4 Reviews
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9 April 2008
Just watched this the other day and was so pleased. This movie is great and delivered on every level. I've admired Casey Affleck's work since Good Will Hunting, but after seeing The Assassination of Jesse James and Gone Baby Gone, I am convinced that he is an amazing actor. The supporting cast is fantastic, Ed Harris is so talented and Morgan Freeman is always good. The actress in the lead as the little girl's mom is so good it's scary. She portrays a drugged out, selfish, terrible mother to a tee. The plot has some great and surprising twists and kept me on the edge of my seat. Some scenes were so raw and quite disturbing but an unfortunately startlingly accurate depiction of some of the sickness in the world today. Ben Affleck should be so proud-amazing job.
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The Wonder Years (1988–1993)
The Best Of Television
13 August 2007
I watched The Wonder Years every Tuesday night when I was in Jr. High and I don't think I ever missed an episode. That was 20 years ago and I still watch it today with my 9 year old son. The setting is so "Everytown USA" in that it brings back memories of growing up in suburbia for probably everyone who watches. The Arnold family is like every other family, wonderful and loving and dysfunctional all at the same time. Norma and Jack remind me of my parents. The loving mom that you adore yet are a little embarrassed to be seen with and the stern, bread winning dad who isn't home very often and when he is he's reading the paper/watching t.v., or telling you to cut the grass. And of course the big brother who you fight with constantly but look up to at the same time. And the free-spirited older sis, whose aimless wandering we can all identify with. The clothes, the music, the bicycles with banana seats and the relationships and life lessons all ring true to those who have grown up and remember our own "wonder years". And for the young kids watching it today, as it did for me when I first watched, it teaches important lessons about growing up and how to enjoy it while it lasts! There is nothing else like it, it's simply the best!
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This Is a Really Good Movie
6 August 2006
It seems to me that many horror movies disappoint. They are filled with bad acting or unbelievable plot lines but this movie does not disappoint. It follows the story of a regular family traveling through the desert on their way to a California vacation. The family is extremely likable and this makes it all the more excruciating when you realize they are the targets of some very bad people. The acting in this film is solid, my favorite performance delivered by the actor playing Bobby, the families teenage son. The rest of the cast is excellent as well. There is a lot of gore so if that's disagreeable to you, then don't watch this film. If you are a horror buff then this one will be very enjoyable!
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Almost Grown: Pilot (1988)
Season 1, Episode 1
The Best
23 January 2006
I was in 11th grade when this came out. Of course I was dealing with all the issues of a 16-17 year old, love ,sex,drama, friendship... I was also obsessed w/ the 1960s culture and Tim Daly! This show was perfect for me. I still remember my Dad driving me to high school and hearing the radio ads... "Do you remember where you were when you heard this song for the first time?" I could hardly wait for the movie and the TV show just got better every week. My favorite was the Christmas episode. I'm so shocked to see all the awesome reviews on this site! Glad to see I'm not alone. This was TV drama at it's absolute best. The acting was amazing. The plots exciting and so moving, I was sucked in every week. Tim Daly is still gorgeous and a hell of an actor, but I long to see him as Norman again! And hear that hot James Brown song they used as the theme-- the best!!!!
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