14 Reviews
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Watch Slime instead
6 March 2023
This could've been a 6 if the cgi wasn't so damn bad. The cgi is one of my biggest complaints it's sooooooo bad and just progressively got worse as the show went on. I did watch the full 24 episodes in hopes it would get better but it's honestly a big meh from me. The MC is just a sideline character for a lot of the series which is another complaint. They jumped from character to character from story to story instead of just building on the MC which could of saved this show. The only reason I watched is because I love that time I got reincarnated as a slime. But this is just a cheap imitation.
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Sweet and Saucy
29 August 2022
If you are looking for a good rom com this is pretty much for you. It's definitely a little spicer than what I normally watch but I ain't mad at it. Most romance anime has the slowest build up and you have to wait foreverrrr for anything to happen so this was a breath of fresh air in that sense but you will still run into wanting more progression between the leads as per usual with romance anime. It's also a nice newer take on a classic concept we see over and over again (awkward/shy/loner boy gets beautiful popular girl) I would definitely recommend it if you are open to a little sauce and fan service however if you like wholesome this isn't for you.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Beautiful and Fun!
24 September 2020
Alright this is getting far too much hate. If you are looking for something historically factual obviously look else where. This film is meant to be creative and fun and it is just that! There are a lot of big and great names in this movie, they all of course act wonderfully! If you are true fan of anything Sherlock Holmes this is for you! Granted it's a spinoff of what we all know since it is based off of his sister. But we still get the quirkinesses, whit, and detective skills we have all came to love. It is very entertaining (a little on the long side) but it is a must see. Plus the views are incredible and you get to be immersed in the old world scenery which is always fun to see!
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Cursed (2020)
Why all the bad reviews?
20 July 2020
I'm kind of puzzled by all the negativity. Don't get me wrong it is not perfect by any means and it is not fair to compare it to GOT. With that being said it has some GOT qualities but obviously the two shows are on completely different levels. You got to push through and finish the show. I admit the first episode is a disaster and lot of things made me mad. But if you are a fantasy lover and gore lover you should be able to appreciate it!
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Radiant (2018– )
So underrated!!! A must see!!
7 March 2020
I am absolutely in love. Now to be honest I watch an unhealthy amount of anime. I feel like I have seen it all. With that being said this anime does offer up some new insight. I love the characters, scenery and story. You feel so many different emotions. I feel like not enough people know about this show! Give this one a chance and you won't be disappointed!
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Fairy Tail (2009–2019)
A Fun Journey
14 July 2019
I absolutely love Fairy Tail. It's my favorite Anime. It has everything you want in it. Lots of action, comedy, friendship, some tears and sadly it does have romance but it's the type where the creator just wants to toy with your heart. You root for a couple that just never seems to make it. That's the only negative thing for me. Which I think in the end it won't be. It's a long fun series that is a must see. Perfect for bingers like me and definitely if you are new to the anime scene this is a great starter. This is a series I will forever watch over and over and read too since I just started getting the mangas!
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Yona of the Dawn (2014–2015)
Please come back for another season!
9 June 2019
I really really liked this anime! After finishing though I am left with a lot of questions and anticipation. There is no real word that this show is coming back but I have learned with anime that you need the patience of saint. We have to wait for a long period of time for more but 90% of the time we are not left disappointed! You will love the characters and watching this unique group come together!
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9 June 2019
This was so heart warming. I'm a big softie and love romance. Most of my anime shows are all action with love on the side with the two characters you want together... but still haven't... even after years of tears and dedication...sigh...but this show gives you a pair to root for and they actually act upon it and talk about it in the open. The second season really picked up the action too! Hungry for more!!!
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Pretty Fun!!
2 June 2019
I have no idea why there are so many bad reviews. I really enjoyed it. I'm on break waiting for some new episodes to come and came across this. I haven't watched a good vampire show in a while. I really hope they keep it going!
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short but a must see!!!!
18 May 2019
I absolutely loved this. They did wrap it up nicely so no real cliff hangers but I wouldn't say no to more though. It was beautiful and addictive!
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Once you move on from the first Episode it is Fantastic!
22 January 2019
I absolutely loved this show, I can not tell you how bummed I am that I have to wait patiently for another season, I am definitely chomping at the bit! I will mention I did get annoyed by Hestia quite often though. Other than that it is a fun adventure!
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Getting Better
4 August 2018
I love the two main characters and how they are connected. However it started off really slow and pretty much stayed that way the whole season. The season finale was one of the most exciting episodes this show had to offer. With that said, I really hope season two rides that wave instead of going back to the slow pace in which it started.
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Beautiful and Heartbreaking
4 August 2018
This show had my heart and emotions racing. Between the gorgeous animation and the emotional journey of Violet, I was unable to stop watching. Thirteen episodes is simply not enough. Violet is mesmerizing and her story is captivating. Season two get here soon!
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Simply Badass
4 August 2018
This show is almost absolute perfection. I was completely immersed into the show from episode one. In fact I stayed up for hours when I first started it and was not able to stop watching. On season three now and I can't wait to see where this show takes us.
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