
16 Reviews
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Blue Vinyl (2002)
Food for thought...
22 September 2007
This documentary is fairly well done. It tells an interesting story about a product many of us are relatively familiar with. The basic techniques were adequate and I had little qualms with the overall product.

I guess if there was a problem with the movie was the overall message. Don't get me wrong, I can totally buy that there may be some harmful materials in vinyl, I am just not sure I found a reasonable solution within the film. It seems to me that sometimes addressing a problem is only a first step and this movie did little other than to wag its finger for 90 minutes.

Finally, while I can understand that there may be some repercussions from vinyl use, I am not sure if I totally buy every lurid detail I was fed. Afterall, the movie started out with a woman looking for a problem... and found one
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Clone High (2002–2003)
Easily accessible, silly fun
27 April 2007
It's not an uncommon scenario, but I came across this show long after it's unfortunate cancellation. The premise is good and the fact that the show combines history's greatest leaders with the depth and immaturity of the typical "high school teen show" is a concept that really brings the laughs. The show never tries to be anything but silly and satirical and succeeds for this effort. It is very good that it exists on DVD and that it can still be found via and some retailers. Only 13 episodes exist, so it is not hard to watch it all and enjoy it for what it was. Clone High had too limited of a run, but what an enjoyable show it was. Find it, watch it, and clone it....(legally of course).
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As the old west should claymation
14 February 2007
It takes a lot to try and pay a respectful homage to a director as great as Sam Peckinpah. Still, this film does as good a job as can be done. Filled with dark humor, gore, and action, "The Ghost of Sam Peckinpah" is a very enjoyable experience.

The plot revolves around a young man attempting to recapture the magic of Western movies for today's society. He is then aided by Peckinpah's ghost for this task. What then ensues is pure hilarity and a true delight (in a sick and tongue-in-cheek fashion).

I had the luck of catching this at Penn State's 2006 Film Festival and was amazed by how much work had to go into this project.

Locate this short film and watch it. It is definitely worth tracking down.
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Game 6 (2005)
I know, I never heard of it either.....
31 March 2006
I don't consider myself to be a pretentious film snob; but let's face it, I don't consider myself a lot of things. I was scanning the local (State College, Pa) paper for new movies arriving the theaters this week. Well it seemed to be the typical dredge that the February/March season usually puts out: Basic Instinct 2, Slither, ATL (more like ATL=WTF) but then I saw a movie I never heard of before: Game 6.

Now like I said, I do not fancy myself as being pretentious, but seeing a movie I was unfamiliar with was a tad....unsettling. Quick Robin-To the Batcave (or IMDb, in this case). I found a background for this seemingly forgotten '05 flick. I was intrigued by its premise and its unusual cast and so as they where our tale begins. Game 6 is not an amazing Oscar-award winning film, but it is a decent piece of cinema to recommend. Like a slightly tarnished gem , when hit in the right light, this movie really shines. Although some moments feel a tad esoteric and ambiguous, for the most part we are give a unique, humorous, and real, slice of life. Don't miss this movie for what it isn't, see it for what is.
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Dogville (2003)
It is a small place...,maybe you've been there?
27 February 2006
WOW, I love this film in every aspect of myself. The Christian in me loves it. The film student in me loves it. The normal guy who just likes watching movies loves it. Without saying much about the plot, the tale of Dogvilled does an amazing job of looking at the human soul and revealing soooo much about ourselves. The "look" of the film is original and yet, very effective. This movie chilled me to my soul. I recommend it because of it's powerful message (regardless of whether or not you like it). The overall package made this move (ie: acting, narration, plot, conventions, etc). Truly a great movie and one I hope to never forget.
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One of the year's best.
11 December 2005
It is a term probably overused. We see it on posters and trailers, but the term goes with this movie for sure. There has been a bunch of "good" -ie: well produced/well made movies this year (Episode III, Sin City, Cinderella Man, Walk the Line, Rent, Lord of War, etc), but this is one of the few ones that actually touched me. I cried during parts where I felt emotionally involved. The movie is a political thriller by definition, but unlike most PT's I felt attachment to the characters in "The Constant "Gardener". I do not believe I have seen a more haunting piece of film-making this year. Needs to be seen in a specific state of mind though, definitely (think "Message in a bottle).
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Fantastical Delight!
9 December 2005
Well I have returned from a midnight showing and I think there is an actual contender to dethrone Mr Potter this weekend. It has been stated before that this is a family film because it appeals to all ages and I could not agree more. The movie has a certain charming magic that makes it more than bearable in the "kiddy" parts and when the action occurs, it is very entertaining. I know there are a lot of comparisons to Lord of the Rings, well I won't bother. They are two separate movies and are good in their own rights (Well...ok...LOTR was vastly better). Stil the soundtrack was nice and beautiful, the acting-all around (from the witch, to the children, to Liam Neeson's voice as Aslan) although the best performance goes to the Wardrobe (haha-indeed!). It's a fun movie, perfect to watch anytime of year, but definitely should succeed during this Christmas season.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Like a Phoenix, Joaquin rises from the ashes of previous films
1 December 2005
My first film experience with Mr. Phoenix was with gladiator. Wow, he did a great job of creating a character that I loved to hate. Then everything went down hill; his two M Nigh films did little to impress, he had a decent enough small role in "Hotel Rwanda", but faith was lost again in Ladder 49 (yes I DID watch it, and yes it DOES suck).

But Sweet redemption is now found for him. He can die happy knowing he played a role perfectly. I'm a light Cash fan-but I am quite familiar with his music and had a basic knowledge of his life from things that I had read. Phoenix manages to actually SOUND like the Man In Black-and since his voice was what made him unique-this is a big plus. Throw in an equally amazing performance by Reese and you have a solid movie. It may not cover any new grounds in film making, but what it does -it does well.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Generic Superheroes Save the Wolrd Again!
1 December 2005
We've all been here before. Normal People become superheroes and have to have an also new threat evil threat. Now sometimes these stories can be saved by good acting and developing a tight story line (ie: Spiderman). However, FF4 is a lame story with lame dialogue (woman:your hot, human torch/johnny storm: thanks so are you). Now for the record I have nothing against the FF4-they can stop Dr. Doom any day of the week as far as I'm concerned and the action in this movie is actually not as bad as everything else. Here's a tip to directors of superhero movies: comic nerds like to see their heroes fight-not just sit around and do nothing for seventy minutes. This movie is bad at worst and generic at best. My advice-watch the ten-fifteen minute fight with Dr Doom, that'll be really all there is to enjoy-but hey what do i know; I only attend Comic Conventions, play Magic the Gathering and am a film major to boot.
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Inspiring wonderful and Should be seen many times
1 December 2005
I love this movie for many reasons. The acting doesn't get any better. One gets easily pulled into the stories and characters with no hesitation. When a story can effortlessly make you care about the situations and troubles it presents, it deserves praise. This movie may not have a revolutionary plot, but it it still everything a good movie should be. One may think the ending is too "touchy feely" but i think it adds to the overall appeal ,remember it's not called the "Shawshank Damnation". See it and enjoy and remember, it's OK to to cry over happy things too!

Final Analysis: I will watch this movie many more times before I die
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The First Hp movie I've seen in theatres-wont be the last
18 November 2005
Well I have never considered myself a Harry Potter fan-at least not a "real" one. Up until a year ago-i wouldve equated by knowledge of Rowling's world with that of a muggle's. But a few months ago I picked up "Philopher's Stone" and read it. Then I read Chamber of Secrets. Eventually I went on to read all of the Harry Potter Books and have found (despite the fact they're clearly wrriten at an easily accessible reading level) they are quite enjoyable stories.

Then I went on to watching the movies and although there are some differences i enjoyed them as well. This 4th installment is , in my humble opinion, the best Hp movie to date. The acting is better, the cinematography is darker, and i love Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemorte. They took a good action packed book and turned it into a good action packed movie. Also-I found quite a few parts of the movie to be pretty funny. I mean I never quite thought I would have found myself laughing at jokes in a Hp movie but there i was.

The effects are top notch and Williams's score is as good as ever! Even if you are not an Hp fan-catch up on the storyline and check this movie out.
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Jarhead (2005)
Not what i expected-not a bad thing,
5 November 2005
OK, this has already been said, this isn't like a "Thin Red Line" or "Saving Private Ryan" (although they are both fine movies). The action here takes place in what isn't seen and in what isn't done. I did not feel that this was political movie in any way. I felt it was a story and a well told one at that. I'll continue the praise of the cinematography but I will also throw in that the soundtrack was pretty solid too. I liked it-and I judged it harshly. I was admittedly looking for some sneaky political message; however, all I found was good acting, a touching story (nothing wrong with a soldier crying), and well made film. Also as a final note, I enjoyed the voice-overs too, lol I am a sucker for well placed voice overs.
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Saw II (2005)
When in comparison with the original-BETTER
28 October 2005
I was a fan of Saw last year. Even though similar plot lines have developed before (the superior se7en comes to mind), Saw still felt original and twisted enough to maintain my interest and when combined with an awesome ending- I was won over. Now it is a year later and the story of the Jigsaw killer continues. This movie is not some lame sequel, yet a worthy follow-up of its predecessor. The acting was far better in this movie. The gore was amped up. And above all else, Saw II managed to maintain a feel of obscure discomfort and unease while watching. I had my doubts at first, but after seeing it , I am very glad this sequel was made. If the quality (by quality i mean -good disturbing psychological thriller material) of these films can remain, then I would gladly welcome more sequels in this series. PS-don't let anyone ruin the ending for you!
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Lord of War (2005)
Deeper than one may expect
16 September 2005
I saw LOW today with practically no expectations. I didn't expect to @

see a high tension action flick. I didn't expect a sappy drama tale. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do. This movie is far from the norm. It doesn't deal with international terror like some modern movies do; it tells the story of a man, his life, and his lie. Cage does a more than adaquette job of playing his character well. This is no normal anti-hero movie; this is tale about the soul. I liked it, I found it to be powerful, not a typical movie, but nonetheless one that many should see good movie see it, see it, I'm typing this to meet IMDb's requirements for a movie review
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Four Brothers (2005)
The truth must be told
14 August 2005
I don't usually bother reviewing movies unless I feel something needs to be said. This movie looked decent from the previews and I'm always up for taking a chance on a flick I don't know too much about; however, this shouldve been a path not taken. The plot was a mess of irrelevant dialogue and scenes strung together by a nonsensical story that could have easy been written by a twelve year-old with ADD. Seriously, one would hope that some factors could've salvaged this mediocre-at-best- movie, but not the action, actors, or even humor (what little there really was) did anything to improve it. In fact these things only dragged down this movie into deeper realms of film hell. In one scene (the brothers are looking for people who have information about their mothers death), Mark Whalberg busts into a crowded high-school basketball gym, throwing his gun around and screaming like a maniac. I mean sure, an action film can be unrealistic, but to ask me to swallow that garbage is unforgivable

As a final note, prior to this movie i can scarcely remember laughing at a movie, during the movie, due to how bad it was, i did numerous times
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Sin City (2005)
Violence, Gore, and style
2 April 2005
Sin City is the type of movie that makes no apologies for its in-your-face-action and blunt crudeness at times. I personally loved movies like the Kill Bills, and it's apparent Tarentino had a say in this movie. I think that the acting was a tad shaky , but overall was spot-on for a movie based off a comic. Bottom line: see it in theatres, it's a beautiful movie and can be enjoyed by action and film-buff junkies alike.

Personal Favorite Characters are: Elijah Woods, Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba, and Josh Hartnet This movie has inspired me to check out the comics
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