacting to certain scenes.

That all having been said. the reason that this movie gets an 8 and not higher is very simple.. McAdams' death was unnecessary. Dont get me wrong, the whole movie is centrifugal around this particular plot development. However, if you review the movie chronologically, you will see that Escobar wanted to fight Hope and the feeling was mutual prior to the ensuing tragedy. 50 Cent (Curtis Jackson) turns down the fight which eventually leads to an altercation wherein Escobar is taunting Hope. All of this makes sense, however the part where Billy's wife gets shot in the altercation does not. Was it intentional? Was it an accident? Was 50 cent in on it? We never even really find out what happens to the shooter. As twisted as it sounds, the movie would be even more compelling if the death was targeted. Given the impact it has on the movie, more details surrounding the reason and aftermath of McAdams' death would have provided more closure.
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Blackfish (2013)
Should be a must watch
10 March 2018
I truly feel that this movie should be a must watch for young adults. It has a ton of educational value on the lives of orcas, as well as some heart-wrenching lessons in human depravity that seemingly have not sunk in for decades.

The documentary tells the story of Sea World and one of its affiliates located in Spain. More specifically, the deaths that were caused by distressed Orcas at these venues. I thought they did an excellent job of chronologically developing the story so that you see how it all began. As a visitor of Marine Land in Niagara Falls, I had no idea that the treatment of these sea creatures was so deplorable. We should be ashamed that the abuse of animals for profit is being allowed to continue and there are some very valuable lessons to be learned here.

Incredible footage will keep you mesmerized. Have watched several times and would do so again.
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Keanu (2016)
Not Their Best Work
10 March 2018
I have to admit that this movie was a bit of a disappointment after seeing a number of the Key and Peele YouTube skits, most of which are pretty good (i.e. Substitute Teacher). Although the movie has a solid premise, none of it felt believable. Due to this I found myself caring very little about the characters, good or bad. Subsequently, the use of dumb humor makes the characters seem unintelligent, which leads to a loss of interest with the story-line. There were a few funny moments but nothing that stood out as hilarious. Seemed like they were trying too hard to be funny by acting ridiculous, rather than by writing quality jokes.
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Sicario (2015)
Can't Wait For The Next One
10 March 2018
The performances made by Benecio Del Toro, Josh Brolin and Emily Blunt are sure to toy with your emotions. This was an amazing depiction of the dire state of affairs in cartel/gang controlled territories where the daily monotony of life is truly unconscionable. The story line examines how law enforcement is engaging with an enemy that is dangerous enough to overthrow the Mexican government. It is made very clear that the boundaries of morality are no longer defined, meaning that the viewer will be left to decide for themselves whether the each of these characters are justified in how the cope with their own plight. Captivating shootouts and shocking realism are constant theme in the movie. Couldn't look away from start to finish and would certainly watch again sometime.
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This movie gives up on itself before you will
10 March 2018
So you take the movies 'Interstellar', 'Sunshine' and 'Final Destination' right?

You put the scripts in a blender.

Then you hire a "multicultural" cast and give each person a few pieces of the script. Answer none of their questions.

Kill off most of the characters by using an invisible force that suddenly disappears halfway through the movie.

Make sure that the lead actress/astronaut on a mission to save the world cries in every single scene she's in. This will project her strength and toughness.

At the very end, show a monster that wasn't visible to anyone on Earth but is also large enough to breach Earths atmosphere on its own.. just by standing up.. over the ocean...
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Game Night (I) (2018)
Just Your Average Comedy
8 March 2018
A feel good comedy should not send you home going 'see but none of that made sense because of this, or this, or this'. There were a number of scenes in the movie that had no purpose other than to serve up a one liner that sometimes landed. Viewers shouldn't have to turn their brains off just to laugh when it seems like you should be laughing.

Wouldnt say it was worth its ticket price. To the people who were kicking their seats laughing and screaming and apparently writing reviews before mine, I have no idea what movie you were watching.
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Stand by the rating I originally gave 6/10
28 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What I find the most interesting thing about this movie is that it's interesting to talk about with other movie critics. It seems that everyone has their own opinion of the movie. I have heard on good authority that the Directors Cut is better than the theatrical version. I have only seen the latter. While there is a strong cast and very well done visual effects, the transitioning of scenes was very confusing and the execution of what they were going for failed miserably. I would argue that multiple scenes with Batman were extremely questionable. For instance, Batman does not "brand" the bad guys that he captures. Also, the "scene" of Batman buying kryptonite in a sort of gangland cartel deal is just plain weird for the genre. I wouldn't necessarily say that this movie is dreadful, but it certainly did not live up to the hype that preceded its premiere. The biggest fault in my eyes was poor writing and directing.
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The Summit (II) (2012)
7/10 Good Depiction of a Harrowing Story
28 February 2018
What I really liked about this movie was that it focused on the true danger of climbing the worlds tallest mountains, moreover the most dangerous, K2. Beautiful imagery has a shock and awe factor similar to what you would experience watching Planet Earth. Some of what you see is truly mesmerizing. For the most part the actors do a great job and it feels as if you're right there on the mountain as they tell their side of the story. The fact that this is based on a true story makes it all the more compelling to watch. Also, its very important to note that the prelogue states "what happened that day remains a mystery even to those who lived to survive the ordeal", meaning the cause of an event may seem unclear and that is because the details around the event are still not fully known.
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Watched a second time, would not recommend
22 February 2018
I first saw this movie as a kid and loved it. I thought it was an action packed thriller with a great cast that I would watch again anytime.. until I did. The second time around was a bit of a shock. I even had to keep telling myself it was made a long time ago, but 2000 really isn't all that long ago. Multiple scenes were so ridiculous that true mountaineers were probably offended watching this. For instance, I kept hearing aboriginal flute music throughout the whole movie when the setting is in Pakistan/China. You could also point out that it says 'Hold Your Breath' on the movie cover, yet that has nothing to do with the movie or mountain climbing. If you're looking for something like Everest or The Summit, this movie is not for you.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
There's No Surprise This Won an Oscar
20 February 2018
This movie is an absolute joy to watch. You'll have difficulty deciding which character you liked the most because they're all so relatable in their own way. Pixar is the best and this movie proves it. Felt very original and was a wicked adventure story with a lot of laughs and insightful moments along the way.
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Finding Dory (2016)
Great Continuation of the Story
20 February 2018
This movie is ultimately the sequel to Finding Nemo as it picks up right where the latter leaves off. Excellent decision to expand on the story line of what has to be one of Pixars most lovable characters. I was slightly disappointed to see them move away from open ocean towards marine life but was also blown away at how well the movie depicted human impact on ocean life. Would watch this movie again anytime!
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Baywatch (2017)
6/10 Better than expected
18 February 2018
I have to give this movie a 6/10 simply because it wasn't trying to be anything greater. I had very little expectations and wasn't watching by choice, nevertheless I thought it had some funny moments and actually enjoyed it. If you're looking for a masterpiece thriller this isn't for you, but if you want to watch something fun to watch with a group of friends this is perfect.
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6/10 Still Worth Watching
9 February 2018
The main reason this movie falls short is that it turns its back on the whole construction aspect of the Lego world. There is a key moment in the movie where Robin is attempting to repair Batmans vehicles and they show absolutely none of it. Robin proceeds to fail miserably. Lego is about building something creative, which this movie was not. Felt more to me like they were trying to use as many Batman plot gimmicks as they could, only this time they're in the 'Lego world' and used cheaply.

Also, could barely tell that Arnett, Cera and Galifianakis were in the movie with the voice dubs, didnt seem like the writing suited them. Better kids movie than a DC/Batman movie. Would still see the next one though if they did one.
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