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Son of God (2014)
Bibile Iliterates are calling this true to the Gospel of John, NO it is not
9 March 2014
A New Age false Christ saying various words not found in the Gospels with more than half the folks who are fans of Jesus praising this film as authentic proves Christendom may be in trouble due to Bible illiteracy! One reviewer said she felt the Holy Spirit another said Great Documentary on another site. I'm pretty sure the Holy Spirit who the New Testament says lead and guides us into all truth is not applauding false words placed in Jesus mouth he never said.

Jesus never said he came to change the world. I challenge anyone to find that verse in any of the Gospels. It is not there! This was not his mission in his first coming into the world. He said he came to seek and save the lost (sinners).

Here is what Jesus said: Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a FEW find it" Did you all get the few will find it part! Most of this world will reject Jesus in favor of a lie and fall into deception right up till Jesus returns. From the looks of it the falling away has already began with this type of New Age Jesus and folks are falling for changed Gospel calling it accurate.

Too many changes from the Gospel text made this film lose credibility among my non-believing friends who now question the Bible as a whole. Therefore this film defeated its purpose by too many revisions. If you are going to sell a film as the non-fiction Bible why change major parts into fiction and words Jesus did not say in the Gospels?

In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24 Jesus told his Disciples things will get worst with false Christ and tribulations, NOT better.

Until Jesus second coming to this world he said in Matthew chapter 24 things will get worst & worst in this world, so how could they have Jesus telling Peter in this film he came to change the world? To see how bad things are going to be in this world, according to the Bible also read the Book of Revelation, the last book in the New Testament Bible.

Jesus first coming to earth was not to change the world. That will take place in the Second arrival of Christ when he cast Satan into the lake of fire to never get out.

Why this super gorgeous Jesus? Isaiah chapter 53:2 said the Messiah would not have outward beauty to make him appealing based on his physical beauty. Roma dropped the ball on this one by casting a overly good looking Jesus.

Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew, not a male, model that looks like he is a surfer on the beaches of California. Judas had to point him out from the rest of the disciples ( and did so with a kiss of betrayal) because Jesus obviously looked like all the rest of the Middle Eastern Jews.

The bad guys in this film were more Middle Eastern looking. Christians are trying to win folks to Christ, not come off as racially bias & possibly offend people of color. Seems any wise person would not make most all the bad guys look Middle Eastern Jews and Jesus European with light hair! Why take the risk of making some think we Christians are promoting negative stereotypes against them? Not saying this was the purpose of the film just saying it is a negative to make the others more Middle Eastern looking that were against Jesus. I found this could be extremely offensive to insult half the population of color. Did anyone even consider how this comes across?

A major flaw in this film was that it ruined one of the most important scenes in the Gospel of John where Jesus wept. The Gospels never had Jesus going into the Tomb of Lazarus to get him out. Jesus stayed outside and wept with the crowd to show his compassion and how his can relate to our sorrows!!!!

The film failed to tell the story of what happened when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead according to what was written in the Gospel of John. For this reason and the fact that they put many words in my Savior's mouth he never said I rate this film very low.

I value every word in the Bible and for this reason loathe when it is changed. And Yes, I read the entire Bible word for word, verse by verse so it is hard for me to take this film serious or love it with them placing words in Jesus mouth he never uttered. The proof is easy to find just open your Bibles and read it and compare!
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