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Surprisingly, this is actually quite good
22 February 2024
If you finish episode 3 (amazing episode) and are not hooked by that point.....idk what to tell you or what more they could have done. Bizarrely, episode 3 has a lower user score than episode 1 and 2.... i think it's because of some of the changes they made to the story but those changes were brilliant. It was impressive how they took characters and plot points from different episodes and weaved them together. But then people hate on it for not mindlessly sticking to a 1:1 replica of the cartoon.

Honestly this show looks awesome, the sets, the colours, it's absolutely magnificent. The action scenes are epic in terms of fight choreography and the cgi for the bending is highly impressive.

Regarding the script. Sure there's occasional weak lines- eg Katara telling Jet "You are the bad guy" and too many mentions of "we need to save the world". But overall the dialogue is pretty good. There's even some beautifully written dialogue in scenes which didn't exist in the original. Or perhaps there's a slightly different interpretation of a certain characters mindset and i was often impressed with the writing.

People say the humour and charm are gone but they're wrong. They writers have created a fairly serious/dramatic live-action, but there's still a colourful vibe and some funny/wholesome moments dispersed throughout episodes. People complaining that Aang is too it's kinda a weak criticism tbh. He is mature but he often has this childlike glowing look of excitement. I like how much energy his actor brings to the role even if occasionally it feels a bit forced.

I'm often fairly critical of most modern shows tbh, but i actually had pretty high expectations because this is a valuable and beloved series. Episode 1 was a little wobbly for me in terms of storytelling and acting, but once i got into episodes 2 and 3 my high expectations were met and sustained till the end.

I'm happy that we have this series which takes some creative liberty, while also being faithful to the spirit and message of the original cartoon.

If the writers are reading this, go ahead and be as creative as you want about how to tell the story in season 2. Seriously go for it, because I'm a big fan of the cartoon... and the DIFFERENCES are what is making this most interesting for me.

The people obsessed with having a 1:1 replica are a heavy minority of the viewership. If you feel like you can improve the plot in any way, go for it! Be brave!!
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A meandering film which ultimately has nothing to say
28 August 2023
I'm a sucker for love stories and character driven movies and was more than willing to sit through what often felt like completely pointless "day to day" scenes, in order to see how the writing of the relationship unfolds.

But even with this forgiving attitude, it's ultimately a story with nothing to say. It's simply a depiction of a very bland/typical relationship and very bland/typical young adult lifestyle.

It's not a criticism of the characters themselves, it felt real and genuine (in some ways) and that's the highest praise you can give, but it's not an actual 'film' from my perspective. I wouldn't say this actually classifies as "artistic" in any way. A 3 hour snapshot of the life of some girl.

But even when a film attempts to depict reality in this way, you often still get a sense of the movies' message or a certain mood/feeling it's trying to evoke..... well, not this movie, it just meanders for 3 hours and ends as she's walking down the street.

The best thing i can say, i was actually happy with how their relationship unfolds towards the end, based off how the protagonist was acting, it made sense.
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Game of Thrones: Mhysa (2013)
Season 3, Episode 10
do you know who i am? I AM THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS!
10 August 2023
The ending scene is so incredibly sappy and cringe it literally felt like a Disney movie made for 10 year olds. Everytime she speaks there is this incredibly melodramatic glisten in her eyes, she thinks she is the new Christ.

We get it, slavery is bad. But do we need such a cringe-worthy character to demonstrate this message. Her rise feels like its been complete luck and not skill/talent which then makes me cringe when she gifts freedom etc to so many people. Idk its hard to explain but it just feels so cookie cutter moralising and as if she's just a self insert for the audience wish-fulfilment and virtue signalling fantasies

In terms of compelling characters she's literally bottom of my list. (Compelling, not likeable) because obviously shes still more likeable than Joffery (who i love to hate at this point, he was kinda cartoonist in season 1 but i love him now)

The red witch and her "king" had a good season 3 from a writing standpoint.

Season 2 was definitely the best season of the first 3 . I just felt for the first time that the overall story started to drag a tiny little bit for me (during season 3) which was why i thought what happened to the starks in episode 9 was exactly what the show needed.

The ironborn torture scenes.were boring but the Lannister bickering arguments with each other were great this season. Honestly the Lannisters are so compelling for me they carry this show on their backs. Tyrion/Tywain/Jamie/Cersei and yes even Joffery was great this season.

But yeah im just kinda (a little) sick of Ms Jesus Christ, the one and holy, Mhysa. And i hope that the world isnt served to her on a silver platter from which she virtue signally's to infinity and beyond, in future seasons. I've enjoyed her character each season but yeah this is an issue that seems to get slightly worse for me with each progressive season.

All in all season 3 is still great television, but i am interested to see how it keeps my attention in season 4. Its a slow moving series (which isn't a bad thing) as long as the characters are compelling. Mhysa just doesn't feel like a real character as much as others do.

Oh and i wasn't a massive fan of the cripple kid stark and his gang but eh they're still pretty good i suppose that's a nitpick. If anything, them being the hobo's of the cast kinda balance out all the upper class dialogue scenes in fancy settings.

Also the whole "that thing you did with your tongue" was so painfully cringe lmaoooo. I guess this is my time to be self inserting and im showing the innocent girl things in the bedroom she's never seen before!! I can make her feel things the other men cannot!! Lol. I think the writers know more men are watching then women, especially with the amount of scenes with fully nude girls standing around fully dressed men lol. I feel like im just straight up watching bad p**n half the time during those scenes

ironically (for my Mhysa bashing) the hottest scene in the entire series actually occurred with 2 chopped off heads in the room. The man valuing beauty over other things and sticking to his principles combined with how Mhysa reacts to that. Wow that was awesome. It also helps that she's ridiculously attractive lol. So if anything i respect Denery's mainly for just how insanely hot she is, you cannot say the girl doesn't take care of herself.

All in all yep it's still the best tv show iv'e ever seen and giving the finale for season 3 a 5/10 was a little harsh haha, but hopefully it gets me some attention.
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The fall of re zero after the mansion arc
11 May 2023
The first 10/11 episodes of this show are amazing and i look forward to going back for a rewatch and forgetting the latter episodes ever existed. Afterwards, we've entered the typical period of a show where the writer tries too hard to make it deep, and the nuance is replaced by lots of highly "dramatic" "emotional" moments.

Don't get me wrong, the first 11 eps were very dramatic themselves, but that was before the writer decided to dabble in too much pseudo-psychology and get deep for the kids who automatically associate crazed, crybaby MC, vibrating eyes, and artsy music and camera angles every 5 seconds- with actual emotional and good writing. This sounds like a contradiction because the first 11 episodes also feel quite melodramatic with subaru, but the writing was there to back it up. Another good example is the film lost and delirious, with a highly melodramatic MC obsessed with love, very shakesperian feeling, but its actually good, so the melodrama isn't cringe like re zero after episode 11.

I actaully had a couple moments early when i called Subaru a chad. There were also some very weeb/strange moments which i tolerated because he had a good balance between being a man of action and actually caring about these girls vs having some occasionally super over the top and weird moments. After the mansion arc, this balance gets thrown off a cliif and dies a painful death.

A similar problem occurs with Rem. There's a scene where they're having an "emotional" moment on a bed and she's comforting him, i imagined her eating him alive after he fell asleep, as this cutesy rem felt so lifeless and robotic. In the early eps this was balanced with her (and her sisters) cold nature towards Subaru and not being such a s*imp for him, which she becomes after ep 11.

I don't know why the writer decided for the MC to lose 50 iq points + have extreme depressive emotional breakdowns, as if something happened off camera which we missed.

The re zero fans will say this was a build up of the trauma "exploding" which is pure cope for the fact that it's just bad writing. Subaru was already going through depressing stuff and being traumatised earlier in the series, simply having him being depressed in certain senarios is more than enough due to how intense the anime already is in these violent moments. Having emotional breakdown after emotional breakdown just causes melodrama overload without good plot to actually back it up.

Please show DON'T tell (for the most part) . In the first 11 episodes we see Subaru having traumatic moments and we see his depressed nature soon after. After ep 11 the trend is more TALK TALK TALK about how depressed he is, how much of a lo*ser he is, he feels worthless yada yada yada. I miss the chad subaru who was slightly traumatised but chose to stand up and continue fighting for the girls he cared about.

And rems role is now to comfort the sad lo*ser weeabo and tell him how beautiful and wonderful and caring you truely are!! (she's talking to insecure people watching the show). So rem has gone from being a real honest character who cared for her sister and came to trust in subaru, to a subaru si*mp who's here to comfort him even after he's a complete rude idiot on multiple occasions + becomes a crybaby.

Amelia also becomes more of a si*mp towards Subaru. She only ever respected him because of the respectable things he did, and tolerated his goofyness because of that. But now he's a complete rude idiot and doesn't listen to her....declares she will win the election wtffff????? Tells her she ought to be grateful for stuff he KNOWS she can't remember (bad writing). He literally grabs her arm at one point and just tries to force her to leave her house in the dumbest and most thickheaded way possible. And yet she still just stands there and tolerates him instead of doing what episode 1 Ameila would have done- kick him out!! (yes even after being helpful in the first 10 episodes).

These problems with rem and amelia are typical examples of MC syndrome, where the MC (subaru) gets treated better than he should because hey we're basically the tv show 'friends' at this point, amelia is the confused one who puts up with him (because the plot tells her to) , rem is the cutesy waifu MC simp, and Subaru is basically luffy without the rubber.

To summarize, the cool action scenes + psycological thriller aspects take a nose dive, but the melodrama (moments the producers THNK is deep and dramatic) are increased 300%,

The show actually was already deep without trying so hard .... and then it tried to be deep, oh boy.

Watch the first 10 episodes, stop. Move on to something else, go for a walk, breath. You're welcome. Those 10 episodes are actually really good television.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Not sure if this movie aspires to be a parody, a satirical comedy, or conventional horror because it succeeds at none of the above
14 April 2023
Screenzealots's Louise was one of the few RT reviewers brave enough to submit a rotten rating for this race relations movie. Here's a snippit of what she said- "It's clear this race-based film was meant as a criticism of the liberal elite, those folks who think they are above any type of racism, but the film fails miserably across the board. In fact, I'm not sure if this movie aspires to be a parody, a satirical comedy, or conventional horror because it succeeds at none of the above. While trying to find its footing, the film comes across as more divisive and biased rather than clever"
  • She nailed it. Initially i thought i was suppose to take the film seriously, but the writing become so juvenile and cliche it was boardering on parody, and i thought "perhaps i should be laughing instead"? But it wasn't funny, and so eventually i gave up and just sat there in pain. Trying my best not to roll my eyes.

Now my review-

Jordan Peel is a genius. Incredibly intelligent filmmaker. Take for example the scene where Chris's policeman friend Rod, is reporting (to other policemen) the story of Jordan's film. The officers laugh at Rod. This is brilliant from Jordan because it allows his own story to laugh at itself before the audience does. I was sitting back, swept away at the immersion...."omg these officers are literally me watching this movie!!".

Same with the ending scene. Rod says to Chris "I told you not to go in that house" Indeed this was a craaaaaazy movie ahahahahahah, sooo witty Jordan!!

His "genetic makeup amiright" wow Jordan your characters are so odd and quirky! Something strange is afoot on this upstate residence!

At the party, Chris is introduced to a couple wearing black. They say "Black is in fashion". Wow, the NUANCE!! How does he do it!? Do you guys understand? He's not only talking about his black clothing, it's also a reference to black people!!

But my favourite quote from this movie, really demonstrating Jordan's prowess of his craft. Prepare yourself because even the script alone is confronting. From Georgina the maid, here it is - "No, no.... no, no. No, no NO no no.... no, no no"
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First third is pretty good but devolves into a horror cringefest with moral lessons for 3 year olds
8 April 2023
I couldn't help myself but to mock certain characters during "dramatic", violent scenes because it was the only way i could cope with how awfully cringe this movie was at times. It stars out with a more nuanced vibe and has some really cool scenes where all this mystique and devil stuff is being hinted at but the longer it goes on, oh boy. It's about as deep and profound as a plate with water on it yet it's played as such an over the top grandiouse style as if (even in 1997) this was suppose to be somewhat interesting philosophy. I'd say the target audience is edgy 13 year olds. Al pacino had some cool dialogue when he wasn't going over the top, the ending was somewhat sweet and pacino's final remark was funny. It's a shame because i during the first 1/3rd or so, it seemed like such a cool movie but it turned really edgy really fast. After the 4th,5th,6th,7th,8th time the wife was having a breakdown and dumb Keanu was being super super dumb and ignorant, my eyes were rolling back into my skull.
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Water Lilies (2007)
Big sister of 'Portrait of a lady on fire'
10 November 2022
This movie seems to go over everyones heads? To me it had one of the great endings of all time. It completes/emphasizes the depiction of a girl (the blonde, Floriane) who has accepted the form of the world.

She is the true heroine of the film and i think Sciamma knows this, because she often has a blue top while the protagonist (Marie) wears red. Because in a way, Marie is no different from everyone else. She sees the beauty and desires it for herself, and is somewhat indifferent and misunderstanding of Floriane's cold attitude.

Yet, Marie is also a great friend in moments of the film where she displays true compassion and tenderness. She deals with some difficult moments throughout the film but ultimetly she washes those emotions away and has a nice ending with her friend.

However, back to Floriane, who has accepted that "it's written on my face", and so she continues to apply the lipstick, suit up in glamour and put on her mask of content. The final scene is the climaxed symbol of her void as she emcompasses her space with this drunken/loose expression, a dancing black hole.

The exploitation/objectification she discusses is showing how the 'will' of society is beat into her. It's easy to see why someone in that situation wouldn't be putting up a fight, she's an isolated, abused teenager who is clearly traumatized . The movie is an inspiration (for me atleast) to acknowledge the people in these situations and to help them.

It's a harsh reality, yet depicted in a poetic and dignified way, and in that sense it's not soley a work of depression. That's what makes it art.
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Degenerate trash
10 November 2022
Why do people like this movie? To appreciate a film like this is the epitome of modern degeneracy, which i suppose is why it was made, lol. Its not one of those films that is brutal/shocking but done with some beauty, its just brutal for the sake of it. It really plays as a movie made for basement dwellers who don't have any idea what they're doing on this earth, or nihiistic teenagers who want something thrilling/shocking to watch in the same way people these days watch brutal p***. If you want a movie like that, at least watch Nightcrawler, that movie isn't near as cringe as The piano teacher. If you want brutal but beautiful movies that redeem their tough subject matter- Beanpole (2019) and Sympathy for Mr. Veangence (2002). You're welcome.
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Asako I & II (2018)
trash for the masses and pretentiously long
10 November 2022
The story certaintly has an interesting premise in concept, but the execution is shallow. Theres nothing to this movie, read the description and you've pretty much got the movie, her first boyfriend disappears, she gets together with "Asako" 2-----thats it. Actually watching the movie will not take you much further than that. Its also painfully cringe with the dumb/childish women trope.

Nothing is ever explained, people in the movie just act weird for no reason, leading to "dramatic" moments.

'Undine' 2020 has similarities with the 1 girl/ 2 guys and is better than this, if you're going to give something a go, watch that instead.
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Do Revenge (2022)
What a gem
18 September 2022
'Do Revenge' will inevitably become underrated by audiences and critics because it's not such a spoon-feed. People will be triggered by it's irreverent nature

I imagine creatives/right brained people are moreso "of the mindset" to enjoy this. Aswell as people who are not prone to whine over adult actresses playing teens.

People who obsess over 'realism' in movies (just watch a documentary, or go outside occasionally). People worried about morality will not enjoy it. Basically if you are wound (like a clock), don't bother watching it.

But if you'd like to watch a film starring 2 women who can be quite aggressive/destructive, yet also kind and compassionate. And a film which is actually far less vapid than you may excpect...

The story of Drea and Eleanor's time together has quickly become a personal favourite, and i look forward to rewatching for years to come!

I personally wouldn't call this a 'comedy' film. I'd just say "film" :)
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now *this* is a movie
23 June 2022
I wasn't sure i'd like this movie, it has 200,000 votes (quite well-known) yet is only rated 7. But the plot outline sounded cool, and when i scrolled down to find a 41 metacritic score, i had a large grin on my face, and it often remained that way while watching the film. I don't think iv'e ever smiled so much during a movie.

The screenplay was sooo good. I loved the directing and cinematography, music was slightly overdone at times but overall good. Sure there are moments where it feels over the top, but that comes with the territory for a fast/fun and slightly chaotic thriller.

If you love this film, check out 'a life less ordinary'.

And also watch the pirates trilogy. These 3 movies get progressively more chaotic and critically panned.
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Good idea, poor execution
23 June 2022
I was excited to give this movie a try. Not a fan. It feels like the most cliche way a 'romance-stalker' film could possibly be written.

It's listed as a 'thiller/drama' but it doesn't feel worthy to be called either. It's just a plain awful experience for the main character, and hence there's no fine line to produce any real tension imo.

Instead it just comes across as bad horror. You're better off watching an actual horror movie or a good drama/thriller.

There's nothing interesting about the stalking, she's just a plainly insane person, that's it. That's the movie. If there's 3 billion women on the planet, this is the one you don't want to have sex with. And there's nothing interesting about it. He accidentally had sex with a bomb, the movie.
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Lone Star (1996)
WARNING- more of a "by the numbers" political/history movie, rather than a gripping drama/mystery
20 June 2022
If you're looking for an underwatched gem like i was, this isn't it. There is no central plot and all the sub plot stories that actually fill in the run time.......they are pretty bland and not worth your time.

And no i'm not some rightwinger who's "triggered" by the "leftist" politics where the teachers are telling the white people "tell the kids the truth about our history and the Mexicans". It's just that i don't need such surface level/uninspired racial drama when i can walk outside and see the same crap in the real world.

If you're going to make it political/racial at least do it well.

So if you're here for the politics don't bother, if you're hear for the mystery about the death, don't bother.
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Wild at Heart (1990)
Watch 'Interstate 60' instead
9 June 2022
Ebert was so correct about this movie. I often disagree with him but when he said " he likes the box office prizes that go along with his pop satires, so he makes dishonest movies like this one"----absolutely hitting the nail on the head.

It's like Lynch is scared to just allow genuine emotion to drive the movie and create a heartwarming story. It's a shame because i really liked Nick Cage and his girlfriend, it could have been a genuine movie, i even enjoyed the Wizard of Oz references. But there were just so many bizarre, shitty moments that ruined what should have been a good film.
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Ghost World (2001)
Utter trash----Do yourself a favour, watch 'White Oleander' instead
8 June 2022
Maybe in 2001 the pretentious art theme wasn't as cringe and overdone as today, unfortunately i can only give my perspective watching in 2022.

I hated the main character, her blonde friend was right "what kind of loser gets fired on day 1".

I would have far preferred this film if the guy and blonde girl had both ditched the main character, she was a completely unlikable twat.

The friendship between the girls never makes sense, they're only "friends" cause it's forced by the writing, it doesn't feel like a real friendship that could actually hold itself together for more than 10 seconds.

I should have known this would be overrated with 2 massively famous actors.

I'm going to try 'Heavily creatures' next, it has half the amount of votes as this movie, so hopefully it'll be twice as good. White oleander certainly is and it has 1/3 of the votes ghost world has.
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Paris, Texas (1984)
A poorly written last third fails to payoff the build up
1 June 2022
The film builds quite well, and half way in........i felt it was peaking as the son and father are heading off together. I was excited for explanations and good payoff's upon the reunion. But it just wasn' was weak and kinda tedious. There was just nothing interesting about the final reveal/discussions.

The final couple minutes are nice but i won't be watching again.
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What exactly makes this film so compelling? Felt weak to me
28 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The motivation behind the main character, i suppose he relates to the Artist in some way, feels sorry for the cause etc and so......helps him out by not reporting all the facts and hiding the evidence......ok?

So.....why watch the movie? Yeah it's decent and holds your interest because the main characters are "good" decently likable people. Suicide is bad etc etc......

But it's just overall so "meh". The relationships between the characters arn't interesting in the slightest. The girl dying didn't really "fit" for me. Idk what the point was of her death.....other than your cliched tragic death of a main character.

I did enjoy how the film ended with the book in dedication, but overall just a very "meh" film which obviously is highly rated more for it's setting than what actually happens in the movie...
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The Mentalist: The Red Mile (2011)
Season 3, Episode 18
13 May 2022
The murder investigation was pretty meh. Steiner and Jane were enjoyable and the ending was admittedly very touching. But the last 2 minutes (for me) doesn't make this a more enjoyable than many episodes which are rated lower than 8.4.
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Why is this episode rated so low here? Was epic
6 April 2020
Jack is the best part of this first season. Steals the show in every scene he's in
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Greg and Larry (2016)
Season 3, Episode 23
Smiling at me
7 January 2020
The ending of this episode is the pinnacle of Brooklyn 99
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I can't handle the melodrama in this season
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Such a dumb episode. Katara goes off at zuko for saving her life, then she tells him to bring her mother back, as if Zuko had anything to do with that.

Why does she just randomly have a hissy fit about her mother? It's so forced.

The viewer never actually knew her mother, so when they play the sad violin music, it doesn't hit as well as the show runners are pretending it should. It's just not as organic as when Appa is stolen and Aang is really angry, that's how you do the emotional stuff.

Aang and Sokka tell them that revenge is not the answer and there's no point, but screw that! lets go kill him! lol

Then when they get to the dude, the part where Katara reveals that she was the last water bender is so melodramatic it hurts, then she OFCOURSE doesn't kill him, as if that was going to surprise even a 5 year old.

then the lesson is violence is not the answer. Seriously? as if the gang is learning something so basic with 5 episodes left lmao.

notice this episode was written by E Eziaz, who was also the writer for the western air temple, which also provided some melodramatic moments

Season 2 was some of the best television ever. Season 3 isn't as good
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Heat (1995)
8.2? You guys are joking right?
1 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
People have no idea how to appreciate moves like this anymore. Yes, the pace is slower........... that's the point........ It's an enthralling movie that sucks you in, and then builds, and builds, and builds, to deliver one of the most epic payoffs in cinematic history.

But of course people can't handle this story structure anymore. Human attention span continues to dwindle. It doesn't matter if a movie is great, it doesn't matter what masterpiece you craft, if the movie is longer than 2h30 and doesn't have an action scene every 10 minutes, then you've lost the audience.

And It's not just the frequency of action, It's the type. Forget anything with a sense of aura and beauty, even the action scenes themselves have to be fast paced, explosions all over the screen, with speedy moving shots that each last half a second, to the point where you actually struggle to even keep up with what's happening, not that anyone cares, because as long as the screen is bright enough and there are enough moving objects, your audience is stimulated.

Is it absolutely perfect? No is it better than 8.2? Yessss

edit: Update in 2022, yeah iv'e matured a bit i think lol, this movie isn't as good as i thought it was. The forced side plots come across as cringe when it's all so thin. I'd actually say i prefer 'the town' now lol. Cause that movie isn't amazing but at least it stuck to it's lane and didn't try to be more than what it was. Heat needed to be 4 hours long to actually properly execute what it was going for, 2h 50m isn't enough time for everything they tried to jam into this film.
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Trigun: Rem Saverem (1998)
Season 1, Episode 17
Best episode of the series.
18 January 2018
While i do not like the series as a whole, this is one of the few episodes that i enjoyed. Easily the best in the series in my opinion. A well executed and emotional backstory which i think was placed perfectly towards the end of the series.
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