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Dexter: New Blood: Storm of Fuck (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Solid follow up to the premiere
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this episode. I think it was a nice way to open back up after the events that took place in the premiere. The classic Dexter type tension is there along with a few new elements mixed in.

For one, I think Harrison is growing on me. It came as a shock to find out Hannah died. Though I was never a big fan of her character, so it didn't bother me as much on an emotional level. But in terms of the story, it was a surprise reveal. To both Dexter and the audience. The actor also did a fine job, though there were scenes where it felt like he was phoning it in just a bit. Maybe he gets it from Dexter, though, who knows.

Dexter himself, or Jim, is as good as he's ever been. His constant back and forth with Deb is very entertaining but also very interesting. Their whole mind battle is a new take compared to the relationship Harry and Dexter had in the original show, due to Deb's wildly different personality. Jennifer Carpenter is killing it, her chemistry with Michael C. Hall is spot on. Michael C. Hall is also great, portraying a clearly out of practice Dexter who's desperately trying to cover up his tracks. I do like the fact that they don't have him convert back into his old self just yet. He's obviously going to be more clumsy in his craft, since he's gone about 10 years without killing anyone. And judging by the end of the episode, things are most likely to get harder for him.

I also like how we're getting to see a bit more of who the side characters are. Angela in particular got some really good moments in this episode, especially towards the end with her daughter, Aubrey. I'm enjoying her character so far and I'm excited to see where her and Dexter's relationship goes in this season.

I'm also intrigued by the mystery being built up behind who's watching Emily (I think her names Emily) and holding her captive. That one still has me scratching my head. However; I'm confident that Kurt Caldwell has something to do with it.

Speaking of Kurt Caldwell, Clancy Brown makes his first appearance as the character at the end of the episode. He seems to be a well intentioned guy, just trying to look for his son. I can't help but notice, though, is that there seems to be something off about him. It's barely noticeable, but once you catch on, there's no looking away from it. The way his tone is; he just sounds too optimistic and too determined. Maybe he's hiding something? That's how it seems to me anyways.

Overall, an engaging second episode that sets the seeds for at least the next 2 episode. While providing some interesting character work and story progression.

Rating: 8.5/10.
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Dexter: New Blood: Cold Snap (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Solid first episode. Hopefully it continues
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Gotta say, after the way S8 ended, I was not sure how I felt about Dexter coming back. However, this episode has got me intrigued.

It's really interesting to see the place Dexter's in after the events of the original series finale, (granted, they don't exactly give an explanation to how he ends up in the cold state of New York compared to the lumberjack status he had in the final few minutes of the last episode of the original series). His life seems to be calm, steady, and most importantly, kill free. Dexter works at a hunting store, which is sort of fitting. Considering he hasn't killed in 10 years apparently and is trying not to, but is surrounded by weapons meant to kill. He has the urge to try and kill a deer almost every day, but he resists, as it's what Deb would have wanted for him. Deb also happens to appear as his new consciousness, being his guide and voice of reason in the same vein Harry was in the original show.

He also happens to be dating the towns chief of police, Angela Bishop. Who, besides like two other people, is one of the only characters that gets some insightful background. But I don't think that was intentional, I'll have to watch the rest of the show for the other characters who will undoubtedly get more screen time.

The shows new look also is really appealing to me. The cold, vast expanse of the New York State wilderness is a nice contrast to the hot, secluded city of Miami. Not to mention, the movie feel of the show helps differentiate it visually from the original series. The 2.39:1 aspect ratio making it feel unique and giving it a nice, cinematic look.

My least favorite part of the episode was Harrison though. Not that I don't enjoy his presence, if it even is him. I just feel like they could have built up his reveal more over the course of like 2 or 3 episodes. It would have been even more of shock, in my opinion, but I can live with interactions he and Dexter had.

My favorite part of the episode, however, comes at almost the very end. Up till that point, the whole episode had no narration at all. Making it feel, again, very different from the original show. But, it also adds to the purpose of showing Dexter and his fight to resist his former killer instincts. However, when Caldwell, the son of the towns mayor (I could be wrong) decides to shoot the deer Dexter was befriending with the same rifle Dexter sold to him earlier in the episode, he decides to knock him out. With the narration starting back up, he takes him back to his cabin to perform one of his iconic plastic killing rituals, using the fact that he discovered Caldwell killed 5 people in an accident as a reason for his demise. It was a really great scene, and I love how subtle the show is with how and what causes Dexter to snap. Therefore, bringing back Dexter's inner, sinister thoughts that act as narration.

Overall, a solid start to this new show. I'll have to see more in order to get a full opinion on it, but for now I'm glad we're back in the world of Dexter and I can't wait to see where this show goes.

Final rating: 8.6/10.
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Doom Patrol: Vacay Patrol (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
The dance scene
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That's it. That's all I need to say. The scene where everyone is dancing to "Forever Young" represents everything that's special about this show. It's automatically more heartfelt, sincere, joyful, and human than anything Titan's S3 has done so far. This show deserves so much more attention.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Beginning (2021)
Season 6, Episode 16
16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well dang I actually did not the know the amount of damage each of those warheads would cause but Jesus everything in that area is wiped out. This is going to be an interesting setting and fallout for our characters to explore next season. Especially considered 1/3 of the cast was carried away in the helicopter with the CRM troopers. This opens up a potential build up to a meeting with the CRM later down the line in the series maybe in S8 (because I don't think S7 is going to be the last season). Overall, really excited to see how this effects the future of the show. Including our characters and plot (cause Morgan is most likely gonna die from radiation poisoning like Grace is so that's really sad. Unless he is taken to one of the CRM's facilities and they somehow have a way to slow the effects 🤷‍♂️). Great episode with good effects, character moments, and an exciting prospect/set up for next season

Final rating: 9/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: USS Pennsylvania (2021)
Season 6, Episode 15
Nvm this is definitely not good
11 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong I did kinda like this episode. The first 3/4's were really strong and had some memorable moments. The problem lies in with the conclusion. Strand trying to sacrifice Morgan felt really out of nowhere and Morgan again letting the villains live just seems a bit absurd at this point. So overall, the first 75% and the ending of this episode were good but those parts imo didn't make all that much sense considering the circumstances they were under

Final rating: 8.4/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Mother (2021)
Season 6, Episode 14
Well this can't be good...
27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We finally know what Teddy's plan is. And I actually saw a few people predict it a while back. I thought it sounded ludicrous. But now it's official so I was so wrong. It's pretty crazy to see something like a nuke or whatever used in the Walking Dead. Cause I'm sure there haven't been any used since the start of the Outbreak started.

But anyways the episode was a pretty good one. I can't help but be delighted by Teddy's clear insanity and charm. And it was nice to see Alicia get some more screen time for the first time since like the beginning of the season. Almost every scene with her Teddy is surprisingly comical in a way (at least in my eyes) and it was a refreshing change of pace. I also liked that survivors of the Stadium fire finally made another appearance (if not having a rather abrupt end). Also this next bit might be a bit controversial but I actually sympathize with Dakota please don't attack me but I find her character kinda relatable, and I want her to find people she can start a life with. Just wish it wasn't Teddy and his insane group of cultists.

Overall, pretty solid episode with a nice little tease for the last 2 episodes to end the season off on. Hopefully they deliver on this massive threat that they've set up since Ep 1.

Final rating: 8.5/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: J.D. (2021)
Season 6, Episode 13
John Dorie lives on
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this episode compared to last weeks episode. It was really interesting to meet John's estranged father, as well as his surprising connection to Teddy and how that affected his relationship with John. Keith Carradine gave a really good performance and I hope that they keep him on for at least a little while longer than we might expect. His and June's story throughout the episode I felt was the most engaging. And while Dwight's and Sherry's wasn't bad, I still preferred John and June's plotline. It was interesting to hear them mention Negan again though. Overall I'm really glad with what this episode brought to the table regarding some of the characters and I'm intrigued to see where this connection between John and Teddy goes.

Final score: 8.6/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: In Dreams (2021)
Season 6, Episode 12
The harsh truth of reality
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I'll admit this was probably my least favorite episode of the season. Sure it was a semi interesting dream sequence but the fact that it took up half the episode is just kinda baffling to me. And the comparisons between the past and present when presented were mixed at best. So this episode was just kind of a rushed mess. However I will say while this is probably my least favorite episode of the season, it has probably one of my favorite/saddest endings to an episode in Fear's run and maybe even the whole WD universe. The twist that what Grace was seeing was actually her daughters last moments and not her own was just so damn heartbreaking. And it really did crush almost any chance of that future she saw in her dream happening. But that's how reality is sometimes. The future you envision isn't always the one you get and it can hurt really bad. Overall messy, mixed bag with a solid, heart-wrenching ending. I still have no idea what that key's to but I have a guess. Let's just see where this leads.

Final rating: 7/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Holding (2021)
Season 6, Episode 11
Underground is the Beginning
5 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was pretty good. I like how they gave more depth for the side characters in this episode. Especially Wess, which I was surprised that his brother reappeared and gave him some emotional turmoil for his decision to kill him later on. Alicia was also particularly good in this episode, especially the ending with her conversation with Teddy. Overall good episode can't wait to see where this plot line goes.

Final rating: 8.8/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Handle with Care (2021)
Season 6, Episode 10
Daniel's psychology
27 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this episode. I actually liked the narration Daniel gave and how this episode was mostly devoted to his character and his psychology. I really wanna see where his character arc goes, considering there continuing a character arc that started all the way back in S2. I'm happy that they're making Daniel way more important because he's probably one of the best remaining characters on the show. The other thing I'm interesting in is this underground community. I'm excited to see where this threat of the "The End is the Beginning" people goes. Overall solid episode with a great performance by Ruben Blades

Final rating: 8.5/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Things Left to Do (2021)
Season 6, Episode 9
Well damn
19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers

This is probably the most shocking and intense episode of the whole season, besides the premiere. It delivered on almost everything that it set up and after the death of Virginia so quick I wanna see what the future has in store, now that the factions seem to be no longer at war with each other. Overall very great episode and I'm excited to see where this next half of the season goes and if it'll somehow subvert our expectations

Final rating: 9.1/10.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Door (2021)
Season 6, Episode 8
Welp good job. I'm now depressed
12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall this was a very solid return for Fear. Johns character arc was handled beautifully this episode, and I'm so sad he's dead now. He was one of the few remaining characters I loved and to lose him felt like an absolute gut punch. Even though I don't excuse Dakota's actions I can understand why she had to do it. Now it looks like the fight is on agains Morgan and Virginia. I'm really excited to see this next half of S6 and where it goes from here

Final rating: 8.6/10.
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All American: Seasons Pass (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
Good start to hopefully a great season of All American
19 January 2021
An overall good episode. Setting up plot points and drama that'll be explored more and more as the season progresses. While also introducing us back to these characters after a longer than usual break. I'm excited for the rest of the season and what it has in store

Final rating: 8.9/10
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Cobra Kai: Aftermath (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
1 January 2021
This episode imo did a really good job at handling the aftermath of the S2 finale, and how a school and the media would respond to it. The characters were all in their own separate places for the most part and I think the places they are at the moment are fitting, considering where we left off last. This episode is a bit more serious then most but honestly I like that's bit. It shows Cobra Kai isn't just a comedy but a well written drama. The one minor complaint I have is the fact they bring up what we already know multiple times and at one point we just kinda get it. However I did like some of the lines of dialogue and thought some were even a bit meta towards what people were suggesting would happen in the show when it returned

Overall "Aftermath" is a solid pick up from last season and imo it was worth seeing it after the almost 2 year wait. Looking forward to the rest of the season

Final rating: 9/10
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3 words: GIVE ME MORE
23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was not meant to be the mid season finale but due to COVID it was. However the episode did contain a cliffhanger (of sorts) that gives it s bit of that finale feeling. However that does not take away from it being another fantastic episode of this season of Fear. Like other people have been saying I got a Texas Chainsaw Massacre feel from this episode and it made it ten times better. The technical aspect also really helped, with the cinematography being once again outstanding and really engaging. I really liked the character of Ed that was introduced and his backstory was tragic. The walkers he created were really cool in design however, even if it was a bit creepy. Charlie was also not that annoying this time around. In fact I don't think she was at all, which is surprising. She played off of Alicia really well, which she herself got to shine this episode, joined by Ginny's sister Dakota. Dakota is clearly nothing like her sister and I'm glad Morgan decided to take her with them to his place at the end of the episode. The confrontation with strand was really tense in my opinion and after the cliffhanger (of sorts) it's hard to see where his loyalties truly lie.

Overall this was another very good episode of Fear's 6th season. Things seem to be building up to a clash with Morgan, Virginia, Sherry's people, and this mysterious "The End is the Beginning" group. And I for one cannot wait to see where it all leads and how this conflict will end.

Final rating: 9/10
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Hot damn
16 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well Fear in my humble opinion is now 6-0. This was another banger of an episode. For me the standout quality was the cinematography. The scene where June and Virginia are trapped under rubble is beautifully shot and intense as hell throughout the scene. The entire conflict between June and Virginia was handled excellently this episode, with both actresses giving some really great performances, and us possibly glimpsing into another side of Virginia and how she thinks what she's doing is right. I kinda wished she died though. I'm glad to see Luciana again even if her role it very short and brief as well as Wendell and Sarah. John wasn't in it that much either but Garret Dillahunt was great as usual and the ending was real sad and a real emotional choice for John to make. The setting of the oil rig on fire and barrels exploding are probably the most beautiful piece of cinematography in the episode. Just the way that they covered the camera in little bits of oil and dirt was amazing. This season has truly improved vastly in production value and filmmaking.

Overall really good episode in one damn good season of Fear, and I can't wait to see how the mid season finale wraps up this first half to probably one of the best comebacks I have ever seen from a show

Final rating: 8.9/10
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Fear the Walking Dead: Honey (2020)
Season 6, Episode 5
Moving ahead
10 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Fear once again brings another banger in the form of "Honey". That's 5-0 now for fear the walking dead and I think I can't confidently say that I feel like the show is back. The acting is really good this time around, especially on Austin Amelio's part. He does such a good job playing Dwight as does Sherry's actress (forgot her name lol). Lennon James is also really good and I'm glad they seem to be switching up the variety of Morgan's appearances, as this time he appears for the whole second half of the episode rather then the beginning, ending, or both. I hope to see this continue for the last 2 episodes before the mid season break. The action sequence involved Althea's tank truck of sorts was also suprisingly decent on the shows part. It's also really nice that their is a a whole faction of people who want to take down Virginia out there, not to mention that they wear freaky looking masks as disguises. I'm suprised that they put Dwight and Sherry's relationship in a rough spot so quickly, considering they just met, but I feel like that's what it supposed to happen after you haven't seen someone for almost a year. They've changed their ways and are a different person then the one you knew and you would most likely have to except each other for the relationship to work. But here that's not the case and it may not be for a while. But I'm glad that Fear is now driving into morally grey conflicts like the old days and showing two sides to the same coin.

Overall this episode of Fear is probably my least favorite of the 5 so far, but it's still an entertainment ride nonetheless, and Fear is shaping up to have one of its best seasons if it stays like this till the end.

Final rating: 8.7/10
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Key (2020)
Season 6, Episode 4
Excellent outing for the character of John
2 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode for me is on par with the premiere, because it really gives John Dorie the chance to shine. John has honestly been my favorite out of all Fear's new characters and one of the best bottle episodes of TWD universe was Season 4's "Laura" with John and June. And I've wanted to see more of his character in the spotlight. And thankfully this episode delivers with a great performance from the underrated Garret Dillahunt, who plays John flawlessly in every scene he's in. You get a real sense of emotion every time you look at John's face and see the internal struggle he's dealing with. It's honestly amazing. Strand, Janis, Virginia, and Rabbi Jacob also brought there bits of goodness to the episode without taking the focus off of John. Not only that but the plot is also also surprisingly engaging, with misleads and missteps, which ends with the unfortunate death of Janis, who John cared for. I can't wait to see future interactions with John and Strand, which will most likely be less friendly. But I'm glad John got to see June at the end, he deserves it. While Morgan's segments were brief they were good, especially the ending, which has me wondering what that key opens up.

Overall really great episode of FTWD and this might shape up to be one of its best seasons in a while. Idk what they changed at AMC, but they better stick to it for the future

Final rating: 9.2/10
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Fear the Walking Dead: Alaska (2020)
Season 6, Episode 3
Solid outing with a huge reveal
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode I feel like was better than the last. I actually really liked the friendship between Dwight and Al and their chemistry is spot on. The setting for the episode also gives off this weird and eerie feeling because there are no lights and walkers all over the building. Cinematography is once again excellent as well as the makeup for the walkers, which is outstanding. Al's arc in this episode was a standard arc for a character but it worked really well, considering the fact that she gave up the chance to see Isabelle to stay with the people who care about her. I kinda liked the whole group in the building thing, but I feel like it was only because of the sickness part, which gave me some TWD season 4 vibes. I'm also really surprised Sherry popped up at end and I'm really happy for Dwight, considering he practically gave up at that point for trying to find her. Oh and I love how Morgan has now combined his stick and axe together, which I'm pretty sure is a symbolic way of saying he's merged his peace and raged selves. So dope.

Overall another solid episode from Fear S6 and I can't wait for John's episode next week.

Final rating: 8.7/10
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Fear the Walking Dead: Welcome to the Club (2020)
Season 6, Episode 2
I am honestly so impressed
19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whatever this show is doing keep it up please. Everyone is now for the most part really good again as character. Alicia and Strand were more like themselves from the first 3 seasons then they've ever been, which just makes me really happy. Especially with that scene of Strand sacrificing Sanjay to the walkers, which is in line with his character. The writing just somehow got better for everyone, even the antagonists, who now feel like an actual threat and obstacle for our characters. It's not just the writing but the cinematography and directing it all feels so much more grittier then ever before. The action is also miles better then the action in the previous season, even if it was only brief. I love the twist at the end with Virginia revealing her true intentions to Strand. Not sure where that's going but I'm excited to see. And to top that twist off we learn at the end that Daniel, who we have assumed in this episode has now forgotten who he his via head injury, is faking it when he meets up with Morgan. I can't wait to see where that goes and what's next for Daniel and for everyone in general.

Overall, I'm not gonna say this show is back, but if it keeps doing this, then it might just be back

Final rating: 8.5/10
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Wow what an opener
12 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This it probably my favorite Fear episode in forever. It was so good it honestly felt like I was watching the old fear again. Idk if they had a change in the writers or what but damn give me more of this.

First off let me say that the cinematography and color is soooo much better then the last 2 seasons. It now doesn't feel so painful to just look at the screen. It's also pretty dark. I love this phase Morgan is going through. It reminds me a lot of his clear phase except much more focused and determined. And ofc Lennie James as always kills it. Especially with that intense fight with the bounty hunter at the end. I'm also surprised I got to care about the guy he was helping, Issac, and I'm sad he'll never get to meet his daughter. I like how they have elements from the last season sprinkled in there but it also feels very natural and in line with what we're getting. Speaking of natural the dialogue has also really improved and in some of the scenes it's actually quite clever. I'm surprised that I wasn't really bored by a conversation and that I found myself engaged.

Overall this episode is a great return to form for Fear and I'm so excited to see the rest of the season from what things are looking like right now. I'm not gonna jinx myself too much but for the most part I'm excited (also that message Morgan sends at the end for Virginia was so badass)

Final rating: 9.2/10
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The Boys: What I Know (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Well s*it
10 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This finale was insane. I did not expect Becca to go. And that Ryan would be the cause of it. The whole final battle was just intense as hell and I love when Maeve, Kimiko, and Starlight all ganged up on Stormfront like yes girl power 💪. The way Stormfront was killed was so brutal. Homelander I swear is on the brink of just absolutely snapping. I can't wait to see what he'll do in Season 3, as well as the rest of the boys, who by the end have all their chargers dropped and they return to their normal lives. I was surprised when the head of the church of the collected died and that the CIA lady or whatever was responsible. And the fact that Hughie is gonna start working with her is just so insane I'm now scared for him.

Overall this was a more then satisfying ending to a terrific second season of the boys and I'm more then hyped for Season 3.

Final rating: 10/10
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The Boys: Nothing Like It in the World (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
New direction
13 September 2020
I liked the new approach this episode took and how it was not really about advancing the plot forward (though I am curious to see where it goes with certain stuff) and it was more about the characters and their future relationships and obstacles they're gonna have to face during the rest of the season. It's a neat little episode and I'm glad the boys did something like this to prepare us. Though that last scene was weird asf in my opinion

Final rating: 8.7/10
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Holy Hell
6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Man stuff really picking up and this is only the 3rd episode. This is probably my favorite out of the three that were released for a few reasons. One the tension is higher then ever before and that makes for some great stuff on both sides. Two the action was insane and a I swear to god this is one of the most violent shows I've ever seen. And three we get to learn a lot more about some characters including Stormfront who is just as bad as Homelander if not worse and Kimiko and her brother, who sadly dies at the end protecting her. Also Hughie is just going through all right now I can't help but feel bad go the guy. Butcher is as great as ever with the whale ramming probably being the most badass thing he's ever done besides stare down homelander. Homelander is also really great and he's probably lost the little bond he's had with his son so that sucks.

Overall these first 3 episodes have been a really great setup for what is to come and I can't wait for the rest of the season. And this is portably my favorite episode of the show up to this point (also we need more Black Noir)

Final rating: 9.7/10
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The Boys: Proper Preparation and Planning (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
Solid follow up to the premiere
5 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, while not quite as solid as the premiere, still has its moments. Now one of the reasons why it's not as good for me as the premiere is because I feel like Butcher wasn't as good as he could have been, although that scene where he pleads for them to help save his wife made up for that a lot. And because the Deep's storyline was a bit too weird with his imaginative talking gills. Like the CGI for them is cool but I found it to be a bit too cartoonish. However the thought that the gills put in his head about his treatment of women was interesting. But anyways with all that out of the way some of the really good parts of the episode for me was Homelander and his interactions with Becca and her son (his son as well). I found that we got to see a part of him that we haven't seen with anyone else when he opens up slightly to his son. And the scenes with him and Becca were really intense and the actress did a good job on her part showing the fear in her eyes. Another part of the episode that I might have loved even better was the tension between Hughie and Butcher. Now even though I said I didn't think Butcher was as good as he could have been, his little bits with Hughie were standouts and they're friendship is starting to get heated. I can't wait to see where they go. I also really like Annie's bits with Stormfront and A-Train (though I kinda find it convenient that he happened to come to and show up on the show that Annie was on when they asked about him), with Stormfront being a breath of fresh air to Annie as well as A-Train having a close eye on her from afar that might put her in harms way.

Overall not as good as the premiere but still solid enough with building up feuds and having character moments

Final rating: 8.6/10
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