
41 Reviews
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Excellent. Breathtaking cinematography.
24 May 2024
Wow. Simply wow.

I wish I had the opportunity to see this in IMAX as watching it on Prime at home was excellent. I can only imagine how superb it was in IMAX.

I rate very few documentaries a 10 star but this was so well rounded and done so extremely well.

The pilots are incredible and none of them were arrogant or obnoxious. So refreshing to see that they personally own what they are doing and enjoy every moment of the talent and opportunity they have been given.

So many of the images captured the "reached out and touched the face of God". They were so breathtaking and heart pounding in several scenes. It is incredible what the pilots can make these flying machines do and do it so well.

I applaud the effort it took to put such a great film together. I will watch this several times and it will be the first documentary I have ever done so.
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Addressing the 2024 "Natalia Speaks" portion
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My goodness. This is a Jerry Springer mess. Anytime reenactments look as much like the legitimate documentary footage as possible, intentionally causing confusion in viewers is bizarre. First, the series uncritically adopts the perspective of the Barnetts, creating reenactments that encourage viewers to believe their version of what happened. Then, it offers up the "twist" that Natalia sees things very differently, presenting reenactments that tacitly endorse her version. The Curious Case of Natalia Grace isn't a production that cares much about establishing the truth. Instead, the producers prioritize making the story seem as grotesque and unfathomable as possible.

At least two of the sources interviewed at length in The Curious Case of Natalia Grace seem to be suffering from emotional disturbance. Natalia, who spent her early childhood years in a Ukrainian orphanage and was surrendered by the first American family that adopted her, has clearly survived significant trauma, and Michael- well, it's impossible to watch his labile dramatics in both seasons of The Curious Case of Natalia Grace without suspecting that something is wrong with the guy. Really wrong! Beth Karas - a "legal analyst" who has apparently never met or spoken to the people involved in Natalia's case - gets plenty of screen time to speculate about their motives. Anyone could do this, short of a monkey. Never once are any perspective of a mental health professional involved. When the filmmakers engineer a present-day meeting between Natalia and Michael, no therapist is present to help the participants cope with the volatile emotions the encounter is guaranteed to kindle. Instead, Natalia's new adoptive father, a pastor named Antwon Mans, launches into a diatribe about "profanity" when Michael uses the word hell, triggering a drama queen tantrum from Michael as Natalia sobs in the background. It's a scene straight from the Jerry Springer playbook, not even reality television but an engineered spectacle.

The Curious Case of Natalia Grace allows people to accuse others of crimes yet seldom attempts to actually substantiate them. This effectively forces the accused to defend themselves against charges impossible to refute. At times, The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks comes across as a flagrant attempt to bait Kristine Barnett out of her silence.

That final twist at the end of Natalia Speaks is a voicemail message Mans left for the filmmakers, played over the closing credits. The previously doting and paternal Mans announces, "Something ain't right with Natalia. This girl is tweakin'. I feel like she's the enemy in the house." What does it mean? Several other sources not embroiled in the Barnett family soap opera have described witnessing troubling behavior, such as sexual overtures toward grown men and prepubescent boys, from Natalia. It would be surprising if she didn't occasionally act out. But there isn't anyone in The Curious Case of Natalia Grace to explain why this might happen and what it means, you know mental health professionals. There is just an endless cycle of trumped-up demonization, encouraged by exploitative filmmakers to repeat itself over and over again, regardless of whom it hurts.
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Lost Girls (2020)
Well we now know who one of the killers are
16 July 2023
I heard about this movie after the recent arrest of Rex Heuermann. Personally I believe there is more then one killer. In this movie Shannon calls the police (of which they didn't respond for over an hour) and in the recording she says "they're trying to kill me". Serial killer means one person is the perpetrator. Serial killers is plural and I don't think for one second if any person called the police in hysterics and say "they" that it doesn't mean there wasn't more than one person she feared her life for.

Such a tragic story overall for this family.

I thought it was well made as, at the time it was made, there was no person being investigated despite the number of murders in the back yards of this so-called gated community.

I'd like to think the mother was able to bring down wrath on Rex Heuermann as she desperately wanted to know who killed her daughter.

No one should ever overlook the inability of local yocal police. I live in a small community and I don't think they would ever be able to handle a case of this magnitude of murders. I would hope they'd have the common sense to call in a better agency (not necessarily the FBI as they're sure showing their true biased colors as of late) to assist in investigating and finding the perpetrator/s. Local police are good but their scope is very limited, especially in respect to budget cuts and them being the target themselves of persons driven by the media to hate.

I do recommend this movie.
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Return to Sender (I) (2015)
Rosamund....why why why?
17 July 2022
I enjoy Rosamund Pike and the different movies she has acted in. "Gone Girl" she was beyond excellent. As good as she was in "Gone Girl" she is just as bad in this mess.

This movie - made no sense, has no beginning, middle, or end. There is no story. There is nothing. Except what a total waste of time.

Don't waste your time, much less a penny to rent/stream it. Thank goodness I only wasted my time.
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Peter Pan Goes Wrong (2016 TV Movie)
"Oh Come On!". What fun this was!
13 May 2022
I'm not one for slapstick humor. Although this has it, it is acted so very well.

Nancy Zamit as TinkerBell (she plays more than 3 characters throughout the entire play) was hysterical. I had to go back a few times to watch her and some of her dance ditties.

All of the characters are adults...playing children in some parts. They carried it off really well. Several of the actors played more than 1 character and were enjoyable to watch them play a different character but still have remnants (on purpose) of the other characters they play. Sounds simple enough, but it's not. Many Hollyweirdohs high and mighty have been paid much more and would never be able to do it.

Just go in to this not knowing too much, other than the Peter Pan story itself.

Stick with it and you'll be in for a pleasant and funny watch. Some parts just to put a smile on your face as it's just clean fun.

Great humor, no cussing, just general good fun for the entire family.

So refreshing in these days and times where fighting, full frontal nonsense, and social justice pontificating have become the norm in everything made now.

It'd be so refreshing to have more of this type of viewing.

Kudos to the writers and actors. Good job. I watched this on Youtube Red free movies in case you're looking for it.
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Phenom. So peaceful. So beautiful
1 April 2022
I bought this for evening relaxation. It is so clear. So mesmerizing. So peaceful.

The music isn't intrusive on the whale or water sounds.

There are mainly humpbacks. Having lived in Hawaii for 4 years I eagerly anticipated February every year so I could go to certain spots on shore and watch the moms and new calves breach and sing. I am so grateful to have the ability to see them underwater. Huge creatures but the most gentle and graceful animal on the planet.

No greater cinematography of them then this.
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Within (2016)
Maybe closer to a 7 BUT...
8 February 2022
I rated this an 8 to help boost the star rating as I actually found it quite good. Different also. Takes a lot for me to rate a story over a 6 but this movie had an intriguing set-up. Since it's on Hulu my initial thought going in was "oh Lord, I wonder how bad this is gonna be" as it isn't getting the greatest reviews. I was very surprised to find it was good. Creepy as all heck as well.

I'll break down what was right first: Creepy. A good story.

I'll break down what wasn't: Slow paced. A Lifetime TV movie style/feel to it (and I honestly haven't looked it up to see if this was what it was originally and Hulu propped it up). Tried too hard to mis-direct who the culprit was.

Overall, though, a good effort at creepy. Almost too good at times because I kept looking around, during the movie, my own house to see where someone could do what happened in this movie. Thank goodness we don't have an attic! But we have walls - yikes!!
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Into the Dark: Down (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
A good mix of what you never see coming
20 July 2021
Both actors did a great job of carrying the movie. I thought the script was written well.

I enjoy surprises along the way, that I didn't figure ahead of time, and a satisfying ending.

I give this a solid 8/10 stars.
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The Lie (2018)
I can just about always figure this type of movie out within 10 mins
20 October 2020
...BUT it was refreshing in that I couldn't with this story. I can't recall in recent memory of a movie with this sort of tale. All actors played their parts very well. Kayla (Joey) played a great on the edge cray cray hormonal teen, with plenty of angst all over the map. The movie is a slow burn. Nothing in your face. No absurdly silly jump scares, unnecessary blood, gore, or (only to sell a movie) gratuitous sex scenes. Very much worth sticking with the buildup. Especially toward the end, but no need to fast forward as it isn't going to help because you need all of the pieces of the puzzle to make it worth the ride. There are some emotions that any parent would recognize throughout. It also makes you question just what you would do for your matter how unstable they are.
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Ratched (2020)
The music, in case you're wondering, is from Psycho and Cape Fear
27 September 2020
This was very distracting to me. Soundtracks from films made in the 60's, when this series is supposed to be in the late 40's, and 1950 makes no sense. Are there not enough music writers to get original music for the show? Not just the intro, which was nails down a chalkboard itself, but music for different "suspenseful" scenes. Pretty poor on Murphy's part but I'm beginning to wonder if he hasn't made a lot of enemies based on the recycling of actors and now the music. Will no one else work for or with him? Paulson is excellent but since this takes place just 15 years before "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" it would've served better to have an actress who at least resembles the original Ratched. Not just in hairstyle and sociopathic behavior and demeanor. I enjoyed Judy Davis as she isn't in the Murphy sect. Refreshing to see leads other then the usual AHS fare. The colors were beautiful and nostalgic to watch. I actually liked the story but it would have been served better with a number of changes.
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Beautiful scenery but the people leave a lot more to be desired
22 May 2020
I so agree with IMDB user "fedore8" and their review of this quasi-docu. The cinematography is phenomenal. However the use of time lapse in so many places was a turn off. Hippie girl who seems to know it all about what peace should be and how the earth is being ruined by people yet she takes no issue with fossil fuel keeping her rear end warm so she can pontificate. She's not adorable. There's a reason she gets along so far away from others in the real world. I'm more then sure this is her only sorority that she was allowed to join as the rest of us in the human race have said to her "move along, we're sick of listening to you". I half expected her to show her hobby as knitting pink stocking hats with two pointy ears...if you catch my drift. With the whining of so many of them you'd never know they, themselves, signed up for this gig. They weren't forced to go, nor forced to stay for any longer then what they signed up for. "No one gets to stay here indefinitely.". Well, what a great observation. I know it'll come as a huge shock to him that none of us get to stay anywhere indefinitely. We all die. This is the same wisdom spiller of the clouds and the obliteration of the O-Zone. Oh my gosh, if only we could send Al Gore here. Forever. We'd all be a lot better off and they'd have their ManBearPig to worship. (But not indefinitely because, we all die). Just like they let the seal do because they "aren't allowed to interfere with nature". They've already interfered by being there in the first place. I'd lay some serious money they wouldn't have taken the seal in because it would poopy, it would be stinky, and they would have to think of someone or something other then themselves. There isn't one single thing to be garnered from this so called documentary. Oh sorry, there is and that is I'd never want to live anywhere near these whiners.
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Worthless dog chads
14 February 2020
Left the movie 14 mins in. Do yourself a favor and skip this leaning cram it down your throat bunch of boring hate. This director is waaaaay off his rocker.
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Step right up and read more fake reviews...the ones that have the 10/10 that is
17 December 2019
There is only one honest concise review about this 11th grade project here . Yep, it's the one that isn't a 10/10. Dear Lord. I thought I'd give this a chance but I couldn't make it through it's entirety. Let's start with the narrator. It's more rambling then it is narration and every now and then he breaks in to a split personality personal narration of statements made by different individuals. Some named. Some not. Some having to do with the story (I think as I never really garnered much of what even happened nor who saw what). Some not. I sat for the first five mins listening about Mulholland's bio including he was from Ireland, his father was a strict religious sort, his mother and two sisters died of TB, he made 14 voyages across the Atlantic before coming to the USA, etc. I mean WTH did this have to do with the story about the tragedy other then Mullholland was involved in the development of the dam. That's it. Then there's the comical sound effects at different points in time which involved a static picture of Earth. Uh. Once again, WTH was that all about. There are two elderly gentleman who it states were "witnesses" yet they had to be awfully young when this happened so how did they come about being witnesses to the tragedy? But in good journalism there always has to be fake headlines. You know, anything to sell a newspaper so there was figures of 200 to 1125 persons who died noted in said headlines that are shown. Really? That's a pretty broad window there. The narration states there were 400 dead yet goes on to say there never was an accurate body count as so many were never found. So where did the 400 number come from? For that matters, where did any of the figures come from. Ok. I give. I stop here in hopes that someone will read this and not waste the 25 mins of their life on this like I did.
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Wounds (2019)
"Fix me and make me whole"
19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You can thank me later...when you haven't watch this shi-tshow and wasted nearly 2 hrs. Dakato Johnson strikes again. Barely able to get a three word dialogue out of her without her seeming like she is going to pass out. I wonder just how many takes they had to do when she is sitting in front of the laptop and Will slams the lid down. She collapses before he gets the lid all the way down. Her acting doesn't even meet at sub-par level. Even for that simple scene. Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of themselves. But honestly it is quite evident this is all Hollywood has got left. All wrapped in a cockroach egg. I promise myself I will not watch anything this producer/s ever put out. Sure there's only up from this mess, but it will take a lot to right this producer and the majority of the (very loosely used) actors ship after this...I don't even know what to call what this was. Other then what other reviewers have said. Two words: Total. Fail.
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Edit. We need some good editing here to make sense of this.
13 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, after watching this I feel like one of the creatures screaming near the end of the flick because you get a nothing burger in this one. A real nothing burger. Good acting and cinematography without a storyline, plot, or adequate ending does not a good movie make. Piece of advise - I can't add anymore to what other 1 and 2 star reviewers have, especially lc-82017. Just believe that those 1 and 2 star reviews are real people who won't get their time back that they spent watching this nor are they people who make a few sheckles selling their integrity by writing fake reviews.
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The Nurse (2014)
If it's Amazon Prime it means it's gonna be...
16 March 2019
Awful the majority of the time. This isn't even at Lifetime sappy level. Plus the mistakes, obvious ones I might add, are humorous. Watch John Heard's character Frank when he first meets his nurse. He's supposed to have had a right-sided stroke and needs rehab and yet he reaches for his walking cane with his...wait for it...right hand. Then he's in the pool later with his Physical Therapist and when he goes to get out of the pool he can use his right leg and arm just hunky dory. No problemo. Geesh. I watched this flick till the end just to see how much Cara was gonna babble her psychomumbojumbo BS whilst mysteriously speaking as just a head with pearls on. I mean come on. Composition of a shot anyone? I have already come to the distinct conclusion to quit watching anything that is rated 5stars or higher on IMDB. Seriously, does writing great (fake) reviews pay that well? Seems very few people have any integrity about themselves anymore. Rest assured I ain't gettin' paid to write reviews. I owe it to myself to be honest so others can make an honest call whether they want to watch an outright awful movie. This one is just outright awful waste of time.
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Here we go again with studios paying for reviews
6 December 2018
For heaven's sakes...if you're going to try and write a false review to seem like you're unbiased then don't go for a 7-10 star rating with words in the review such as "excellent" or "great". Smart IMDB'ers have gotten wise to your antics.

This is a very slow and laughable movie. Thank goodness I didn't pay to see this silliness. McDermott is not good. Nor Harris. Not anyone. Even the "squeal like a hog" chick on the floor was bad. I mean really. The chick is hog tied, so I guess the director told her to squeal like a hog. Go figure.

There's nothing redeemable or watchable here. My regret is I watched it from start to finish. Don't make the same mistake. And nope I'm not pre-pubescent (as one goofy reviewer alluded to why persons wouldn't like this flick)...way way way far from it. I'm of the genre that used to be able to watch a good flick every now and then from the wizards of Hollyweird. Guess all those wizards are long dead and gone. Never to be heard from again meaning none of us can look forward to anything worth a hoot coming from the west coast ever again At all.
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Act of God (I) (2009)
2 stars for the lightening pictures; 0 for content
28 November 2018
Oh my. This is a discombobulated mess. Most documentaries explain...something. For example, who they're interviewing and why. This "documentary" is all over the map. Like lightening, I suppose. I couldn't figure out 1% of the time where, why, or who anything that was going on, was about. Watch youtube videos showing lightening strikes. That's about all this is. Pretty boring watching someone who can't play the guitar but was struck by lightening, attempt to do so in order for an eeg to be mapped by. Really? And guess what...yep, you guessed it...nada was gathered or determined. Nothing.
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Shame, shame on the humans doing this
5 December 2017
What an eye-opener. I simply had no earthly idea what is going on with "exotic animals" in the United States. I mean WTF. Who in their right mind would keep wild animals as household pets? This needs to be outlawed in all 50 states. I applaud the effort made in the state of Ohio and all 49 other states need to follow suit - immediately. On top of my disbelief at the statistics of the number of lethal creatures there are in US households, I could hardly believe what the Amish are doing. They have one of the main sources for the purchase of these creatures that need to be living life in their own natural habitat. Not in homes where they can literally kill or maim a young child at any given moment because this has happened - repeatedly. Not a one time occurrence. There should be a law that if someone has this type of creature and the creature causes harm or death to a human, that person should be held liable and serve prison time. Period. I thank the producer for this documentary and opening my eyes as I plan to contact my local representatives to find out what the laws are where I live and if this practice is allowed, to petition to prohibit it. Permanently. Geesh. I wonder just how more mad humans can get. I mean mad in a mentally ill state. Good heavens people, this is what domesticated animals are for.
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The First Date (II) (2017)
Hey, let's buy a camera and a video editing program
5 October 2017
and then have people who have absolutely no acting talent whatsoever play around like they think they can actually act, in a multi-story montage that has no redeeming storytelling whatsoever. Then we'll use every option available in our video editing program and throw a bunch of crap together and then say we made a "movie". For good measure we'll get some wiz to write a glowing IMDb review because that works for all the big production companies, right? People are sheep and will believe anything that is written so rather then try not to be so obvious when writing that fake review we'll have it glow like Hiroshima. No one will know any better. Right? Wrong. This is a pile of stinking dung. Good thing everything is digital these days and nothing organic was destroyed for nothing in the making of this dung heap.
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Thank you God for letting...
21 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There have never been and never will be a documentary more inspirational than this one chronicling the life of Matty Christian. I am 59 years young, and a RN of many moons, and I have never been so inspired and touched by someone's life story. In anyone's life there are times when we feel down. In some lives that down can lead to serious depression and attempts or success at suicide. I honestly cannot imagine anyone, at any moment in their life, watching this story and leaving without their heart and soul being touched by Matty's tenacious grip on what life holds and no matter the obstacle cannot be overcome. My promise from this point on is at any time from now until I draw my last breath, I will think of Matty and how he faced life. That no matter how difficult a situation I may face, if Matty could face what he did everyday of his life from waking till sundown, then there is absolutely nothing that I can't face, deal with, learn from, and live on. We should all have been as lucky to have had his parents and his friends but most of all we all should have been so lucky to have known Matty up close and personal.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Minus 7 stars...seriously MINUS
20 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If I could I would rate this in the negative 7-8 star range. ******Spoiler Alert***** Nothing, not a damn thing happens. Someone walks around in a giant double king size sheet with two childish holes cut out for eyes...Casper would've been a better look...for 9/10ths of this drag out. I just kept fast forwarding and missed nothing because nothing happens. Not even the last scene where the sheet digs at the wall, pulls out a piece of paper, the eye holes stare at the paper for a second and then *POOF* the sheet collapses. The End. No seriously...that's how this 90 min, that should have been a 5 min. short, ends. I've taken better shits then this.

Hollyweird thinks a lot of itself. They're under the distinct impression that the general public are stupid enough to fall for a spooky ooky picture of what children envision ghost to be and slap a very 2nd grade title to it and the general public will fall over themselves to pay to see this goo. Thank God I paid not a cent to see this.

I am up to here with the obviously paid fake reviews. At the time of my review, this is rated 7.6.

My rating = Negative 7.6, it's THAT BAD!!
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Snatched (2017)
Thought I'd give it a fair shake...should've just shaken that thought off
6 August 2017
Awful. Just awful. I watched it to the end just to see how bad it could get. It got really bad. If I heard "Jeffery" say "Muh Mah" one more time I was going to vomit. There's nothing funny in this. Nothing. Not even past a silly chuckle. I should've known to look to see who the executive producers were before I wasted my time watching this. Shame on me. Here, I'll save you the time. One of the 4 is - you guessed it - Baby Face Schumer. Someone else in an earlier review hit it on the nail saying if you want a box office poison pill, put her in a flick. Guaranteed that you'll get Amy to say the word vagina on multiple occasions because that's so cute in her immature pea brain. Then follow that with some boob hanging out and you've got the combo to make any male teeter over the edge. Not! Good heavens, how many times can you say the "p" word. Isn't she supposed to be one of those who are so offended by the word and yet cast it off her, and others, tongues multiple times without flinching. This was just a total mess. No redeeming factors in it anywhere. Not a good story line. Not even good actors to try and save this mess. If I could reverse time, I'd snatch myself out of thinking of giving this a chance. Oh Schumer, perhaps you can start using that word -snatch- now for giggles. I'm sure that's just on the horizon for you to switch it up and not use the "p" word or the vagina word multiple times lest you offend the "female movement" in your next movie. Oh, that is if any movie production company would dare use you in a movie again. If they do, Hollyweird is dumber then I gave them credit. By the way, I am a female. I take offense to any female using certain words in reference of female body parts to garner a laugh and a few bucks yet act so appalled when others do it. It's just like the "N" word - you don't get to pick and choose who says it if you are constantly using it yourself. It doesn't compute.
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No matter which side of the fence you're on re: abortion this is a real eye opener
26 June 2017
As a medical professional of over 35 years and Pro Choice, I wonder if Jennifer Lawrence or any other of the Hollywood so-called elite would still be doing their feel goods for Planned Parenthood within mins. of watching this (from start to finish) documentary. If they would they are as money grubbing and as heartless as Gosnell, his staff, and all of the government workers involved. In any industry if there is a need for a service with no oversight whatsoever, what occurs in this documentary will happen until the end of time. The silly thought of the departments who should've been inspecting this and other abortion clinic but not doing so because it would lessen accessibility for women to obtain abortions is just that - silliness. These health officials have turned back the hands of time and has directly caused abortions to be, essentially, done in back alleys with dirty coat hangers. It's a very sad state of affairs when those who are tasked with the oversight of the safety of citizens are not prosecuted and held liable themselves for turning their heads the other way when it is brought to their attention on numerous occasions of violations and murder. When the persons employed by the government start to view their job description as something they are supposed to do rather then something they're going to be paid for whether they do their job or not, this horrible practice will continue.

As for Gosnell - there is a higher being he will have to answer to one day and rest assured he will not get any life sentence but rather he will spend eternity having to look at and answer to each and every one of those he murdered. As for his staff members, the same goes for them. Being sheeple will not be an excuse to proclaim innocence...they all enjoyed the murdering they were doing day in and day out. No one should ever fool themselves to think anything is done any differently at Planned Parenthood either. Every person, from top to bottom, at Planned Parenthood will meet their maker and the selling of baby parts is going to be a very hard one to explain.
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Bloody Wings (2014)
Ball Gag sums it up for cheesy waste of time
5 February 2017
I'm getting' so tired of writing a movie is a waste of time but here's another one. Where do I start? Awful acting, awful script (done by a high school screenplay writer wanna be, I'm guessing), simply atrocious blood effects when they are present, backyard scene lots, I could go on but why bother. At this point you should've gathered it's not worth your time watching. Thank goodness I had the foresight to fast forward thru a lot of it on Amazon Prime. At least I wasted no money on it. I don't recommend watching. Have to write 10 lines for review submission so I'll repeat myself: I'm getting' so tired of writing a movie is a waste of time but here's another one. Where do I start? Awful acting, awful script (done by a high school screenplay writer wanna be, I'm guessing), simply atrocious blood effects when they are present, backyard scene lots, I could go on but why bother. At this point you should've gathered it's not worth your time watching. Thank goodness I had the foresight to fast forward thru a lot of it on Amazon Prime. At least I wasted no money on it. I don't recommend watching.
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