12 Reviews
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The Machine (I) (2023)
The definition of a bad movie.
20 June 2023
This movie.... Should never have been made, it literally is the definition of a bad movie. The acting is horrible, the story is terrible. Bert should never have been cast to play himself but it is very clear he only made this movie so he could do random stuff while being recorded so he could rewatch it and feel better about himself. It is a shame really, it had so much potential but from start to finish its just bad. At one point in the movie it is very clear Bert wanted to pretend to be rocky so he added a blond russian that looks almost identical to. Ivan Drago so he could fight him and feel like a winner. Do yourself a favour and watch something else.
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Complete waste of time
12 March 2018
Worst thing to ever hit Netflix and thats saying a lot... The jokes arent funny, the guests are just making fools out of themselves. This show could kill what little is left of Joel McHale's career..... Dont waste your time on this pos show.
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9JKL (2017–2018)
Worst thing i have seen in 10 years
2 October 2017

The acting is horrible, the story is..... appalling.... I feel like i wasted time in my life i will never get back. Don't waste your time, seriously, you will regret it. Im really at a loss of words.. There are some great names in this show but.. It just lets you down. After 5 minutes i wanted to turn it off but gave it a chance, i wish i had not done that...
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Darkland (2017)
One of the best movies of 2017 if not THE best
2 July 2017
As the title says, this is one of the best movies of 2017, if not the best, Dar Salim plays the lead role to perfection, actually everyone in the movie does their job so well it all melts together. The action is nicely tuned, the drama plays in well and the story just runs smooth. This movie, I'm guessing, will be remade in America, its THAT good.

Being Danish might make me biased but, seeing a movie about immigrant gangs where a "good" immigrant goes bad to kill the "BAD" immigrant's to avenge his brother, hits a spot. We have a lot of immigrant gang issues in Denmark right now and this movie in a sense shows that even immigrant's can get fed up with "BAD" immigrant's. Dar Salim's role has integrated into the Danish culture and way of life but when other immigrant's kill his brother, he goes on the war path, something Danish men could learn from...

I might be wrong, but the message i get from this movie is, even immigrant's hate "BAD" immigrant's. A lot of them want to be here to be part of Denmark, but the few ruin in for them. Denmark has room for everyone, that behave, this movie shows that even immigrant's can be fed up and want to rid the country of "BAD" Imigrants..
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Worst acting i have ever seen....
2 July 2017
Gal Gadot must have f*cked and s*cked her way through all of Hollywood to get this part... She is UTTERLY horrible. Ruins the entire movie, is in no way believable and just... Makes my head hurt.

I don't know why DC comic movies always have to have some of the worst actors in the business... They have a hard enough time competing with Marvel so to put people like Gal Gadot in a DC movie... Just makes DC sink even further. Stick to making half arsed DC TV shows and leave the movies to Marvel.
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Scandal (2012–2018)
Wrong in so many ways...
6 November 2016
Show about a "strong" black woman that's a cleaner for the rich and powerful, however she is anything but strong, she cries most of the time and whines. Gets manipulated constantly and in the end comes out as a weak fragile woman you can laugh off more than take seriously.

The cleaner idea is super cool, most of the cast plays really well but the role of the main character..... Ruins the entire show. And the acting "skills" of Kerry Washington..... I wonder how many people she had to perform acts for/on to get any role in a TV show... Horrible.

Just skip it, really, everything promises greatness but you end up with a weak show that puts women in a very very bad light. They might as well rename the show to "Even "strong" women cry all the time". Such a shame.
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Andron (2015)
Just another ripoff movie...
31 October 2016
OMG! This beats all the bad movies i have ever seen. They stole ideas from great movies like Maze Runner and Hunger Games, mixed them together and came out with a pile of puke that should be banned forever.

Don't waste your time, seriously, don't, if i ever had any respect for anyone in this movie, its far gone now.

To quote don-15227 "It's a vampire that sucks up an hour and forty minutes of your time that could have been spent on something more entertaining, like hammering No.2 pencils into your corneas. "

The storyline is stolen, the "acting" has nothing to do with acting, everyone involved with this movie should be fined for being part of this pile of garbage.

This movie is so bad, it could make people suicidal.

Just don't, ever, watch this crap.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
What a ripoff....
26 February 2016
Seriously.... This is a blatant ripoff off Castle..... Charming rich guy charms his way into becoming a consultant for the police... The only person he cant charm right off the bat, is the female cop, exactly like Castle couldn't charm Beckett to begin with.....

Now, its no longer a novelist, but the devil that its focused around. The base story is however EXACTLY the same. Tom Kapinos is a bloody hack, stealing the base line of a major show and puts a spin on it and calls it new....... He should be ashamed and Andrew W. Marlowe should sue his ass.

That being said. For a spin-off its pretty good, If only he hadn't stolen the setup from Castle.... A new take on the devil, a little morbid and then again not so much, the humor is good, acting is great. To bad its all a ripoff....... Is it worth seeing? Yea, sure, if you need to blow off some time, its OK. Just don't expect something new.....
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Lost Girl (2010–2016)
Soft-core porn for the masses.
13 October 2015
Based on a bisexual succubus that feeds on and heals off sexual energy. Oddly enough ALL women in the show are bisexual, giving room for more HORRIBLE sex scenes... These "actors and actresses" are so talent-less that it now makes sense why porn stars are called stars. They actually know what they are doing. These fools are just jokes on screen.

The story line, could have been done amazingly, but, they had to fill the show with soft-core porn because the talent of the cast is lacking.

If your into brainless TV sows with poorly done sex scenes. Then go for it, it will give you something to do for a couple of hours till you reach the point where you want to jump of a cliff......
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San Andreas (2015)
Don't waste your time
28 August 2015
Don't waste your time on this piece of junk. The movie is story wise weak, effects are crap and the acting... is sub par. Granted Carla Gugino is one of if not the most sexy woman in the world so she is the sole reason i gave it 3 stars. As for Dwayne Johnson.... He failed, i usually love his movies but in this one nothing works. Its just a mess with poor writing and poor acting. The only good acting comes from Ioan Gruffudd who is hardly in the movie.... Sad panda.

The ripoff movie, San Andreas Quake, is better! Watch that instead :P Or go watch paint dry! Or go watch the laundry machine do its spin cycle.... Or go watch grass grow! All solid options that are better use of time.
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Young & Hungry (2014–2018)
Why wassent i born blind?
17 June 2015
Worst piece of trash i have ever seen, after seeing the pilot i wanted to dig out my eyes so i wont risk seeing a second more of this trash.

How on earth did this show get a second season? The acting is horrible, the story is ridiculous.

One thing kept going through my head during the pilot.. TELL HER TO SH*T THE F*CK UP........

Im pretty sure Emily Osment does as much sucking off camera as she does on because there is NO WAY IN HELL she should be in front of a camera unless its doing porn which i'm sure she would fail at as well...

Do NOT watch this garbage. Seriously. Don't. Just, don't.
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One Big Happy (2015)
Less talent than anything on TV today...
1 May 2015
The story in the show, is OK, the acting though..... Holy hell. There is NO talent at all in this show.

Kelly Brook is like a brainless porn actress caught off guard... Pathetic.

Elisha Cuthbert never had talent and still does not have any. She ruined 24 and Happy endings and has done nothing to help this show....

Nick Zano.... Over acts all the time, is not believable and should just quit the game all together.

I feel like i wasted time of my life i will never get back.

Avoid this show at all cost, go watch paint dry instead!
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