
30 Reviews
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New in Town (2009)
A first surprising, but ultimately predictable film
12 January 2021
This movie was quite interesting in its premise, or more so it's casting and side characters. Likable Minnesotans, whose job security is in peril ? Not what you would expect from a romantic comedy at first ! The rest of the film does end-up following the stereotypical tropes of its genre, but not without a few chuckles here in there...
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Explorers (1985)
A fun and nostalgic Sci-fi film
25 December 2020
This film is like being in a 12 year-old boy's fever dream. It has crazy-looking aliens, all the tropes of the classic coming-of-age film with the geeks and bullies.. and Ethan Hawk/River Phoenix doing the big-screen debut!
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Charming, harmless romantic comedy.
26 September 2020
This movie is exactly what you would expect it to be, in a good way! It's also lovely to see Rachel Leigh Cook as a leading lady again... and Damon Wayans Jr., who never disappoints!
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Went in with lower-than-low expectations, was pleasantly surprised!
20 September 2020
This movie probably doesn't translate really well in other countries and languages, but it's a true guilty pleasure for French viewers! I wanted to not like this film, mainly because of how popular it was when it came out ... but it had been a while since I laughed so much watching a French film!
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The Beguiled (2017)
Visually stricking, but ultimately lacks in depth
13 September 2020
Sofia Coppola's capacity to create beautiful shots in incredible settings, and capture actors' specific beauty is unquestionable. Finding depth in her characters is a different story. A new take on a old tale, the actors in the Beguiled fail to get us to actually care about any of them and, as a consequence, their fate in the story.
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A well-intentioned telling of a wonderful true story.
31 August 2020
Hilary Swank's performance is this film is almost clipped by the cast of young adults playing alongside her. Whilst the real events and lives which this film is based on are inspiring, the story falls a bit flat at times.
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Project Power (2020)
An exciting premise and cast, ultimately a let down
23 August 2020
Upon hearing about this movie coming out, my hopes were high. The cast and the concept seemed promising. It's not that it was a bad movie, it's just that it had that Netflix feel to it... hard to explain but I would equate it to expecting a full cinematic experience and ending up watching a made-for-TV movie essentially. I will admit that there were some really cool action scenes which almost felt video-game like (talking about the ice-chamber combat scene specifically). The rest of the movie, and especially the main characters arcs felt a bit rushed and could have benefited from more time and focus.
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Le serment des Hitler (2014 TV Movie)
Grasping at straws
19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary lures you in with the promesse of a "pact", but it really looses its focus and vaguely ties it all up in the last few minutes. I understand the fascination with this family's impact on world history but what is the point of finding Hitler's grand grand nephews by second marriage ?
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The coolest cast!
10 March 2020
I always assumed this movie was terrible. Why else would it have gone so under the radar with such a cast?! Now that I've seen it, it's more apparent that the reason this movie isn't more we'll know it because it doesn't seem to know what it is itself. Is it a romantic comedy ? Is it a drama? Are the main characters caricatures of New Yorkers or are they meant to be people the viewers actually relate to? I'm still not quite sure but I had a great time watching Adam Scott play the "ladies man" opposite Jon Hamm playing an early version of Don Draper !
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An unconventional coming of age story
9 March 2020
I real enjoyed this movie. From the incredible ensemble cast and the way each character's arch was developed, to the editing and sound editing which gave incredible depth to a lot of transitional scenes. This story about a young boy growing up in a house full of women and what is refreshing about it is that it is not told solely from his point of view.
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A deeply sad but incomplete film.
4 March 2020
This film tries to portray mental health in a realistic way and manages to do so to some extent. Some of the characters felt out of place and their arcs weren't developed enough, in my opinion. It is clear as you watch the film that was made after a book.
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Swimfan (2002)
A Time capsule of the early 2000s
20 October 2019
Watched this movie recently with my roommates and we honestly had a good time. The nostalgia factor definitely helped as the storyline really doesn't hold up that much but I'd still recommend it for a chill night in we friends. Also whatever happened to that guy? It seems he was everywhere for a hot second and then completely vanished!
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The Babysitter (I) (2017)
A surprisingly good time!
1 October 2019
This movie delivered more than I anticipated! I thought this was going to be one of those teenage horror flicks with terrible casting and no humor... but this reminded me more of something like Zombieland or Dale and Tucker vs Evil! My roommates and I had a really good time watching this... there were a lot of laughs and a few jump scares too!
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Paul Feig's attempt at a thriller à la Gone Girl
29 September 2019
This movie was entertaining and Anna Kendrick is fantastic, as always. The plot line was a little all over the place however. It's as if the writer had try to insert some private jokes here and there but the viewer wasn't actually in on it.
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The Layover (I) (2017)
A disaster for women, everywhere.
24 September 2019
The only redeeming quality this movie has is Alexandra Dadario's suprising ability for comedy and Matt L. Jones' impeccable comedic timing. Everything else about this movie is wrongness . What the hell was William H Macy thinking? This actually upsets me more than his whole involvement in the college scamming scandal!
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Cool plot twists, with an over-the-top ending.
20 September 2019
This movie was surprising in its configuration. A lot of twist and turns but the ultimate shift was the one that lost me. It was unecessary and kinda gross?
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Border (2018)
... What the hell did I just watch?
19 September 2019
This movie is either really beautiful or absolutely revolting. I still haven't decided. Some aspects of it are truly compelling, especially the self-discovery Tina goes through after meeting one of her kind. Other plot lines felt more like unecessary tangents which took away from the main story.
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Newsies (1992)
A young Christian Bale singing and dancing around!
17 September 2019
This moving is a testament to how good of an actor Christian Bale is. The casting director literally picked a Welch actor -who absolutely couldn't sing or dance if his life depended on it- to play the lead character in this disney musical about New York kids unionizing. Amazing.
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An inspiring documentary
15 September 2019
This is a documentary about pushing your limits and never giving up. It follows the lives of untraditional people (at least in the world of sports) for 3 days and really gets you to care about their journey. You root for these people to accomplish this crazy marathon, not because of the marathon in itself, but because of the accomplishment it represents for them!
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Paddleton (2019)
Heartbreaking and yet very understated.
14 September 2019
This movie is about two men grappling with their emotions and heartbreak. And yet, it doesn't fall into "tear-jerker" territory. That's the magic of it. The Duplass brothers have a way of dealing with mondaine, everyday heartbreak without ever overdoing it.
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An awful, completely tone deaf movie
12 September 2019
How on earth was this movie so successful? I get that the main actors are all very attractive but can we talk about the plot ? What's the deal with all the violence ? This movie isn't doing anybody a favor by portraying a girl who drops everybody in her life, as well as her values, to be with the hot, older and violent guy! This movie was a dispointment from beginning to end.
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Locke (2013)
An interesting concept
11 September 2019
This movie, which takes place in its entirety in Ivan Locke's car, is a true acting feat for Tom Hardy. Apart from a few other voices, he is the only actor who appears directly on screen throughout the film. Which is surprising considering how good the cast is! I did feel like the pace of the movie was too slow to my taste, and struggled to stay focused after a while.
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Bette Midler at her funniest!
8 September 2019
This movie has its good moments... which all involve Bette Midler stealing the scene with her impeccable comedic timing! She honestly saved this movie from being a big too sappy and unrealistic to my taste, by making it a good laugh instead.
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An eye-opening doc
7 September 2019
This documentary helped me understand what went down during the 2016 election as well as what those Zukerberg hearings were really about. I wish the filmmakers hadn't spent so much time trying to make the heads of Cambridge Analitica more likeable when really, at their core, they weren't respectable people.
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Boy Erased (2018)
An offbeat story with an important message
6 September 2019
Although the message of this film is important, the rythm of the actual story felt somewhat off to me. I couldn't tell the movie's beginning, from it's middle or end. Joel Egerton is obviously a talented director but I that found his execution of this story did not flow very well. Lucas Hedge and Nicole Kidman give incredible performances.
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