
13 Reviews
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Buried (2010)
An endless thrill ride, with one main actor.
15 August 2010
I caught this gem at Sundance earlier in the year. It was part of the 'Park City at midnight' group of films, which showcased horror and thriller movies, and played them at, can you guess? Midnight. I saw Buried on the last night of the festival, Ryan Reynolds wasn't there, but both the director and writer were. It was a small theater on Main street, very artsy in it's look. But once the film started I had eyes only for the screen.

It starts off with Ryan waking up, trapped in a box. A long box, the length of a human body, buried deep beneath the ground. From there the film plays out in an awe inspiring way, especially seeing as there's only so much you can reveal from one location. The way Rodrigo Cortes handled the filming is truly exceptional. From the start the camera switches between closely claustrophobic, and flying high above Ryan, showing the box with him inside and black all around. It's constantly on the move just like our main character's thoughts. Diving in when the action is intense, and then cutting to black when you don't think you can take any more.

The pacing and plot of the film were nothing short of genius. And Chris Sparling, the writer, should be commended for his work. He said after the showing, that after having his scripts rejected for their cost of locations he decided to go for a cheep but genius idea. One location, one star, and a wealth of idea's. It makes a film like 'Salt' look like a giant waste of resources, when Buried does what even some of the best thrillers can't do, it brings us inside the character's head, and does it all without a romp through the city, or blowing things up.

If you're one of those people who loves to sit on the edge of your seat, chewing at your fingernails, while you're constantly asking yourself what's going to happen next. Then by all means watch Buried, and consider yourself lucky that you're not in his shoes...
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A beautiful film.
2 August 2010
I've been a fan of studio Ghibli and their films for quite some time now. So i suppose it was only fitting for this to be the last of their films for to me watch.

It tells the tale of a twenty something year old woman, as she travels to the country on holiday. She's pretty, with lines under her eyes, and a smile that show's up all to often in Anime. But the real narrative thrust is not in the present, but instead the past. When she was a child in fifth grade. It is through these flashbacks, that we're able to understand her personality, and what brought about the situation she now finds herself in. Twenty something, unmarried and undecided about life. Picky about her future, just like she was in the past.

Isao Takahata is a genius, not only for structuring the story to near perfection, but also the depth in which he delves to show the feelings of a preteen girl. I laughed, nearly cried, and was touched by every scene. Which is amazing considering it's a drawing that holds the movie together. I'm amazed at the level of emotion that a good artist can bring out. The gaps and chasms between my culture and hers were blown away by the simple feelings that everyone, no matter how far apart, experiences.

I believe that a nineteen year old Massai warrior could enjoy this film the same as a thirty year old resident of Tokyo. Some emotions go beyond words, as do some movies. This is one of those movies. And i urge every film lover, nature lover, and Anime lover, to watch this film, and i dare you to fall in love.

Like i have.....
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Winter's Bone (2010)
Neo noir, with a twist of white trash.
1 February 2010
This shockingly diverse film offers numerous delights to the viewer. Beginning with simple title credits, and ending in a beautiful display of foliage. Winter's Bone will grab your attention and never let go.

Based on a novel of the same name, it's the story of a seventeen year old girl who is searching for her missing father. Sound like something you've seen before? Well it's not! The basic premise surrounds itself with remarkably new idea's and situation's. A feeling of noir envelopes the screen and each character and action leads you on a most enjoyable journey. The Actor's and more importantly Actress, are dug so deep into their characters that there isn't a single fake second.

Debra Granik does an amazing job in the director/screenwriter role. Her vision entangles the story together and propels it forward to the unforgettable climax. The world that is shown through this film is one i was unfamiliar with, but after seeing it all i can think about is the life those characters lead. And how different it is from my own.

A film that deserved the grand jury award at Sundance and one which I plan to see again. Winter's Bone is a film for everyone, be you young, old, or in the middle. Just walk into the cinema with an empty plate and you will leave filled.
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Twelve (2010)
A film with integrity.
30 January 2010
Just caught the premier of "Twelve" today and left the theater shocked. Having never read or heard of the book before now, i entered the cinema knowing two things; first that it was directed by Joel Schumacher an astounding filmmaker, and second that because it was accepted into Sundance, it must have some exceptional parts.

Needless to say, the film exceeded expectation and moved into the realm of surreal. Like every film at Sundance, the director said a few words before screening started. Now most people know Schumacher from his hit's like, "Phantom of the Opera", "Phone Booth", or his flawed Batman's. However I've been privileged to see his early work, which includes, "The Lost Boy's", "Flatliners", and "8MM". Yet despite the high mark which his previous films set, "Twelve" pulls up to and even surpasses some.

Chace Crawford was an inspiration in the lead role and though it was the first film I've seen him in, i hope he continues a successful career.

The other actor's all give supreme performances, though my personal favorite in the film is one you might despise me for. Billy Magnussen as Claude, who carries out his character in magnificent form and had the role been given to anyone else, the movie would've been sorely injured.

The insight into teenagers, especially the rich, stands unrivaled. Nick McDonell wrote true people, character's that are 3D and whom you can relate to. As a seventeen year old myself i am grateful for his gift to our generation.

The five million dollar budget which this film was made on, and the twenty-three day's in which it was shot, proves the genius of everyone working on it. And when the cast and crew stood on stage at the end to answer questions, i felt the need to clap till my hands bled. And to stress the point Joel made, there is a comedy in this film that supersedes anything you've seen before. But to truly appreciate every aspect and genre in it, you must be of an open mind, and willing to see even the gritty parts in teenagers.
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Beautifully crafted, cinematic drama.
27 January 2010
I was able to attend the premier at Sundance this year, and let me begin by saying, this movie riveted my senses. With strong performances by the cast, especially writer and star Christopher Thornton, the movie worked it's magic. I sat in awe near the front row, as Mark Ruffalo, the director, got on stage before the film began and gave a brilliant opening speech. Then the room grew dark and the movie started.

I'm writing this from the New Frontier located on main street, Park City. Two hours after the film ended, and yet i still find it hard to clear my mind of "Sympathy for Delicious." After the film finished and the audience gave a standing ovation, Mark, Christopher, and a large portion of the crew, climbed on stage to answer our questions.

Among the many questions answered, was the story of how it all began. Mark began by saying how he had been best friends with Christopher for the past twenty years, how they had studied together as actors in New York, and about Christopher's tragic accident seventeen years ago that rendered him a cripple. Then Christopher took the mike and told us of Mark's pressuring him into writing a movie based on his own character and experiences. This began a ten year trek to getting the film made. The numerous rewrites and financial difficulties it went through were astounding, yet they persevered and finally succeeded in making a masterpiece.

If you haven't yet viewed this movie you're missing out on something great. Not only does it supply emotionally gripping characters but also a wholly original script. And let's not forget Mark's directing, which in itself is a powerful debut.
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Beautiful and compelling masterpiece.
11 January 2010
I'm appalled by the numerous attacks this film has garnered by both critics and more importantly film idiots. Due to these biased and unimaginative comments, i went into the film with a sense of separation, and left it feeling fully immersed. As a fan of all Peter Jackson's pictures including but not limited to: "Bad Taste, Meet the Feebles, and Braindead." I was hardly surprised at the level of artistic taste this movie carried. But what is a movie without a good script, and that is where i believe it shines.

The story begins simply, a child reminiscing about her past and what it means to her. From there she carries on her life only to be snatched away and murdered by a reclusive psychopath. Within the first twenty minutes of this film, the emotions garnered in the audience are enough to satisfy most features. However in a movie of this capacity it is perfectly reasonable in expecting to be pulled on a roller coaster of emotions. I won't go into detail about the later portion of this film, except for saying it had me gripping the seat, wildly cheering for the protagonists.

What a wonderful idea to mix so many elements in the story, a dose of thriller here, one of supernatural there, and adding my personal favorite, a real bastard to hate.

I never read the book and begin to wonder if the bad comments weren't written by the illiterate fan's of Alice Sebold's novel. I say illiterate for lack of a better word and in no way am I disrespecting the aforementioned writer. I'm simply unsure where they went to school, because this movie seems to attract the hate of idiots. Even me, a seventeen year old, knows the difference between where and were. But alas i don't want to take up the page with my verbal abuse. So I'll spend just a little more time giving credit where it is due.

To Saoirse Ronan, my sincere congratulations in pulling off such an extraordinary performance. My only hope is to see you more often in upcoming films.

Mark Wahlberg who many say can't act, proves them wrong in his role as a father torn by grief and anger.

But perhaps my greatest nod should go to Stanley Tucci, who whether through accident or design, embodies a truly evil man. Someone who gave up bitterness for his wrongdoings long ago, and in turn entered a new stage of rotten. In a film such as this, it is crucial for the antagonist to be an actor of considerable prowess, and i believe we have such a character in Mr Tucci.

And of course a round of applause to the other amazing actors that bring this film to fruition, without you it would've been an empty spectacle.

Peter Jackson, please continue wowing us with your vibe and creativity. Proving that dreams can come true, even if they are started as an eight year old boy.

Once more for any late comers, I despise the rude comments on this title, I enjoyed it deeply even plan to view it again, and finally would love to see it's ratings improved.

Thank you very much, and wishing you all a long and happy life.....
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Avatar (2009)
One Sweet Ride.
18 December 2009
Being a fan of director James Cameron, i was extremely disappointed when he stopped directing features, after helming the masterpiece "Titanic". Now more then ten years on, he has returned to the industry with what can only be describe as a sensational comeback. Avatar does what countless Hollywood blockbusters have tried and failed to do, it picks you up and carries you on a three hour ride, never once letting go. The story mixes action with drama, showing an indigenous culture, like that of our own American Indians, and portraying the battle to protect that which is pure from the technologically advanced humans. There are parts in the story that hinted on slow or repetitive, but where the script drops a notch the directing picks up. The graphics are unmatched by any film I've seen, and I've seen them all. The explosiveness seen through 3d brings you into the world of Pandora and it's abundant wildlife.

Sam Worthington proves to be an extremely talented actor and i hope to view many more roles with him in the future. Sigourney Weaver who I've missed since the Ali1en series, embodies her character and turns her fully dimensional. The supporting actors and voice actors, all do impressively in their individual roles and cause the film to become even more real.

The film in plain English is amazing and i couldn't imagine a more enjoyable way to spend the evening. James Cameron is back and I'm eternally grateful to god for making him. And when at last the three hours faded away and the credits rolled in I slowly came down from the high which is Avatar.
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Scrubs: Our First Day of School (2009)
Season 9, Episode 1
Where to begin?
14 December 2009
I pride myself to be in the top 1000 biggest scrubs fan, having re-watched the show countless times, finding new meanings to jokes or letting them have the same effect on me. When the series supposedly ended i was heartbroken, but happy that they ended on such a high note. That was eight months ago, then this. I cant say whether i'm happy or sad, maybe both. Happy that i get to see J.D. and Dr. Cox back at it, but disappointed with the disappearance of the janitor, and the introduction of interns who seem flaccid and fake compared to the original characters. I wish that they'd branched out, maybe making another hospital show without the name of scrubs and left us our memory's of the best show I've ever seen. Thats not to say that maybe this won't get better, but i cant imagine scrubs without a janitor, a nurse Espinosa, and all the other cast members that made it work.
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Scrubs: My Finale: Part 2 (2009)
Season 8, Episode 19
A beautiful beautiful ending.
10 May 2009
As a scrubs fan I had built up the ending in my mind, imagining a giant excursion that pulled every aspect we love about scrubs into one episode. My expectations were so high in fact, that I was unsure if i could even watch it, but nonetheless i did.

I sat down and turned on the TV bracing myself for the end, what followed moved me to tears and touched my heart for one last time. It added the drama we all love about scrubs, with the humor, the heartbreak and comedy. Yet at the beginning it felt like any other episode, just your normal fun one but nothing spectacular, I didn't understand. Here I had thought it would be a jam packed adventure, filled to the brim with danger and action. But then half way through when JD says his line about how sometimes we build everything in our mind and the real thing doesn't meet our standards it dawned on me, this was an episode of scrubs.

Not some gigantic crazy finale but the simple sweet ending of an amazing romance. And as JD walked down the hallway of Sacred Heart for the last time and thought about life and everyone he'd touched, about how what really matters is the friends you have and the people you make laugh, i knew the truth. Scrubs had been in my life so long, it had kept me happy when times where blue, when i had nothing to hold on to, and i finally knew what made it so great. Each of the characters you cherish and feel for, you love them and they in turn brighten your life. There aren't words to describe my feelings, so all I can say is scrubs, you were a friend and more when I needed one.

So for that, my sincerest thanks to Bill Laurence, Zach Braff, John C. McGinley, Donald Faison, Sarah Chalke, Judy Reyes, Ken Jenkins, Niel Finn aka The Janitor (I don't believe we ever truly learn your name), and the entire cast and crew of all eight seasons of the best comedy show ever born. Take care in whatever path's your lives take you. The future is only as bright as you make it, and perhaps this once, all of our dreams will come true.
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Skellig: The Owl Man (2009 TV Movie)
Compelling adaption of David Almonds masterpiece
14 April 2009
A beautiful and compelling movie...

I read the book when I was fourteen years old and never forgot it, in fact I loved it so much that I was determined to make a movie after it. Sadly this version was made first, but I'm not angry for it is truly a worthy adaption, I only wish it played in the cinema. Most kid movies nowadays are filled with rot and trash, this film however is packed with good morals and deep characters.

A must see for fans of the book and certainly for any child around or adult for that matter. David Almond should be proud and I hope this film moves into the public's eye, cause a better kids movie I have yet to watch. The graphics are perfect and the book to screenplay format works wonderfully. Tim Roth does an excellent job, who would have thought Ted the bellhop/Mr Orange could have acted as an angel/bird, well the awesome Taurus pulled his weight and shines. The children also are great, in fact the cast and crew together made an amazing film!

100 out 10
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The Sundance story - How I saw "500 Days of Summer."
29 March 2009
This is the story of boy meets girl, but it is not a love story that will unfurl. Instead a story about loves reactions, caused by two peoples juvenile actions

A little rhyme I wrote in honor of this years funniest and most delightful film. In January 2009 I was able to attend the Sundance Film Festival where I viewed a number of superb movies but none so genius as this one. Unable to buy or book any tickets for the original showings I sadly set my thoughts on other films, till the last day. I had changed plans and went to the ticket office to exchange one movie ticket for another. It was then that I discovered they planned to screen another showing of 500 Days of Summer, due to its immense popularity. Immediately buying a ticket, I found myself in the theater a few hours later awaiting with batted breath. I looked around me and watched as Joseph Gorden Levitt took a seat in the row behind, smiling and shaking hands with a number of fans. Although I too was a great fan I couldn't bring myself to go over there, instead I stayed in my seat and the movie started.

An hour and a half later, I was standing up and applauding for all I was worth. In fact the whole cinema was, with every single audience member whistling, clapping and laughing at the brilliance of it all. Then Joseph Gorden Levitt, (the only cast member of the film who showed up) ran on stage and started answering questions. Bubbling with enthusiasm he jumped around, laughing, yelling, and keeping the lot of us entertained. He answered the straight questions with straight answers and the silly questions with straight out of hell silly answers. And at the end ran up and down the stage filming us all with a camcorder, saying he'd remember the day forever, I sure do.

Then he went back to his seat and as everyone exited the cinema I swallowed my pride, walked up and shook his hand saying, "Amazing performance, you're an inspiration." Then it was over, I found myself being shuffled with the crowd out of the theater and into the cold outside. But even though I was in a t-shirt, I couldn't feel the chill, being instead caught up in the entertainment and thoughts of a vibrant funny film.

A film that scores high in all the boxes and one I will certainly see again.

100 out of 100.
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Watchmen (2009)
A masterpiece!!!
29 March 2009
I love the comic more than any comic or book I have ever read. For the last 30 years a small number of producers have wanted to make this film, but everyone else said "it was impossible and unfilmable." But its finally been done by none other then Zach Snyder, the genius behind 300.

So let me start by saying, it is the most stunningly beautiful film you will ever see. The cinematography alone is beyond anything previously made. As for the movie, it pays perfect homage to the graphic novel, taking the material and changing it just enough to work with film. Looking at the source however, I'm truly surprised it came out so good and am certain it will offend quite a number of people for its gore and content.

I watched it in Imax on the night of it's release, 12:00 in the morning and walked out of the cinema 3 hours later breathing the night's air and wishing it wasn't over. This is not a movie for idiots, superhero fan's, or people looking for a simple plot. This is a movie for someone looking for a rich and deep portrayal of humans, with an added dose of violence to appease your dark side. And for what it is no one could have done better. Also I agree with Zach, I hope Alan Moore will one day watch it, he'll realize it does justice to his comic....

So in closing I urge you to watch the Watchmen, you will not be disappointed.
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Pokémon: Pokemon Kimi ni Kimeta! (1997)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great start to an amazing kid show.
27 March 2009
I was lucky enough to catch this as a child and it's stuck with me since, back when kid show's were funny sweet and innocent, not the sh*t they play on cartoon network these days. Ash starts his Pokemon adventure late in the day and as such has missed out on all the original Pokemon, all thats left is a stubborn Pikachu that refuses to go into a Poke-ball. But thanks to Ash's kind nature and him trying to save Pikachu from a flock of angry Spearow, Pikachu learns to trust him and together they embark on the greatest Pokemon journey of all time. And though the show bottoms out much later, just re-watch the beginning an you'll remember what you loved about Pokemon.
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