
221 Reviews
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Challengers (2024)
Good music but that's really about it
29 May 2024
This film is all style with little substance. I will admit in the first 20 min we almost turned it off but once it got going we stayed with it thinking there was hope. Unfortunately towards the end we couldn't wait for it to end. That was the main issue was the story didn't really go anywhere that was interesting and the fact it supposedly spanned over 13 years, they never really address a lot that would make it more interesting. One issue with time jumps was none of the actors ever look different and the jumps happen way too often. Story would have been stronger without most of them. Just tell the dang story how it happened more in order and it would have been stronger.

This movie also has a lot of hype because Zendaya in it and she's popular at the moment. For those that are in the Zendaya trance at the moment, when the blinders finally come off, revisit this film in 5-10 years and you'll laugh at how bad it is.
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Disappointed how bad it was.
23 May 2024
I love violent cheesy action movies but this just didn't work for me. I don't why but it felt like it thought it was more funny than it truly was. Like I said I love bad action movies but this was just a drag to watch. I don't know, I lost interest fast. The story started out interesting but even that became a bore. The little sister thing got old fast too. Overall, I would have been very upset if I paid to see it in the theater. It looks and feels like some random Netflix movie you might put on at some point. Some of the action scenes are awesome but at the same time some seem to be ruined by the editing and directing.

Last but not least while I did not have high hopes to begin with, this mess really lowers the crow remake expectations lol.
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Could be one episode and avoid the fraud youtube couple
20 May 2024
Sometimes Netflix gets documentaries right but many times they over indulge and make them way longer than they need to. This documentary not only over stays its welcome but focuses a little too much on a YouTube couple that have been known for faking content for views, such as pregnancies, miscarriages, etc. That alone ruins what the actual point of this documentary is suppose to be about. Really could have made a one hour episode and stuck to actual facts and maybe go into more detail with what information was actually leaked. The hackers hired by Ashley Madison should have been in it longer as well. Overall it sucked.
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For the diehards
6 March 2024
I am not much of a walking dead fan as I gave up on the original series not long after the prison stuff. I did try the first couple of spinoffs but didn't make it that far. I don't know why I would try this but I did and know I'll probably get hated on but this series is basically the same soap opera with zombie stuff. I'm sure walking dead fans will eat this series up and judging by all the 10/10 reviews it appears so. I don't see it making much of an impact on new audiences though but milk it while you can if you're still making money right? Lol.

I probably give episode 3 a shot to see if I'll continue but I have my doubts.
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Another dragged out Netflix conspiracy
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series could have been made into a film instead of a long dragged out series cause there's very little factual evidence. In the end there isn't really a resolution so that was a letdown as well Yes, it's an interesting story and I did like some of it but this doesn't do any justice. You could argue it brings attention to the situation but it's all over the place.

It follows the classic Netflix formula of going off the deep end of speculation by episode 3 leaving the gullible viewers to eat it up as factual. Watching from a non biased perspective this series really only shows how conspiracy theories can be damaging. It also only shows one side of the story. Tin foil hat people and those who are certain the government does this stuff on a regular basis will believe this series no matter what but I just think to prove it's real over a 4 hour series you would back up your claims with more instead of he said she said stuff.
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A forgettable letdown
29 February 2024
While I didn't expect anything amazing, I did like the first one so I was hoping this movie would be at least the same level. Unfortunately I found it kinda boring and was surprised how little seemed to happen in the storyline. It kinda jumps around a lot and characters lack any sort of chemistry or depth. If you really wanted to dissect it, it leaves open too many unanswered questions and not in a good way. I don't see how there could be a third movie at this point, but Netflix does invest in a lot of crappy things these days lol. On a positive note I will say it's "watchable" meaning I didn't turn it off like a lot of Netflix movies but staying focused on it was difficult.
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Felicity (1998–2002)
Series that grows on you even if you hate the main characters
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Never watched this when it was on but decided to watch it on Hulu. It took a bit but ended up enjoying it even though a lot of it is annoying at times. I attended college at NYU around the time this series takes place and it's funny what is incredibly wrong and what is scary accurate compared to my experience anyways here's the problem... Felicity sucks. You learn this early on but get over it knowing she's just gonna suck and never change. Noel is the loser friendzone who has many faults himself that are extremely annoying and pathetic. Although it would make more sense for him to end up with felicity... but no they go with the worst character imaginable... Ben. He sucks always has yet everyone likes him. Why? He is whiny, always mad, and whispers when he does talk with no personality. He seems like the type that would probably start beating up felicity in the near future. The side characters are the best part and keep your interest. Except Julie she was just a female Ben.

Show is worth a watch if you're into stupid drama stuff for younger adults. Don't expect the best show ever but it's a good time waster.
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From (2022– )
Starts out great and then kinda drags
3 May 2023
I loved the first 3-4 episodes of this show and was totally hooked telling people to watch. But then the excitement began to fade and part of that can be attributed to the need for some backstory, filler, yadda yadda yadda. But when 3 episodes pass and it never got dark it was kinda lame and kinda boring at times. I'm still watching it but I'm not as sold as I was at first. I do worry that this show may end up being some kinda weird unexplainable plot mess like Lost or may just present a major plot twist like that movie Identity. I really hope that this show isn't really just in someone head imagining it, but who knows. It's still early. For now I'll keep watching. Just hope it gets more engaging again.
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Another documentary hijacked by conspiracy crap
13 March 2023
I swear 9 out of 10 documentaries on Netflix follow the basic outline of:

1. Being way too long and could really be condensed into 90-120 min.

2. Start out ok but eventually drift into the unknown so they theorize what may have happened.

3. By the 3rd episode the conspiracy theories take precedence to what the actual documentary is about.

This story is a sad incident and it sucks that this documentary took this classic Netflix turn and got hijacked by that dude that talked way too much. Seriously, did they run out of people to interview? Instead you gave most of the screen time to the guy that suggested Russians hatched some elaborate scheme to bury a Russian invasion from the media? Wtf! Haha. I'm sorry but I really wanted to see this as the real story was odd but this was bad all around.
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Will Trent (2023– )
Started good became generic
27 January 2023
I didn't read the novels so I can't comment on the adaption. What I can say is the show started out good and caught my attention wanting more. Then episode three hit and that's when I started to notice it's basically a generic ABC comedy detective show and too cliché with the super smart detective that's different and strong cast of support staff. I dunno it just seems like it's becoming the same cookie cutter show that isn't different and only certain audiences that love that crap will tune in. It's kind of like what happened to the Rookie. Started strong but became blah and repeat garbage and this show seems like it gonna head that way soon. Maybe I'm wrong cause it's early but there's too many signs I'm right. Either way I don't plan on watching the rest of the season.
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Ginny & Georgia: I'm No Cinderella (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Dumb cliff hanger
11 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While Ginny has been an annoying diva brat for most of the show and I was glad they toned that down a lil bit... well at the end of the season. Her friends are still annoying. Not much to complain about that hasn't been said since the beginning. Don't think there's much hope there. The cliche I'm depressed yet different good looking boyfriend act got old fast. His character is kinda just boring and blah but get how viewers could "relate" to his problems cause that's a Netflix thing to put in.

Georgias storyline is still best part but the private investigator storyline is getting old. How did she get arrested for murder? Where is the evidence? I know most of this show is far from real life but that was just sloppy writing to make a cliff hanger for next season. I bet some bs will immediately let her off the hook and they will move on from that... hopefully. Why do I torture myself with crappy shows?
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Ginny & Georgia: Welcome Back, Bitches! (2023)
Season 2, Episode 1
Ginny sucks and ruins everything
9 January 2023
Seriously she is such a whiny brat. This show would be better if they toned her diva ways down or focused more on Georgia who's storyline is actually interesting. The teen super diva side of the show is just unbearable at this point. Oh no my twin brother and best friend are in love how terrible Haha. Act like it's the worst thing to happen in their lives, meanwhile Georgia is actually doing/done crazy stuff that they keep hinting at but not telling us.

Another thing about this show is how simple many of the problems could be solved or worked out in a more entertaining way is if they just said what the F is wrong and then work on it.

I'm impressed how the kids didn't age that much in two years. Thought it might be noticeable.
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The Recruit (2022– )
A watchable Netflix spy trash filler
22 December 2022
If you like your spy shows to be realistic, smart, action packed well this isn't for you. Now I watch a lot of dumb stuff and while this show has many flaws I did finish it. It was a great time waster. The first episode was really bad and didn't think I would continue. The main character's lack of knowledge of what his job entails does get real old fast and if this show somehow survives a second season I really hope they calm down on that. Also the roommates involvement with his job and the storylines that come from that need to stop. Actually most of the side characters suck with the constant cut throat approach. Nothing about this show is believable haha. By New Years I will completely forget this show exists.
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Show is so bad on all levels that it's insulting
13 December 2022
This is a remake of another show correct? Why is it written so badly? The premise sounded interesting so thought I would try it out. Major problems from the beginning is the characters are not interesting and some how live like they are rich, and do not act like operators at all. Quite frankly it is kind of insulting how bad it is haha.

Episode 2 did raise interest in the show as the action was good but as the show goes on the military aspect gets so stupid. Even the "delta" guys look bad. Then we get to episode 4 where it's so pointless you wonder how the hell did the show get made. This is where I quit it altogether and had to rant.
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Tries too hard. Easier to forget it.
12 December 2022
Pros- good cast, premise, and amazing soundtrack. Does have some moments of interests.

Cons- tries to be too artsy and it ruins the flow of the story. Seriously for what is supposedly happening in the storyline it's not that interesting on how they show it. Almost seems like certain scenes are gonna break into a musical. Also the chemistry between some of the characters is lacking and seems rushed. How is the total dork immediately accepted by the hot girl and bad boy? How do you make a boring movie from the this premise? Who is the intended audience?

If it wasn't for "certain" actors in this film I believe it would have lower a rating so don't be misguided on that. It's forgettable.
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From Scratch (2022)
Dunno what you're really in for until episode 4
4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer and episode 1 give the wrong impression of what this show is and what's going to happen, so if you make it past that you'll learn quickly it's not another Netflix series about an American girl trying find herself in a foreign country and ends up in some dumb love triangle...

Episode 2-3 got me actually interested in the show and thought so that's why they casted Zoe cause she can act. I was worried her talents would be wasted after episode 1. Unfortunately what I got between these episodes wouldn't last long because the real story comes next.

Episode 4. Tension of the story is setting in and predicting where it's heading is about to throw you off. Immediately once they hint a doctor visit is needed I was worried where this story was headed. Turns out my worries were right. It's sucks because I immediately knew what I hoped would happen in the story probably won't and to be honest lost interest.

Hate this review all you want but going into this show blind ended up backfiring cause I wouldn't have wasted my time knowing it's going to turn into another sad cancer journey. If that's your thing cool this probably one of the better ones and go cry away. I just really wanted to see what could become of the story we saw in episode 2-3. To be honest I didn't finish the show. I got far enough in that I knew what would happen and later got it confirmed. So if super sad story is your thing then this is perfect for you.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Not great. Read about the real story instead
14 October 2022
This show gives off the wrong impression that it's based on a true story. The truth of a real crazy story involving a house watcher does exists, and this show simply steals the basic concept of it. That's it. There is plenty of info you can find about the real story and believe me it's more interesting than this crap.

Ok true story bs aside, for a show, this series is kinda dragged out. It could have been shortened and condensed into a movie or less episodes. It's also lame how they instantly make every outsider a possible candidate for the watcher based on their demeanor, cause they really over do it lol. By episode 4 the entire series becomes a train wreck. What a let down. Maybe Ryan Murphy shouldn't take on so many projects at once lol.

Also should add the daughter character is over the top and the drama storylines she creates are a dumpster fire.
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Human Capital (2019)
No point to this dumpster fire
29 September 2022
Seriously what is the point of this movie? They tell a story from different perspectives then abandon that concept to finish a worthless story that could been said in 5 minutes. When you finally think something good gonna finally happen you find out there is 10 minutes left in the film lol. The acting isn't that bad but you never see any character development. Instead everyone builds up potential then it goes no where. Just like the story, it goes absolutely nowhere and yet somehow crap movies like this get made when. Why? Better yet why would Netflix pay for this crap? They probably got paid by the producers to stream it haha.
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Morbius (2022)
It's better than most mcu movies, you just hate Leto
8 September 2022
I imagine the very low rating has to do more with peoples hate obsession with Jared letos 10 minutes as the joker than the actual movie. It isn't bad especially for an mcu movie. Not saying it's anything special but it's nice that it is a little different, like people actually die like a comic book lol.

It is short for an mcu movie so it feels like it may have been rushed, but I don't think that's a bad thing. If they dragged it out I would have rated it lower.

I say watch it. For the better part of mcu being done and the new stuff lately pretty much sucks, this is actually one of the best. That's the end of my Ted talk so now down vote this lol.
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If you don't take it too serious it's actually entertaining
24 August 2022
Seriously some of these reviews make it sound like people were expecting a coen brothers movie lol. Sure it has flaws but if you just shut up, drop the negative Nancy vibes and watch it, it's entertaining. Of course it's different from the first film cause we already know the twist. They had to make it different or it would be lame.
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Animal Kingdom: Revelation (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Craig is a worthless character
1 August 2022
Seriously after season 3 maybe even 4 they should have ended his character storyline cause it's not interesting and doesn't really add value to the overall story. He is just annoying and whines all the time. However this show is already ridiculously dumb yet entertaining like a bad video game so doesn't really matter now that it's basically over haha.
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Animal Kingdom: Diamonds Are Forever (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
This show cracks me up
14 July 2022
Sucks the show is ending. I always find it hilarious how sometimes the family is unbelievably smart about certain things especially during jobs and avoiding trouble, but then will be incredibly dumb and fall for obvious tricks and stupid loopholes. This show plays like a video game. I love this hot mess haha.
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The Old Man: V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Lost interest
9 July 2022
While I did like the book I think I have reached the point where I may actually finish this series some day when I'm randomly looking through my dvr for something to watch and come across the remaining episodes. But for now I honestly do not care moving forward. After episode 2 it has just gone downhill too much that not even an amazing cast can save it.

I wasn't expecting an action show but this is just not interesting anymore.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Marketed wrong and has flaws like the book, but still good.
9 July 2022
This show had a strong start. I'm sure most audiences loved it as they probably thought this was gonna be an action packed story til the end. The previews make it look like it's gonna be just that and I think that was their first mistake.

The book isn't that long (maybe 300-400 pages) so I knew they would have to make due with the source material and it comes in the form of dialogue not action like most want. The book had flaws of dragging out needless back story and this series seems to kind of follow that, and I'm sure many are not excited about that.

I do like this series. Sure it isn't my favorite but I knew what it was going in. It's not die hard nor Rambo, and I think they marketed it would be. I do not know how or why they would make many more seasons cause at this rate it would get old after awhile if they keep dragging it out at this pace.
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The Bear (2022– )
Chef Lip
25 June 2022
There is a lot of screaming and it gives me ptsd of when I worked in a kitchen, but I did enjoy it. I wouldn't say it's the best show ever but I will keep watching it if they renew it. I will admit I'm a bit lost with some of the story or what they are trying to accomplish but it is entertaining enough to watch.

Also delete the last couple of seasons of shameless and this would have been great storyline for lip haha.
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