22 Reviews
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How did I miss this?
6 February 2024
This is a slow burn movie but the performance is amazing. Everyone truly brings you into a more realistic relationship and experience. Untouched by hollywoods fame, glamor and lies. It's painful on so many levels and makes you actually feel for the characters involved. We all bring our past life into future relationships. The good the bad and most definitely the ugly parts. Relationships are tested to the max and strained in this film. I cannot recall another film that touched on multiple levels like this without some fluff. It's completely raw and unfiltered but a completely finished product that is sure to leave you satisfied.
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Not the House of Usher you want
13 October 2023
Poe's work is quite interesting and engaging if you spend the time actually reading and thinking things over. If you look at more recent works using his material: the pale blue eye, and the raven used the source much better.

There was many ways to use this material though the problem with modernizing written works is if you aren't careful you can lose much of its meaning and intrigue.

This was not the House of Usher I was hoping for. I stayed faithful and watched it through but this series never got off the ground. It's bland in several ways, yet straining in others.

Deciding to use a medical company as the family business in this time was not in my opinion the way to go since Netflix has painkiller, hulu has dopesick, and yet for some reason we needed more? The Ushers are not tied to a pharmaceutical company so there was other avenues to take with this but the band wagon was already rolling with this topic.

Flanagan has some interesting works but whatever he was trying to do here just doesn't work. I'm not entirely sure if the blame can 100% put on him because this is Netflix show. And this company has a history of hits and misses. If it was under HBO banner I'm curious if this wouldn't have turned out different.... Unfortunately some shows could've thrived if they were simply done under a different banner. I could be wrong and this whole thing could fall at Flanagan feet.

For me it's a miss but under a different name it might have been viewed differently.
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One Piece (2023– )
4 September 2023
Having watched a good portion of One Piece anime this show is exactly what you'd hope for! The outrageousness of the anime is truly on display in this live action and you wouldn't want it any other way. My sold issue with this show and it's not even the shows fault but the limited amount of episodes for season 1 is truly disappointing. So many of this new seasons are going to 8 episodes or so which is the companies fault. There are numerous shows that would have benefited so much if they could've had a few more episodes and for a anime show like this it DESERVES to have had more than just 8 to get started. Netflix scored on a perfection live action but burned us on limiting season 1 to only 8 episodes.
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Trying to be a realist
1 April 2023
There are shows that fall very similar in line with this one that have been released within the last 1-2 years. This one shows more promise than others. Better acting and story telling. Ever show has faults and this one has its own. But I binge 5 in a row without losing interest and found myself engaged in what was going on. The show has gone good at changing speed throughout just like life and just like other great shows. Spies, cons, stakes, family, love, and crime wrapped up together can make for great entertainment. I am looking for to finishing off the first season. I don't doubt my review of this show will change.
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Tulsa King (2022– )
YES! Mafia Stallone is what we needed.
25 January 2023
Why hasn't he been a mobster yet? Because Hollywood can't ever see a good thing! Some of the best actors are finding their way to tv streaming because they ain't done and you can see perfect execution over and over. It's about time for Stallone to be in the mafia. Binged the whole season in one setting. I could not get my eyes off this show. Season 2 can't get here fast enough. I only hope this will fuel actors like him to hone in on streaming because this is perfect cord cutting reason to grab a subscription. At 76 Stallone made this look all to easy as if he'd been in the mafia the whole time.
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The Good Fight (2017–2022)
I got stuck in the middle
8 December 2022
First, let me say I've watched/heard over 4,000 movies, tv shows, and podcast.

This show quickly became a super one sided political event. I hate that. But that's show biz. The spin-off was great and does have good themes inside it. But after a while almost every episode has politics in and it was always one sided. Liberals love it, conservatives hate it, while I felt stuck in the middle. I love law, crime, and court shows but was constantly torn by the mud slinging political stories that overshadowed everything. I think they could've done just as well splitting politics or restraining themselves a bit more.

Some great topics are covered but the opinions are one sided and just like the real world everything else is wrong, betrayal, stupid, dumb, dangerous, un-American, etc.

I was hoping to find something close to The Good Wife but this is far from it. However, as someone who feels both parties have went way to far into the outfield I can understand a lot from this and also enjoy a good along of the show itself. I still wish the execution was done different.

Who knows maybe they will do another one with opposing political views?? That would be something that many choose not to do.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
17 January 2021
Not really my type of show but it's alright. I really just watched it because of Danson. I really think a serious political show with him in it would be perfect.
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Not much to say
27 November 2020
Gave it a 4 just because the makeup was so dang amazing! This is what you'd expect in a blockbuster superhero film. But that's about it. Confusing throughout, understandable if you watch many movies but that's not the point. The background in the scenes really screams "low budget" which is usually okay but for this type of film you'd expect something a little different.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
Great Great Great
3 October 2020
Binge this show like no other. Then I heard another few seasons we coming after a long long break. When everyone thought it was over and move on. I recently found these new seasons and man!!! Great! Just like stepping back into the grove of something you have known. The bonus is now you get better graphics.

Great show through and through! I do not think you will be disappointed. "We make monsters up in the world because it's to hard to admit that the real monster is within us"
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
The Music Life Is Not For Everyone
18 July 2020
This film once again proves that the music life can be rough and unforgiving. Sad what he has gone through but so many people have stories filled with heart break, pain, and hurt. However, its how we respond and how much will-power we have that will determine how the story ends. Elton made a choice was better off for it. We all face choices in our life and each path can lead to drastically different outcomes. No matter the hand your dealt or the position you find yourself in. How you play the game with ultimately decide your fate. When you reach rock bottom you can still fight your way back. But remember you don't always have to be at the bottom to finally make that choice.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Perfect Flashback
2 October 2019
Even though I was not born in the 80's. I still do find this series to pay a perfect pitch homage to that era. It just about covers the 80's in a perfect sense for most people. Netflix has down a great job. When a movie company steps back and allows the room needed to be able to pull this off you get a great product. Double thumbs up!
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Poms (2019)
Not for everyone but your missing out!
7 August 2019
I've watched more than 2,000 movies and this one here is good. It keeps the movie simple. It's silly, funny, and an easy watch. No complex storytelling or in depth character creation. However, the movie does a great job at not tanking to a bland film. You got fun, drama, jokes, dancing, and love.

This is a movie I would've watched with my grandmother and would have enjoyed it at any age watching it with her. However, my wife and I watched it at 25 & 23 and both liked this movie. I can pretty much watch any genre and liked this one. Maybe it's not a summer blockbuster, or one you will watch a dozen times over. But nonetheless watch it!

Not only is this a good movie but it also does prove a point and that's to "keep moving" don't grow old and do the same mundane stuff every day till you die. Enjoy life, get out, do something crazy and fun. Enjoy the life you've been given. Enjoy the company around you.
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Wentworth (2013–2021)
Blows Orange Is The New Black Out Of The Park!
3 August 2019
I thought Orange was a great tv show. Very well done with good flow. But let's be honest. Wentworth brings you the truth nitty gritty of a women's prison. This is Orange on drugs and set on fire.

This show is simply amazing! I wasn't so sure I was going to like this. But it's sucks you in and I binge this every single day. The waiting and chomping at the bits for the newest season to release.

The acting, stories, characters, flow, scenes very much done with excellent execution! This show is a true prison show that just about our ranks all others.

I've recommended this show more than I can remember. If you haven't watched then you need to. You will not be disappointed. (P.S: this is not for kids)
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For Honor! For Country! For Family!
18 January 2019
This film is long and dull at moments. But that's not it. This film touched my to the core. My grandfather served, great-grand, and many other members. My brother is a marine. Having him serve has heightened everything for me. This film is nothing short of inspiring on the friendship you build, love of country you have, and ultimately the sacrifice of being a United States Marine. All the actors were terrific! Story was outstanding. A must see film.
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Another Amazing Re-Telling
12 December 2018
It's not often that you have two different companies that tackle the same exact movie less than a decade apart and produce two extraordinary versions. This version is suburb! Love it. Just like the version Disney gave us. It is true that this version is darker. However, it really does make this film a one of a kind. I loved Disney's version but I love this one as well. I cannot speak highly enough of what has been done with this film. Truly outstanding!
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Hope For Us All
29 June 2018
I watch tons of movies, shows, and documentary's. This is one of the best films I've watched. This film is done in a tasteful fashion. This film is nothing but inspiring! Heart touching! And mind opening! This is a MUST WATCH FILM!!! After watching over 2,200 movies there has only been a few that have spoken with such inspirational volune like this film. Please watch it! We get so caught up in big block busters when it's actually these types of films that speak to us on a personal level and actually produce something that can inspire us.
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Not What I Expected From Eastwood
16 June 2018
Clint Eastwood makes amazing movies period! I was excited about this one. And though this movie recounts a true event and highlights the bravery of those men, it's does not fulfill the standard that Eastwood has set with his films. I was disappointed in the movie as a whole. If I had gone into this movie without Eastwood's name attached to this film I might not have been as dissapointed. But this film is packed full of a lot of things that simply just don't need to be in the film to tell this certain story. I can say that after watching over 2,100 movies and shows. So there you go.
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11 June 2018
After having watched over 2,000 movies there have actually only been a few that I've been confused by. Since the start of this movie I was confused. The movie moved way to fast and did not do a good job building the story. The movie was overly rushed and just flat out confusing!
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Just Amazing
6 March 2018
Having watched over 2,000 movies I have to say this one is great. It's not fast paced, high action, or scary. But this film is packed with many great actors and actresses. This film is one of the better detective movies. This film shows how someone struck with tragedy could go to great lengths to find solace and justice. Great performances! Great story! Great film!
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Logan Lucky (2017)
A Fresh Movie
6 March 2018
After watching over 2,200 movies I don't remember any of them being about a Speedway Robbery. This is a fresh idea on an old crime. Good twist and almost like Tatum is a smooth southern criminal.
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6 March 2018
Just to let you know, I have watched over 2,200 movies/shows.

This movie is slow just to let everyone know. But this story is very interesting in how things in a marriage can change when you add or subtract one single variable. This movie is not exciting but it is a good movie to watch once and twice if you didn't get it the first time.
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Cook Off! (2007)
Don't watch
25 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched over 2,000 movies I have seen plenty that were not my cup of tea. Several that were stupid, funny, boring, bland, ect. When this movie ended I kinda wanted to scream at myself for watching the whole thing. The only positive thing in this was the actors did a good job at being clueless, clumsy, and downright dumb. Now if your into a super cheap, ditzy, so stupid it's kinda funny movies than this is probably your kind of movie. However, this was not mine. Glad I only spent $1.00 for this and I'm kinda upset I spent that much on it. P.S: Melissa McCarthy is only in this show for about 5-7mins and this is one of her worst films ever.
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