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Resident Evil (2022)
Ignore the bad reviews
21 July 2022
I rated it a 10, and ok, it's not a 10 really. But it is a solid 7.5. (I upped my rating just to offset the completely inaccurate 1 star reviews). And yes, I am a fan of the RE ouvre. I'm only 4 epis in, but this is a quality show - the acting is excellent, it looks good stylistically as well, and I'm really enjoying it. I can't imagine how immature a person would have to be to watch this show and call it "bad", who even are these people? Hardcore fans they may well be, but those calling it bad are also hardcore fans that can't recognize good tv when they see it. Come on people. I saw one reviewer even call it a "teen show", LOLOL my god, no, this isn't Riverdale. I'm enjoying it very much, and I think a lot of people would agree - if they can get past the barrage of hate from the ignorant "fans". I consider myself a hardcore fan, of the movies in particular, and I love this new show. TRY IT!! See for yourself.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
It's a 5
16 July 2022
Despite the hate, this is not a "bad" movie (though it likely helps that Persuasion is the only Austen book I haven't read). I definitely see what bothers fans of the book, but for anyone else this is a likeable enough film; not particularly memorable, but not a bad way to pass an afternoon. I'm not a fan of Dakota Johnson per se, but she was fine, and Cosmo Jarvis was quite likeable. This is enjoyable enough for what it is, but not a film I would rewatch (and the best Austen adaptations are VERY rewatchable).
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Looking good!!
16 May 2022
I'm a huge fan of the book (but unfortunately not a fan of the movie). This is the show I hoped to see. The chemistry between the two is very good; the casting is solid. There are some changes to the book but they're fine, nothing too major. This story is not going to be for everyone - the same people who found the book to be "too hard" or "too confusing" to read are likely the same prudes that "aren't comfortable with the subject matter" of this version. That said, many fans will love this. This is the adaptation that the book deserved, it is far superior to the insipid movie. I think most true fans will enjoy this very much, I for one can't wait to see more!! Great start, it's a 9/10 for me.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Delicious first episode
30 January 2022
If there's one thing the world needs more of, it's TV by Julian Fellowes. The Gilded Age has its own distinctive style, but it certainly has the Fellowes trademarks - a large and charming group of actors, a beautiful historical back drop, and differing castes interacting in fascinating ways. It feels fresh yet familiar, and I easily became interested in the struggles of these characters after only one episode. Yes, it's somewhat subtle, and I don't doubt that it will go over the heads of a certain subset of viewers. I will definitely be watching this season, I'm looking forward to more already.
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How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
Enjoyable on its own merits
27 January 2022
It's not as good as HIMYM, but it's certainly not bad. And frankly Hilary Duff's Sophie is FAR more likeable than Ted ever was; it was always the supporting cast that I *really* loved about HIMYM. The 3rd episode was the best so far, so I do have hope that it will continue to improve -but even if it doesn't, it's a pleasant and easy to enjoy show, and I'd like to see where it goes.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Another home run from Flanagan
27 September 2021
If you enjoyed Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor, you'll likely love this. I don't find Flanagan's "horror" to be especially frightening; instead I think he tells beautifully haunting stories that are more about human emotions and frailties. This is another one of his beautifully made stories. It is subtle, and a bit slow paced, but the well drawn characters pull you in, and it builds to a great ending. Strongly recommended and I truly can't wait to see what Flanagan does next!
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Grey's Anatomy: Look Up Child (2021)
Season 17, Episode 14
Objectively boring episode, all politics aside
8 May 2021
I'm not one of those Neanderthal snowflakes who get upset about the politics mentioned in the show, but I do have to say that this episode is pretty objectively boring. This one storyline easily could've been part of a larger episode; nice little reveal at the end from April, but otherwise total snoozer.
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Losing Alice (2020)
A hint to the people giving low ratings:
27 February 2021
Stick to Adam Sandler movies, leave the good stuff to people who understand it. This is definitely the good stuff; intense, with superb acting and directing, Losing Alice is the total package. It does give off Lynchian vibes and in the best way - it's not nonsensical and never too meandering, it's a tightly plotted and complete story. There are multiple unforgettable scenes and I know I'll be replaying them in my mind for months to come; in short, this is an amazing show.
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The Gift (2000)
Doesn't hold up with time
25 January 2021
Just watched this for the first time, and maybe it was "great" 30 years ago, but it certainly isn't now! The cast itself actually is good/bordering on great, and the actors do their best with the material, but the material is the issue. The story itself is trite, the murder is easily solvable, and the "surprise" at the end made me actually laugh out loud (I'm assuming that was *not* the response the director hoped to elicit). Bonus points for Blanchett's "tarot cards" coming straight out of Ghostbusters, though (wish I could attach a pic, they're hilarious - not actual tarot cards, they're legit cards with pics of just squiggly lines, stars, circles etc).
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
The real deal
20 January 2021
This is good stuff, people. Excellent cast with excellent chemistry, you will literally like EVERYONE. The writing is perfect, it's funny from episode one all the way through but not just funny; it's got heart too. Give it a try, you won't regret it.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Deeply engrossing and well worth your time
13 January 2021
I'm writing this review some months after finishing this show, but it is still clearly on my mind. This show is a bit of a tough nut to crack - it is confusing at first, somewhat difficult to follow with the time jumps and the cast (who all look similar to each other!). Add in the fact that it's not in English and you're compounding the difficulty to get into the show (at least for English speaking persons such as myself ;) That being said - it's all worth it. Dark is a wonderful tale, you slowly put the pieces together and complete the puzzle; it also has what is generally regarded as a very well done finale. I would advise viewers to find a recap blog and follow along with each epi, it will help with the general confusion until you get the characters down. This is a must see for true sci-fi fans, truly one of my all time favorite shows.
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The Stand (2020–2021)
9 January 2021
I mean I could go into excruciating detail (as a fan who has read the book 20 times and enjoyed the older miniseries somewhat) - or you could just trust me. The source material is fantastic and the cast is basically solid (a few I'm not thrilled with but overall ok) - the clear failure is the script. A real shame, this could've been great!! **Edit** - I was worried my review was a bit harsh up until I watched the latest epi (#5); turns out I may not have been harsh enough. I've decided not to bother continuing, what the writers did to some of these characters (looking at you Lloyd!) has to be legit trolling on their parts.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Season 4 is better than ever!
18 November 2020
If you didn't hate Charles before this, you certainly will now! Addictive and mesmerizing show, just gets better and better!!
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I See You (II) (2019)
The high ratings are bizarre...
27 October 2020
This one is a bit of a snoozer, never really scary and overly long with few characters (if any) worth caring about. I could see it appealing to people who are easily frightened and don't require much to entertain them.
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Swallow (I) (2019)
19 October 2020
Intense, moving, extremely well acted. The subject matter will turn off certain people, which is a shame, because this one is worth the watch.
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Excellent, ignore the reviews from rubes
11 October 2020
The "reviewers" who don't like this season are likely the same people who think Billy Madison is the height of cinema. Yes, it's not as scary as season one, but the story itself is more compelling and really quite beautiful. I enjoyed it every bit as much as season one and actually probably more so - if you're looking for cheap horror thrills and have a short attention span, look elsewhere. Excellent acting (even from the children, which can be difficult!), wonderful plot, couldn't stop watching until I got through it all!!
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Solid 7, not for misogynists
8 October 2020
If you're a misogynist (or just dumb), you likely won't enjoy this. It's a very well made film though, quite solid acting. The pacing is slowish but I was always intrigued.

That said, it will have its detractors, which are likely based not on the quality of the film but more on the subject matter, which will "offend" a certain type (mostly men, thought sadly females aren't immune!). These are the people who can't grasp the importance of films like this and the issues they spotlight, much less actually enjoy the delivery of the material.

To sum up: if you're not a misogynist dumb dumb, and you enjoy a more elevated film with something important to say, then give it a try! It can be hard to watch though, be prepared for a lot of (semi spoiler) violence against women.
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It's what will happen if dumb dumbs gain control.
7 March 2020
Yes, it's what will happen if stupidity, short sidedness, and greed win out. Unless we're very careful, this is coming. Extreme right wingers are mad because it makes them look bad - that's because they are bad. This show examines what happens when the extreme right and the extreme left take control, and it should be a lesson to us all about moderation, compassion, and morality. It's absolutely worth the watch, but the very last epi meanders a bit - even so I give it a solid 8+ rating. Please people, don't elect shallow unqualified idiots. It's literally damaging the entire world.
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Future Man (2017–2020)
Not for dumb dumbs!
1 March 2020
This is a solid little show. I was very pleasantly surprised by just how good it is; the negative reviews are all from people who clearly don't appreciate how clever it actually is. I'm a huge fan of time travel fiction, and this is just the right blend of sci fi meets comedy...give it a go. It took me about 3-4 epis to get hooked but then I was in, and season two was even better than one, imo!! The characters get better and better, you just need to give them a chance to grow on you!! Enjoyable stuff. **Edited to add: I wrote this review before season 3 came out. I just wanted to add that season three continued the tradition of excellency; I'm upping my overall rating from an 8 to a 9, and may I add that this show is well worth a rewatch!!
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The Witcher (2019– )
Tips on how to enjoy the show, from a Witcher newbie who loved it!
17 January 2020
NO spoilers: This show is a barrel of fun!! For someone like me, who knew nothing of The Witcher going in, it's confusing at first because there are a multitude of characters to learn, and they all have typical nonsensical fantasy names, but I suggest these tips to help you get into the show: 1) watch with the subtitles on! It helps you grasp the characters, place names, and makes the various accents easier to figure out; 2) find a Witcher "primer" on the internet, you can figure out who these characters are with minimal spoilers and it will help you ease into the show without feeling lost; 3) find a reviewer's blog and read along with the epi recaps so you really grasp everything! (Alternatively, watch the epis and then read the blog just to make sure you grasped everything). I suggest the one at PCgamer, it was helpful.

Also, keep in mind that the plot is non linear so things are happening out of sequence - once you get the characters down this is easy enough to follow along with. This show is worth the minimal effort it takes for a noob to get invested, I'm thrilled there will be a season two!!
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Time Trap (2017)
It's pretty ridiculous.
10 November 2019
I like to think that this movie is what you'd get if a creative 12 year old wrote a take on "time travel" and convinced a rich relative to actually make the film. It wasn't so bad that I couldn't sit through it, but it was close. As the title says, y'all: it's pretty ridiculous.
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Into the Dark: Pure (2019)
Season 1, Episode 12
Not bad for watching while you play on your phone.
7 September 2019
Actually better than I expected- it's not actually "scary", and the message is a bit heavy handed (though enjoyable enough), but the cast is decent and that probably elevates it a bit. Not a bad way to pass an afternoon, and I'd rate this one better than most of the Into the Dark movies I've seen.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
The only comfort
20 May 2019
Is that at least the majority of fans think it was as terrible as I thought it was - it will go down in history as one of the top 10 worst finale epis EVER. SO BAD.
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Us (II) (2019)
Let me break the news...
27 March 2019
For those of you that didn't like this film: you're just not that bright, sorry :( It's creative and brilliant with excellent casting, looking forward to more from Peele.
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The OA (2016–2019)
A rare jewel of a show
27 March 2019
Try to go into it knowing as little as possible, and just go with it. Know that unlike shows like Lost, The OA isn't just fake razzle dazzle and cheap stunts - it's going somewhere. Season two is the proof of that; it was a stunning follow up and actually even better than season 1 - and my expectations were quite high. The creators have always had a 5 season story arc in mind, and after seeing S2 my faith is stronger than ever. Do yourself a favor and watch this show.
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