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When Your Friend Is A Spy...
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Fascinating, eye opening view by an independent American documentary crew filming the IRA during their most turbulent times.

The problem is the IRA rated themselves a bit too smart, the film crew were lead by the CIA, MI5 + MI6 and Mossad, who were smarter.

The footage and interviews gained are ground-breaking for the time, it's a shame that it took 50+ years for the BBC to get hold of this 'documentary'. Why the inverted commas? It seems that this was an infiltration and intelligence operation all along. Lots of unfiltered footage for the above mentioned services to study, and I'm sure they did.

No one comes out of this untarnished, not even Martin McGuinness, the main architect of the Good Friday Agreement.

Watch it twice, this is too informative to be ignored. I'm an Englishman, and yet again I'm ashamed.
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Population: 11 (2024– )
Quirky, Silly, Twisty, Well Worth A Binge...
14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't really know what to expect but Ozzie stuff is normally pretty good and a bit left field. This didn't disappoint. I got the feel of the Coen brothers and Fargo. All of the characters were very Ozzie apart from the Yank, who was equal parts baffled and an alien (deliberate joke, you'll see).

It's a 'who done it' laced with a huge WTF?! I really enjoyed the unpeeling of this small town, the myriad of twists and unexpected happenings, it kept me guessing until the very end.

Not one bad actor, they embrace and flesh out their parts nicely.

Highly recommended for a Saturday night or Sunday afternoon binge, it'll fly by.
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To Catch a Copper (2024– )
Who Are The IOPC...?! Bad Coppers Get Away With 'It' Again and Again...
6 February 2024
I've seen two episodes, both contain shocking policing. Bullying, excessive force and threats, blatant racism, even the rape of a drunk woman, all protected by the Police Federation as a cherry on top. The only other 'democratic' countries I can imagine getting away with this nonsense are France and of course the US.

If the IOPC (Independent Office for Police Conduct) don't exonerate the cops, which they seem to do 99% of the time, then there are other loop holes to use. Retirement and resignation seem to work just fine, it's not like they risk facing criminal charges, so why worry? The IOPC is made up of mostly ex cops. Biased much?

You can see the frustration of the special team in Avon & Somerset that investigate these 'crimes'. They leave you in no doubt that they've caught a 'wrong un' after reviewing the evidence, which we get to see. Yet they are constantly undermined and thwarted.

One copper even used the excuse of having PTSD for committing rape against a vulnerable women while on duty. He was allowed to retire using his medical condition. Full pension included. He was charged, pleaded not guilty and his defence was that he was the victim of rape by her. Not guilty said twelve of his peers. No wonder rape cases only have a 2% conviction rate.

The guy wasn't even charged with rape but a much lesser crime of Gross Misconduct In A Public Office. You couldn't make it up.

The Chief Constable constantly states that she's not happy with the situation. This is a police service branded institutionally racist second only to The Metropolitan Police. Words are cheap, so cheap they're free by the bucket full. So far she hasn't over turned a single decision yet she has that power.

Fascinating yet demoralising viewing.
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A Parody...
25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is not real. Google the company name and come up with nothing apart from a folk music website. The main donor, 'Gillian' is obviously an actor and not a good one. But she's 'poor' and being paid for her flesh to be grown in a vat and eaten by more of the 'poor', so all is good? Soylent Green without the secrecy.

Gregg does his normal over the top super excited self that he'd also put into the origins of a table leg.

I kind of get what this programme intends to say 'if we want to keep eating meat this is an option'. Cannibalism is cost effective. Especially for the poor that are caught in the cost of living crisis.

The 'tenderest' meat comes from children in a shocking addition at the end of the show. A hard watch.

The press have gone mad over it, they obviously haven't seen it and have made an editorial/political decision just based on the idea. Although some seem to think it really is real. Daily Mail, how dumb do you feel now that you've seen it?

At first I gave this 4 stars, sick TV, but now after realising the message? A solid 7.

Is this our future?
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If It Wasn't For The Moustache...
16 June 2023
You will only ever focus on one thing, the fake moustache, the highly ridiculous moustache, that moustache.

It will distract you from the main character, Roger Sharpe (Mike Faist) despite sitting uncomfortably on his face.

Mr. Sharpe, (Dennis Boutsikaris) Roger's older self and fourth wall breaking narrator, will never mention it but we know that he knows, how could he not?! He's right next to the thing, a lot.

Moustache has one skill, pinball. Learnt in a student bar and rediscovered in New York, the moustache wants to play. But New York doesn't like pinball, it's obviously a vice so must be hidden in the backrooms of 'adult' stores.

What follows is a really interesting, tongue in cheek journey in the quest to liberate the flippers and their corresponding steel balls.

Well worth a watch, but that moustache?! It can't be unseen, sadly.
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True Lies (2023)
TV For Stupids, But I Sort Of Liked It...
2 March 2023
Ridiculous motor chases, fireball explosions, a million bullets fired but no one ever gets got it. We have 'the formula'. Remember The A-Team? They invented the formula, it works for stupid people and ten year old boys. And let's face it, The A-Team sucked as well.

Now picture this secretive organisation, Omega something. Like the CIA but not. They have high tech gadgets coming out of the wazoo. They jet set, save the world on a daily basis, they are the good guys.

Main guy, Harry, (Steve Howey) is a boring salesman by day, a dashing spy by night. Wife, Helen, (Ginger Gonzaga) a typical middle class suburban mum with a teaching gig, just so happens she teaches languages. This comes in handy later on.

I realised that I should treat this as a comedy in the manner of a spoof. It made it bearable, almost enjoyable. Ginger's emotional range when she accuses Harry of having an affair made me think she was just a little mad at some minor misdemeanour. I cracked up.

No spoilers. If you try this, just think 'Spoof' like Austin Powers; The Spy Who Shagged Me and you'll be fine.
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Bad, How Are Amazon Charging For This? Even free on Prime it would be worth a miss...
19 January 2023
Every male actor a hunk, every female actor a model. Then we get to the story; 'based on real events'. Yeah, very loosely. Casting should have been fired way before a camera was hired.

It just has that 80's made for TV feel, yup, worse than The A-Team, that bad. The dialogue is awful, the acting far too intense in the minor moments. Sometimes less is more, guys.

Of course the Japanese just throw themselves at machine guns like they were never trained in the basics. Of course the GI's are so proficient at unarmed combat. The Japanese would never have any idea about Karate or Jiu Jitsu. How could they despite inventing it?

Really not good in any way. Have the production team bigged this up on review sites? Mmmm?
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Mayflies (2022)
A Beautiful Tragedy...
28 December 2022
Still wiping the tears away, yet I want to celebrate the love, loyalty and friendship that went before. A cast that I haven't always rated in the past individually have a chemistry I've rarely seen.

I'd compare this to an Ian Banks novel, yet no one gets murdered.

Martin Compston is far from his wooden self in Line of Duty, Ashley Jensen is a force of nature, something not harnessed by Ricky Gervais in any of their colab's. His fault for always wanting to be the centre of the screen. And Tony Curran? Balls out, no holds barred as the rebel that refused to say 'Okay, that'll do'. He does it his way.

Andrew O'Hagan has written a truly beautiful thing.

Peter Mackie Burns brings it to us in a very unsentimental yet gut wrenching way. It's a celebration of what was. No regrets.
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Marriage (2022)
Beautifully Understated, Show, Don't Tell...
14 August 2022
It starts with a minor 'thing' that turns into a full blown public row about a baked potato. Turns out Sean's character is just scared of flying, but he won't say so, so the potato is the problem. This sets the stage for some wonderfully observed characteristics of a long term relationship. Some of you, although apparently very few based on current reviews, will recognise those moments that define real love and friendship.

There's a very telling scene in a graveyard where not a word is spoken, but both are broken, sob on a bench, yet contain their grief, no touching or hugs. A dead child? We don't know.

Stolen kisses are a thing, just a quick peck in passing, but say so much.

The stilted conversation until one says what they really think opens up some otherwise guarded emotions. The daughter's awful, controlling and totally selfish boyfriend is going to be a factor. These characters don't want to hurt each other, but I think they will.

Ignore the haters, this is clever and really well observed.
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Deserves To Be Court Marshalled And Shot...
14 June 2022
Ever seen those home made YouTube vids where teenagers make a 5 minute war movie so they can pretend to be a hero? It helps them forget that they're the runt that gets bullied every day.

Imagine if one of them was given a few thousand dollars? This is what they'd make.

The directing is so bad, lots of pointless close ups on bad actors. The special effects are laughable and not special at all.

I have no idea about the story because I lasted less than 10 minutes. But considering the clichés it started with I was certain that it wasn't going to get any better.

At best this is a late night made for TV film for a low budget station, nothing more.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Slightly Better Than Okay...
15 May 2022
Not a rule breaker or an award winner. But enough to keep your attention. Some of the twists are a bit telegraphed, I guessed a few of the 'surprises' and was proven right. I think more of a show, don't tell format would make this better, we're not all morons.

The worst thing about this is the awful incidental music. Was it recorded in 1985 and just pulled off of a shelf to save money? It needs to improve.

The lead, Manuel Garcia-Rulfo is convincing, he has big boots to fill so decides not to try and does it his own way. I like the fact that a ton of WASP's and book fans will be spitting feathers that he's now an American Mexican. The supporting cast do their job well too. It was refreshing to see that his daughter is no looker or a typical Californian stick insect starlet.

I've watched the lot now. There's a main plot with several sub plots to give it some variety. There's a very light sprinkling of humour, and a scenery chewing soapy personal drama. This 'will they, won't they' plot got a tad tedious though. I wanted to take him aside and say 'dude, she's being a bit of a cow, again, just move on', but alas it wasn't possible.

The underlying message is that the strong and true of heart, no matter their failings, will always prevail despite the odds. This is make belief after all. Ironic that it's made in a country where the reality is justice is what you can afford and the poor should just shut up and do their time even if they're innocent because no one really cares.

The final shot has already set us up for the next series, I'll definitely watch it, but may change my mind if it's as patronising as season 1.
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An Indie That Is...
10 January 2022
A truly original story based on biblical tales, so maybe not that original? But the interpretation is.

I couldn't fault the directing, every scene seems to be thought out to the nth degree with some very clever results and edits. I was hooked from the start and this film flew past, never a boring moment.

It's interesting that despite the low ratings every written review is highly positive. I figure that the low raters just don't have the intellect or attention span to understand a film without car chases and shoot outs or write anything at all?

The UK & Ireland have a wealth of excellent low budget Indie cinema, add this to the list. The soundtrack is also a plus, some very classy tracks are added at just the right time. Mostly folk/indie/blues, yet the momentary appearance of Can's Vitamin C, a personal favourite, had me singing along longer than the clip lasted.

Irish humour is definitely a thing, as this film proves. Would it be too much of a stretch to make this film a UN cultural site?

If you're thick as a rotten spud or think the pop charts are all there is, avoid. If you're not and don't, lap it up.
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Landscapers (2021)
Is There An Even Better Word For Brilliant? (Includes Update)...
8 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We start with the director giving his cues to the effects dept and extras, a character starts to run through the rain... And the tone is set. Wonderfully original directing leads us to two superb actors (Olivia Coleman & David Thewlis) that 'just are' their characters, Susan & Christopher Edwards. A middle aged couple entirely in love with each other, yet very traditional, and hiding, their general drabness is certainly excellent camouflage.

Susan is depicted as part living in a fantasy world based on her love of cinema, especially old westerns. Christopher is the doting husband desperately seeking a job in a land where the language defeats him with his painfully bad job interviews.

There are so many different styles used, however they blend into each other seamlessly. Some of the lighting techniques/tricks are straight out of the theatre and early colour film. Yet they really do work in this mix of old/new. Dropping characters into strange locations to deliver monologues through the fourth wall was very effective. A lot of the credit has to go to the visual editor, Elen Pierce Lewis, who must have many a headache during the cutting.

Then we meet the detectives that receive a tip off. One smart, one stupid and one a sweary, aggressive, sexist bully that regularly loses it with fits of rage, and he's also the boss. I don't think we're meant to like him, I certainly don't. What would now be described as 'an old school copper'.

The end credits are also worth a watch, a real mixture of the real and the imaginary. You'll see an original photo of the Edwards, and then a shot of the crew striking (dismantling) a set, plus other stuff that's meant to be against 'the rules' of directing, but in this case just aren't.

The original soundtrack borrows heavily from past epics, Hitchcock would love some of the tension created by it.

Now, here's a caveat, I've only watched one episode so far. If the next three ep's are as good I'll revise this from a 9/10 to a 10/10. It's that good.

The master of his craft, exec producer and director is Will Sharpe. Watch out Chris Nolan, this dude is inevitably coming to Hollywood.

UPDATE - All 4 episodes watched. The directing gets even more quirky, the lines between fact and fiction more blurred until by ep' 3 we get to see all of the sets and the workings of film making 'full frontal'.

Are they guilty? There is no definitive answer, but I reckon so. Shame really. Susan is obviously a compulsive liar, Chris is obviously a bit of a mug. But Susan's parents were undoubtedly bad, even evil. Karma? Karma would be that they get out soon. They've been punished enough.
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The Chair (2021)
When Free Speech Isn't...
27 August 2021
Absolutely smashes the zeitgeist of cancel culture. Sandra Oh, (the new and first female chair of an English faculty) is beset on all sides; from the old white male privelidge establishment to the campus fashion of shutting down anyone that doesn't chime with the latest political views. Free speech really is dead. Don't you dare debate classic literature unless it's via twitter with a meme.

I loved it yet shouted at the screen in frustration in equal measure. Bloody millennials.

Although this is purely a work of fiction with some excellent comedic moments it tells many truths. Yes, things have to change, the old ways certainly aren't the best, but to prevent any kind of discourse because of a bad choice of phrase or the wrong word? Utterly immature and counter productive, a bit like a 3 year old with their hands over their ears shouting 'lalalalalalala!' when told not to stick their finger in an electrical socket.

Highly recommended.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Almost As Good As Gravity But Without The Carnage...
22 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing that bothered me was how the engineer got where he was and survived the launch, but apart from that this was very plausible from a science and engineering point of view.

The first thing I liked was the countdown and systems check audio while those annoying production and distribution company logos and animations blight the start of every film. No need to click ahead by a couple of minutes, bliss.

The Commander, Marina (Toni Collette) is obviously in charge and suffers the weight of a ton of seemingly insurmountable problems, yet like a true leader listens to her crew before making tough decisions. After breaking her arm she's asked why she's not screaming in pain 'it hurts' she says in a deadpan way. Ozzies are built tough. If the script were mine she would have said 'I'm an Ozzie'.

The Doctor, Zoe (Anna Kendrick) takes seriously the 'do no harm' part of her Hippocratic oath and truly cares; she's also the clown of the crew so a real morale booster. The Yale vs Harvard joke was pretty cool.

The Botanist, David (Daniel Day Kim) is the pragmatist and most serious of the bunch, logic and reason are his guiding light. This becomes a minus as events unfold, but he manages to redeem himself eventually. Luckily I'm not the Commander of this mission otherwise he would have been shoved out of the airlock in a second.

The Stowaway and Launch Engineer, Michael (Shamier Anderson) is the unwitting spanner in the works. He does not want to be there but there's no going back. He's a likeable character, and the crew do, a lot. Which makes things so much tougher.

At first I was baffled that there weren't more fail safes built into the spacecraft. As the story unfolds it transpires that weight was stripped back so that a 2 person craft could be made into a 3 person craft, at the expense of safety. Didn't they learn anything from Apollo 13?!

Overall a good watch, a solid 8, just don't expect any explosions or violence or any of that B Movie Sci Fi crap.
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It's No Fresh Prince Or Cleveland Show...
15 April 2021
Dear, oh dear, oh dear...Formulaic, telegraphed 'jokes'. Stereo types a plenty. Breaking the 4th wall just to explain the jokes to us 'normal' people.

You might hope it gets better once the characters are bedded in, it doesn't.

Jamie Foxx wants to be portrayed as an irresistible stud, but fails. End of.
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Haters Gonna Hate...
2 April 2021
A good solid 8 and a film with heart. Can't understand the low ratings, but I figure a lot of people don't like the idea of black cowboys, tough, they exist and always have. I can imagine what type of people are giving this a 1/10. Have you learned nothing in this last year?

It's not just a coming of age film, but a cultural lesson, one I had no idea about.

Most of the characters are based on real life cowboys in Philadelphia. Fletcher Street was a real stable until it was destroyed by the Philly authorities for 're development'.

The acting is solid. Idris Elba (Pops) is very good as the strong silent type, his son, Caleb McLaughlin (Cole), grows up fast because he has too. His first day of honest hard work was pretty funny.

This is a well rounded, factual film that shines a light on the injustice in America today and how communities that are trying to do the right thing are screwed over by the system. They ain't rich so they're fair game, same old, same old.
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15 February 2021
Disappointingly one sided view of events and not exactly neutral journalism. This has been made for a reason, to help 'free' Britney from her diamond encrusted luxury cage. Let's line up a ton of Britney's most loyal friends and get them to express their biased opinions. Done? Yup. Tick. I don't deny that she has been mistreated, targeted and abused, that's showbiz, it happens to men too. Justin Bieber has gone through the same process. So when someone who claimed to have managed all of the boy bands and this never happened to them (because the press are a bunch of misogynists) all I could think of was 'so you didn't manage Bieber? Shame, you might think differently if you had'. If you use your sexuality as a marketing tool, expect a response. Britney courted the paparazzi, used them for free publicity and loved the attention, she courted The Beast. A beast well known for never being satisfied and always wanting more. But then she wanted to switch it off when it suited her? Good luck with that. Also, the doc' covers the hair shaving, and spins it as a 'screw you' to the pap's. What it fails to mention is that hair is used for drug testing to show if there's a consistent use of drugs, it's like a daily calendar. She was fighting a custody battle where her drug use was a factor. But I think she could have been smarter in the way it was done. Why invite the entity you hate to witness you destroying the evidence? Yet this doc never mentions that aspect. Is her dad bad and a control freak blatantly robbing his daughter? Absolutely. But is Britney a totally innocent victim? I don't think so. Be careful what you wish for.
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Us British Are A ruthless Race...
24 January 2021
I grew up during the troubles, even had bomb attacks in more than one home town. At the time we were fed news stories that the IRA were monsters, and the British authorities were protecting us the best they could. Then Maggie Thatcher let the special forces run rampant with her blessing, murder and execution without trial became state sanctioned. Little did we know; It turns out that we'd already been at it for a decade before, patsy's and intelligence plots and plans were already in the armoury and being used to the max. Let's remember, MI6 trained the CIA in their early days. The shame and anger I feel is very real, my distrust of Labour and Tory leaders all the more amplified, after all, these are privileged politicians exacting plans on the powerless and innocent for some kind of political advantage. Ken Livingstone, an outside member of the ruling elite raised questions he was poo poo'd for, but was dead right. Steven Travers, the bass player and relentless pursuer of the truth has almost, finally, been vindicated and proven right. I really hope he has his day in court pointing a finger at the guilty. And I hope that he's joined by all of the discredited British intelligence operatives that spoke out because they knew it was crooked and wrong, submitting detailed reports that proved as much, but were ignored and then discredited by the British authorities. I am a British subject, and I feel nothing but guilt.
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I Wanted The 'Bad Guy' To Win...
15 January 2021
If this had been made 30 years ago it would have blown people away, fact. The ethical questions raised about the use of automated warfare are pretty relevant at the moment as several world powers race to produce robot armies, air forces and naval power. Not to cut casualties, but to make the fighting 'more efficient'. Who doesn't want a robot that never sleeps and kills without hesitation? The ultimate goal of 'The Bad Guy' is to make humanity question its use of robots in war, and maybe not do it anymore? But of course the humans win, how could they not? This is a film made by humans. Liberally dosed with some outstanding shootee action, many life or death situations, and several twists to keep you guessing, this was like an ethics lecture performed via a PS4 session playing 'Modern Warfare'. Highly recommended for anyone with a brain or love of action films. Arms designers and generals should be prevented from watching this, they'll only get bad ideas.
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Average Satire...
29 December 2020
George Carlin, Bill HIcks, Frankie Boyle, Charlie Brooker, you're all safe, this is no competition. Quick fire delivery without a breath, the same 6 jokes repackaged i.e. points at photo insert and says 'not that one!' how many times? Some of his 'observations' raised a chuckle, but I won't be seeking out any more of his work, others do it way better and far more subtly, no CRASH ! BANG! IN YER FACE...! Charlie Brooker's Death To 2020 is now out, and Frankie Boyle's New World Order Se5 is in the pipeline for the Spring, and definitely worth the wait. And they have better dress sense, bonus.
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Better Than I Expected...
23 December 2020
My only problem with this film was the schmaltzy soundtrack. The flute should definitely be left back in the 1970's where it belongs. Everything else was fine. A dying man's decent into madness surrounded by a dying planet with one goal keeping him alive, save the last few humans from certain death. The acting is good, the cinematography excellent, the design is very intelligent. Unfortunately a lot of reviewers found it too slow, but not me, the porridge was just right. The cherry on top was the ending, I certainly didn't see it coming, and I bet the baby gets called Miya.
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The Liberator (2020)
Enjoyable Military Propaganda With A Cartoony Twist...
11 November 2020
An uber handsome, all American boy (that bares no visible similarity to the real person) leads a rag tag team of misfits and rejects against all adversity, including racial prejudice and Nazis. This is all presented in a graphic novel style that takes a bit of getting used to, and it's been done better by others. I was surprised at the lack of innovative angles or effects considering the broad canvas used. There's also a distinct lack of scale. By the end of the war Sparks is now a Lieutenant Colonel in charge of 3 divisions (aprox. 30,000 men) but it only ever looks like he leads about a dozen.

Although the story of the 157th Reg is a tough one, with incredibly high casualties, more combat time than most other US regiments and an impressive tally of awards for gallantry, the story itself is a bit 'meh'. There isn't anything new said here, we all know war is hell and totally brutal already. We know the US military of old was deeply and institutionally racist. Other films have covered the subject with a lot more depth. It would have been good to have an 'after' where decorated heroes go home and find they still can't drink in certain bars and get verbal abuse from the public and cops. America has a very dark past and present, but this is all ignored and glossed over. Despite the 3D effects from the CGI, the characters remain distinctly two dimensional. The message tries to be 'It's the man that counts, not his skin colour' yet I can only imagine that some will only pick up on the fact that all but one of the officers were white, so obviously superior in their warped opinion.

The one bit of originality is the tale told of campaigns ignored by history so far as they were over shadowed by D-Day and The Bulge, which were occurring at around the same time. The liberation of Dachau was almost skipped over, only occupying a small part of the final episode, with absolutely no follow up as to what happened to the prisoners or guards. Almost as if it would be 'distasteful' for an American audience.

The soundtrack is that cliched American military vanilla flavour that hasn't evolved since Band Of Brothers in 2001, it wouldn't surprise me if it was actually pieces rejected from B of B.

Despite a lot of negatives, it was an enjoyable watch, I binged all 4 episodes. Would I watch it again? Probably not.
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Love & Anarchy (2020–2022)
Scandi Rom Com...
6 November 2020
Being Scandinavian everything and everyone has style. Outfits that are supposedly thrown on are meticulous in their colour coordination. The furniture and décor is always tasteful, and everyone has money, even the IT guy sharing a Hispster influenced 'hovel', (yup, lots of bare chip board, just like a trendy Shoreditch café). The sound track is 'cheesy Indie pop' that 15 year olds will love, yet is still a step above the better Eurovision entries.

But once you get past the clichés and the 'Visit Sweden Because We're Cool' tourist ad' this is a smart and witty tragi comedy. There's a sense of self discovery that begins with a dare and snowballs. The characters get fleshed out, even bit players, so that we get to know that everyone deep down is not as happy as they could be.

We're shown that women can like porn too, that the famous Swedish egalitarian attitude to parenting and society isn't all it's made out to be, that some of the men and women can be real selfish a-holes and a barrier to happiness.

I haven't finished, I'm halfway through ep' 7. I'm desperate for the main characters to work it out and find happiness, but it will be messy, people will get hurt.

I am a middle aged man that used to scorn this kind of thing as being too 'fluffy' and for sad, divorced women with a taste for mid day cocktails. I'm glad I'm all grown up now otherwise I would have missed this. I think ep 8 is going to make me cry, just a little, but I hope so.
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Rogue City (2020)
Enjoyable Carnage...
30 October 2020
A very French cops and gangsters film set in Marseille. Nearly everyone's having an affair, smokes, drinks too much, turns a blind eye, breaks the rules, is corrupt or a corruptor. Well framed with some excellent shoot outs, some clever twists to keep you guessing, and a finale that I certainly didn't see coming. I almost hit the stop button as a twee French acoustic love song came on, a que for the end credits. It wasn't, don't stop, keep watching. Recommended but not an award winner, a solid 7.
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