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An End of an Era...
26 April 2019
This is a special movie. Movies like this come out rarely and they aren't always good. The one before this was Logan, and even thought Endgame is on a much larger scale, the feelings, I left the theater with, were very similar.

This is one of the boldest MCU movies, in terms of creative choices, and one of the darker ones, in terms of stakes. I really felt our heroes were in genuine danger throughout the movie. Endgame retains that lighthearted charm, that we've come to love in Marvel movies, but also takes itself very seriously.

When I look back on previous MCU movies, i realize that this is one of their most beautiful movies, in terms of cinematography. The only letdown for me was the score, as in some vital spots it was barely noticeable and/or repetitive.

The cast was solid throughout. The Original Six and in particular MCU Trinity take the center stage here and all do their finest acting....

And just like Thor for the first time in a Long time, I genuinely don't know what's to come and that's very, very exciting...
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Aquaman (2018)
Accuracy in Spades...
10 December 2018
When you adapt comic book to the big screen, mostly you just ADAPT it... There are exceptions obviously, but comic book doesn't translate from page to screen, or so we were told...

And then along came James Wan! What a director! What a movie! This is one of the most accurate comic book movies, like ever(except the lead, who looks nothing like Aquaman from the comics)!

So Jason Momoa is great in this role! No doubt about it! And just like Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman, Zack Snyder cast people(not very good, in terms of acting abilities), who naturally fit to these characters. I mean from the first shot of him onscreen you're like: he look nothing like Aquaman, I've read, but he IS AQUAMAN!

Back to comics accuracy. Every other character is authentic esthetically, and personalitywise. Black Manta really is Black Manta(they even explain, why his helmet is so damn Big, Oceanmaster has his iconic Helmet and etc... Now the Action! James Wan gives the fight scenes in Aquaman a unique cinematic language: they always begin with wide circular shots, that help establish the geography and after we're used to surroundings, James starts cutting to the choreography. And also long take fight scenes! Quite few of them actually!

Film is pretty fast paced, but still manages to deliver solid story arcs, and clear motivations for both our heroes and our villains. Performances are solid overrall. No clear standouts, at least to me.

I don't even need to say that the movie is visually stunning! You already knew that from the trailers!

The score: pretty good! Aquaman theme is repeated quite often, and after the credits roll, it kinda sticks to your brain on a loop. Character themes overall are very good, although Oceanmaster theme is too dark, considering the fact that he is not evil personally.

In the end It's a feel good movie for the whole family, with some real heart, and genuine humor!

I highly recommend it!

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Action movie Renaissance is officially on...
3 November 2017
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this is a great movie. By all means no. It has a decent plot, couple of twists and well acted characters.

What i want to focus on is the primary goal of every action movie: delivering understandable action. Now since "John Wick" came out i've watched a lot of action movies and started to notice a change in the way action is filmed and edited. Of course there are a lot of quick cut/shaky madness action films from recent years, but for every "Sleepless" you get a movie like "Acts of Vengeance", for every "Kickboxer 2" you get "Boyka: Undisputed", for "The Hunter's Prayer" you get "Bushwick" and for "American Assassin" you get "24 Hours to Live". What i mean by this? These movies actually let us see what is going on in terms of action scenes.

In this particular movie when Ethan Hawke fights, we see all of it. No quick cuts. The camera moves in wide angle, giving us a clear view. Gun fights have clear sense of direction and geography. Even shootouts during car chase are done better, than in larger films. Now is it as good as "John Wick Chapter Two" or "Atomic Blonde"? No! But it's better than most.

So if you want to watch and enjoy an Action film, where you don't get lost in the action itself, i definitely recommend this movie.
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Hard Target 2 (2016 Video)
pretty generic...but
29 August 2016
i didn't expect much from this one. and to be fair all i wanted to see at that moment, was a decent action flick. and surprisingly enough - i got it!

plot is predictable. i mean really. they did put some effort into developing main protagonist and it works, a bit. the acting is fairly average. but since this is an action film, let's get to action.

fight choreography is good, and one particular kill will catch you off guard(believe me i've seen it). since Adkins isn't playing Boyka, his technique is different, more simplified, but efficient enough.

there is a nice nod to the original HT and you will easily recognize it.

as for the supporting cast Rhona is playing a really stereotypical character, which was my main problem throughout the film. i mean she really can do better than that. Robert Kneppers main villain was decent enough to listen to his dialogue.

and for the last when you'll watch it make sure to know that some sequences take place simultaneously at different spots, so you won't feel lost in the pacing

overall i would give it 6.5/10 if you have enough time, watch it...
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Suicide Squad (2016)
a really slow burner...ish
8 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
no point in describing this movie. you just have to make up your own mind about it. some parts are better than awesome and some are meh...

lets start with origins: really poor! i think the original cuts were better and the reediting turned it into a joke(pun intended). batman appearance in Deadshots origins is acceptable, except the guy who lost his parents in the dark alley wouldn't haunt anyone with the kid in that type of dark alley. next Harley's introduction was way too simplified. the real gem here was the acid jump scene that was done better than any flashback i have seen before. just awesome.

next the joker! i feel like the laugh was just not good! the only moments this guy looked like a real character was when he had a serious face! just watch him when he says careful! and you'll know what i mean! Jarred did great job, but they didn't let him shine the way he could, given more screen time and better lines.

now as for Deadshot: every scene where he is shooting are awesome, but when he shoots on top of the car, i was taken by surprise. it was cooler, than i expected.

music through the movie is a bit too much! i get it it's supposed to b fun, but know your limits! it's not a music video! it's a movie! but i'm saying this only about the songs, used! and their over usage in the beginning of the movie! but the Ost-s were awesome. particularly the one during the squad walk and the Diablo outrage! just epic! speaking of it, i felt like every scene after the bar drinking scene was from the directors cut, cause it was much better, than the rest! just pure cinematic ecstasy! overall: next time Warner Bros. let the directors do the editing! stop messing with their work! you messed up one movie this year already - BvS, was it necessary to mess up the other? cause you managed to mess it up badly! i hope you'll have courage to release director's cut later, cause this story deserves it!
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The Shallows (2016)
Jaws...for this generation
29 June 2016
I don't even know how else to describe it. It's a dynamic duo...ish movie, considering the fact, that one of the two is immensely beautiful and talented Blake Lively, and the other is...well...A SHARK!

it's basically a nurse vs. the shark movie and its awesome. from the cinematic beauty to superb sound design. the plot is the main villain here, as it will keep you guessing till the end. and when that ending comes you will be craving for more, even though the final act is totally satisfying. grippingly suspenseful, it will keep your eyes and mind occupied through the whole run of the movie. and there also is Stephen Seagal joke in it.

I'm full thumbs up for this one. I will definitely get a bu-ray and put it next to Jaws(the first one, obviously) in my collection.

9/10 and to be clear that 9 stands there only because i hoped to get a killer soundtrack(like Jaws) with this splendid movie, but i guess i'm asking too much. but you should watch it anyway!
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Epic...just the word to describe it
21 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
days of future past was really original and new. and i get why some won't go along with this one, but i can guarantee you that even the director didn't mean to make this one even remotely similar to the previous entry of the franchise.

there's a whole different story here. it's a true ensemble movie of the year. way past civil war or dawn of justice(even though i loved both of them)in the most straight way. just because it actually is good vs evil, with naturally good characters and naturally evil ones. in this movie you won't have to choose a side. except of magneto of course, but we're already used to accepting and loving his character just the way he is.

and of course quicksilver! AWESOME! in the most literal way. at one point he even laughs at APOCALYPSE, before kicking his ass.

this is a true x-men movie with full elemental range of mutant powers and it's awesome. but i really hope they make the next one more calm an sophisticated with character development, because they physically won't be able to make a movie with more mutant action.

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Criminal (2016)
What's with Ryan Reynolds and mind transfer movies?
22 April 2016
I mean seriously? First Self/Less and now this? In first one mind was transfered in his body...And now his mind is transfered to the other guy? Come on man...

Okay enough of this, let's get to the movie. Sci-fi genre has been developing awhile now. In 90's the peek of it's development was time space-travel(2001 Space Odyssey) and cybernetic organisms(Terminator). In 2000's it was an emotionless society(Equilibrium) and of course The Matrix. In 2010's the directors have begun to tackle with ideas like human mind transfer and gravity. The latter has been explored in a glorious way through Interstellar. But the first one not so much...

The last couple of years have presented us a number of movies about mind transfer: Transcendence; self/less and our current matter - Criminal. All three of these movies had some portion of action and drama in it. And all three of them weren't met with high praises. Why?

The idea of mind transfer itself is a complex matter. Even in science theory it's hard to imagine it becoming a reality. But why can't they make it work in science fiction...?

About Criminal i'll say that this movie was anticipated, but met pretty critically. The film opened couple of doors that weren't meant to even be in the movie like this one. The performances were good and crime + action in the movies description were decent. But the sci-fi element, which should be more important for the film was left out to leave room for drama. And i'd say it a way. We fell more connected to the characters this way, but the movie doesn't deliver, especially because you can1't shake a feeling that something like this can actually happen.

So if you wanna see Deadpool marry Wonder Woman, than die and leave her to mercy of Joseph Kent, who really doesn't like to work for commissioner Gordon, than this movie is for you.

But you can absolutely spend two hours watching it. 7/10
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The director of The Rock is back...
12 April 2016
I'm not gonna say much about the movie itself, as it's a must see for any action movie fan.

My real surprise here was the directing. It really got me thinking. I mean was the story really that good, that even Michael Bay couldn't spoil it, or is he really back, as we knew him in the late 90'? Even though there are some of his signature "over the top" moments present in the movie, they kinda fit in. The script is a bit thin about the characters, but that lack is compensated by solid acting. The lack of depth is replaced by the authentic emotions on our heroes faces, that makes us care less for their back-stories and concentrate on present efforts.

So overall: it's an impressive directorial work on par with The Rock and Bad Boys(the good one). This movie really made me anticipate for the second TMNT, to see if one of my favourite childhood directors is really back.

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This is how you catch up on Marvel...
26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's my first review, so please don't judge. Just out of the movie and i really needed to tell someone my opinion.

First of all: Go see it for yourself. And while you watch it, remember that it's the world with superhuman beings.

Second: The cast did an amazing job. And i don't mean just Affleck or Eisenberg. Everyone!

Third: It's a slow burner.Everyone keeps saying, that it's fast paced. Well, actually it's not,it's down right perfect. Everything up to the "BIG BRAWL" is creating an amazing hype and anticipation, but when the fight actually takes place(spoiler alert) you'll be surprised just how big the emotional punch will be.

And the last: It created DCU (I'm intentionally not writing in E for Extended) with just one movie. I always thought, that DC wouldn't even try to chase Marvel. Turned out i was partially right.They didn't chase. They simply caught up in 2 hours and 31 minutes of screen time.

So overall the cinematography is beautiful, the music is flawless, the directing is solid, the acting is awesome, the plot isn't as predictable, as you think. Oh, and there's also BATMAN FIGHTING SUPERMAN! Go see it!
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