
35 Reviews
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Let's see what unfolds next
24 February 2024
I gotta hand it to the crew that made this whole production, they did a helluva good job with ATLA, sure a lot of scenes were skipped, key scenarios and characters were combined in certain and very interesting ways, character dynamics changed, but I love the more mature approach to this. Showing that being the avatar is not all fun and games and antics, it's also not about facing dangers alone. The bending in this is a thousand times better than what Shyamalon did, at least these people kept the bending art, even make it a little more realistic with movements. I can't wait to see what more adventures await the series, what Togh will be like, Ba Sing Sa, metal bending, Zuko teaming up with Team Avatar.
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Songs are catchy, but story wise...
31 January 2024
The story in this is confusing as hell, first off, how did the rageons discover how to use a troll?? You can't just say "let's put a troll in a perfume bottle and see if we can suck the life out of him to make us famous" that alone makes no sense at all. Also why introduce characters and species without any explanation as to who or what they are like the rageons, Crimp and the Vacay Islanders, and not to mention the drug-induced animations is basically saying "our trolls are hallucinogenic beings". The songs are kinda catchy but again, the story is just weird and confusing, this would be a better movie if things just made sense.
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Migration (I) (2023)
It's a fair movie, but lacks in some areas
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After watching a trailer or two a few times, I was kinda interested in this but now that I've seen it..I'm not saying it's bad but it's definitely missing a few things. For starters, exactly who are the parents and what made the dad so paranoid?? What is his backstory? And who is Uncle Dan? Whose brother is he? What's his backstory? What is the deal with the chef? Dude has enough money for his own private military chopper yet lives in a crummy apartment. Again, I'm not saying it's bad, but the movie did feel quite short, not enough actions, the "adventures" were so-so, some scenes were on the brink of "wtf is going on now?" This movie feels like it's got a few holes in it where it could've been a decent story. So I'd give it a C.
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It's a good start...
30 December 2023
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So I just watched this and I gotta say I am impressed. This kinda has a Star Wars meets space DnD vibe to it, you have two ex-military fighter and general, swordswoman assassin, possibly exiled prince turned forge smith/animal tamer, double-crossing thief/smuggler and a farmer with no combat skills, an imperial force destroying worlds in the so called "slain kings name" in order to bring their force of rule, then there's a little known rag-tag rebel force fighting against the oppressors, the commanding officer of the imperial forces reminds me of General Hux in a way. Part One was a good start and I can't wait to see how Part Two plays out, with this opening gates to possibilities and see more character arcs, more backstories, I can't wait to see how the story unfolds in 4 months!!
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A good adventure, but....
10 October 2023
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First time I saw this I enjoyed it, the "legendary beasts", the comical relief characters (mainly Rat) the storyline, but one things seems to nag on my mind though, how can this Book of Peace protect a city but yet a Goddess of Discord can just waltz right in and take it?? One would think this Book of Peace would have some kind of magic to protect itself and who wields it from evil, yet Eris took it like candy from a baby. I do understand the thought process "where would the adventure be if she didn't take the book" but here's another thought, if Eris is as powerful as she is, why wouldn't she hypnotize or persuade Sinbad to take it himself AND THEN have our adventure story, that's all. But other than that, this is a decent good movie to relax and watch.
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Kinda stretching it
2 October 2023
The first Meg movie is actually a decent shark movie, the writing was fair, but as for The Meg 2: The Trench?? What exactly are they doing that Hollywood has done for decades in their movies "a science team makes the discovery of a lifetime and some off-shore, 2-timing, back-stabbing mercs take the real payload to make millions and the cost of lives" change it up Hollywood, the audience want new materials, new storylines, don't just recycle old stories and put barely a twist on them, give us some real stories to treasure, give us new life lessons that don't deal with politics/religion or wealth, give us something to remember and not migraines.
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20 years since Eddie Murphy's attempt
30 July 2023
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Went and saw this last night, and I LOVE IT!!! I love all the nuances they have in this movie compared to Eddie Murphy's Haunted Mansion, don't get me wrong, the 2003 Haunted Mansion is ok, but this HM trumps it tenfold, the stretching gallery, the changing portraits, the certain ghosts involved in this, the storyline was definitely unexpected, the villain for this was an interesting choice. Sure some of the character interactions were a bit silly and really loved how they included the HM from Magic Kingdom. The jumpscares in this definitely got me once or twice, but would I pay again to see this in theaters?!?! Probably not, rather wait for Disney+
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Russell Crowe is a talented actor
8 May 2023
Now I don't believe in God or demonic possession my self (that's my belief) and hearing that this was based on a "true story" kinda makes it hard to believe it happened in real life, but as a movie, I enjoyed it a lot, the graphic depictions of possession, not as dramatic as The Exorcist 1973, but still good effects. Russell Crowe is quite the actor, watching him copy the behaviors and mannerism of exorcists and men of the church was kinda interesting to entangle that into his character role, gotta appreciate the lengths these actors go to to achieve that persona and make the audience believe. All in all, I'd say this is a decent movie, probably worth an Oscar or 2, maybe an Emmy, but was this movie "The Best Worldwide" I wouldn't say so, I just enjoy the movie for what it is.
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Luca (2021)
Fair but doesn't feel original
28 March 2023
Not that I'm trying to slash this movie or Pixar, but it kinda feels like The Little Mermaid meets Italy, some things are not really explained, like why do the humans fear these "sea monsters"? Have they killed humans? Have they drowned humans? Did they ruin the fishing grounds? And what happened to Alberto's parent(s)? Why is Ercole the way he is? Sure I've seen the movie once (please don't judge) but that's how many times it took me to see if this is a watch-more-than-once kind of movie. I'll give credit to Disney for trying something different, but I just don't really get this movie, again, total respect to those who like this movie, it's just not for me.
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Fall (I) (2022)
2 girls, 1 survivor
10 March 2023
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And here I thought 47 Meters Down was bad, this is worse!! A woman loses her husband to a climbing accident, nearly a year later, she's distraught, dad tries to help, she's (potentially suicidal) and takes up drinking, best friend persuades her to go climbing again but in a DANGEROUS area up an abandoned radio antenna to spread his ashes, best friend is kind of a jerk for scaring her up the climb, gets some pics in, ladder breaks and they lose there gear, best friend tries to get the backpack but falls onto a radio dish and dies, (SPOILER) Becky loses her mind and think Hunter was with her the whole time, Becky tried everything to get a message out but ends up using her friends corpse to send a message after 3 days.
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19 October 2022
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I immediately loved this movie when I first watched it, my favorite line will always be: "perhaps my mouth should say what my eyes have not, I have scarcely seen the young lady 3 times, but should it be 30 or 30,000 it'd still be the same, I have not one thought, hope or wish connected with her, unless it be part of the picture I keep in my mind of one day being able to turn my back upon this accursed place and never to think of it again, with any feeling of loathing and disgust" PERFECT way to turn down someone and still remain a gentleman!!! I love how Nicholas held on to his manners and his morals and never raised a fist unless absolutely necessary. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a good movie night movie.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
This is a wake-up call
9 October 2022
Now I understand some people may question "why do these people live in the future while we have problems?!?!" What they need to do is looking deeper into the movie and get the message, Tomorrowland is not "the future", it's a representation of what our world and society could look like if our world could pool its resources and help society as a whole, rebuild the world from the ground up and help everyone, not just one class or the other, but all humans and reshape the world for future generations and rise above materialistic needs and economic wealth and power, this movie is a masterpiece and an eye-opener!!
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The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961–1966)
We need shows like this in this time
29 September 2022
The Dick Van Dyke show will always be a good, family-friendly comedy, it doesn't discriminate anyone, doesn't have crude jokes, it aims at all ages, and it's real comedy to its core!! This is a good show to watch if you want something to lift you up after a bad day, or need a morality boost, a life lesson, or need a good laugh. I remember when this was on Netflix for a time and I loved every second of it, now it's on Freevee (whatever that is) but this show is just pure and wholesome. If we had more shows like this today, maybe society would be just a little bit better than it is now. I love all the gags, the shenanigans, the ribbing, the fact that everyone gets their share of the limelight and doesn't leave anyone out.
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Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. (2021–2023)
Talk about a real "never doubt yourself" show
22 August 2022
I love everything about this series, a 16 year old genius doctor, a very chill surfer dad and a busy-body mom trying to balance being a mom and running a hospital. It's awesome to see how Lahela learns that being a doctor doesn't translate to other skills, how Claire learns to try to go with the flow, how Benny helps everyone find the beauty in life. I hope to see more development between Kai and B. P., I'd also love to see what happens when Walter goes on tour and how Lahela handles that feeling along with (hopefully) being promoted to Chief of Residence.
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Expedition Unknown (2015– )
Expedition Unknown needs more recognition
15 August 2022
I first started watching this show at the start of the pandemic and the episode I first watched was season 6 episode 4, Scotlands Lost Gold!! After that I was immediately hooked, I watched every episode ever and I feel like I learned a lot more about History, Mythology, FBI cases, urban myths, etc than I ever learned in high school!! I love how Josh adds jokes and humor to his shows while still teaching viewers!!!
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The Ruins (2008)
Could've been better
24 March 2022
Watching this movie when it first came out, it was decent, acting was ok, but didn't know any of the backstory. Now I never read the book, but seeing the movie again as an adult, I can see where there would be gaps, like "why wouldn't the Mayan descendants ward off the area to protect outsiders?" Unless they wanted to still have people "discover" the ruins only to sacrifice them? Or "why go to an unknown temple/ruin with little-to-no knowledge of it or the villagers?" I'm just saying, these kinds of horror movies need some explanations but not a lot to give away too much, but just enough so the audience understands the plot a little more. All in all, it's a C- at best. Not horrible, but not that great either.
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What were the animators thinking?!?
31 January 2022
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After seeing the trailers and promos for this movie, I was a bit skeptic, and I'm glad I was!! This movie did not add to the feelings the other Ice Age movies have. The voice actors were not suitable, the animation looks rough and rushed, the story seems weak (a baby triceratops-like Dino with a big brain?!?! That's what the producers came up with?!) the only "good" bits in this was the chemistry and bantering between Buck and Zee. If Disney wanted to keep Ice Age going, why not make a spin-off series, like Peaches and Julian exploring the world? Or bring Granny, Shira, or even Brooke back in the mix?! I get the whole "meet the deadline" deal, but don't rush a project because the fans want something new. I won't say this was a bad movie, but it could've used a lot more work.
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Love the music....but
24 January 2022
I'd give this movie more props but some things just didn't really help with the story or make any sense. First off, why have the frogs and the sheep?! They don't add any charm or sense to the story whatsoever, second, I feel like if the producers/writers/crew got more Irish voice actors, that'd add more depth to this movie, third, we needed more songs/dances, for example: Thunderstorm, the Irish Deer help Keegan see that even in dark thunderous storms, the skies will clear. Also the "huntsman" what makes him so intimidating? He's an obese guy with no backstory. All in all, I'd say this a decent movie, love the songs and dances in it.
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Mrs. Brown's Boys (2011– )
Never busted my gut in my life like this!!!!
25 July 2021
After watching a few clips of this show on YouTube, I had to really watch this show and I can say I ENJOY THIS SHOW!!! I've never laughed so hard in my life!!! The actors, the skits, the improv, the humor, everything about Mrs. Browns Boys is just hilarious!!! I love this show.
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A great family film, filled with all different tropes and antics
26 June 2021
When I first watched this movie, I was already enthralled. I enjoyed seeing how each family member has their own antics and quirks, Rick being the "I wanna live outdoors" kinda guy, Linda being the supportive role model and mama bear, Katie working towards being a film producer and Aaron being a big Dino nerd. I loved all the different tropes and references in the movie (will robots turn evil, are phones bad, robot apocalypse, Furbies) I think this movie has potential for a sequel or a tv spin-off series.
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Amphibia (2019–2022)
Give this show a really good watching
6 June 2021
I'll admit, at first I was kinda skeptical of this show (wasn't sure why) but after hearing all the hype for Amphibia, I decided to give it another chance, and I can proudly say I'm glad I did!!! At the beginning it does start slow, but that's what draws the audience in. Seeing how Anne works hard to be accepted but in the end it takes dedication to be seen. She's dedicated to helping others and protecting her other family. Sasha on the other hand has some control issues to work out, and Marcy is just spunky, intelligent, quirky, and a bit clumsy. I am definitely looking forward to season 3!!!
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Pacific Rim: The Black (2021–2022)
Excellent way to enhance the Pacific Rim franchise
13 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just heard of this a few days ago and I will say, I love this show, bummer it is 7 episodes long, but it's worth it for a start. I love the idea that it's about more than Jägers vs Kaijus, it's about character build ups, and showing the struggle between Taylor and Hayley only improves their bond and connection. But the first season doesn't go without questions, like who is Boy and what is his story? What is Shane's past? Who are the Sisters and why use these Bloodhound like Kaijus? Will we get to see more of that Apex Kaiju-Jäger hybrid? Can Boy transform at will? But for a first season, this is well done and well planned, a few twists unseen, but that's what makes Pacific Rim: The Black so interesting. I hope there will be more episodes in season 2 and released soon!!!
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A good natural-disaster, bring-family-together series
18 February 2021
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I've recently seen this pop up when I opened Netflix and I will say, it's not a bad show. Being only 10 episode long, it does bring all the "natural disaster tropes" into one short series. Step 1: Disaster hits and the family is all spread out. Step 2: Family comes together and figures out how to survive. Step 3: along the way a parent dies in an unforeseen accident. Step 4: the remaining family struggles with the loss while trying to stay strong. Step 5: the family come across other survivors (some good, some bad) and form a bigger group. Step 6: the group comes to know of a "safe haven" which turns out to be a cult. Step 7: disaster hits the safe haven and the group makes a hasty escape. Step 8: the group learns of an evacuation process and tries to make it to the evac point. Step 9: the group finds another way to escape together when the "big disaster" finally hits. Step 10: after being separated (again) the group comes together after a few days apart. Step 11: the final parent dies saving the group and gives them a chance to escape and live. All in all, I find Japan Sinks 2020 to be a visually stunning and heart-wrenching show. A show about struggles, hardships, sacrifices, community and surviving to show that no matter what happens, it's family and friends you meet along the way to help you in trying times.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
A totally new level of DC bloody, violent, Game-Of-Thronesy take
12 February 2021
I've seen snippets of the show here and there on social media but finally watching it, I will say MAJOR KUDOS to the writers, animators, VA's, etc in this amazing series. I loved seeing a whole new spin on the interactions between heroes and villains, making them culturally and socially flawed for comedy. And watching the relationship between Harley and Ivy really grow throughout the show and not just " a few heists and we'll bang" kinda deal. Seeing whole new sides to the characters I've never even seen or heard before (King Shark, Dr. Psycho, Kite Man) and seeing the "not always malicious" sides of villains like Bane, Two-Face, Penguin and seeing them act like civilized humans was a nice touch (when they felt like it). I will say I was not expecting to see so much gore and profanity in this show (doesn't bother me none, I've seen Game Of Thrones) but I did enjoy all the references to other shows/movies/games outside of the DCU. All in all, I'd highly recommend this show to anyone who wants a good show, doesn't mind blood and language and (minor) sexual content, extreme innuendos/references and anyone who's a fan of DC Shows.
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Vixen: The Movie (2017 Video)
I hope there will be a tv series of Vixen
6 February 2021
I first heard of Vixen a few years ago but was not able to watch it until we recently got HBO Max, the movie was an incredible introduction to the character of Mari/Vixen. And to the "bad reviewers" let me say something about Vixen running as fast as the flash, he can control his speed, he was testing her abilities. And Vixen switching animals back and forth, she's was testing her abilities without any training. But what I think of the movie is remarkable, I loved the storyline and plot twists, just wish there was more and I agree about the "live action budget" that would be a bit troublesome in the effects department and choreography, but if Vixen gets an extended animated series, I'm all for it!!
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