
205 Reviews
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23 May 2024
The first rule of any TV series, Movie or Theatrical ensamblue, is to engage the audience. What the hell was this?

I'm too old to be screwed arouind by wannabes, who think this crap is the new norm. I don't do new norm.

I want to be enertained, I want to be informed, I want my brain to be engaged. Crap like this does none of this. I would have used the word neither however, most people don't know what that means.

It's a choice between 2 things, I mentioned 3, I don't think a word for a choice between 3 has been invented yet. Maybe it will, ask Alexis, or some other AI crap, we are about to be controlled by.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
17 May 2024
What the hell was going on with this series? I gave it 15 minutes for the intro, 10 more than I usually give for crap because of Zoe Wannamaker, that was the only hook.

I let the first episode unfold, it didn't. It collapsed. I was so inundated with information from multiple directions, I had no idea where it was going.

Is it to solve the murder of a girl in a phone box? Is it to exonerate a convicted priosner for a crime they may have not committed?

My brain said NO after 20 minutes.. I do not do brain dead TV series or movies.

I lived through the time when TV series and movies were good. It doesn't happen anymore. Both are geared to brain dead people. I'm not brain dead, yet.
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Ripley (2024)
Brain Dead
16 May 2024
I lost 30 minutes of my life trying to figure out what was going on. I knew the premise of the series yet, saw nothing except, the opening story line, go to Italy, get my son back.

This reminded me of the last disaster I tried to watch, Tenet. The only person who understood the movie, was Christopher Nolan, I certainly didn't. This series follows suit, the only person who understands the series is, whomever came up with the idea.

I have no idea where this came from, why it happened, and where it was going. And I definitely do not understand the modern viewer, who gives raves reviews, on something that cannot be understood.

I'm moving onto the next series, whatever that is. Maybe it will be an improvement.
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25 April 2024
Who the hell came up with the original idea? It was terrible.

The intro was enough to throw off fans, how the two reviewers got past it, beggers belief, I couldn't.

I expect they were Tangerine fans so, should have a modicum of intelligence. Anyone from the current generation have the intelligence of a gnat, with University Degrees, and know nothing.

I grew up with the the sounds of the band, and hoped this documentary would give insight I would not normally have access to. Unfortunatly, as I've learned from years of experience, this was not to be the case.

Someone jumped on a bandwagon that is decades old, hoped to make a name for themselves, and then, nothing. Such is the world today. 8 billion nobodies.
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Very Dissappointing
23 April 2024
As an Irish avid NASCAR viewer, I have seen The Bandits do fly overs prior to race starts. I didn't know who they were but, accepted them as flyover requests, the same as the military aircraft flyovers, over various race tracks.

I'm also retired military avation so, I know a little about military pilots and aircraft.

It wasn't until I came across this documentary that, I found out who this flight team actually are. I was looking forward to being informed regarding this flight team, unfortunately, all the information was given within the first fifteen minutes.

The rest of the documentary was just a gap filler, gave no information, and didn't even have good visuals.

Aircraft? We don't need Top Gun however, we need what we come to expect regarding War Aircraft, whether native or forgein. Information.

That may have happened over the course of the rest of the documentary, the problem was/is, no one was interested. It got bloody boring, even for those with aviation history.

I was looking forward to learing about these wonderful pilots, I gave up.
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Crap 2
18 March 2024
I gave it a second chance, and it still failed.

How can dialogue be heard over, loud music and loud sound effects? Especially when neither match?

Now that I know that, this is supposed to commemorate an actual squadron ( I wasn't aware of until "now"), it is an insult.

617 Squadron was well represented. For those who don't know, The Dambusters.

I know that Tom Hanks was involved in this production. I know that the 100 were important. I also know the Red Tails were important, and I saw a better rendetition of their history, than this series that, I cannot hear because of sound difficulties.

Should Tom Hanks read this, he might do well to gather a crew very quickly, to make 2 documentaries. The last woman to deliver aircraft to the RAF during WWII, and the last Battle of Britian Fighter. He's Irish by the way, and he's 101.
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17 March 2024
Having grown up with Mike Old Field, there was little to say. However, having watched the video of TB 2, I am in awe, and not just about the musicians.

Bagpipes? Where did that come from?

As for the backing singers? Where do I start?

They are the best I have ever come across. The way they worked together is unbelievable. They should give 10 years of classes, in how they worked together in no time.

I hope that sometime, somehow, their beautiful, fantastic, renditions of backing vocals, will be recognised.

They were, and remain, fanstastic. I've never heard anything like them, and their likes, will never be heard again. No one will ever touch them.
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WOW, a first
17 March 2024
I didn't know about this documentary until after Masters Of The Air had come out, therefore I had no idea what to expect. I am so glad I watched it first.

This documentary covered so many things, I have to limit my review.

The movie Memphis Belle articulates the 25 mission completion, then return home protocol. However what most don't know is, the Norton Bombsite aiming mechanism, was a failure. Apparently, the aiming mechanism consisted of the only straight hair of a single American Native Woman. Who am I to judge?

Anyways, I divulge. I was delighted to see, interviews with two of the Red Tails. I have watched both movies based on these brave airmen, your job is to find out who they are.

When I heard Luft III mentioned, I knew straight away, where the documentary was going, in this this particular part. For the young, and the older who have forgotten? The Great Escape.

Another documentary which name escapes me, shows the humanity of the Camp Commandant.

When he found out that most of those who had escaped, were capture and executed; he had a monument erected to commemerate them. I'll leave you to your thoughts.
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Maestro (2023)
14 March 2024
Know nothing about his personal upbringing, know nothing about his musical upbringing. I knew about his recording of Rhaphosdy In Blue. It's the only one I love. Wasn't even shown, by mention or music. What happened to his children? To denegrate their father? I was looking forward to a good movie, I saw nothing. What the hell was that long piece of classicical music that was played in the middle of the movie? Who the hell would know what it is was unless they grew up with that music. I knew Gershwin. I knew Leonard as Gershwin, this movie ruined him. Thankfully we don't need movies to appriciate conductors or musical writers. Actually? A conductor is a conductor. What do you call a person who writes a musical piece of genius?
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The Best
30 November 2023
I had no idea what this series was about, except the premis. I am now into episode 4 and had to make a comment.

Who ever came up with this idea deserves an award, as does the entire show.

This is a concept that no one ever came across until now, and it works.

I won't mention too much because, it may spoil the viewing, and some depicts what I hate. The abuse of women on many levels, and sexual assault.

I'm a man, and I'm ashamed to be called man at times, because of what has been depicted. In this series, and other prodcutions.

Watch this series, I find it fascinating, interesting, and informative. I know this line might appear to be mysoginistic, it's not.

I detest abuse of anyone, male or female, in any way shape or form however; abuse of women is prelevant. I admire ALL actresses who allow themselves to be portrayed naked. Very few men are so accommodating.

The only series to beat this in recent times is, "This Is Us", and most people know how good this series was. It covered a multitude and so does Lessons. It is different but, it is also the same. It covers humanity, something this world needs at the moment.
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The Gone (2023– )
Was OK
27 November 2023
It started good, continued good until the last episode.

Typical of modern series', get the good stuff in the series, then screw up the last episode, with so much unnecessary information, it ruins the plot.

There were two irritating thing regarding this series.

Sometimes subtitles appeared for the non speaking english speaking actors then, sometimes subtitles did NOT appear for the non speaking english speaking actors.

On top of that, the score overwhelmed some of the main acts of the series which drowned out the dialogue. Terrible mixing.

On the whole, the series was good, and unusual however, the last episode let it down.

I'm an Irishman, and I don't blame anyone per se. It worked well but, died at the last episode. I felt I was there until the end,, cudos to the indiginous actors and staff that brought this series together.

I detest using the term indigenous, am I indeginous to Ireland? I am Irish, Maori are New Zealanders. What is the name of their country, the country their ancestors inhabited?
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Almost made the magic 10
21 November 2023
Interesting programme about Peter's passion, which is shared by many. It also has a very interesting list of contributors whom I didn't know were passionate about model railways.

Watching the very limited series, I still was engaged with Peter's passion, and those with whom were included within the series. I even learned some of the tricks of the trade, to turn a simlpe train layout, into something spectacular. I just had one teeny weeny problem.

The outro music was irritating, in the way it was chopped and spliced. Being Irish and living in Ireland all my life, I shouldn't know the music however, I do.

I lived my youth in a border county and was lucky to be able to pick up the BBC and UTV from northern transmitters. I'm also a retired musician therefore, music has a rythem in my blood.

I'm disappointed to hear the ITN News theme chopped to fill the outro of what is, a very good programme about, something that most people would find boring.

At the time of the theme, I was a child, news was the furthest from my mind however; as a child I started playing music age age 4. Case closed.

If anyone reads this review, and would like to hear the original thems, just go to boobtube and call up ITN News Theme.
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Neighbours (1985– )
It's gone
17 November 2023
The revamp of the series is absolutely terrible. No one can garner who are the surviving cast members, and convoluted storylines bring back original characters in a context that NO one understands.

This is worse thanthe shower scene in Dynasty. How the hell did anyone come up with the scenario for Neighbours, that is being currently shown?

I will never watch it again, my memories have been shattered, and for what? Financial nostalgia?

If the storylines had been realistic, as the original seris was; I could accept.

The reboot is thrash. I refuse to watch the flashback. I'll leave that to brain dead viewers.
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Love Thy Neighbour (1972–1976)
29 October 2023
I watched this series as a teenager, it was brilliatly funny. The characters worked so well together, most viewers didn't even see that.

Lets put to bed the persception of this series.

On the nght that Jack Smetherst was brought onto "This Is Your Life", he was in a taxi. Who was with him, on a night out? Rudolf Walker.

Jack and Rudolf were the best of friends, it could be seen and felt, how they reacted together.

As for Nina Bden Semper, she was beautiful

At the time, and being a teenager, Star Trek was the only opening to black actors, male or female..

Thankfully, I'm an old fart, and have enjoyed many movies by some of the grestest black actors I've ever watched.

I'll die soon however, maybe, actor will be actor. Male, female, equal, safe.

It appears I need to make problems just to get my post posted. Forgot about that.

Humanity is more important, hope I crap enough words to get the point across.
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The Mightiest (2022– )
18 October 2023
I accidently came across this series and was looking forward to watching. Imagine my horror when I found out it was being fronted by two adult chidren.

The oohs and the aahs were so gushing, I ran to the toilet to throw up. Oh and by the way, a toilet is NOT a bathroom, unless it has a bath in it.

I had an interest in the subject matters that were to be shown in the series, especially having beein in the military aviation end of things for 32 years however, braindead presenters was just too much for me to handle.

Children are meant to be braindead, untill they start evolving. These presenters will never live long enough to evolve.
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Lioness (2023– )
Piece of crap
5 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is said, the opening line of a book, is what grabs the reader. The same applies to the viewer, the opening scene. I hadn't a clue what was happening.

Then later in the first episode, the main femle character is seen entering a home with what appears to be a white father and two black children (sex undetermined), relationship is not mentioned.

I got the basic idea what this was about, before I found out it was based on an actual "event". The portrayal is deplorable.

I'm glad that in this day and age, I can download a series, find it's crap, delete it, and have a life. I'm old, I've not time to waste.
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Ashes to Ashes (2008–2010)
The series reads like it's name
2 September 2023
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and that is exactly what this has turned out to be. I don't even know why it was given birth.

A flimsy idea that someone would write about Sam Tyler from Life on Mars, went nowhere. How could a character, who was supposed to be in a coma in HIS time period, commit suicide.....

I gave episode 1 a chance, I felt sick watching it. I started watching episode 2, gave it 20 minutes and said, stuff it, after emptying my stomach.

There's too much crap TV doing the rounds in this day and age, I don't need to see crap TV from my time, when I didn't have time to see it.

Thankfully I didn't, and I have the choice not to see it again. Wasted download, not going to waste my time watching the rest of it.

22 hours and 38 minutes saved. I'll spend that time on something useful, like, LIVING.
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The Walk-In (2022)
Possible, Probable
23 July 2023
This mini TV Drama is based on apparently known facts. Suffice to say, there is only one known fact I know of, and I will not cause emotional harm to the family. Their name I presume, has and will be mentioned enough.

I had no knowledge of the storyline except, Stephen Graham. This little fecker from somewhere in England, is an actor I bloody well admire. I hope he see's this.

I'm Irish and very seldom see English productions. When I do, I enjoy. And apparently, lately, Irish productions are shown in England, and enjoyed.

As soon as I see Stephen's name mentioned, on anything advertised on Irish TV? I have to watch. The only reason my Title is, because that is what it is. I haven't seen the whole series as of E2, I exxpect it will be good, especially because of Stephen.

The sad part is, it is based on fact, sometimes we need to be aware of fact. The family don't need reminding, they have it everyday therefore, they will not be mentioned.

Based on Stephen's previous record, and current production standards, I expect it will receive a rating of 9.99. I'm the dissenting vote.
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The Whale (2022)
Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant
15 June 2023
I never rated Brendan Fraiser as an actor, having seen his acting attempts in several previous movies, I crossed him out of my mind, regarding any movie he was in, until now.

I was curious as to why, an actor I had no time for, won a Best Actor Oscar so, I decided to give this movie a chance, after all, everyone deserves one chance, don't they?

I started watching, expecting to switch off after 10 minutes. Suddenly I realised my glass needed replinishing. I checked the time stamp on the movie, and an hour had gone by. The off switch was definitely not touched.

His acting caught me completly by surprise. I could use more choice words, and even stronger language phrases however, I believe my point is made. I was disappointed my fellow Irishmen lost out but, I now know why. This was Oscar deserving.

The plotline I'm sure, has been outlined many times so, I won't further boor the reader. Suffice to say, the supporting cast, even the non verbal (laptop students) were excellent. Ironically, the only other cast member I knew was Samantha Morton, and strangely, I've just finished watching The Serpent Queen, in which she is the main lead.

The others I do not know, probably because I'm 65 , and I could be a tad too old to watch what they are in, even the "sisters".

Sadie Sink as Ellie the daughter, played a stunning performance; with Jacey working alongside, it won't be long before she is as good as Sadie, especially with the work they are doing in Stranger Things, which I don't watch, it being 30 years too late for me.

Hong Chau I didn't know. I checked her stats, know some of the movies and TV shows she was in, didn't make an impression. That's gone out the window now, she was excellent here, and more than deserved all the Supporting Actress nominations she got. Pity she didn't win many, hopefully that will change in the future. More importantly, hopefully she will get a lead role, she deserves it.

I left this move a different person, and maybe that was the goal. The strange thing is, I still feel the same person I was, going into the movie, yet something has changed..... Not many movies do that to me, and that's saying something. Worth the 10 stars I gave, just wish I could do a Spinal Tap, and turn it up to 11.
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Gaslight by Fanny
15 May 2023
The title is a deliberate pun on the original title of something else, and rightly so. As a child of the era, I never heard of Fanny, I wish I had. If the documentary is watched, what I say is actually mentioned, the meaning part. I won't join the dots for you.

I've just came across the documentary (in 2023), and am only half way through it. I'm confident I can say, without seeing the rest (which I shall), this is one of the most important musical documentaries ever put together.

Amazing musicians and singers I'ver never heard of till now, makes me feel sad.

I've played music for over 50 years, thought I knew most of the names of bands and singers, famous and unknown; Fanny is definitely unknown to me. Not anymore.

I am going to try and find their albums online, and purchase. What I've seen and heard so far, is amazing, and deserves to be heard.

Imagine, they were a fabulous band before The Bangles or Hole yet, virtually died before they could have become the first great female band? What a disgrace.

Oh, as a piece of useless to dicks, and useful for women, a piece of information very few know. One of the most famous bass lines ever written and played, These Boots Were Made For Walking, was coined and played by a woman. Her name is Carol Kaye.

Oh, and, I use the phrase "first great female band", with tongue firmly in cheek. A band is a band, no matter it's make up. Male, female, mixed? So what.

If memory serves, female bands were originally formed in concentration camps in Germany and it's outposts, during WWII. Take from that, what you will.

And there I go, finish my post with the name of an instrumental.....
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Paprika (1991)
Underated Tinto Brass Movie
11 May 2023
Those of us who know who Tinto Brass is, and what he stands for, will appreciate this movie. What I didn't know was, the movie. I never heard of it untill recently (2023)

It was it's usual quirky, naked women , who cares, and couldn't give a damn what you think, which I love about this movie.. Typical of Tinto Brass.

How he got away with what he did, how he got so many women to appear naked in a movie, I'll never know. How the women said yes, is. Amazing.

I've seen many of his movies and the best part is, they were great, and never at any stage, made the actresses appear vulnerable. From what I see, all the actresses were supported and made feel safe, unlike what has and continues to happen., in a country, I cannot understand (America) people wish to still go to.

This movie was of it's era yet, it was done tastefully. Cudos to Tinto, the cast, and everyone envolved in the production.

Some will see it as a sex film, their loss. They will never understand what this movie means.

One of the best he ever made.
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The Responder (2022– )
Messy, Messy, Messy
11 May 2023
I knew from episode 1, I wouldn't like it however, like all productions, I always give it a second chance, especially if it has a second episode. Sadly for me, this failed in this instance.

It's a terrible series, terrible script, terrible acting, and terrible directing.

There is no feel for any of the characters, the storyline is all over the place, and no one knows what the hell is happening.

Episode 2 was so disjointed from the opening episode, which just barely made sense in the first place, my brain shut down, and refused to watch the rest of the series.

At least I've now saved time for other series to watch, or disgard.
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Rabbit Hole (2023)
23 April 2023
As one previouis correspondent stated? Outstanding.. even if I'm not sure I know what is going on. And therein liess, the answer to this awful series.

It started well, had a storyline that could be followed, then went to crap.

What a wte of acting talent. I got a far as epiode 4, looked forwead to the rest of the ereies, then, nothing.

I couldn't bear to watch the ret of the seriess. I felt it was time wasting. Nothing made sense and, as far as I could see, the actors were only being in the episodes as actors, and getting paid.

It started good, and died. And the serie hasn't been shown completely yet.

Not worth the watch. It's a disaster, and a disappointment. Good story and good stories, finally wasted in the second half of the seriess. Save your breath and time, I just did.
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Tabu (1988)
Disappointing Movie
14 April 2023
Being a man who had a relationship with a mother and daughter, without the outcome of this movie: I hoped that it would have shown an insight to this unusual triangular relationship. Unfortunately, it did not.

This could have been a ground breaking polyamoury movie on a 3 D level, it turned out to be a yawn fest of mown fields by hand, and a few views of "orgasmic" eyes, which were sparse.

An excellent concept of a movie, totally destroyed. The only thing good about it was, people were paid for their work.

An absolute waste of time, for the cast, the crew, and the viewer. I had a better time with the Mother and Daughter I knew, and still know, and am still friends with, on all levels.
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Bangers & Cash (2019– )
Don't trust anymore
11 April 2023
I watched the episode dated 06/04/23 and was very disapointed, not because of the content, it was because their maths made no sense.

One car had a reserve of £55,000 yet, on reaching £50,000, that was deemed as passing the reserve? I thought they were better than that.

After watching that part of the programme, I slowly but surely lost interst in the programme.

I used to have it on series record, that no longer exists. I wil not be treated like a fool, and be lied to. It was a great programme however, they have over extended themselves, and believe they are something.

They are but, they are now liars, accidently.

I don't need to confirm that, the televised epiode does it for them.

The worst part? They won't even know till someone points it out to them.....
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