
23 Reviews
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Invasion (2021–2024)
The twist is watching
20 August 2022
Who are the invaders?

How do they invade the earth?

The secret is that they made this series and then took over whilst we sat there bored out our minds. The show description says it's thru the eyes of 5 people, in real time. They aren't kidding, it becomes as exercise in restraint to not hit the fast forward button. Even Microsoft Flight Simulator has a time accelerator so you literally don't have to spend 6 hours flying from LAX to JFK. The show moves painfully slow and often fails to reward the viewer with anything meaningful.

Each episode is ~1 hour and you could easily chop 40 min from each and tell a much better story. The problem is, even condensed, the reward isn't worth the investment in this time vampire series.
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The Orville: Shadow Realms (2022)
Season 3, Episode 2
No to Anne Winter
10 June 2022
Average episode that suffers from Anne Winter's wooden acting. Good to see the new season and many of the changes but Winter's character is annoying and adds nothing to the show. Her hero moment Season 3 Episode 1 was poorly written but she delivered a less than average performance in Episode 2. Time to change characters.
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You can't dsregard
18 March 2022
The show continues to believe the judge can tell the jury to disregard and not consider testimony.

It's still a good show and they can take liberties in the court room but some times they go too far. I'd love to see the script be tighter.
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Merlí. Sapere Aude (2019–2021)
Solid Performances reflecting college life at an international university
6 March 2022
This is a 20's something show about life, school, sex, and relationships. While purported to be freshmen, it is clear that many of the 1st year students are likely in their early 20s, some still living at home, others near campus.

The dynamics is centered around love, life, and arousal of a group of philosophy majors. The premise makes for an interesting and broad story as attitudes adjust through the awareness of what they learn. In this youth oriented era, sexuality is loosely defined, breaking down strict barriers between gay and straight. While their are some characters are fall definitely into these roles, the main cast finds the convenience of sex with whomever is closer at the moment of passion, regardless of gender.

The adults play a smaller yet significant role as they deal with the realities of life. As with all people, sometimes the responses are mature and at other times impulsive or conform to long held beliefs. To that end, seeing them as imperfect creates authenticity.

As an American, I do enjoy the European view of Trump, guns, and violence. We so often look at other nations as being dangerous, wreak less, and cesspool of crime, yet ignore the very same, if not larger issues here at home. It is good to look at ourselves through the eyes of others. There is much to learn from the few lines of dialog that addresses Spain's view of the US.

It is interesting that while American TV has all but abolished smoking; as there are proven studies that it has a direct influence on use and acceptance, in Europe it capture as part of the realism of society. I won't deny that I would prefer a smoke-free environment but I am mindful that I am guest invited to watch a show produced outside of my sterile world.

My only complaint with the show is a relatively small scene in the 5th episode. As one of the characters walks through a gay bar, it is seedy, dim, sex is occurring against every bare wall, and drug use is rampant. For a show that tears down stereotypes and provides a refreshing view of human sexuality, that scene fell upon every trope about gay people and what many conservatives believe happens. It was an insult to the LGBT community and I hope the showrunners learn from the error of their ways.

Sans the stumble in episode 5, it is a compelling drama of young people finding their way in life. The fact that many struggle financially also brings greater realism to the characters...a point often missed in US shows. A solid show with much to offer those willing to open their minds and take a meandering but thought provoking ride through the lives of our next generation.
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Law & Order: The Right Thing (2022)
Season 21, Episode 1
Potential, needs reworked
26 February 2022
Jeff Donovan is not the right actor for this role. Not a fan of the way the character was written but how the actor plays role poisons the cast. Hopefully casting will figure it out quickly and change up the primary actors to give it better rhythm.
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One of the worst stories of the series
26 February 2022
The guest actors were terrible and the script was unbelievable. I love the show but this one should should be buried in the ground. I guess that after 500+ episodes, you get a stinker every once in a while.
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Ok movie till the end
17 February 2022
Whatever the director was thinking, it stayed in his head. For the rest of us, we watch a movie that flashes with greatness, shows potential, and leaves us with Meh, whatever.

I enjoyed most of the story, sometimes the main character is a bit frustrating not to learn from his situation, but your drawn into his life and looking at possibilities. Then the director wants to end it all artsy and you're left with "that's it?".
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Not the Scooby Do Gang
5 August 2021
It started kind of interesting and there is certainly a good mystery brewing. The B plot and some of bad guy chase scenes stretch the imagination. Where it takes a wrong turn from meddling kids to violent is giving one of the characters a gun. That's the break in reality and it loses it's fun. That's followed by subtle placement on NRA stickers on the surfers VW van. I'm here to watch a bunch of goofy kids solve mysteries while enjoying life, I don't need to be peached at by some gun nut on their supposed rights. Take out the right wing message and there was a decent show to watch. Too bad it got ruined.
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It tries
31 July 2021
On so many levels it tries to be a great show but ultimately falls victim to a poor script and a few cast members that are dancers, not actors. Miscasting is one of the most damaging aspects of the series.

Many of the plot lines are just ridiculous and the dialog accompany them are painful to hear. There are glimmers of style and the dancers are superb. Like so many dance series before, direct and distance is limited.
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Dating Amber (2020)
Most on the serious side
1 July 2021
Being on the US, I had to wait for what seemed forever to finally purchase it. I thought it was okay 5/10 so average. I was expecting something along the lines of Love, Simon or The Thing abort Harry but this had a much darker tone. The leads were strong but most of other cast were characture that either added humor or darkness but didn't give the storyline that extra punch it needed. Ultimately I was seeking a feel good gay story and this was not that type of movie.
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Great show
4 June 2021
Good intensity, superb storyline, mostly good acting. Depending on where future stories go, this could be a big hit. Conversely there are some tweaks; the tech girl is poorly written. I hate lazy writing where they use some unrealistic super smart person to give them a story out. No offense to the actor but they need to go another direction or back it down.

One other change, the theme music it's terrible. Let's hope season 2 changes the music.
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Jupiter's Legacy: Omnes Pro Uno (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Non- linear story
20 May 2021
I detest shows that try to tell a story in both present time and in flashbacks. If you want to tell a character's backstory, tell the darn thing, don't keep doing 30-120 sec clicks of the past, it's just painful and poor story telling. This episode and about 10 minutes on content and 45 minutes of useless filler. It's an average show at best (5 stars) but this is a trash episode (the Riker flashback episode in STTNG)
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One of the dumbest movies ever made
30 March 2021
This movie started at the bottom and dug a hole. Who knows what the director was going for: comedy, drama, period piece, or romance. Whatever his goal, he failed miserably.

The essence of the movie was a man with mental disabilities finds a mildly wounded German soldier who stays around for reasons that never are made clear (or simply make no sense). Strangely, no one goes looking for the missing soldier so he spends his days hanging with the village idiot. A man who doesn't bathe, sees dead bodies and people in general as violins, violently kills animals (the killing of the rabbit was real, the dog was debatable).

The whole concept never made sense but then again neither does war. Perhaps the director stumbled upon that message, purely by accident. There are two robots and a man in a space station that are missing this movie.
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Utopia Falls (2020)
22 January 2021
So dumb, so very, very dumb. Think of the dance off scene in Guardians of the Galaxy but without the humor, story, plot, or acting.
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Lupin (2021– )
Why not leave it in French
17 January 2021
It's a good series with a lot of potential. Sadly, instead of leaving it in French and providing subtitles, they do voice overs, creating a highly distracting and annoying show that feels out of sync audio wise. I'd welcome watching it again in French w/ subs.
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The Hardy Boys (2020–2023)
Poorly Written
22 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show suffers from weak writing. The actors are ok'ish but lack the experience to turn bland storytelling into anything more than what is printed on the pages before them.

The show is so full of plot holes and continuity issues that it is almost comical. The mother dies early in episode 1 and the father, before they even put dirt on her grave, decides to further traumatize the boys by moving away for the summer. While just a summer break, the house already has a for lease sign. This is a small example of ridiculous writing to advance a storyline to nowhere. As smooth and interactive as the dialog is in Riverdale or Sabrina, none of that exists here. I was excited for the show but what made it to the screen is a sad disappointment. A hard pass
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At the End (2012)
Leave Or Die
21 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I would have left her behind. It was obvious from the beginning she was never committed to leaving the planet.
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The Nightmare (2015)
This movie is a nightmare
14 November 2020
What a piece of crap. The most exciting thing about this movie was watching my cat sleep next to me on the sofa. In whatever Russian country this was filmed in, apparently rave parties happen every night with a teenaged, high schooler going out nightly despite being mentally unstable...which is perfectly okay. These parties are massive events in some dystopian world where you live in huge houses but everything around you is covered in trash and graffiti. For whatever strange reason, the film is grainy and in lots and lots of green. It's also a major plot hole that every time she sees the creature, she steps away to get someone as opposed to stay there till her parents run into the room, take a pic with her cell, or hold on to the creature. Near the end, for editing reasons that make no sense, the film is upside down for ~20 seconds. Finally, like many movies from this region, teen girls are all dressed like they are in a porn film. It's a 7th graders version of ET after smoking their first joint
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Radioflash (2019)
The power is out and the train ran off the tracks
11 October 2020
Other than just a weak story, Dominic Monaghan, typically a good actor plays his character as perpetually stoned, not caring, under paid, or something. His character sees lost and he seems as incompetent playing him.

The teenager in the show is naturally the hero, knowing everything about how to survive in the wilderness despite spending all her time as a top VR gamer and suffering the loss of her mother (occurs at some point before the movie). It's just not plausible in a movie where they aren't asking you to suspend belief
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Meet Up (2017)
Good acting, poor script
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The two actors are solid as are the support crew. Unfortunately the script is beyond unbelievable from the slutty bartender who over serves to the protagonist who blatantly ignores every red flag.

The first test of any script:is it believable? Could I see myself in this situation? Would this be a logical progression? Could you, as a reasonable educated person, walk out of a bar and give a ride to a homeless person? Then buy them papers for weed they don't have, go to a house at 1 am and wake up someone's parents to get the weed he thought was in his backpack? Would you then drive to a drug house for more weed after the dude bummed money for papers and smokes cause not only does he not have the weed promised, but "lost" his wallet. The guy show no sexual interest except to say we'll have a good time later.

It asks too much of the audience. The leap of faith is too wide to grasp and watch with any sense of empathizing for the character.
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Dream House (2019)
Plot description doesn't match story
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Do Mark & Ginny live in a house that is falling down around them - yes. Did Ginny hire handy man Ted - yes. Beyond that, any impulse the viewer has to believe something is going on between Mark & Ted is simply fantasy escapism in Mark's mind. Ted was never there that night, stripping down to swim in their lake, it was just Mark's mind trying to make it easier to jump in the water and never return.
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Made no sense
26 July 2020
Not sure what happened, did the run out of money, accidentally cut the next scene, forgot to film the rest of the script? Not worth the 14:13 to watch it. I feel for the actors, they must have done this for friend. Yikes!
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Charmed: Unsafe Space (2020)
Season 2, Episode 19
Worst Episode of the series
24 May 2020
While no one is going to get an acting Emmy, the writing has been the weak point of the series. This episode was one of the worst, just poorly written and equally badly directed. It doesn't bode well for the future of the show if the producers insist on keeping the writing staff. It's rapidly going down hill.
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