
126 Reviews
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Columbo: A Deadly State of Mind (1975)
Season 4, Episode 6
Dumb! Every episode of columbo has him "solving" with speculation.
19 November 2023
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Any decent defense attorney could debunk columbo's pathetic theories. Every case, Columbo "solves" it by guessing with speculation and circumstantial details. This case, Columbo had nothing except guesses. He didn't prove anything! Lol. George hamilton better not admit to anything! Columbo is so dumb! I get angry watching every Columbo episode because he never solves the cases. He just throws out a guess and acts like he solved it. He never solves a case. It's just really dumb writing! Lol. NBC should have hired a legal consultant to proof read each script to say if it was realistic or not! Again, any mediocre attorney could get any Columbo suspect acquitted! Easily! Lol. It's fun to watch each episode but at the end, i always get angry at how dumb the writing is and how columbo thinks he solves the cases, but never does. It's almost like LAW AND ORDER: SVU(Also a dumb NBC series. The writers at nbc aren't very good and Chatgpt should replace them!) where the accused just give up and admit to it only because the episode is ending. Lol. In real life, Law and order, Columbo, the accused would hire an attorney and get away with it. Columbo episodes could have been great if the writing weren't so dumb! Lol. Nbc is trash.
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The Pyramid (2014)
This movie was annoying to watch!
22 October 2023
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The writing was basic and the way the characters talked was incoherent, even with captions on. I had zero sympathy for the characters and wanted them all to die except the female journalist. She was sexy and wasn't really as annoying as the others. The daughter was so annoying. Near the end, I was okay with the remaining characters getting eaten. The dumb girl was crying and saying "i cant" and just dumb! I was glad her boyfriend got eaten. I'd say the boyfriend, The blonde girl and fitzsimmons were extremely annoying. Near the end, they were talking way too loud so so i'm Not surprised Anubis found them. The girl kept making me yell at the tv. She couldnt get out of the pyramid near the end. She couldn't get out of the pyramid. It was less than 20 feet away! Dumb! I'd say the writing kinda ruined the film and made the characters annoying to watch! I'd say the film had potential but the writing and bad acting ruined it for me. Well, I watched, so that's something I guess. I predicted the accurate order of death for the characters. Predictable. This film had potential.
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Dumb concept from the start!
17 September 2023
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It ALMOST was a great film and concept but the dumb writing ruined it for me! Dr strange shouldn't have helped peter. So peter is dumb to stop the spell 6 times?! Peter wanted to get into MIT But was so dumb he didnt! I know why! Dr strange changed the spell 6 times because Peter kept stopping him! Then the multiverse opened and people came. Then Zendaya blamed Dr. Strange for messing up the spell?! It was peter who kept changing his mind! Peter should've written down a list then given it to dr strange as he was doing the spell. Whomever wrote that, ruined the whole movie for me. Peter is supposed to be smart but didn't realize changing the spell so many times would cause problems?! His Aunt died, and he's crying?! Nah, son! You caused her death because you couldnt make up your mind and kept stopping the spell. That is akin to a dr. Waking up and putting to sleep a person 6 times in 3 minutes! That will kill a person but peter doesn't care! He wants his dumb friends to know he's spider man! This movie was trash because i couldn't get past that part of peter ruining the spell. And yes! I watched the whole film, but after that point, it was unbelievable and dumb to me. PREVENTABLE MISTAKES! Those annoy me! And peter stopping dr strange 6 times and getting him to change the spell mid process was dumb. And peter wondered why he got rejected from those schools?! Haha!
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Run the World (2021–2023)
Whitney is so dumb! Lol
28 May 2023
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Man! Whoever wrote these characters is dumb. The writing is dumb! The writing makes the characters do and say dumb things. Whitney cheats on ola. Days later, ola gives whitney a chance to explain herself. She can't explain WHY she cheated. She says "i gave you time, i apologized. That should be enough!" Haha! I got so angry, I started yelling at the screen! Ola gave up on her. I agreed with Him. There are wayyyyy better girls than her. I hope he finds a hot white girl who will treat him like a king. Whitney is pretty but one of the DUMBEST characters I've ever seen in a series outside of a cartoon. Lol. Why does she act like she's smart when she's dumb? How are these idiots in business? How do they get money being so dumb?! Lol. Whitney seemed like the smartest girl in the group then I watched season 2, episode 1. Wow! I vaguely remember season 1 finale. Why would anybody admit they cheated on their fiance before the wedding? Again, THE DUMBEST WRITING! Do better! I can't watch this series.
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9 May 2022
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James gunn style isn't for me, but really? People liked this?! The characters hurt my eyes and ears. The writing was dumb. Casting was dumb. Pete davidson? And gunn cast his girlfriend in everything he does! Nepotism is bad! Talking animals is only good in cartoons. Ted was funny, but that was 1 movie. The sequel was bad. Who watches this and guardians of the galaxy? Children? Adult male virgins? What?! It was so annoying to watch. The good ratings are by delusional idiots or people associated with the movie/movie's cast/crew. Terrible.
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Ouija (II) (2014)
Great concept, horrible acting
8 February 2022
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The lead female "cooke" cannot act and is annoying to watch. So wooden. She gets all her friends killed and she's sleeping safe in her bed?! Lol she shouldve died, first! Annoying. The girls werent even hot! What?! The younger sister was kinda cute but no hot girls?! Dumb! The concept was great but casting was bad. Cast a hot girl and actors that can act and convey fear. The cooke girl was so wooden the whole time. Her face annoyed me. Her recklessness annoyed me. If i were pete, i wouldnt have helped her. Zero black people?! I wonder why? Black people wouldnt have played the game. In the first scene, the girl turns OFF all the lights and goes UP stairs not out the door! Lol. Black people wouldve run so far away if a door opened and stove turned on. White people in scary movies go TOWARD danger. It's funny and dumb. The movie had potential but the casting was bad.
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4 February 2022
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So dumb! The blonde naked girl was hot but very annoying. And dumb! Who made this? Lol and tom showed his eye come out. How? Dumb! Kinda funny seeing the little lady get killed! Lol. Would i pay to see this? Not on purpose! Lol.
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The Challenger (I) (2015)
Rated 4/10 only because michael last film
26 January 2022
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This white dude has 2 black parents?? Haha! What?! And why do both of the boxers look like twins?! They look alike! I was confused who was who watching the championship match. Casting was the issue. Two black parents made a white boy?! What?! Maybe one black parent but even then, he's white! Lol. What?!
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Furious 6 (2013)
So corny and dumb! Lol
18 January 2022
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The rock is 6'4 and strong, steroids but he picked up a big dude and threw him into a wall a few feet away?! Lol vin diesel is like 5'10 and not as muscular but he lifted up a heavy dude like 300 pounds, easily?! Lol corny one liners "this is who we are!" Lol i was laughing at how corny the lines were. Even if I were a dumb child, i'd still think this movie was dumb. I only watched this because i thought it was the one where they killed paul walker's character. Lol.
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Woman on Top (2000)
Dafuq did i watch?!
3 December 2021
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The only 2 good things this dumb movie had were maybe penelope's breasts looking good and the food recipes. Other than those 2 things, this movie was a waste of time and i got dumber! So, the girl marries a loser. He cheats on her in their bed with another girl. At the end, they're back together dancing around, like everything is okay! Stupid writers! It's dumb movies like this that makes dumb females keep dating dumb loser dudes and they ask "why is he so bad for me?!" I swear females are so annoying with picking the worst dudes. This movie sucks! And im not attracted to penelope's face but her body is great in this. Too bad her face isnt salma hayek's from this same time period. Salma was hot!
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Would've rated lower but
23 October 2021
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Michael survived and for the most part, it was really getting me in the halloween mood! It really felt like the old halloween movies from the original and the 1980's. Watching those would always be a tradition and would get me feeling like halloween. This movie was fun but dumb at times.

Most of the victims were IDIOTS! I felt bad for the escaped mental patient who leapt to his death. I didnt feel bad for any of the other victims. They were all IDIOTS! Idiots! From the fire fighters to the idiots from the bar, to the gay couple(funny) to everybody else.

The judy greer lady stabbed him with A PITCHFORK! She stabbed him once! She could've kept stabbing him but nope! Just one stab and then she runs away! Lol. They always do that in these movies. She could've keot stabbing and stabbed him in his neck, but nope! Just once. The mob could've killed him with a shotgun to the head a few times. But they(the writers) didnt want to finish him. There might be a third film. The mom dies. Good. The marion lady dies. Good. Lindsey or whatever didnt die but let michael kill everybody who was in her vehicle. She was unreliable. Dumb!

This was still a fun movie to watch but they didn't even try to kill him. And in the previous movie, laurie thought she could burn her house down and it would kill him?! Lol. She should've had a flamethrower and shot him in the face with a shotgun but NOPE! The goal was to make way for a sequel. I feel annoyed by that type of writing but michael myers is a role model of mine so it's cool to see him survive but still, did they even try to kill him?! Lol.
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The Lobster (2015)
Dumb! Just dumb!
20 October 2021
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Pretentious, dumb, horrible acting, colin farrell is unwatchable for me but in this, it was annoying. I hate when movies try too hard. This is one. Rachel weisz turned down the mummy 3, but did this trash?! Lol. Dumb! That cute british girl with freckles who was also in Hanna was cute. That french girl who played shoshanna in inglorious basterds was typical as an overrated actress but she was hot despite big bags under her eyes. Dumb movie. IGNORE ALL THE RATINGS ABOVE 4 stars! Ignore the high critic score. Critics are almost always wrong! Seriously! I see great films rated low but trash rated high?! I see what critics say and it's the opposite. If you want the truth, look at the low ratings and that's close to it. Imagine being dumb enough to pay money to see this in the cinema! Lol. Im barely watching on showtime and it's annoying, tedious torture. Why?! Why are there so many high ratings?! White people love weird things! I bet most high ratings and critics are white libs who think anything can be art. Only thing this dumb movie made me want was Lobster! But there are some scenes that made me angry at how dumb, forced and annoying they were. AGAIN, COLIN FARELL CANNOT ACT AND THIS FILM HIGHLIGHTS THAT fact! Just truth! He cant act! He was great in horrible bosses but mostly, mediocre.
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The Misfits (2021)
Really bad!
17 October 2021
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At the 40 minute mark i got really angry and almost stopped watching! It was torture! So DUMB! The constant explaining of multiple plans, just annoying! Way too many details, way too much talking, bad acting. And the asian dude in the bathroom with the annoying pop music, i hated that! NOT FUNNY! Was this for teenage girls or children?! It was so bad! I want my time and snacks back! Can you imagine paying to see this?! Starz promoted this movie so I watched. It's october! I should only be watching scary type movies. And the liberal politics! Oh lets steal a ton of gold but give it away! Lol. Man, why dont you steal from the people who are causing economic unrest? THE POLITICIANS!

Hermoine corfield or whatever her name is, she was cute. But i wanted the asian dude and nick cannon to die in this. Sadly, they didnt. I blame mostly the WRITING! That's where most of the problems derive from. The writing!
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Deception (2008)
$20million just left on the ground?!
15 October 2021
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Dumb main character! DUMB! Im sad that he wasnt killed or arrested earlier. Dumb. And what idiot leaves $20 million on the ground?! Lol. He did! HE LEFT IT! This movie was annoying to watch! The Lead actor kept making dumb mistakes and I just lost respect for his character. Also, it was very annoying to hear him whining and freaking out. But let me join that sex club. I dont want charlotte rampling but 2 of the "list girls" were attractive. This movie was dumb. Lol. Had potential. How did they approve this movie?! The writing should've been slightly better. They'll approve anything, if the cast and other people have enough power. I've heard of quality projects that weren't approved. Wow! They need to do better with approving scripts.
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Silent Hill (2006)
Thought this was a Slipknot video!
10 September 2021
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It was like a slipknot music video. The only part i didnt like was with the big cockroach like things. Other than that, it was good. I also wanted to know who the sexy blonde nurse girl was? She was hot! She needs to help me.
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American Horror Story: Pale (2021)
Season 10, Episode 2
3 September 2021
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The concept is great! But the music and Extremely loud Sounds are way too loud! I turn volume up to 12 and can barely hear the talking! Then something happens and BAM! Sounds are 10 times louder than the talking! My neighbors are mad at me and it's 3am! What idiot thought it was great to make dumb loud "jump scares" with the noises?! Unnecessary! I shouldnt have to adjust the damn volume 100 times an episode because the idiot creators editors or whomever wanted loud noises/effects/music to be so damn loud! I was rating this 9/10 but im dropping it because it's so annoying to watch with the loud noises/music! And alma playing the violin! NO! String instruments are way too loud! This applies to every episode of this season as im watching the 3rd and wow! SO DAMN LOUD but the talking is so damn low! I hate that! Rating this a 6/10 because of that factor.
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The Fan (1996)
Funny and had potential but tony scott fails!
1 September 2021
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Tony scott movies are attention deficit disorder trash! Has to do cutaways every second, Extremely loud music and noise! I hate tony scott movies! One of his worst was taking of pelham 123! If you have ADD and epilepsy, i dont suggest watching tony scott movies. Ridiey scott is great! Tony scott proves that he's the insignificant little brother. He's dead, now. Im not celebrating that, im happy there will be no more tony scott movies! Wow! Annoying to watch!

Im a trump voter but deniro is one of the best actors. His children are blackish like me, so i cant hate him for the trump hate. He is always great in every role. Even if the movie is bad or director bad, he still is great! This movie he was hilarious as the obsessive rolling stones fan and baseball fan. His son was right about mick jagger being gay. Well, Bisexual. Mick jagger went to or tried to go to the same Gay underground clubs as Freddie mercury. These gay clubs can kinda be seen in the Al Pacino movie "Cruising" 1980. Almost everybody who went to those clubs got AIDS and died. Mick jagger was trying to do all that. He also dated one of his male guitarists early on. Go look it up. It didnt ruin my respect fir the Stones but shocked me. How did Freddie mercury get Aids but Mick jagger didnt? I guess mick used condoms.

Deniro's character's ex wife was SO ANNOYING! Why did he get with her?! Of all the people he killed in this movie, she survived?! Sadly! I wanted to kill her character! Lol and im not in this movie. She got lucky! Lol

Tony scott movies annoy me to watch! Am i the only one? Did tony scott have severe ADD?! All his movies seem to indicate that. Ridley scott is great. Tony scott was trash.
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Haha! The wife of coppola
26 August 2021
Haha! So director wiives are directing, now? Okay. Im not sure what to say. But at least it wasn't the Daughter directing. Sofia cannot direct. Lol.
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So overrated and sloppy.
26 August 2021
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Man! Who rated this so high?! Snobby white liberals who think elizabeth taylor is untouchable to actual criticism?! Man! She was drunk and sloppy. This is pathetic. I even think marlon brando is slightly overrated but whatever. This movie was a chore to watch. But hey! Academy award nominated. Why? Because the academy voters were buddies with liz taylor and richard burton and that says everything about who gets nominated and wins oscars. Oscar doesnt always mean talent. Just means nepotism and friends voting for you.
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19 August 2021
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CHARLIZE THERON LOOKED SEXY! Her haircut was a bowl cut, but it was sexy. I was imagining having sexy time with her and doing doggystyle and just looking at the back of her head during that dream. It looks sexy on her. She can pull that look off. SHE LOOKS SEXY AND CAN GET ME ANYTIME! Read me bedtime stories, Charlize! Just dont make me wear girl dresses like your son. I love you, Charlize! Lol.

Also, WHY ARE REVIEWERS MENTIONING TRUMP?! I just read 2 consecutive reviews and they mentioned trump. How? Why is trump on their minds when watching this? Lol. I watched, I didnt see trump being mentioned nor understand why viewers thought of trump. I guess those who mentioned trump in their reviews obsess with him. That's sad. How is this movie related to trump?! Lol. Wow!

The writing around the brothers is pretty good. There are flaws. How dafuq is dom superhuman?! He was picking up grown dudes and throwing them. What?! Like BANE from the dark knight rises! Lol. I know steroids are real but not that real! Lol! It was hilarious watching him do all that fighting in the sewer and it was so unrealistic! Lol.

The music is great. The acting with most of the cast works. Vin diesel isnt a great actor. He has a habit of talking way too slow. Like when he's asking his son for tools, it was slow. In the pacifier, he was not a believable Navy SEAL. When he gets to the hideout and says jacob is his fault, he took way too long to say that line. He's not a bad actor but he has that habit and it takes my imagination out.

I had no idea what they were talking about. Who died, the baby mama! Had to look up the last movie pics to see who she was. They didnt even mention her name just the mom of his son. And WHY DIDNT THEY KIDNAP THE LITTLE DICTATOR SON?! And the brother?! Kidnap them both and you can just relax and do whatever! Lol.

Charlize theron was sexy AF! Lol. I want to keep her prisoner if you know what i mean. Lol. Sexy lady! She dresses her adopted son in girl dresses but she sexy as an actress. Lol.

I didnt like seeing BOW WOW in this. He cant act! Lol. And he is allergic to cardio and lifting weights. His estrogen levels are so high! Lol. Body fat % is like 35%. The asian dude with the southern dude cant act, either. Annoying. The japanese hahn dude can act. I liked the british blackish girl. Sexy accent. Sounded like hermoine granger from harry potter, lol. But she looked like a cousin so i have to be careful. Tyrese was funny.

There was a blonde girl at the dictator's mansion party who had her breasts almost showing from the side, lol. And Cardi b is annoying. Lol. Why was she in this?! I didnt pay to watch so i dont care that much but wow! Her? Nah!
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Kate capshaw and some bad writing!
6 August 2021
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Wow! Kate capshaw?! Who was she before this movie?! Did she date spielberg? Family guy spoofs this movie, lol. Watch that clip of family guy and it might be true! She is annoying to listen to. Maybe the writing is to blame for that but the Screaming and whining! Wow! Spielberg married her. Lol. And her daughter is an actress but mediocre. Nepotism in hollywood! Lol.

This movie is gross. I've only seen it less than 10 times in my life. As a child, it wasn't that bad. But I'd say the Last Crusade is my favorite, still because Dr. Elsa Schneider was my crush when i was like 8! Lol. The insects, the gross insects they ate at the village! Wow! And a fly landed on it right before kate capshaw ate it. So i guess i give her points for that! I cant eat that for a role! Nope! The room with insects was the grossest. The last time i watched this movie was around age 10. I dont remember it being this bad or gross. Wow!

There were dumb parts. The beginning where the chinese(japanese looking man) boss wanted to kill indiana but didnt shoot him?! And on the plane, His pilots could've killed indiana in his sleep but nope! They were like "let's just let the plane crash!" Yeah! Dumb! If they wanted them dead, they couldve killed them as they slept. This movie is dumb. And LOUD! So loud! I cant hear what they're saying but the music and noises are SUPER LOUD! I hate movies like this! Have to adjust the volume many times.
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
5 August 2021
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Acting is about reacting, listening in most basic cases. The character development is also a part. I dont know whether to blame bad writing or bad acting, or both! But many times, the female lead did dumb things. Like the shooting. She had the most obvious scared look on her face, and just should've used common sense. Her character lacked it. She should've seen how dangerous they were, but nope! She was clueless. Then in the alley, she stands there for a few minutes after the gangsters almost kill her and mouse! Lol. 🐁 HAHA! It was reminiscent of Boyz n the hood when they were being chased by the bloods, then they get to the alley and are calm and forget it, and morris chestnuts gets shot as he's eating his snack! RICKY! Lol. So, she stands there for a few minutes and im shocked the dirty cops didnt get there as they heard the gun shots. Whatever. Then in the bathtub, she could've explained who actually shot the cousin. Same with mouse, but they choose to be dumb and take abuse?! Did the writers make her that dumb or was she acting like that?! Also, her face annoys me so i couldnt enjoy the movie. It had potential but whatever. Also, The Black girl with the braids and 10 year old son, is she related to the female cop or mouse?! I was confused who she was related to. Whatever! The film had potential but the writing, acting and maybe the casting of the female lead ruined it for me.
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Columbo: Ashes to Ashes (1998)
Season 10, Episode 12
Annoying to watch!
4 August 2021
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The audio was wrong on this. The lady victim was SUPER LOUD! I was glad she got killed in the 1st 10 minutes! And columbo was DUMB AND ANNOYING! Smoking all over the place on duty! What cop smokes on duty?! Peter faulk dies of cancer. His voice was so annoying in this.

When they found the cute dog "Louella" dumb columbo kept calling THE GIRL DOG "HE/him/his" what and idiot! Can he not hear?! The dog's name is LOUELLA! What male dog has that name?! That was so annoying! And columbo's dog is not cute nor smart. Stop making them happen!

Columbo doesnt solve anything! If i were the funeral director, I'd have said maybe the shrapnel piece was left in there and swept in with the next body of ashes. But nope! The killer doesnt get a lawyer, nor does he give a reasonable explanation. He just says "im walking to the cop car." Dumb! Columbo is so annoying! And the writing is always dumb!

My FAVORITE columbo episode was "columbo cries wolf" because there's a red headed model and i want her. But also, I think the killer in that episode gets away with murder. Every episode i hope the killer outsmarts annoying columbo. That was great. But every other episode has to ruin themselves in the last 10-20 minutes.

Sally kirkland's character was SO DUMB AND ANNOYING! This episode had potential but typically it fails. And somebody else said diamonds are destroyed if heat is above 900 degrees fahrenheit. The temp was around 2000 in this episode. Whatever. Columbo writers are almost as dumb as the BAYWATCH writers were. And both columbo and baywatch were nbc/universal. Wow! Nbc is trash. Whatever. Im falling asleep as i type this.
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Had potential but wow, so dumb!
4 August 2021
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Dumb is NOT FUNNY! Many times Simon would do dumb things and the writers wanted viewers to laugh. I didnt. It was dumb. And why would he turn down sex with Megan fox from 2008?! Dumb dude! I hate when a character gets everything they wanted in a movie, then right before he gets what he wanted, he realizes he wants second best?! What?! Dumb! This film had potential and a decent cast but i blame the writing for it's flaws. Usually i dont agree or care what critics think but they rated this film low and i agree. So dumb! And He'd interview the broadway actor and asked him if he was jewish and gay?! Lol! Who does that? The fact that he didnt realize those would be possibly offensive showed how ignorant or tone deaf he was. As an interviewer, those questions shouldn't be in the mind at all. But in a casual conversation, maybe if you know the person. Anyway, Megan fox as a young mother theresa was funny! 😂 but this film was dumb. Megan fox, the transgender stripper, gillian anderson and a few other females were hot! But that was the only good aspect of the movie. It was like a romance comedy but with dumb writing.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Betty gilpin was great!
21 July 2021
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At first i thought this was a liberal orgy of killing trump voters. I watched it and felt it was fairly even. The ones who died were dumb on both sides. The final fight was hilarious. Betty Gilpin's facial expressions were fascinating and a clever idea. I loved it. I loved her character. Honestly, I've seen her in a few other things, mainly Tv Series and always had a crush on her characters. This was a great role for Her. In reality, i think she and most of the cast are liberals but wow! She was great.

Hearing the liberals say the cliche things was annoying because it happens and people are like that. I live in los angeles and see tons of rich white liberal snobs with their Annoying yapper dogs(like how athena had except smaller and dumber) and they litter all over, cant park inside their lines, cant put grocery carts back! Just the dumbest, most inconsiderate types. The snobs reminded me of many people i see in this city. Not the liberals who work 2-3 jobs or have 2-3 roommates to pay for a trashy 1 bedroom apartment, but the rich liberals who live in these cheap quality over priced apartments, driving porsches and audis and even lambourghini and Ferrari. My rent for my cheap quality constructed one bedroom is 2460/month! My bathroom ceiling leaks EVERY DAY! Appliances are the cheapest quality and neighbors are the worst! Best option is to move to a red state and enjoy lower taxes. Sad but true. Anyway, Many liberals say exactly the same things the characters said and it's sad. There are idiots on both sides which is why im a registered democrat, half black dude who voted for trump in both elections and hope he wins 2024, and i hate both political parties. It's like that.

Wow! Not sure why i typed that but liberals annoy me as rent/taxes/homelessness and crime keep rising in democrat states, cities. Why cant liberals hold accountable democrat politicians? Why cant they care about why dems control california and we pay a water, gas, carbon tax and smog check?! What!! They dont force these dumb climate change taxes in red states which is why you can buy a house and thrive in red states financially, but dem states everybody goes broke paying useless environmental taxes, families keep moving into apartment complexes. If only liberals could go after democrats as they do trump and repubs, we'd have better things. Same can be said about Republicans holding repubs accountable. America really needs a 3 party system to function. When dems and repubs are lazy and blame each other for inaction, the third party can be like "eh, i'll be the grownup and do the work you losers failed to do" and break the STALEMATE! Supreme court needs 9 to function. If they have 8, they cant function. Same should be with political parties.

Anyway, Betty Gilpin's character was cute with the facial expressions and her confidence with everything. That was great. And when she saw her stomach wound, i knew she would grab the torch! I looked away. Great film! The writing was clever to make it mostly fair sided. Initially when i heard of this film, i thought it was arrogant liberal orgy fest but I watched it! It's inclusive for all sides. Cliche's to the max but it works.
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