
15 Reviews
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver
15 September 2014
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I never watch young Robert De Niro until then. He is so cool. He acts a man, Travis, has a sense of justice, but he eats junk food and watches a pornographic film. He is inconsistent. Travis is taxi driver. He hates the world that he lives, but drives taxi. If I don't like the world, I works in my house, or office. Why does he work outside? Travis is a good man. He wants to change the world. In Taxi driver, Travis often sees a back seat in a mirror of taxi. Hitchcock likes to incorporate his sexual expression in his films. Peep is incorporate in Taxi Driver. Peep is doing gaze from a hall. I also like the music of the opening and ending. The same music is used.
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Psycho (1960)
15 September 2014
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I had even heard the famous music in Psycho before I watch this film. There are many preparations in it. First of all, Norman talks with Marion. There is a stuffing of a raven at his back. The stuffing is a hint in Psycho. Norman has double characters- Norman and His mother. His mother is violent and loves Norman, her son. She tries to prevent to take Norman by women. The stuffing represents her. It likes a mask. Second, A toilet and an overflow of a bath expresses something. It is death and despair because it is pitch-dark within overflows. I pick up two hints. Final, I remember the mummy of Norman's mother. I like this movie.
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The Sixth Sense
15 September 2014
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It is the awesome movie. I like the casting. Dr. Malcolm Crowe is Bruce Willis. Cole Sear is Haley Joel Osment. Their acting is good. In Japanese edition, Dr. Malcolm Crowe says "There is a secret in this movie." at the beginning. Just like that, there is the big surprise in this film. Before I watch this, I think it is horror movie, but it is sad and little oppressive. Dr. Malcolm doesn't death himself, but Cole knows everything. They become friends, and Cole becomes open, but at the ending, they say good-bye. Dr. Malcolm never talk his wife. This film is sad story. The Sixth Sense is my recommendation. I want to watch it again.
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15 September 2014
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This is the best action film. Arnold Schwarzenegger appear in many action films, but Terminator is the best I think. In Terminator series, I like Terminator2 and 3. Terminator 2 is Arnold Schwarzenegger is so cool. At the ending, T-800(Arnold Schwarzenegger) chooses dying. He does thumbs-up. I like this scene and more that John teaches T-800 words in fashion. No matter what people say, I like the action scene. The best scene is a one-to-one fight in the factory. T-800 looks lose at once, but he comes back. When, the red lump shines. T-800 is very cool. I never watch Terminator 4. I want watch it. Terminator is five series. I know the story of Terminator 1 to 4, but I don't know the story of Terminator 5.
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Vertigo (1958)
15 September 2014
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Vertigo is awesome film. Vertigo is not horror film, but is weirdness film. Hitchcock tried to do the new shot for the first time. This shot named "the vertigo shot". Hitchcock likes blond hair. Madeleine is heroine, has blond hair, but ex-fiancée Midge is brown hair because Midge isn't Scottie's lover. In Vertigo, there are many something expresses vertigo. When Scottie is caught by something, an object likes appears that likes vertigo. For example, Madeleine's hair, she rolls up her hair, and a spiral staircase. I also notice preparation. Scottie has a stick. When Midge and Scottie are in her room, Scottie finds a bra and he points it by his stick. This scene expresses sex. I think Hitchcock likes preparation.
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The Most Beautiful Thing
2 August 2014
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This movie is very moving. I think the love cannot be expressed in words. I think this movie is similar to Taxi Driver. It is the scene that Brandon practices how does he invite Emily Prom. He tried a lot of pattern. In Taxi Driver, Travis (He is the main character in Taxi Driver) practices how does he kill bad persons. I think Abandon and Emily's relation are slow going. When Abandon saw a man kissed Emily, If I'm Abandon, I will not turn my head away from them. Abandon is a weakness. My most moving scene is ending. At the ending, the message is appeared. Lately, I read a comic book. The main character is a girl. Girl can't hear, but she lives hard. She falls a man in love. I think we overcome a lot of obstacle.
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The Crush (I) (2010)
The Crush
2 August 2014
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The boy is the hero in this movie, but I think the boy is horror. I think he overdone. If I love a teacher, I don't do as the boy. The boy is very young, but the boy know too much. I shudder with horror. , Actually, the boyfriend is a foolish, but I think the woman is a foolish too. The boy's thinking is strange. If the woman break him up, the boy will get angry and may kill her. I think so. First, it is strange that the young boy falls the middle- age woman in love really. Falling teacher in love is often happens, but their loves are not seriousness. Second, the boy tries to her boyfriend. The common young boy doesn't think it.
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The lunch Date
31 July 2014
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First, I think this movie is spooky stories. The women drops her bag, the black man pretends to help her. After all, her train ticket is stolen. Although an old woman takes a seat with a salad, she forgets to take a fork. If she returns to a seat, an unfamiliar black man sits on the seat, and he is eating her salad. When the fat man eats her salad (actually, the salad is his.), I think this station is the worst. I worried how the woman goes to her goal at the end. The fat man is actually kind man. The woman eats his salad, but he buys two coffees, hers and his. It is important that questioning everyone, but it is not right to jump to the conclusion that this parson is a bad parson.
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Knick Knack (1989)
Knick Knack
31 July 2014
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All characters are very cute. The snow man tries escaping by various ways. The ways are fun. Where are the tools brought to open the dome?This movie contains thrilling scene. When the snow man falls down, the dome is like stooping, but the background moves. Those technique may hardly use at that time. This movie is imitated when Toy Story is made. It seems fun idea that Knick Knack is main character. Aithough Knick Knack is the movie on the very narrow stage, it makes me excited. The nostalgic short film manufactured 15 years ago. It does not still change, so that I can reconfirm how technology has been high of those days.
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Safety Not Guaranteed
31 July 2014
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I think it id difficult to trust people. Darius is cool but she is alone. She doesn't know love: it is to be love by somebody. Jeff doesn't know true love. Arnau doesn't know love. They don't know love. I think they have different purposes, but they wish for love. I like this movie structure, but I can't accept the human relations of this movie. I think Kenneth is a middle aged man, but Darius is young. I want to see a handsome man and beautiful woman's love. I'm disappointed. I don't make all denials of may and December couple, but I want to see a romantic movie. Jeff and his lover are persons of middle ages too. I think to have better young characters.
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Terry Tate
24 June 2014
The movie can found anywhere. The theme is the royal roads of comedy. Everyoe can imagine it. The movie doesn't have tragedy and frustration. I felt refreshed when I watched it. each scenes are a short sketch. The end is not final in the movie. It is like Doraemon, but I think Draemon is more interesting than it. It is just interesting. I like the movie, but I want to feel tragedy and frustration in movies. When you want to laugh and feel refreshed, you should watch this movie. When I do a part-time job, and intern, I irritate about coworkers. Terry Tate relieves my stress instead of me, but I feel this movie is fiction. It is a comedy program for me.
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Three Days in Kamakura
16 June 2014
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I like Kamakure and I often go to there. I was glad to see the setting was Kamakura . I had the bright image about Kamakura, but it was changed. This movie is a little dark story. The sky is always cloudy in the movie. I thought Jay's mother had an affair with the teacher of English conversation school, but Jay's mother died actually. I think Jay gives a chance for David and his wife to get over their past. I think his coming is necessary. I think David and his wife live with Jay at the end, so I was surprised at the true end. I thought Jay's parents leave him away when I was watching this movie, but His father lives. I calmed down.
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Fish Out of Water
16 June 2014
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The movie is interesting. I would not think up going to work by rolling. He eventually goes to work by swimming. His conduct surprised me. He gives a fish to the women who is fishing. I like the scene. I hate a traffic jam too. I hate a crowded place more than a traffic jam. I think his thinking is the same as me. So, he changed the method of transportation when when some workers rode the boat with him. He might want to go to work alone. Fish out of water means the fish runs away from water in Japanese. I think the title is human runs away from the land. I noticed this title is sarcasm. I'm interested in it, and I like it.
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The Gift (2010 Video)
The Gift
16 June 2014
The robot and the box may exist in the near future, but town exists in the present age. I think the director mismatched between the robot and the town. Who is the robot? I want to who the robot is and why does the robot steal the box.Why was everyone charmed by the box? It brings unhappiness. Will the boy pick up the box? I think the boy won't pick it up, but he will open the box. I'm interested in thinking about the end of the movie. This movie is short. I want to see a long version. I also got excited by the car action scene. The scene is powerful. The movie contains grotesque scenes. I like it, but there are a lot of people who don't like a grotesque scenes.
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Whacked (II) (1998)
Strange story
6 May 2014
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There is no conversation in this movie,but i can feel the feeling of the man who is the main character. The main character is a driver. The movie is also a monochrome film. I think the annoyance of the man is expressed in the movie by using the monochrome. I think a crime may be a thing that happens in our daily life. If I really annoyed by my job and customers take a bad attitude, I might want to take revenge on customers. I think this movie is the unusual story. However the driver's feeling is normal. This Movie is a strange story. Though the way of his revenge is cruel, I like this movie. I think many peoples have likes and dislikes about this movie.
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