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Two con-artists, one celebrity, $50,000, the French Riviera: let the games begin!
15 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Lawrence Jameson is the top dog in a small town on the French Riviera ( I know the name but I can't spell it ). He's got it all: sun, sand, sea connections with the police, plenty of rich and naive tourists and best of all, NO competition! Until small-time crook Freddy Benson shows up and begins stealing LAWRENCE'S women! No matter how hard Lawrence tries, Freddy just keeps coming back. Finally they both come to the conclusion that there isn't room for both of them and make a bet to see who can get 50,000 dollars from a woman armed with only their wits and charm. This woman is Miss Janet Colgate, the United States soap queen. The heat is on to see who can outcharm who and who'll get the ultimate prize. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is one of those comedies that will never be forgotten. It's got wit, style, a few laugh out loud moments, an all-star cast and a pinch of romance. It's always a pleasure to watch Martin and Caine try to outwit each other in the game of "possesion." In fact stop reading this! Dash down to your nearest video shop and get it now! This is a comedy that'll make you smile shinier than the Mediterranean Sun.
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Chased by Dinosaurs (2002–2003)
Once we were walking with them. Now they're chasing us
12 May 2006

Tim Haines and Jasper James, creators of Walking with Dinosaurs and Walking with Beasts team up yet again to deliver more prehistoric action. Up until now, all "Walking with" programmes were shot with no people except the narrator. But now a there's a presenter in there interacting with and reacting to the dinosaurs. In these three adventures, animal-enthusiast Nigel Marven travels back to several different points in prehistory. In "The Giant Claw" Nigel visits Late Cretacous Mongolia to find a therizinosaurus, a dinosaur with a claw over two-feet long! In "Land of Giants", he visits South America in the Early Cretacous to watch the biggest meat-eating dinosaur bring down the biggest plant-eating dinosaur! And in the "Sea Monsters" trilogy, Nigel visits seven prehistoric seas, each one deadlier than the last. Along the way he has a lot of memorable - and terrifying! - experiences: running through a nesting-site, waving a red flag like a matador; flying with a flock of pteranodons or riding on the back of a giant archelon turtle. He also meets a collection of nasty and bizarre creatures such as scorpions the size of dogs, dinosaurs with feathers, giganotosaurs ( predatory dinosaurs larger than T-rex ) and megalodon a shark that makes the modern great-white look like a goldfish! The creators put a lot of hard work into this, but the person who worked the hardest was Nigel. He needed to have us believe that he was actually there among dinosaurs. He can certainly put on a frightened face when someone else looks upon him as lunch and a convincing grin when he sees something astounding. He has been up close in personal with nature today so he certainly knows what he's doing. The BBC has come a long way since Walking with Dinosaurs and I hope a lot of people know and appreciate that.
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Big Fat Liar (2002)
The Boy Who Cried Marty Wolf
7 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers

We've all heard the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" legend. But what if the wolf was a person in the modern world. Well it might be something like Big Fat Liar. Fourteen-year-old Jason Sheperd ( Frankie Muniz from "Malcolm in the Middle" ) is always lying to keep himself out of trouble. One day he is pressured to write an English essay, but it winds up in the hands of sleazy film-maker Marty Wolf ( Paul Giamatti ) who plans to turn Jason's story into a Hollywood blockbuster. No one believes Jason when he for once tells the truth and he ends up in summer school. However Jason is determined to prove to his parents the truth and travels to L.A. with his friend Kaylee ( Amanda Bynes ). When Wolf refuses to admit he ripped off his story, Jason plans to make Wolf's life a living hell. B.F.L. is no masterpiece but it's a nice way to spend 90 minutes of you're time. I wished they could've made it a bit longer though and there aren't that much pranks although they are clever enough ( I like the pool-dye the best ). I might not have liked this as much as I do if it weren't for Paul Giamatti. He is simply hilarious in this. If you have 90 minutes to kill try this out. You might just enjoy it.
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Father Ted (1995–1998)
"It's like talking to a wall with a moustache"
4 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers

Father Ted is positively the funniest, most enjoyable, most ENTERTAINING farcical comedy ever. The programme is set on Craggy Island, a lonely island of the western coast of Ireland. There's Fr. Ted the most sane of the lot, Fr. Dougal the "cabbage", Fr. Jack an alcoholic with a foul mouth and Mrs. Doyle who likes making tea and LOVES serving it. Together they all get into a series of misadventures including : holidaying in a caravan the size of a car, protesting against a blasphemous film, being accused of stealing a whistle, being trapped in the house surrounded by old women, riding in a plane doomed for a crash and a whole host of others. One thing that makes FT so good is that it makes the most original jokes. Like the time Ted and Dougal were coaching a football training:

Dougal: Ted did you once say that Jack had a trial with Liverpool? Ted: No. He was ON trial IN Liverpool.

Or when they were being visited by the boring Fr. Stone:

Dougal: You said he wouldn't come again. Ted: I know. But it's like talking to a wall with a moustache.

Or when Ted asked Dougal a very, very, very, VERY good question

Ted: Dougal, how did you ever get into the church? Was it like eat 12 bags of crisps and become a priest?

Sadly, Dermot Morgan ( Ted ) died in 1998 meaning the series could not go on. However Father Ted will continue to make you grin for many years to come. And creator Graham Linehan continued making farcical comedies including "Black Books" and "The IT crowd", so keep you're eyes peeled.
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Stuart Little (1999)
Get the pesticide
4 May 2006
Possible Spoilers

This film stinks! It's boring, unrealistic, unfunny, a waste of talent and cheesy! How can you love this film? Because you're all a bunch of soft-headed morons who will never grow up! This film is fit for babies and babies only! It makes us think there are people who are good both inside and out. Well there aren't. Everyone has a good side and a bad side. And why did they make Hugh Laurie American? He's hilarious when he's British ( especially in 1O1 Dalmations ).At least the cats were funny. Nathan Lane managed to make me grin at least once or twice. You wanna family film?Watch Toy Story, Home Alone or Mousehunt. Now those are family films.At least E.B. White never lived to see this.
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Rat Race (2001)
On your marks, get set, laugh your head of!!!
3 May 2006

Donald Sinclair owns one of the biggest, snazziest casino/hotels in Las Vegas. He plants six unique gold coins in six normal vending machines. The people who win them are : two down-on-their-luck brothers one of whom can't talk properly because of his pierced tongue, a reunited mother and daughter, a referee hated by thousands of Dallas Cowboy fans, a strict lawyer who isn't to mad on gambling, a scruffy Italian immigrant who falls asleep at the most unexpected of times and a dad on holidays with his demanding family. Sinclair informs them that nearly 600 miles away, in Silver City, New Mexico, there's a locker with $ 2,000,000 inside. He gives them each a key to that locker. They all run off to the airport, but when the two brothers pull down the radar tower, they have to go the whole way without planes. The things that follow include monster truck competitions, insane squirrel ladies, dive-bombing helicopters, heart transplants and several hijackings. What they don't know is that Sinclair and his billionaire buddies are betting on who'll get there first. That's why they call it RAT race. I read several reviews for this and there are some people who think this is crap compared to the original Stanley Kramer film. I haven't yet seen it so I don't know how good it is. But no matter how good it is this will always be a masterpiece. It is piled-high with zany characters, belly laughs and an all-star cast. I remember when I first saw this I was guffawing like an idiot. It is also a much better way to spend the time than stupid overly-cheezily family films, Stuart Little to name a few. Well stop listening to me and pop this in to your video machine and see for yourself what you think. Enjoy!
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Best dinosaur documentarie ever
3 May 2006

I got this dino-documentarie on DVD at Christmas 2004. I had longed to see it and was by no means disappointed. The score is memorable ( my

favourites were the "Sauropod" theme song and the "Winters Coming" song ). The effects were dazzling, you could almost believe they were there. You actually learn something too ; Stegosaurs MAY have been able to pump their plates with blood. Female T-Rexes MIGHT have gone on a killing spree before laying their eggs. I know there's a lot of people who thought this was based too much on speculation, but there will always be questions that we can only guess at. And there is a lot of hard-core, undeniable FACT as well. We KNOW that some dinosaurs travelled in herds, we KNOW that Diplodocus swallowed stones to grind up vegetation in their stomaches. Despite this "speculation" the series did extremely well. So well in fact, that it spawned a followup, a prequel and several specials. If you're a dino-fan, then this IS for you. It makes Jurassic Park look small and weedy.
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