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The Orville: Mad Idolatry (2017)
Season 1, Episode 12
Preachy anti-preachy episode.
25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Once again Seth makes a preachy anti-faith episode. It's odd that he likes to preach about his lack of belief in anything.

Science does not rule out creation, just like creation does not rule out science. It's narrow minded people on both sides that cause problems. The episode was entertaining enough, but ironically, the authors preaching about science makes It less enjoyable. A fundamental rule of science is realizing that you don't know everything.

A little more effort in the mistakes the characters make would also help this, as well as several other episodes. They make it like the crew are complete morons when they meet an alien culture. Kelly was going to stay hidden, but seconds later she almost kills a child, and then seconds after that a whole community sees her use advanced technology. Really? I wish writers wouldn't assume the audience is stupid.
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Jack Ryan: Orinoco (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Uber. Not the best name for the character.
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They should have called him Gilligan.

They pay a guy $40,000 to drive a boat, because special forces doesn't have anyone who can drive a boat? Uber is so good, but his one job is staying in the boat. Uber leaves the boat. Really? And somehow Uber ends up being farther away from the boat then everybody else. Everybody. His job was staying with the boat. Duh.

So what happens when the others get back to the boat. They drive the boat away, because pretty much anybody with eyes and a hand can drive a boat. Money well spent.

They came up with some ridiculous story about Uber needing to fix the fiberglass on the special forces boat, because it had a minor leak. The bilge pump was working, and boats of that size will not sink, even if the entire seating area is filled with water.

Why did Uber and the other special forces guys need to parachute in, and then meet Jack and Greer. Why didn't they fly into the airport, and rent a boat and truck? I assume boats and guns and sneaky guy stuff are available in Venezuela. I'm sure Venezuela also has radios that can get wet, unlike the mickey mouse radios the US special forces seem to use. Lol.

I'm loving the show, but this episode had too many stupid events to be excused. I was just trying to enjoy it, without picking apart every detail, but they are making to easy.
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Jack Ryan: Dressed to Kill (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Sloppy writing
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They paid Uber $40,000 because he's so good? Uber had one job. Drive a boat. He left the boat, and then a child steals his gear, including his gun. Really?

Jack runs out towards a sniper? Jack then chases the sniper, instead of shooting him while he is only a few feet away. Really?

I'm slowly dropping my ratings as the episodes continue. I'm enjoying the show, but the ridiculous writing is making it hard. I'm not sure why nobody in the production has noticed glaring stupid events. A couple edits and slight changes would make this show a 10/10 every episode. I can't blame the actors. They are great. The writers and directors are taking shortcuts for no reason. Don't assume the audience is stupid and won't notice.
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1883: Lightning Yellow Hair (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Nobody needs an umbrella.
14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A minute after a tornado everyone is dry, and there is no sign that anything even got wet? Clear blue sky in every direction? Girl mourning boyfriend starts sucking face with essentially a stranger, during a tornado?

Having a gun battle with "cattle thieves" who found unbranded wild cattle, just like they did? Almost every person they meet is a murdering raping thief? The immigrants are all morons who don't know how to even feed themselves? Sam Eliot Is the worst "leader" ever, who takes their money and systematically destroys their lives? Seven shows in and they are still in Texas? People are starving, even though they have more cows then people? Suddenly every immigrant speaks English, unless they need Sam Eliot to get mad at them, for some reason? Faith Hill goes pee for 8 seconds total?

Who wrote and directed this? They need to stay in school, and finish junior high. I feel sorry for Tim McGraw. And who gives these ridiculous stories 10/10?
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Westworld: Vanishing Point (2018)
Season 2, Episode 9
It needs to be re-edited.
24 April 2022
Slow dramatic pauses do not create drama. They create boredom. Has the director ever had a conversation? People do not talk like this. It seems like they forgot this isn't supposed to be an expensive soap opera.

Overly dramatic music, as a constant drone, does not create tension.

Pick up the pace, and stop with the dream sequences and bizarre flashbacks at every turn. One flashback per episode is fine. Constant flashbacks are unnecessarily confusing.

Season 2 is a huge letdown. Seems they are trying every trick they learned in film school, to the point of absurdity. Simplify. Simplify.
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The Last Man on Earth: Five Hoda Kotbs (2016)
Season 3, Episode 4
Funny episode.
8 April 2022
It appears Disney plus skips over this funny episode unless you specifically select it. I'm guessing because Tandy makes a very mild gay and asian joke??? As a gay asian man, I was not offended. I'm watching a comedy because it is light hearted and funny. If you can't handle jokes maybe you should skip this episode, and watch something with Will Smith instead.
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Westworld: Reunion (2018)
Season 2, Episode 2
4 April 2022
Talking...slow...and...dramatic...pauses...do ...not...create...drama...and...mystery...they...just...make...it...boring.

Suspense is not created with slow dialogue or painful pacing. If there isnt enough story to fill an entire episode, either rewrite the episode, or make a shorter episode - don't just bore the audience by stretching it out, and calling it "art".
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Teenage gang on mopeds?
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Very childish episode. Made me long for Jarjar. It had no Star Wars feel. The wookie fight was embarrassing. Even the production was below par. You can see the protocol droid is obviously wearing a shirt with wires drawn on it. I know Star Wars is for kids, but this is ridiculous. Boba just doesn't seem powerful, threatening, or capable of controlling any territory. Not exactly sure what's wrong, but it doesn't compare with even the worst episode of the Mandalorian.
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Space: 1999 (1975–1977)
Snooze fest.
28 February 2022
Stretching out episodes with boring dramatic pauses, after nearly every sentence, is as boring today as when I tried to watch as a kid.

People comparing this to Star Trek or 2001 is laughable. Watch UFO or Thunderbirds instead.

With a bit of editing, most episodes could be saved, but some would only be 5 minutes long.
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Space: 1999: Alpha Child (1975)
Season 1, Episode 7
Another snooze fest.
28 February 2022
Didn't anyone know how to direct or edit? Stretching out a 10 minute episode with long ...dramatic...pauses...after...every...sentence, is just boring.

The idea for the episode was good, but the pacing just killed it. I even remember as a kid how boring these episodes were.
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Space: 1999: Missing Link (1976)
Season 1, Episode 20
Boring. Just boring.
22 February 2022
I gave it 3 stars for Peter Cushing only. "Dream sequence" type episodes are hard to sit through, and this was one of the worst I've ever seen. Boring dialog, with long dramatic pauses, almost put me to sleep. Literally. This was a 10 minute episode stretched out over 45 minutes. Yawwwwn.
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Lost in Space: Trust (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Yawn. Made me glad it was over. Maybe that was the point.
27 December 2021
Endless sappy speeches took all the excitement away. How could anyone make an attack by evil robots boring? Watch the last few episodes of lost in space - that's how.

There was absolutely no suspense. Everytime something even mildly exciting happened, they slowed it down with a sappy speech - usually with dialogue no person would ever utter.
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Soap: Episode #4.8 (1981)
Season 4, Episode 8
27 September 2021
The writing seems to have suffered greatly in season 4. I know they added writers, but they seem to just be making stories, rather then funny stories. I never even smiled during this episode. I can't blame the actors, because they are top notch.
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Metal Shop Masters (2021– )
Stick with it. Cool creations.
14 September 2021
The show got better and better as it went. I'm not sure what was going on in the first couple episodes, but the whole production improved. I still don't like the tight deadlines they gave. I think if they gave 2 days or build they would get top quality creations.
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I'm glad I stuck it out.
14 September 2021
I wish Ivan had more time to finish his work of art, but the creations were pretty cool anyway.

More time would have allowed a better finished product for both competitors.
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Metal Shop Masters (2021– )
12 September 2021
The judges seem to act on their first impressions. The female judge in particular seems the judge based on what she would do.

The artificial deadline is ridiculous. Quality artistic fabrication can't be done in 10 hrs. The contestants are forced to produce "junk" rather then allowed to create. They are judging how "fast" someone can create art. Flawed concept from the start.
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Metal Shop Masters: Getting Fishy (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
12 September 2021
The judges seem to have decided the outcome from the start. The artistry is taking a back seat. They seem overly picky about rules. Lol - the "rules" of art???

A man makes a fish, and welds it to a grill? That's not what they asked for. While it was a beautiful fish, he definitely should have gone home. His hobbled partner did the best she could to salvage his wrong idea.
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Metal Shop Masters: Test Your Metal (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
12 September 2021
Seems like they are nitpicking to the point where they have picked the loser near the beginning. Art is subjective. Is it a show about fabrication, or art? The judges don't seem to know. I appreciate the artistry and skill. The judges missed that, especially the female judge.

Also the 10 hr artificial deadline is ridiculous. If you expect quality, don't rush the contestants. ...Nice Mona Lisa, Davinci, but you didn't paint it fast enough...ugh.
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Caprica: Apotheosis (2010)
Season 1, Episode 18
9 September 2021
The series should have been condensed into maybe 8 shows. Lots of boring stupid episodes that went nowhere. They had six straight shows that had nothing to do with cylons whatsoever. Painful to sit through. Excellent acting, but horrible writing. Very unsatisfying. In the last 4 minutes they tried to show what the series needed to be. It was already too late for Caprica to be renewed.
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Caprica (2009–2010)
9 September 2021
Sadly the last couple episodes were the best. They had already lost most of the audience by then. Watch the last 4 minutes and you see everything you need to. Too much of a soap opera. The two main male stars had interesting story lines, but sadly the female roles were all terribly boring, or stupid.
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Caprica: Here Be Dragons (2010)
Season 1, Episode 17
Getting better...but obviously too late.
8 September 2021
I wish I could give this episode a higher rating, but I've had to trudge through too many horrible episodes to get to this.

...maybe the robots killed the original writers of this series, and took over for them. Maybe that's how cylons came to power...they saw the crappy writers and couldn't take it any more. They finished the last couple episodes, and proved their superiority over humans...
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Caprica: The Dirteaters (2010)
Season 1, Episode 15
Who writes these?
7 September 2021
The actors do an admirable job, but the writers are making this show almost impossible to watch.

Why are they not focusing on the main story...Cylons? How were they created? Why did they rebel? Remember...Battlestar Galactica? They seem to be focusing on ridiculous side stories that are nothing more then bad rip offs of other peoples stories.

This series makes me pine for the glory days of Galactica 1980, with Wolfman Jack having a Cylon over for his Halloween party, and invisible children jumping in trees.
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Battlestar Galactica: Daybreak: Part 1 (2009)
Season 4, Episode 19
Makes me long for Galactica 1980
29 August 2021
What is happening? The final episodes are just getting more and more boring. After season 3, I gave an overall rating of 10 for this series. After this episode, I reduced it to 9. If the final two episodes continue to be this boring, I'll have to reduce my series rating again.

I was going to recommend this series to a couple sci-fi fans I know. Now I'm thinking of telling them to skip season 4 altogether, and I'll just summarize it for them. Yawn.
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Stargate Universe: Time (2009)
Season 1, Episode 8
Interesting for Science Fiction fans.
12 May 2021
I enjoyed this episode a lot. Interesting twists that were done in unique ways. So far I've been pleasantly surprised by SGU. There are just enough references to the original show to keep long term fans happy, but it also works as a stand alone series.

Seems strange that some people review shows they hate. Personally I don't watch shows that I would rate as a 1.
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Stargate Universe: Light (2009)
Season 1, Episode 5
Refuel...of course
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't it obvious to everyone watching that the super intelligent ancient space ship knew how to recharge itself? Previously it knew that it needed limestone. Cool idea for a show though. I'm not really sure why it matters if someone thought they might survive. It was by no means certain.
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