
10 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Should have NEVER been remade
29 March 2024
I don't know what they were thinking in trying to remake this movie, but 100%, it falls below the zero mark. What in these people's right minds, made them think they could redo an awesome old movie, kind of rewrite it and let it pass us genre people?

No thought at all.

Y'all need to quit remaking awesome movies and get on with your lives... some st, just can't be redone.. get over it... you actually almost ruined the original in my eye.. and you got a nomination? I don't understand how.. Patrick Swayze was the best person to play that character back in the day. Jake made a joke of the original movie.
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Started rewatching
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
All I could think was honestly just wow and kinda dumb! I'm 100% Teri was part of the executive team.. so mad!

She's obviously 100% women MUST win, how many times has she single handedly almost get Clark/Superman killed? Actually too many to list.. no wonder the series died.. a nobody journalist emasculated a super hero.... She alone brings certain death to any one person surrounded by her... She's broken Superman/Clark so many times, its surreal at this point.. I sincerely do NOT understand why they neither got rid of her, but trying to keep her in, they 100% should have absolutely changed all scenes.
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Champions (2023)
21 September 2023
This movie, although for whatever reason was transferred to an American team, when it was a Spanish team, was absolutely amazing! I lived the story, the people, absolutely everything! It is a must watch! Woody, you did an awesome, amazing job! I just wish you would have kept it true to it's origin! Who cares where it happens, ut happened in history! It was a heart fulfilling story! It was an amazing story to watch, in our troubled times! Thank you for bringing this story to the light of day! It was a great feel good, I wish now I was an actual basketball fan. I'll look later for them! I Googled the real team this was based in, totally amazing!
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Sickened by governmental child theft
17 May 2023
I just don't understand in this modern world, people tell lies and slander a family and steal their children. Its senseless, and inhumane. Just because you don't agree or understand a family's background, doesn't mean they are terrible parents. So your answer to everything, recruiting foreigners and abducting their children. Yes, that will absolutely make them want to continue to work for you.. NOT. Hard pass on that! Norway should be completely and utterly ashamed of themselves! Taking children from a family, is like taking their passports.. it is blackmail to make them stay working for you.. slavery.
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CSI: Vegas (2021–2024)
Mandeep Dhillon needs to go!
12 January 2023
I was really into the first season that aired. Season two.. bites. I don't know if its because the forced relationship didn't work, but she's absolutely 100% horrible for this series. Suddenly, she an all fired arrest everyone because she thinks she right, usually wrong.

Her acting on the series.. bombs away!

She's going to make me quit watching the rest.. until she's gone.

O can no longer stand to try and watch her on my beloved series.. and again Sarah and Gill are gone.

I'm glad they brought Katherine back.. But seriously.. its a stomach acke to watch how Mandeep Dhillon keeps ruining everything the show is trying to do!
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JAG (1995–2005)
18 August 2022
I had to give it the low score I did because of one horrible person in the staff.. I used to ALWAYS.. I MEAN ALWAYS love this show.. that is until Lt Loren came on board! Rude, disrespectful.. I absolutely hated her.. always did, always will.. I'm sorry that she married the main character in real life.. she's probably faking it . To make it.. gold digger!!
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In the Heat of the Night (1988–1995)
Fml!! I restarted watching series
28 July 2022
Althea Tibbs.. ugg.. the worst thing that could have ever happened to this show! Now I know why I quit watching it eons ago!! She thinks she obviously better than anyone on the force, including her husband.. dumb.. just dumb.. she became the town crier because she couldn't keep her nose out of anyone's business!! Yet, when Mr. Tibbs's family comes to help after the baby.. eons of advice.. nope.. she's set in her stupid ways.. I guess bacteria or family feed! Where its fun, its real and its real life. Unlike the fairy tale world Althea is in!!
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Amazon Queen (2021)
What rhe heck just happened?
18 July 2022
I started watching it.. I'd give it a -20 if i could!! Because inwas thinking maybe it's a modern version of African Queen.. how this piece of garbage got so many awards and nominations.. my only guess is they used $$$ because the entire thing was garbage and just made me sick.. horrible horrible horrible is all I have to say...
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Nicole was horrid
29 March 2022
I can't believe anyone in their right mind would hire Kidman to play the great Lucy.. she is a stiff.. awful actress.. horrid portrayal of the BEST comedian ever.. she should be ashamed.. she can't even act in a child's program and you put her in the role of the best? Shame on YOU.. Bette Modler did just amazing stuff as always in her role as Lucy.. if it doesn't fit.. YOU must acquit.. right. Nicole should have NEVER been given this part.. she can't even play a good ghost.. you can thank her ex for allowing her on the screen.. TOM.. thanks!! But no thanks!!
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Scarlett (1994)
23 May 2021
I've been in love with Gone with the Wind, since I can remember. I've always lived Scarlett and dreamed of meeting my own Thett.. sadly this movie comes up short on both!

I wish they would do a remake and forget this adventure!

Rhett... since when was he a brit, with a fake southern accent. Heck, Clark Gable? , the original was FAR better! And he wasn't a southernor.

And..Joanne Whalley-Kilmer... Scarlett?? Seriously? My twin grandaughters could do better! She didn't even seem anywhere as strong as Vivien!!

The book aas 10 million times better!!
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