
4 Reviews
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Black Mirror: Hang the DJ (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
99,8% perfect!
9 January 2018
Outstanding! This episode deserves all the love...Its amazing how it managed to tell such a wonderful story in just 50 minutes making it one of the best love stories I have ever seen! Incredible writing and the chemistry between the two main leads is so great! This episode is absolutely 99,8% perfect!
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Best Star Wars movie since 1980
9 December 2017
The story is excellent and you will not believe some of the twists and turns of it. Everyone is unbelievably great but Mark Hammil steals the show. Great practical effects. John Wiliams score shines as always. I have many things to say but ill let you watch this amazing movie. Yes, its that good!
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A Great Entry to the Star Wars Universe
16 December 2016
First of all Star Wars has always been one of my favorite movie franchises! For that reason this was my most anticipated movie of the year. Last year I loved the Force Awakens and it was one of my favorites of the year.

So going to this movie I was expecting it to be amazing knowing the basic plot. Leaving the theater I was really happy but I wasn't blown away. That's mainly because of the first 2 acts that were kind of slow, but they had some great scenes. A lot of new characters were introduced but unfortunately I didn't connect to them, mainly because they were too many and we didn't know the backstory of its character. The new droid K2SO was really funny and had some great scenes. It might be the most interesting character to me..yes..the droid! The main villain, Crenic, I thought was just good but he didn't had the impact that Vader or Kylo Ren had in the other movies.

Now let's talk about the awesome stuff..Well..DARTH VADER! He was in very few scenes in the movie but when he was...he was outstandingly awesome and i had a giant smile on my face watching those scenes!! Except from Vader, the 3rd act was amazing! It emphasised WARS in Star Wars... I was blown away with the visual effects...and I think it had the best space battle in any Star Wars movie. And that ending...just...GREAT!!

Overall I think this was a really good movie and different from the other Star Wars movies. If you are a Star Wars fun you will be very very happy with the movie. If you are not you are probably going to like it but you will not understand some stuff, because it has references from the other movies. Finally i believe that you should go and see the movie and I can't wait for the next chapter in the Star Wars films! Score 75/100
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Sing Street (2016)
Surprisingly delightful
26 July 2016
I didn't expect such a good movie to be honest. The plot sounded interesting but when you watch the movie you get hooked in about 10 minutes. The characters are incredible with their own personality ( i really liked main characters brother , his story was great). The soundtrack was...oh was incredible and a great addition to the movie.

I believe that this is in my top 3 movies of the year so far and that's why everyone should give it a watch. Trust me you will not be disappointed at all. Its an amazing movie for all ages.

Also the acting is great and the 80s of course give the movie a nostalgic and beautiful tone
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