
3 Reviews
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25 February 2008
the best rock movie of all time. Martin is pure genius. I just love the guy. long movie, sure, but part two just flies by. What an insight. Personally, I think Martin should make more of these on artists that he admires like this one on Bob Dylan. Where does he get this stuff. I read where he really didn't talk to Bob while he was making this movie. even more brilliant. I've got to think Dylan had to love this when he saw it for the first time. It always amazes me how most people just don't get it. The questions they ask, yikes. All i can say is it is a great story. I hope someone does something like this on Scorsese. I love his passion to try to get things right. He is inspiring. Thanks again Martin, and to you too, Bob for having the courage just to be you in the face of it all.
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Idlewild (2006)
What a mess.
3 February 2007
I feel bad for everyone involved in this disaster. Very ambitious, I admit. Creative too. But oh my gosh, what a mess. I can't even begin to list the things that didn't work. I usually don't give to much credence to professional critics, but in this case i guess i should have. That's not true, I would have seen it anyway. One thing i have to comment on: Have you ever met anyone dumber that Rooster. I haven't. Paula Patton was excellent, and i thought she was great in Deja Vu also. I know they were trying something totally different here, but i think they should have gone with a more experienced and accomplished director. But really it was the script. All over the place. On the fly I'm sure. Oh well. At least I can go watch "Black Snake Moan" again. Now that's a sexy movie. Samuel L. can boogie.
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Aberdeen (2000)
Where I first fell in love with Headey...
14 January 2006
Isn't it wonderful how out of nowhere you can get hit with a film like this. I was hypnotized by Lena Headey from the start and i couldn't let go. I wondered where they were hiding this wonderful actress and began searching for answers.. Still haven't found any. Could hardly find anything about this movie. Blockbuster of course didn't have it and I haven't seen it played on the Sundance channel since. But no matter, it will remain with me forever...Lena by the way had a couple of movies this year ("The Cave" & " The Brother's Grimm" ) what a waste of this interesting actress. And by the way, have you seen the movie credits of Ian Hart. Whoa! More movies than Michael Caine. Anyway, if you get a chance, stay with this one. It was worth its weight in gold.
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