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The weakpoint of the series "Climate "
9 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know "Possible worlds" is a sequel of "Our cosmos".

But it has to be said. Episode 12 "Coming of Age in the Anthropocene" is clearly from my point of view the weakest episode in all Cosmos episodes so far.

Why? It is more about "Climage change" than it is just about science.

No quesiton: Seth MacFarlanes Animations espescially about Kassandra in ancient Greece crisp and great done like always. Thats why I give it 4 stars.

But Neil Neil Neil. That with the baby in the beginning it looked really unprofessional. If you want to persuade people that there is climate change and it is an ongoing problem you dont have use emotions to let people thing its super-urgent.

You can try scientifically.

And I find it really annoying that we use a scientific terms "Anthropocene" to mask the real topic of this episode that was only hinted in earlier ones.

But then again: Just to make it clear. Im a real admirer of Neil de Grase Tyson's work and most of his shows. Nova Science now probably being one of the best shows he moderated before "Cosmos". And last christmas I bought two of his books "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry".

I know Carl Sagan was also supporthing thesis for "climage change" . And that Neil is a gread admirer of his works. And that they personally met. I guess the global agenda and his strong relationship left him no choice to also cover this topic. But I think its not really the topic you can communicate well in a docu format. Its more for discussion formats like the talshow "Star talk". I mean ofcourse with people pro and against . All based on scientific facts ofcourse. What else?
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Blackout (II) (2021– )
Main idea from "Revolution" but in german?!
27 December 2022
The idea reminds me of "Revolution" by Eric Kripke and Jon Favreau and Sci-fy legend J. J. Abrams. Ofcourse since its a german production it can't meet the high standards of a hollywood production.

But since "Revolution" is not so well known outside the channels of the Pro 7 media group and the topic "Blackout" is around in heavy rotation since the last months the idea meets the "Zeitgeist".

What "Blackout" does better is focussing more about the main topic and its effects. And ofcourse a big difference is: While the Kripke-serie "need to get the power back on" is more about civil war and american perspective this serie is mainly about effects in Europe. Something that wasnt covered by the us series atall. And I think its a good idea but could have needed improvement. Especially since this here is a bit to political in IMO. But still not bad for german production.
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Second best movie on a dvd collection
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I bought a sci-fy dvd collection like more than 10 years ago.

The best movie certainly was "Retrograd" with Dulph Lzndgreen titled as "Time Travelers". But most of the other 5 were real BS. Lets come to Wartiors of Terra now. In hindsight: The title makes sense its just like "Twelve monkeys" was the name of the activist group in same titled name. Spoiler: Don't expect Aliens! But do expect a mix of horror and sci-tech. Actually this movie shouldnt be called sci-fy. I liked how they had the same monitors like in resident evil (first two movues) era. Anyway it would bedt fit to say its a bit like Horror meets Resident Evil B-movie. But this from alle the 5 other movies really even when I tried to watch it the first time (fell asleep but remembered more than the other utterly bad sci-fy movies)was much nearer to average movie quality then the 4 others. So yes this is some movie not as good as a A-movie but also not as worse as a B-movie. B+ if you ask me but not just B-movie. Give it a try if you're bored. What I liked to that the movies run time was not stretched more thsn necessary with aroubd 80 minutes.
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Usually I dont believe people when they say the left the movies
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently my mother and best-friend once told me "10.000 B. C" was some one movie they would stand up and leave the cinema.

I watched that movie at home thought.

But when it comes to Paranormal Activity 4 you would think with three previous movies nothing could go wrong.

Unluckily it can!

Spoiler: If youre really are about to watching this movie better watch the "Paranormal Activity 4 (ending scene)" first.

You will notice the ending scene is so unlogical, so idiotic you wouldnt believe somebody actually wrote this into the script. And I really mean all the deamons ghosts outside the house in the green light to be specific.

Sure: I dont remember the whole movie anymore since I watched in 2012 but I remember this particular scene was even worse the a B-movie or boring movie were I would fall asleep to. It made no sense whatsoever!
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What I didn't like
1 June 2017
The show had good elements. The pollution and caring about our planet (being environmentally friendly).

But there were elements, that were much to much of political doctrin.

Spoiler alert!

Overpopulation. I don't know if captain planet and the planeteers ever was released in countries like India, China (althought they are reglemented by the one child policie some years ago, now its limited to two) and even Africa.

But the funny thing is: Europe and Northamerica, even Russia don't really have problem like overpopulation. But other parts of the world do have.

So what I disliked was this topic and all the other hidden political agenda (as a kid you may not notice its about social policy). Its a children series not a teen - series. So much to early to put topics like overpopulation (that requires Sex or in vitro fertilisation) in an animated TV series.
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