
8 Reviews
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I Care a Lot (2020)
I wanted the supposed protagonist to die.
21 February 2021
Given the current state of healthcare in US, the creators of the movie make a grave error asking viewers to sympathize with an individual that uses the courts to scam elderly patients out of their life savings.

I'm baffled that his movie got made. If it's black comedy, where is the comedy?

Don't let the fact that this movie got nominated for a 'Golden Globe for Pike's performance sway you into thinking this is a quality film. It is compelling, but for all the wrong reasons. I think it was a mistake on Pike's part to take this role. I was grinding my teeth to finish this moral mess.
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Decent production,, ridiculous concept, clumsy script
25 October 2020
I'm often astounded when production companies sink piles of money into "high concept" ideas. I've long thought that the French Revolution would provide excellent source material for a television series. Unfortunately, this show isn't about the French Revolution. Still, the producers have managed to put together a decent team for the scenic and costuming elements of the production, so on that basis alone, I give it a six. The concept, in my humble opinion, is ridiculous, and in a sense, repugnant in that it posits a sort of alternate reasoning behind the peasant uprising in France during the late 18th Century. There is a sort of goofy symbolism behind the illness that turns the blood of aristocrats blue and leads them to kill peasants. Sorry, but why?? On top of the weird concept, the script bungles along with strained love trysts and mildly suspenseful scenes filled with attractive children and adults. Have the casting people never heard of character actors? I hope Netflix didn't spend a bundle on this mess. Don't waste your time.
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Outstanding production, Compelling story, Inner lives of the characters expertly laid bare.
23 October 2020
Top to bottom, scenic design, wardrobe, direction and casting, this is a top notch production. The acting is seamless and the characters embody their roles perfectly.

One couldn't hope for a more original or more compelling story. As you might expect from the title, Chess plays a central role, and the author's use of the game as an extended metaphor shifts in ways both nuanced and explosive. For any thinking person, this series is sure to delight.

In my opinion, strong characterization always provides the best entertainment. The producers of "The Queen's Gambit" tackle the tough task of creating a compelling story from the inner lives of the characters. Granted, they are working from an excellent novel, but oftentimes, attempts to bring works that center around the mental, rather than the physical journey of the central character fail miserably. In this case, the producers deserve the highest praise. If you like thoughtful stories that expose the inner lives of the characters, don't miss this one.

The show, while generally acceptable for children, contains several adult themes, so parental guidance is recommended.
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Fine Production, Thin material for 9 episodes, Well mined story ideas
22 October 2020
American production done in the style of the BBC, with a fine group of actors, most from the UK. The settings and design are stellar. I found the direction to be a bit uneven at times. A narrator appears at random odd moments and the relationships between the characters can seem a bit forced.

Based on Henry James' novella The Turn of the Screw, I found the material to be a bit thin for 9 episodes. Don't watch this expecting an edge of your seat thrill ride. The series is about character development, and if you find the characters engaging, this could provide you with several hours of enjoyment.

This story has been well mined in the past, so don't watch expecting much in the way of surprises. When Henry James published the story in 1898, it thrilled readers, but nowadays the gentle pace won't do much for the Annabelle crowd. If you're looking for something relaxed with a number of well wrought characters, this is perfect for you. Enjoy learning about the characters as the mystery slowly unwinds in a charming setting.

I think this would be appropriate for most children as the action is similar to that found in your average Goosebumps movie, though some parental supervision might be best for children under the age of 10.
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Evil (2019–2024)
Excellent Cast, Interesting "Da-Vinci Code"- like elements, Network restrictions.
21 October 2020
The producers of the show have put together a first rate cast. Katja Herbers and Mike Coulter work seamlessly in the lead roles and both lead characters seem intelligent and confident. Coulter especially provides a great presence as a non-ordained Catholic Priest walking the line between heaven and hell. The supporting actors, especially Michael Emerson as the enigmatic Leland Townsend, and Aasif Mandvi give the show a good shot of much needed character. Herber's daughters provide delightful moments of humor and suspense in the early episodes. I'm not sure why, but the writers seemed to find fewer opportunities to include the charming group in later episodes.

At times the show devolves into the somewhat tedious, Dan Brown-like world of the procedural, and might leaves some viewers wishing for more spooky tunnels and nerve jangling beasties, and fewer ancient diagrams, symbols, and raised eyebrows. Still, overall, the plot develops smoothly and the art work and design elements are all top notch. if you're looking for some late night viewing this is just scary enough to engage your senses without leaving your nerves jangling half the night, this is perfect.

Finally, on perhaps a more personal note, I kept hoping for a few more thrills. Almost across the board, the characters are likeable, but, perhaps because of the restrictions of network television, the threats to their well being seem a bit muted. The bad guys aren't that terrifying, and the good guys don't often seem to face imminent danger. Though I can't say how they might do it exactly, the producers might consider surprising us with a few more shocks.

So overall, the show works well with strong acting and production, but don't expect too much in terms of grisly thrills or hair-raising action. For most families, I would restrict viewing for children under 13.
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Bad Education (2019)
Interesting script and outstanding performances
21 October 2020
Firstly, kudos to the casting director. The actors all fit nicely into their roles, top to bottom.

The movie itself explores the double standards we place on educators in our society. This is much more than a simple tale of embezzlement. The lead character excels at his position by doing all of the things that corporate executives do as a matter of course.

I won't list the ways that the author of the story illustrates the double standard between the private business world and public educators, but trust me, if you view the movie in that light, you may begin to see why our public schools are destined to fail. Behavior that is laudatory and commonplace in the private business world is deemed unacceptable for public servants.

Judge for yourself the fairness of the author's observations, but the movie is far more than an examination of a simple case of embezzlement. The movie goes right to the core of how our system dehumanizes and undervalues public service.
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Disjointed (2017–2018)
Live studio audience
26 August 2017
I love Kathy Bates. I should get that out of the way right at the start. She always seems to become the character she is playing, and this is no exception. The series starts a little slowly. The stoned laughter at every corny joke from the studio audience makes the show feel a little dated, and at first, the zany cuts to SNL style commercial parodies and animated weirdness can seem a little... well... disjointed. After a couple of episodes; however, the cast comes into focus, and the live sativa, and Grape Ape interludes seep into your brain and you start laughing. This is creeper weed for sure. By the fourth episode, you are surprised to find these characters have dimensions. The ensemble cast is a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed Gulf War Vet/Security Guard Tone Bell Carter, Guru/Grower Dougie Baldwin, and conflicted Asian Hippie Girl Jessica Lu, but the real center is Bates, who never rings false as a hippie pot seller hen always ready to offer a protective wing to her flock. Stick with this one past the goofy laughter from the studio audience and you'll be hooked by the third or fourth episode.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Script Doctor-itis
23 August 2017
The show begins with a compelling premise, but seems to bog down mid-season as the writers layer on the misfortunes for the central character. At times, I had the distinct feeling that script doctoring had led to some very contrived ideas to increase the odds against Bateman, particularly in relation to the local drug lords and their bizarre relationship with the local preacher. I felt compelled to watch it through to season's end, but felt annoyed by the conclusion.

Bateman is excellent, but some of the other characters, again, seem the work of an over- zealous script doctor. All that said, I think the show, to its credit, bears some similarity to Breaking Bad. One of the most compelling and satisfying parts of that show was the way the central character, an innocent man surrounded by crooks, began to dominate the low-lifes around him. Let's hope the over zealous script doctors of Ozark stop looking for ways to abuse their main characters and find many more ways for Bateman to serve up some humble pie.
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