
156 Reviews
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Hans Staden (1999)
23 February 2020
This story is suspenseful and will keep you on the edge of your seat for the most part. The Tupi people were well known for practices that we see in the film, and you feel for Hans. The Natives are indeed in this film, quite savage. These are not the hollywood spiritual peaceful people we see in the movies today. They boast about how horribly they slaughter and consume the portuguese, those whom they see as invaders to their land. This film isn't about that however. For once, a story is told from the weak and not the strong. I definitely recommend it, but you'll need a strong stomach for it.
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22 February 2020
This edition of the Land before time franchise very obviously touches on the subject of race relations and childhood. "Allie" was, I am assuming raised to believe she should communicate only with others of her own species. But as with many childrens' movies, it has them join forces to solve a problem together. So obviously it's hard for me to appreciate this film quite as much now that I am an adult, but that doesn't stop me from looking back on my childhood. I can't listen to the Sarcosuchus anymore without hearing the crazy cat lady from the simpsons.
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Bardzo dobrze!
16 February 2020
European history always fascinated me nearly as much as early science fiction. This film stood out to me one day when I decided to watch a film, but couldn't quite decide on which one to watch. I was pleasantly surprised by an interesting plot and very nice effects for such a film. This was a rare as well, as the film is dubbed in different languages, and Polish is not an easy language to dub. I would say this film is definitely worth a watch on a rainy day. I wouldn't call it a Classic, but I would say go for it.
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16 February 2020
I guess you have to have grown up with mister Rogers being a part of your life for this film to really sit well with you the way it did with me. I won't say that the film is necessarily about Mr. Rogers at all, but rather it is about how deeply his mere presence can calm even the angriest of souls. I watched Mr. Rogers as a child, of course. I was there for his 9/11 announcement on television, urging children to seek comfort in their loved ones in time of peril. Tom Hanks seems to have done a very fair job in portraying him. While I will tip my hat to Tom for a job well done in the film, nothing will ever take the place of the real Fred Rogers. I encourage others to see it. Very rarely do films evoke any type of emotion from a person like me, one who doesn't care for such touchy feely things. I won't lie to you however. I had to hide my face a few times to conceal my tears. :)
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8 July 2019
Honestly, this one kinda got on my nerves. I've always been a fan of dinosaurs, monsters and creatures in classic B movies. The effects of Ray Harryhausen are breathtakingly beautiful, But the dialogue, which is technically nonexistent, is monotonous and annoying. The entire film has no English words, but the words of a fictional language. That being said, the makers of this film spent little time in writing it. Within the fake language, I heard the word "A KEE TAH" at least 150 times. The word is repeated so often that you just start to get sick of hearing it. I wish they had just either made it in English, or just spent more time with the actual dinosaurs.
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8 July 2019
As a B movie science fiction fan, I gotta say, this was a good one. I really love the design of the creature, and as always, the special effects and animation of Ray Harryhausen surpasses everyone's expectations. It's a decently paced film as well, not spending too much time on minute details but also not diving right in. This one is a must for anyone who likes the classics. Easy to watch for parents and children alike!
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War of the Worlds (2005 Video)
Virtually unwatchable
1 July 2019
I'm not sure if it's because it was how the film was made, or because of the DVD I rented to watch it, but because of its inconsistencies with sound, it's hard to watch. The speech is virtually whispers, and you have to turn your TV wayyyyy up and then suddenly a loud explosion that is so incredibly loud I'm worried it will damage my TV. But with that put aside, whats the point of acid spitting aliens coming out of the tripods if the tripods are so much more effective? Why are people laughing and smiling as they run away from an alien invasion? The acting is a joke too. I don't know but this was just a crap movie in my opinion.
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Not enough monster!
1 July 2019
It's a great plot and story line, but man, they don't give Varan enough screen time! I think this would be awesome if they would try to colorize it, like they did with the original King Kong movie. Let's also take a moment to appreciate the beautiful creature design of Varan. He's a unique and beautiful creature. I wish he made more cameos than he did in the Godzilla series. The movie would be a lot better though, if we stopped focusing so much on science disasters and look at something a little more....ancient!
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
1 July 2019
Husband and I went to the late show to see this one together. We loved it! It's heartwarming and keeps a steady and suspenseful pace. There aren't any boring parts. A few what the heck moments sure, but nothing too crazy. I hope you don't hate dummies or creepy dolls though, this movie is filled with them! However, it isn't to the degree that children and parents alike can't enjoy the film together. I highly recommend it, for those who enjoy the works of Pixar and those who don't. you won't regret it :)
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Sadly disappointing
24 June 2019
They tried way too hard with this one. I mean is it a horrendous movie? No not really, but it was way too rushed. Why are they calling Ghidorah "monster zero" when the only ones who ever did that in the original series was an alien race? They seem to also have taken a LOT of this plot line from "GMK: All Out Attack", and original Japanese Godzilla film. Don't get me wrong, the monster designs were truly beautiful. They're spectacular, and I really love the idea behind the "titans" mythology, but they could have done sooooo much better with this one. I mean it wouldn't be so bad on its own, but this just isn't Godzilla. Sorry.
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Keep Culture in Mind?
23 June 2019
So we in the western world see mermaids as beautiful sea women who have the tail of a fish. Keep in mind that this is a foreign film, and the mermaids of Russian and Ukrainian lore are not the same as what we know. The film has a decent plot but there isn't exactly a lot of logic behind it. The "mermaid" is more like a ghost, because the woman died centuries ago (so now it's a spirit I guess?). Being a Russian film, the dubbing is pretty atrocious. It's almost laughable that they don't even attempt to try and match the mouths with the words. In all its a decent late night flick, but not one you wanna watch more than once.
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Predators (2010)
A decent branch
24 April 2019
This definitely differs a lot from the first two films, but its a decent step forward. Sometimes the dialogue and human action doesn't make sense immediately, and you don't really find out what the doctor guy was all about. But it has some great monster effects. It could be worse! I'd definitely watch it again
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The Meg (2018)
Quite disappointing.
31 March 2019
My review may be slightly biased, because I have been a fan of Steve Alten's work well before this film was even thought of. That being said, they have entirely butchered it. Why are Australian actors faking American accents, but the rest of the actors speak in their Australian inflections normally? The shark also doesn't really seem to be the main point of the film, its more the interactions of the crew. The CGI is shoddy at best, and to be quite honest it just didn't catch the attention of anyone in my family. I've seen worse, but its as if they didn't try very hard in this one.
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Very Underrated!
30 December 2018
Oh come on, how can this movie have only 2 stars? Is it a well made, professional film? Of course not, but that's part of what makes it fun. The acting, especially a short fight scene are ridiculous but the characters become quite enjoyable. I especially love Droppo, the somewhat "Slow" member of the martian invaders. If you consider this a science fiction alien invasion film, you may be disappointed. This is more of a children's movie for Christmas time. It's a wonderful, fun, cartoony film. I just watched it this last Christmas with my boyfriend. Give the movie a chance, I garuntee you won't completely hate it!
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Decent Plot, but poorly implemented.
24 December 2018
The movie I wouldn't say is bad, but it gives a lot of promise that is never carried out. The movie I feel would be a lot better if it focused more on actual supernatural things more than a kind of psychological type thing. Its more about peoples paranoia towards each other than it is about any kind of actual monster or force. I should also mention that it seems that the "Gehenna" place doesn't really have anything to do with the actual film. I find that interesting. Was it bad? Not really but I probably won't be watching it again.
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Artistically Terrifying!
3 December 2018
It's like something out of a Salvador Dali painting, but on screen in a science fiction movie. A film where humans are merely pets and insects to a more advanced, giant race of alien beings. The film is pretty awe inspiring and makes one quite philosophical after watching it. It's definitely a masterpiece of its own accord, creatures of strange designs never before seen in any other film that I know of. I would definitely recommend the film to any science fiction enthusiast.
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Another Gamera Movie
23 September 2018
What more can be said? This film isn't some kind of masterpiece, but its not horrible. It's meant to be another installation to the Gamera franchise, and that's what it is. I do think Gaos's design and powers are pretty neat. He can fire a beam from his mouth that appears to cut things down to the cellular level. He can regenerate lost limbs as well, which I don't see often in most Japanese Kaiju films. Only thing I didn't care much for though, is that up until the 3/4 mark of the film, it really seems to beat around the bush. Gaos appears, eats a few people, disappears, and repeats day after day, or at least time by time. It seems to be a bit repetitive. Other than that, its fairly watchable but not as much so as some others are.
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Rigoletto (1993 Video)
A Timeless Classic
23 September 2018
Oddly enough, I know of this film because it was featured in a film critique class I took in high school. We had a test on it after the movie, which I easily passed. I think its an absolutely beautiful film for the whole family to enjoy, and very emotional. The ending however, may leave you scratching your head a little. Other than that, it's definitely, as some say a somewhat "beauty and the beast" type film. Ribaldi is alarming to look at, he is loud, aggressive and angers easily, and sometimes even becomes physically aggressive. However, young Bonnie knows there is beauty in his soul, and refuses to back down from him, working hard to help him see that his face does not define who he is. A beautiful movie indeed, and I will always cherish it with my family. Definitely recommend!
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Quite Refreshing
17 September 2018
The 1950's especially, as well as the 1960's were the major times of the science fiction race, as some call it. Movies such as this one were extremely popular, and everyone wanted to cash in on the success of other world adventure stories. That being said, a lot of them exist that are far from good. This film however was a nice surprise. It is easy to follow and fair paced. It doesn't move super fast but it doesn't really drag either. The background settings and Martian landscape are breathtakingly beautiful. It reminds me somewhat of "The Land Unknown". Picture this film as a sorta "Journey to the center of the Earth" type adventure, but instead of down, we go up to the angry red planet of mars. I found it really interesting, and would not mind watching it again eventually. Definitely recommend!
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A Stepping Stone
17 September 2018
Ah yes, as usual Don Bluth has brought us another film to break our hearts and ruin our night. Almost any film made by this man has such incredibly emotional aspects that a 24 year old like me has to hold it together so he doesn't lose it. Obviously this film was invented for children, but an adult can sit back and watch it as well. Once you get past all the ridiculous children's songs that tend to get annoying very fast, the films plot and aspects are easily enjoyable. Then of course, as mentioned there will be scenes where your children may need help to understand whats going on (including the death of a dinosaur). It's a major tear jerker and, it's dangerous I would say to show it to a child who is much too young, because some aspects could really hurt a childs feelings.
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A beautiful 90's classic
17 September 2018
Taking place seemingly in the 1950's, this film literally has a little something for everyone. It's supposed to be for children, yes, but even older audiences can appreciate a film like this. It has aspects of wonderful science fiction action and adventure. I would say its a somewhat emotional movie as well. The giant is obviously sent to invade the earth and attack humans, but because of the "bump on his head", he has forgotten his mission and is, as a child, slowly exploring the world around him and beginning to understand the facts of life. I've seen this film literally about 50 times since I was a kid, to the present day, and I can safely say, even watching it as an adult, that its a wonderful movie for the family of all ages to enjoy together.
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A beautiful reminder
15 September 2018
Its clear in the animation that the point of the story isn't the fact that the city is flooding. In my view, the water represents the past, what is flooded is buried in memory. As the old man ages he continues to build upwards to escape the water, which in that sense, represents life. When he drops the pipe, he goes into the water after it. By doing so, he has delved into the past. His pipe represents a sentimental emotion, and by going after it, relives his life from childhood into his present elderly state. The ending will represent, or at least it did to me, the fact that experiencing those emotions again has made him miss his (apparently) deceased wife, and is lonely. His child has reached adulthood and started a life of her own, so what now does he have left? To continue building (living) until he reaches the limit, and ultimately death, which is when there is no higher he can build up.
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For once, a decent remake
10 September 2018
I don't think I've ever secretly wanted a child in a movie to die as much as I wanted "Rachel" to. I know kids are annoying, but oh my god. Onto the movie though, as a science fiction freak, I have seen the original War of the Worlds, and love the older more original films. That being said, most remakes don't usually make my cut, but this one I think does. It is fast paced and easily followed. The Tripods are awesome and terrifying, and the martians themselves...well they look a lot different from what you would expect. Its a great film to watch while having pizza with friends, but it also really makes you think too. What kind of creatures must exist out there in the open universe? Its also highly ironic and frightening to know that, as with anyone who is familiar with the story will tell you, they truly are indestructible. Their demise was not due to humans, but to a mistake they made themselves. If not for that, the earth would be theirs.
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Slightly Disappointing
4 September 2018
As many have said, this film will never give the original any justice. The bringing of the Tyrannosaurus to the city is a clear renewal of the 1920's silent film, "The Lost World". It was based on the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book of the same name, which involves a live brontosaurus being brought to London, and inevitably escapes to wreak havoc. This film is a good example of the STUPIDITY of mankind. Oh, sure, lets bring a loud, injured young Tyrannosaurus right into our camp, that won't lead to trouble at all, no way! We're scientists. Not to mention the whole bus hanging from the cliff scene went on for waaaaay too long. It was as if a good quarter of the movie was the team hanging on a rope over the side of a cliff and trying not to fall to their deaths. Climb the stupid rope or don't. Someone always goes sliiiiiiiiiiiiiding back down to the bottom right as they get near the top. We get it, its suspenseful but it doesn't have to be annoying.

It isn't a TERRIBLE movie, but its definitely my least favorite from the film series.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
4 September 2018
A Childhood staple film for me, Jurassic Park has become one of the most successful film franchises of all time. Nowadays there are hundreds of people who share a type of cult following to the film. Famed Paleontologist Jack Horner assisted in the design of the dinosaurs, and his expertise really helped make it feel more realistic. Jurassic Park isn't just a film, it's like a gateway into the imagination of a child that we can all share a piece of. Even today, parents and child alike can both share in this wonderful masterpiece. Yes, some are eaten and killed by dinosaurs, but not in such a horrific and graphic way that would make a child too uncomfortable. It also serves us who are a tad more scientifically oriented, as a reminder of how precious and delicate life is. How we shouldn't be so quick to try and achieve things simply because they are possible...but shouldn't really be achieved due to our humanity. It's truly a landmark film for dinosaur lovers everywhere, young and old.
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